Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 29 - block the door

This time, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize’s main assassination target is still the barbarian leader, but they no longer “run through” the entire barbarian camp, but start from the edge of the camp, keep spinning in a small area, and “empty” the entire area , before continuing to expand the “clean” area.

Compared with the previous sneak attack, the actions of the two were much more “detailed” this time. The specific manifestation was that the speed of action slowed down, the movement during the assassination was as small as possible, and after the kill, they would carefully use fur blankets to kill them. Wrap the wound to prevent blood from flowing out and the bloodstain from expanding.

When he escaped from the last night attack, Cheng Huaiqian took advantage of the chaos to pay attention to the location where the barbarians were first exposed to alert. It seems that the bloodstains spread beyond the tent’s range, and the barbarians passing by at night noticed the abnormality.

The two were newbies last time, and they had little experience in assassination, leaving flaws. This time it was different. The two learned from the experience of failure and touched tent after tent in a leisurely manner.

Of course, another important reason for the slowdown in action is that the barbarian camp has strengthened the patrol and guard force, and the two need to spend more time waiting for the vacancy of the patrol team to move between tents.

The barbarians slept soundly, whether it was because they stayed up late and didn’t rest well or because they drank the milk tea with added ingredients, in short, the barbarians slept soundly and cooperated very well with Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize’s actions.

The white fish maw appeared on the horizon, and the sky gradually brightened.

While hiding in front of a tent to observe the patrol team, Cheng Huaiqian looked at the morning light in the sky, thought for a moment, and decided to withdraw.

They are just to complete the additional questions, there is no need to lose their lives because of greed.

So Cheng Huaiqian made a gesture to Xia Ruize, and the two took the opportunity to move tent by tent to the edge of the barbarian camp, taking advantage of the last cover of the night to quickly run away.

As soon as he was far from the barbarian camp, Cheng Huaiqian immediately released the amber horse. When he reached out to invite Xia Ruize, Xia Ruize smiled and shook his head. He turned his hand and took out an amber with a war horse sealed, and released his amber horse.

In the previous assassination operation, they emptied them by area. Two of the tents belonged to the barbarians at the level of barbarian minor commanders. The two worked together. One of the things that the minor commander revealed was the amber warhorse. Now he also has his heart. The same horse.

While Cheng Huaiqian was happy for his teammates, two points of regret were inexplicably flooded in his heart. But it felt small and fast, and he didn’t pay much attention to it.

The two mounted their war horses and went back on their way.

Cheng Huaiqian inspected the traps arranged by his cavalry all the way. In order to make it easier for them to do physical work, the cavalry took off their heavy armor and worked hard for hours under the light of a few small torches.

At this time, the commander wanted to check the results, and the cavalrymen were very nervous. In the first half of the night, they did not cooperate with the commander’s actions, and they worked very hard in the second half of the night, just to satisfy the commander.

With the skills of trap technique, Cheng Huaiqian, like an experienced old hunter, would set up various traps. On the basis of the preparatory work of his subordinates, he added some key points, and the traps were arranged one by one.

After checking all the traps, Cheng Huaiqian gave his subordinates time to rest.

However, this resting place is too scary.

In the amazement of the cavalry, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize actually took them to rest on a hill closest to the barbarian camp. The sky was already bright, and standing on the hillside could easily see the barbarian camp below.

Of course, as soon as the barbarians looked up, they could see the situation on the hill.

A group of battle-hardened cavalrymen followed behind the two officers, looking at the barbarian camp not far below, they only felt timid and panicked, their calves were still a little soft, for fear that the barbarian camp would rush over in the next second. Completely drown their small gravels in the sea of ​​barbarians.

Cheng Huaiqian is different. He is looking forward to the reaction of the barbarians when they discover them. To be honest, there are at most a dozen war horses left in the barbarian camp. If these war horses dare to come, don’t think about leaving.

As for the barbarians who can only run on two legs without war horses?

If they could outrun the Daxia cavalry on warhorses, warhorses would not be so precious.

After finding a good monitoring position on the hill, Cheng Huaiqian ordered the cavalry to dismount and rest on the spot. He and Xia Ruize sat side by side on the hillside near the barbarian camp, eating and drinking, pointing at the barbarian camp and discussing write.

The cavalrymen looked at each other in dismay, and did not dare to easily question the commander’s order, so they had to take out their respective dry food and nibble on it, but looking at their stature and movements, they were all ready to mount their horses and escape at any time.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, and the barbarian camp is active. Some barbarians who have been tossed all night and have not rested yawned and woke up. Suddenly their expressions stopped, they sniffed, and they found something wrong. The camp has not been cleaned up. Yet? Why is there such a big **** smell?

Just wondering, there was already a commotion outside the tent. It turned out that the barbarians who got up early found a large dead tent again? !

This time, the faces of the barbarian leaders could no longer be described as pitch black.

The same question arose in the minds of all the barbarians, the damned Daxia people dared to come? Did it succeed again? This time they didn’t even see the shadow of the assassin? ? ?

