Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 194 - good harvest

“This blessing is really a good thing!”

Gao Hexuan seized the opportunity to express his sigh while listening to the replay of the boss.

According to the introduction of the system, the effect of [Blessing] is to restore all the injuries of the user within three seconds, which means that if you encounter a serious injury, you can use the blessing to restore the prosperous state in seconds. Think about it and know that the effect is very good. tough.

In addition to blessings, the upgrade of the pet space is also very useful for Xia Ruize. After the upgrade of the pet space, the most obvious effect is that the internal area has been expanded several times, and each pet has a space for private pet activities that far exceeds the previous one.

Secondly, the environment in the pet space is also upgraded, so that the pets in it feel comfortable from the inside out.

Da Hei and Xiao Hei have a lively personality, and they fly and explore in the new space. The small and fat Xiang Zong is lazy and lazy. Even if its unique space has been expanded several times, it still shrinks in its original position. At most, he turned over, rubbed the soft feathers around him happily, and continued to fall asleep.

Xuying Xiaobai likes to bully Xiao Hei the most, but Xiao Bai’s movement speed is slow and he can’t catch up with Sa Huan’s fast flying Xiao Hei.

The occupying worm Xiaoyu moved her huge body to slowly patrol the area that belonged to her, preparing to find a suitable place to spit out its fire slurry, and then you can expect the new insects of the tribe.

Everyone in the pet space likes the new Xiaoyu, because the black flame stone belonging to Xiaoyu is placed in the public area of ​​the pet space. The special magnetic field covers all pets, and everyone can enjoy the black flame stone. gain effect.

Speaking of the Black Flame Stone, after this mission, what excited the three of them the most was the Black Flame Stone they brought back and filled every crack in the space.

Even if they used a resource like Black Flame Stone to make a whole set of armor, they wouldn’t use much, and they had already figured out how to deal with the remaining piles of Black Flame Stone, which was to sell them for survival points.

The three of them listed a small number of Black Flame Stones for sale on the black market, and most of them were sold directly to the Lord God. The medium-quality black flame stones that filled the storage space quickly turned into survival points, bringing Xia Ruize’s three people an amazing return of about 60,000 survival points each.

It can even be said that the Survival Points sold for these Black Flame Stones is the biggest gain in this world.

With a large number of survival points, the three can better think about their next promotion plan.

The three who had money and leisure time walked out of the room and went to the restaurant in Silver Page City to relax, and happened to see the lion and others again.

The lion is still the center of the crowd, and he can say hello to everyone passing by. Seeing the three of Xia Ruize from a distance, he also greets the three of them enthusiastically, and greets the three of them to take their seats:

“Come on, Old Li Tou is complaining about the mission he took last time, let’s listen to it together.”

Surrounded by the lion and others was a middle-aged man who was drinking and ranting about the last mission world he experienced.

Xia Ruize ordered the food they wanted to eat and focused on the middle-aged man.

“I really don’t know if I should say that I was unlucky or lucky. I met the Great God in the last mission and was taken away all the way, but I don’t know how to complete the mission in the end.”

The middle-aged man looked sad.

“How exactly?” the person next to him asked in confusion.

“I went to an interstellar military mission world, and as a result, I was captured by the enemy on the first day of the special mission, and I had to become the enemy’s internal response.

I should respond internally, but I didn’t do anything. On the fifth day of the mission, I was exposed and arrested and interrogated!

The interrogation can be endured, but they still have to do it! I finally made up my mind to rise up and resist, but the Great God directly overturned the table.

After that, the situation took a turn for the worse, can you imagine? Both sides of the war were exhausted by the great god! I’m almost stunned, I don’t know how the mission ended! “

In the process of the middle-aged man complaining, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other several times, and finally looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

It seems that the object of the other party’s complaints is them. Cheng Huaiqian then remembered that there was another arsonist in the Huaguo trial world in the last mission world. It seems that this is the one in front of him.

Probably because they haven’t seen it in reality, the memory has not been unlocked. The person who was complaining did not find that the great **** he spoke of was sitting at the next table.

The people around listening to the lively hurriedly asked about the ending, “What about the end? Did the Great God trap you?”

The middle-aged man was half ranting and half showing off:

“The pit is not a pit. The whole task lasted 30 days. I worked hard for the first five days, and then I was responsible for watching the performance of the great **** and cheering for the great god.

In the end, I watched the great **** take everything from both sides and made a lot of money. I followed it with an excellent evaluation of the main quest and two useful stones.

The only problem is that I was completely dumbfounded the whole time, and I had no idea what the Great God was doing. “

“Damn it, you old boy was here to show off, and after giving an excellent evaluation, you have to wake up with a smile, okay, you old boy is very bad!”

