Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 201 - farewell

Under the gazes of many students, Teacher Lanpao took great pains to ease the stiff expression on his face, and stumblingly said:

“Xia, Xia students, your magic power should be exhausted, now you can take the magic potion that was rewarded yesterday, and then attract magic elements into the volume to accumulate magic power. After you successfully cast the fireball a few times, your control over the fireball will be limited. become more and more proficient.”

After explaining Xia Ruize, Teacher Lanpao had time to pay attention to other students, and urged other students to sit down and attract elements into the body.

The students who sat down on the spot to try elemental infusion quickly discovered that the position they were sitting was not much different from the previous day, but the magic element light spots in the air today were far less than what they saw when they sat in the magic circle the day before. There are many, and the scattered magic element light spots are particularly unattractive.

On the other hand, the five students who received the potion reward felt similar to the previous day after taking the potion, and even more easily attracted magic elements into their bodies. This is the effect and preciousness of the potion.

Using potions and not using potions has a great impact on the magician’s cultivation, which is why the teacher in the gray robe privately advised a few people to perform well and strive for potion rewards.

Ordinary students can’t insist on introducing elements into the body for too long, but today’s blue-robed teachers did not let the students rest as easily as the day before. Those students who completed a round of elemental infusion were strictly required to rest for only half an hour. , After half an hour, you must continue to sing the incantation, consume the magic power in the body, and then continue to introduce the elements into the body.

The so-called half-hour rest is not pure rest, but to memorize magic spells.

After three rounds of this cycle, some students’ eyes become stiff, which is a manifestation of excessive mental energy consumption.

But even so, the teachers didn’t want to let the students go. At most, they allowed the students who seemed to be in poor condition to rest a little longer.

The students once again felt the same heavy learning and cultivation pressure as the previous days, but they had no choice but to grit their teeth and persevere, because the academy will continue to eliminate and expel students, and they cannot relax until they reach the level of magic apprenticeships. .

“Don’t slack off! Work hard for me! You must cast an attack magic within three days, or go home!”

The supervision of the teachers is very strict, so strict that the teaching time is even longer than before. Even if the sky is completely dark, the students are still detained on the playground and continue to repeat the cycle of elements entering the body, singing magic, and resting.

To what extent is enough effort in the eyes of the teacher?

Probably just passed out completely.

Or just like Xia Ruize and others, persist until the end without fainting.

When Teacher Lanpao finally announced that the get out of class was over, there were only less than 20 students who had not fallen asleep, and most of them were completely dead from their expressions to their movements. When I heard the teacher announce the list of the five students who received the potion today, There was not even a trace of movement in his eyes.

Some students even had to be carried and supported by their teachers before they could go back to the dormitory. Of course, dinner could not be delayed.

The three of Xia Ruize are the outliers among the students, and their state still looks very relaxed and natural, as if they have not constantly squeezed themselves and consumed the whole day.

The teacher in gray robe who sent them back to the dormitory had a very complicated expression. Looking at the three students under his command, he could really appreciate the difference between people. It was a world of difference.

It took him two years to finally pass the magic apprenticeship trial and graduate from the academy and officially become a magic apprentice, but now, his students have already become actual magic apprentices before they graduate. The official certification process.

“What is the teacher going to share with us today?”

Cheng Huaiqian looked at Teacher Gray Pao’s complicated expression and asked with a smile.

The teacher in gray robe shook his head quickly and left their dormitory in a hurry.

The gray-robed man actually wanted to get closer to the three students, but he had seen and heard a lot of examples of young people who were amazing and talented and died not long after they were sent to the battlefield. After tangled and hesitating, finally Still nothing.

Cheng Huaiqian looked at the back of the teacher in gray robe, hooked the corner of his mouth, and joked, “The way he looked at us made me feel like we were terminally ill patients who were dying soon.”

Realizing this, Cheng Huaiqian was looking forward to it even more.

The practical class really made the remaining students feel that life is worse than death. Under the strict supervision of the teachers, the students must continue to cycle between the elements entering the body and singing magic every day until the last trace of energy is exhausted.

This is not the end. Some students will still pressurize themselves and continue to train after returning to the dormitory at night. Even those students who faint during the day will struggle to sit up and practice one round of introducing elements into their bodies after they wake up inadvertently in the middle of the night.

Under the strong supervision of the teachers and the self-restraint of the students, at the end of the fourth day of the practical class, 39 of the 56 students were able to successfully perform their first magic.