While the barbarians were angry, they couldn’t help but feel a little more chill in their hearts. What means did the Daxia people have? Why could they quietly enter the barbarian camp and kill so many barbarians without making any noise?

Just when the little barbarian leader scolded the two little commanders who were in charge of patrolling in the middle of the night in public and ordered a heavy punishment, some barbarians discovered the abnormality on the hill not far away, and couldn’t help shouting in surprise.

Immediately, the eyes of more than 1,200 barbarians in the entire barbarian camp were instantly directed to Xiaoshanbao.

The cavalry, who were watching the movement of the barbarian camp below while eating their dry food, were stared at by so many barbarians with hatred. They trembled as if they had been stabbed, and the dry food in their hands almost fell.

Cheng Huaiqian, who was sitting at the front, was different from Xia Ruize. Xia Ruize was still low-key, but continued to eat his buns expressionlessly.

Cheng Huaiqian’s heart was darkened. Not only was he not afraid, but he also raised his hand and waved his arms to greet the barbarians below. He even raised the water in his hand with one hand and made a toast. The hatred is worth it. Steady.


The entire barbarian camp almost exploded, and the barbarians who were provoked were deeply incensed. They had never been so insulted by the Daxia people in their lives. They only felt that their blood was pouring into their brains, and some barbarians even raised their weapons and roared regardless. Rush in the direction of the hill.


Seeing this picture, Cheng Huaiqian was so happy that he couldn’t drink the water.

The cavalry behind them looked at their commander in horror. Hundreds of times the enemy was about to rush over. What do you want to do now that you don’t want to run? Sir, isn’t he crazy? !

Xia Ruize looked at the barbarians rushing towards the hillside, and at the teammates who laughed wildly. He deeply doubted whether his teammates were often cursed in circles before, but suddenly there was a sense of pride in his heart. The enemy was tall and strong. How about the barbarians? How many are there? What about the disparity in power? Isn’t it because they are playing around in circles and can only continue to be deflated?

Feeling the endless joy of fighting, Xia Ruize couldn’t help but smile.


Cheng Huaiqian’s emotions were free, he was happy enough, he immediately calmed down, and decisively gave orders to the cavalry behind him.

The barbarian cavalry has superior physical fitness and pays more attention to close combat, while the Daxia cavalry promotes their strengths and avoids their weaknesses, and pays more attention to long-distance combat, and their archery skills are good.

Before leaving Bianlu City, Cheng Huaiqian specially ordered the cavalry to carry arrows several times the usual combat reserves, which came in handy at this time.

Of course, Xia Ruize is the better archer.

His bow is a top-grade white sunbow, and his archery is learned from the top-grade white archery technique “Scared Bow”.

The result of these advantages combined is that he has never drawn a bow and shot an arrow before, but when Xia Ruize took out his sunburst bow and bent the bow to set up an arrow, except for the first two arrows that clearly wanted to shoot the heart but only hit the chest and abdomen, after that Arrows shoot where they want to shoot.

Not to mention that the accuracy is getting higher and higher, the power attached to the arrow is also getting bigger and bigger. After being proficient, the arrow will even shoot through the former barbarian and then pierce the latter barbarian.

With every arrow, a barbarian will fall.

After shooting more than ten arrows, Xia Ruize began to try to play tricks, such as placing three arrows on the bow at the same time. After running in a few times, he began to shoot three arrows at a time, killing at least three barbarians with one bow.

Another example is to aim at an object and shoot three arrows in a row. The three arrows shot in succession are not only powerful in superposition, but also block the path of evasion. .

Xia Ruize took the lead at the front, and the 18 cavalrymen in the back continued to draw bows and shoot arrows. As a result, the barbarians tried to rush up the hillside to approach them, mixed with the barbarians falling to the ground.

More than ten minutes later, the barbarians were less than fifty meters away from the Daxia cavalry on the top of the hill. Cheng Huaiqian finally ordered the cavalry:

“Get on your horses, withdraw as planned, be smart, and act as you see fit.”

When things came to an end, the cavalry really didn’t want to leave the two officers to run first, even if they died, they should all die together, so they stood there hesitating.

Cheng Huaiqian, who had been standing with his arms crossed, turned his head to look at his subordinates, with a smile that was not a smile, and joked, “Hurry up and leave, and staying behind will only drag us down.”

Thinking of the sturdy strength of the two officers, the cavalry had to obey Cheng Huaiqian’s order and quickly mounted their horses and ran wildly into the distance.

Strangely, after the cavalry had withdrawn to a safe distance on the back of the mountain pack, the speed slowed down. Next, the short ten commander took the five cavalry cavalry to the south, while the tall ten commander took the remaining eleven. The cavalry circled north.

The two groups of cavalry rushed to a place far away from the battlefield and hid. They could see the situation on the battlefield and were not easy to attract the attention of the barbarians.

Their evacuation method was very strange, but unfortunately the hatred of the barbarians was stabilized by Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize. In addition, the sight was blocked, and not many barbarians noticed the movements of the Daxia cavalry.

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