“I’ve been working hard for three missions in a world to get only a passing rating. You guys easily got an excellent one. Why are you mad at me?”

“Hey, say a few more words, what are the characteristics of the great **** you met? I have to write it down. If I encounter it, I will hug my thighs in the most dazzling posture!”

Everyone jokingly chatted and joked, spending a mission world safely, which is worth celebrating and relaxing at any time.

After enjoying the perfect food, Xia Ruize and the three left the endless world as usual. They needed a certain rest time, and after sufficient thinking, they could better arrange the large amount of survival points they harvested.

The more than 70,000 survival points gained from the mission and the sale of the Black Flame Stone resources were the most they had ever seen so far, and they needed to be well arranged.

Back in the real world, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian had no time to spare, because their private research institute had produced results.

After they came out of the high-tech world last time, they set up their own research institute, which was responsible for analyzing the high-tech information they obtained. Now the first product that integrates the interstellar technology of the endless world is about to be released.

Xia Ruize personally stared at the end of the last part of the research task, and then showed the final product in front of everyone.

“This is the final product we have worked so **** recently – a home medical assistant robot.”

A researcher carried the square-sized robot in his hand to the table and pushed it in front of everyone. The screen behind him began to play an introduction to the robot:

“This robot can monitor the user’s physical condition in real time, perform basic first aid work, and even protect the user autonomously in an emergency. It is an indispensable protector for home travel!”

Then, the researchers demonstrated the robot’s capabilities in person, and all the researchers involved in the project couldn’t help but smile.

This is the end result of their months of working together, and although they have fancied the final product in their minds while researching, none of them are as exciting as the finished product is actually placed in front of them at the moment.

As a researcher involved in the research and development of robots, I know the powerful effect of this product in actual use, and I am very optimistic about its prospects.

“Mr. Xia, after the mass production of the products, we must keep some of the goods for our own people, but I have long wanted to buy them home!”

Some researchers cheered excitedly.

“Don’t worry, you are all indispensable.”

Xia Ruize replied with a smile, and immediately welcomed a burst of cheers.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other and smiled. Cheng Huaiqian had already contacted the factory that was ready to undertake the production of parts and components. It is foreseeable that their products will soon be able to go from the laboratory to the factory production line and then to the sales link.

The robot named “Little Nurse No. 1” by Xia Ruize was silently put on the shelves in the online store. Although the introduction of various functions is very detailed and complete, there is no advertisement or promotion, and the fragrance of wine is also afraid of deep alleys, so there is no one at all. Take note of this new product.

The three sales in a week are more likely because some customers bought it back and tried to play.

The researchers of the institute all received three physical robots as internal rewards, which were immediately passed on to their relatives and friends.

Not to mention anything else, Little Nurse No. 1 is far more intelligent than all the robots that can be seen in the world. Not to mention its real medical care function, it is fun to chat with parents and children.

The core chip technology is in the hands of Xia Ruize. The researchers in charge of other details don’t know the reason, but they can’t help but marvel at the intelligence of Little Nurse No. 1.

The appearance of the turnaround was originally due to a video. On the street, an old man fell to the ground due to cardiac arrest, and the surrounding crowd subconsciously dispersed to the side.

Just when everyone was at a loss, the old man who was originally carrying the square box that was thrown to the ground at this time suddenly had a big transformation, with feet growing on all sides of the box, and he walked beside the fallen old man. , supported by the slender metal feet, placed the box on the old man’s chest, gave the old man an external defibrillation, followed by cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Soon the old man woke up from the coma, and the surrounding passers-by surrounded him, and the ambulance also arrived at the scene.

This short video was taken by passers-by, and it became popular on the local network channel. Most netizens watched it lively, but a few interested people noticed the square box that appeared in the video.

The interested people are mainly young people. After studying the video repeatedly, they realized that the inconspicuous square box actually has a first aid function. Following the picture, I found the online store with disastrous sales, and learned about this home called “Little Nurse No. 1”. Medical assistance robot.

The price of a small nurse robot is 889 yuan, which is a bit expensive.

Most of the people who found the online store were discouraged by the price, but a small number of young people gritted their teeth and decided to buy one for the elderly at home to try. In case of an accident, the golden rescue time is hard to buy.

Of course, when they actually buy it, they will find that the little nurse robot brings them more surprises than they imagined.

The second time the little nurse robot became popular was because of a news. The local TV station in Jiu’an City released a news that there was a serious car accident on a certain road. The car that accidentally hit the wall was broken and the whole car was deformed.

Volume 10: The Devil’s World

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