Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 27 - night raid

If they hadn’t known that the new commander had killed hundreds of barbarians, the cavalry who had been cast down would have suspected that the new commander belonged to the barbarians, and they were brought over to kill them.

How can anyone throw away their subordinates without saying a word?

But the fact is that in the darkness, the sound of the hooves of the two officers soon became farther and smaller. No matter how unbelievable it was, the cavalry had to accept this result, and they were abandoned by the officer…

Apart from finding a place to camp temporarily, they didn’t know what to do.

“I thought about bringing cavalry as a small guerrilla team and harassing the barbarian camp at night. But I suddenly realized that the barbarians can’t see clearly at night, and they can’t see clearly, don’t rush into the barbarian team in a dizzy moment. If they can’t get out, let them come in again during the day. It’s up to us tonight!”

Leaving the burden behind him, Cheng Huaiqian explained his thoughts to Xia Ruize. Xia Ruize speechlessly found that his teammate’s last sentence was full of excitement and anticipation.

As soon as he heard it, he knew that his teammates wanted to do something again.

However, he is also a little excited and looking forward to what is going on? Has he been “infected” by his teammates?

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize rode on horseback until nine o’clock in the middle of the night, and finally saw the barbarian camp from a distance.

It is impossible to see how many barbarians there are in the dark, only that the barbarian camp is not small. Cheng Huaiqian took the lead to stop the horse and dismount, and the two put the war horse into the hidden woods nearby.

Climbing up a small mountain bun, the two of them ate the buns and drank water to replenish their physical strength, while visually observing the barbarian camp.

After eating and drinking, the two ran towards the barbarian camp.

With the advantages of high agility, high-quality boots, and specialized body and leg techniques, the two ran quickly and quietly.

To be honest, the reason why Cheng Huaiqian dared to challenge such a bold plan was that he had the confidence that even if he and Xia Ruize were really discovered by the barbarians, the barbarians would not be able to catch up with them.

After running fast for more than ten minutes, the two slowed down and quietly approached the barbarian camp not far away.

The barbarians have set up temporary camps in the desert. There are tents of various sizes in the camp. There are fires between the tents for lighting. There are also special patrol teams that patrol and guard the camp from time to time.

It may be because they haven’t really arrived at Bianlu City, but there are no barbarians in the camp who are eating, drinking and relaxing. Except for the patrol team and the barbarians who occasionally wake up at night, the entire camp has fallen into a deep sleep.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize observed around the camp for nearly an hour. They roughly figured out the large tents of the high-level barbarians, the tents of ordinary barbarians, the storage of grain and grass, and the feeding of war horses. down and make a plan accordingly.

The entire barbarian camp was distributed in concentric circles, with more than 200 tents, the most luxurious main tent in the middle, and the surrounding tents became smaller. The most common barbarian tents should be in the outermost area.

After figuring out the patrol rules of the patrol team, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize took advantage of the interval between patrols and carefully approached the stables where the war horses were closed at the edge of the camp.

The two arrows killed the barbarian guarding the warhorse. The fallen body of the barbarian was supported by two wooden branches, and it seemed that he was just dozing off.

There is a way to appease the mount in the riding skills. Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize entered the stable, and while stroking and soothing the restless war horses one by one, they untied the reins that bound the war horses.

After such a lap, the entire herd of more than 200 war horses became quiet again, everything was as usual, as if nothing had happened.

After dealing with the war horses, the two first touched a tent that was slightly larger than the most common tent. They wanted to see what level of barbarians were inside.

They quietly entered the tent one after the other, one holding a knife, the other holding a sword, and the two quickly eliminated the five barbarians sleeping in the tent in their sleep.

After the solution, the two judged that these should be five barbarian minor commanders based on the clothes and weapons stacked in the tent. The two simply took two sets of the clothes of the barbarian chiefs and put them on their bodies indiscriminately.

If a barbarian sees them, it is dark and dizzy, and they may be mistaken for their compatriots.

The barbarian minor commander is a good assassination target. If the two start at the same time, there is a chance to completely kill the barbarians before they wake up in a tent.

However, after leaving the tent, the two still went to a larger tent to investigate the situation, and the three barbarian leaders were resting inside.

After the two killed a barbarian boss, the last barbarian boss was awake. Fortunately, Cheng Huaiqian quickly made a knife. If it was a second or two later, the barbarians would wake up and scream for help, and the night attack would be revealed.

After that, the two of them specifically attacked the tent of the barbarian leader. Only after the surrounding tents of the small barbarian leaders have been cleared, will the tent of the barbarian leader be targeted.

There will be fires burning between the tents in the barbarian camp, and some fires are still hot with drinking water or milk tea. Every time they meet, the two do not hesitate to add a little spice called Menghan medicine to the water.

In this way, the two carefully shuttled between the tents, observing the movements of the surrounding tents and patrols before leaving each time.

If someone could see their movement trajectory from a high altitude, they would find that the two of them had a very clear target. They assassinated all the way, and drew a line in the barbarian camp all the way, and gradually approached the location of the granary where the grain was stored.

There are three tents piled up for the barbarians, and there are two ordinary barbarians at the gate of each granary.

Next, the two of them did not rush up, but avoided the attention of the guards, went around the granary, and eliminated all the barbarians in the surrounding tents.

Just when the blood covered by the night was thick, there was a sudden noise from the other side of the barbarian camp.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize glanced at each other, and immediately realized that it was probably the barbarians who discovered the mutation in the camp. Immediately rushed out from the tent where he was, turned his hand into a crossbow arrow, and fired one after another, killing the guards guarding the granary from a distance.