It doesn’t matter whether the magic that the students cast will immediately dissipate in the air, but as long as they are successfully cast, they will pass the test and officially become magic apprentices.

As for those 17 students who were unable to sing a single magic in the end, but had accumulated magic power in their bodies, they disappeared from the academy overnight, and the other students did not know where they were assigned.

But all students are very clear that since they enter the college and enjoy the favorable living conditions and free education provided by the college, they must pay the corresponding price and obey the college’s arrangement.

Another morning, when the teacher in gray robe knocked on the door to wake up the students, he brought a brand new gray robe and motioned Xia Ruize and the three to put on the gray robe and follow him.

The last 39 students, wearing brand-new gray robes, gathered in the auditorium of the college and stood in the center of the auditorium, waiting for the graduation ceremony of the college.

There was an undisguised excitement on the young man’s face. After all, from today onwards, they officially became recognized magic apprentices.

After each sacred screening, the academy only arranges courses for about ten days. The students who are eliminated in advance wait for the sacred screening of the second year, and the students who successfully graduate are assigned by the college.

The cadets even know that, after the graduation ceremony, sending them away will leave the teachers on their way to teach a new batch of students at the academy in the next city.

At that time, there may only be one or two blue-robed teachers left behind in this empty academy, waiting for the next divine screening.

While the students were waiting excitedly, the black-robed man who had appeared during the sacred screening reappeared on the rostrum of the auditorium, looking around the 39 students standing tall and full of excitement, he encouraged:

“Congratulations, children blessed by God, you have successfully passed the magic apprentice trial with your own efforts. From today, you will become a magic apprentice recognized all over the continent of Budenbas, God will bless you!

We children, you all know that on the continent of Budenbas, in addition to hard-working and kind-hearted humans, there are also sinister and vicious monsters.

Humans live on the east side of the continent, and monsters live on the west side of the continent. Greedy monsters have always wanted to invade the eastern continent that belongs to humans. home of mankind.

You were born, grew up, and received education in the Eastern Continent safely under the protection of the magician. The safety you enjoy now is the hard work and blood of the magicians who fought on the front line in exchange for it. Now, it is time for you to return to the Eastern Continent. .

Next, you will be sent to the front lines where you will be able to use what you have learned to protect your home and family behind you.

Of course, while working hard, you will also be rewarded handsomely and improve your personal strength. Just like now, in order to show the support of the academy for you, the academy will give each student a bottle of potion, and congratulations to you for officially becoming a magic apprentice!

Well, my children, you are proud of the college today, and hopefully one day the college will be proud of you! “

After finishing speaking, the man in black robe motioned the young students to walk up to the high platform one by one to accept the potion he personally presented.

Except for a few students who have always been able to get bonus potions in recent days, other students were very pleasantly surprised to receive potion rewards. Not to mention that this is a potion that was personally rewarded by the Magister, and some students were even so excited that they walked on the same foot.

After the rewards were distributed, specific arrangements were made. Six of the 39 students were called out individually. They were students who barely passed the test the day before. The academy would not send them to the main battlefield. There were other arrangements.

The remaining 33 students who can ensure the smooth casting of magic will be arranged to go to the main battlefield. In order to appease them, in addition to rewarding their personal potions, the academy also promises to reward their respective families with a large amount of food.

Students with backgrounds like Xia Ruize and the three who are orphans will be rewarded with two gold coins each, which means that all aspects are considered.

The students, who were full of pride and ambition, believed that they were of great importance were immediately more moved, and they all determined that they would fight hard to kill monsters and protect the Eastern Continent when they got to the front line!

The black-robed magister looked at the enthusiastic students and nodded in appreciation.

After the graduation ceremony, a blue-robed teacher took 33 students to this small city lord’s mansion called Bei’an City, where there is the only magic teleportation array in Bei’an City. cadets sent to the frontline battlefield.

It was nine o’clock in the morning, and although the sky was overcast, it was indeed daytime.

The spacious streets of the small town were lined with residents of Bei’an City. They came to say goodbye to the young magic apprentices who were about to set foot on the front line. Among the crowd were the family members of the students.

Although there were many people, the atmosphere was very quiet, and many townspeople who were pale because they had lived underground for a long time had worries in their eyes.

After the two sacred screenings every year, young people are sent away. Many people are sent away, but not many people come back.

The eyes of relatives and relatives were fixed on their children. The children’s faces were full of excitement and pride that they had just become magic apprentices and received rewards, but the adults knew better what it meant to go to the battlefield.

Maybe the whole family will follow suit, but it is more likely that relatives will never see each other, separated from each other.

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