The two of them rushed into the two granary tents without hindrance, took out the sesame oil, and poured it on the grain piles without hesitation.

The noise outside became louder and louder, and more and more barbarians were awakened, and in a daze, they subconsciously picked up weapons and rushed out of the tent to check the situation.

The two people who sprinkled the sesame oil here decisively ignited the paper with flint and threw the sesame oil. With a sound of “Boom!”, the flames rose high.

After lighting the granary, Cheng Huaiqian rushed out to meet Xia Ruize, pulled up his teammates and began to run wildly. Fortunately, the barbarians in the nearby tents were all cleaned up. For a while, no barbarians rushed up to surround them, allowing the two to approach the edge of the camp smoothly.

It was only then that the barbarians noticed these two abnormal figures. There was no way for them. Most of the barbarians were tall and strong. In comparison, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize were both lean and short.

Most of the barbarians have just woken up from their sleep, and their heads are not very clear. When they see the enemy, they have to be stunned for a few seconds to identify and react. Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize are not.

Under enormous pressure, Xia Ruize only felt that the swordsmanship and movement techniques he had just learned had been brought into full play.

More importantly, unlike the barbarians guessing that the two would run out of the camp, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize were actually running towards the area where the war horses were. The clay pot of gunpowder, followed by Xia Ruize, shot out two rockets.

“Bang!” “Bang!” With two sounds, the clay pots exploded one after another. The more than 200 warhorses in the entire stable were instantly frightened, and the reins that bound them had already been untied, so the warhorses under stress ran out with a bang. stable.

At a critical moment, Cheng Huaiqian turned his hand and released the amber horse, and while he turned on his horse, he reached out and grabbed his teammate’s waist to bring Xia Ruize up. front.

As a result, the panic-stricken horses chose to follow the “top horse” at the forefront without hesitation and began to run wildly.

There are also barbarians who are chasing after trying to control the mad warhorse, but firstly, they need to avoid Xia Ruize’s crossbow arrows, and secondly, once they leave the camp fire area and cannot control the mad warhorse, even if they ride on the warhorse, the barbarians will not be able to control the mad warhorse. It’s easy to be thrown off by the war horse because you can’t see the road clearly and can’t adjust your posture according to the road conditions in time.

In the end, he could only helplessly watch the entire stables empty in an instant, unable to catch up.

The entire barbarian camp was completely shocked by the successive changes, and all the barbarians rushed out of the camp and became a mess.

Some are shouting to catch assassins, some are counting the murdered compatriots in various tents, some are trying to put out the fire in the granary, and some are trying to chase the runaway horses…

After a full hour, the chaotic barbarian camp finally calmed down.

The assassin was confirmed to have successfully escaped, the number of barbarians killed in their sleep was counted, the fire in the camp had been put out, and the barbarians who went to try to recover the war horses also returned to the camp in despair…

The barbarians only knew that the assassins were most likely from Daxia. Just two Daxia people killed several times in the barbarian camp. They were so many barbarians, but they didn’t even catch the assassin’s shadow.

Without the guards noticing it, nearly one hundred and fifty barbarians were killed, and more than half of them were barbarian leaders, in addition to barbarian leaders, barbarian elites, and ordinary barbarians.

Two and a half of the camp’s three granaries were burned down, and only half of the granary that had not been poured with sesame oil was rescued in the end. Fortunately, they were not far from the nearby Jinjiang River when they built the camp, and they used the water of the Jinjiang River to douse the flames in time. Otherwise, the fire would have burned half of the camp.

Of the more than 200 war horses, only a dozen or so were recovered, and three of them were injured. The rest all ran away with the Daxia people who attacked the camp! ?

The barbarians really can’t figure it out, are the two Daxia people dying? In such a dark night, the horse ran so fast. At first, the barbarians who tracked them were able to chase the horses according to the sound, but soon the horses ran so fast and far that the sound could not be heard.

So, the precious group of war horses was given away like this…

After all the losses were counted, listening to the bad news one after another, the face of the barbarian leader who led the troops was pitch black, darker than the night.

Looking around at the surrounding men who were ducking their heads and dodging, the angry little barbarian leader ordered the little barbarian commander who was in charge of the patrol tonight to punish all his men, and then arranged twice the power of the usual vigil, that is, the two little barbarian commanders. The team is responsible for patrolling in the middle of the night and handling follow-up matters.

With a cold snort, the little barbarian leader threw his hands back to the tent and rested.

His inner anger turned into a firm determination. Tomorrow, he must march at full speed, reach Bianlu City as soon as possible, and continue to rush to the hinterland of Daxia!

At this time, Cheng Huaiqian galloped the horse at the forefront, and Xia Ruize controlled the horse to follow the horse group.

I think now that the barbarians have raised their vigilance, it is not suitable for sneak attacks. It is better to let the barbarians relax and let go of their vigilance.

On the other side, the two teams of cavalry that were ruthlessly abandoned by Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize had already set up camp and rested, and the two teams each kept a cavalryman in charge of the night watch.

Two vigil cavalrymen were guarding the fire, discussing casually in a low voice, and suddenly felt a vibration from the ground in the distance.

The two were shocked, and immediately woke up the other comrades in arms, extinguished the fire, and looked vigilantly in the direction of the vibration in the dark. So late, what happened in the distance? Why does it seem like a large cavalry is approaching?

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