Infinite Mage

Chapter 115: End-of-Term Report Card (6)


"Defeat is okay as long as you maintain your conviction. The shame endured for sticking to your beliefs is quickly forgotten. But the memory of fleeing in fear will haunt you for life. It will torment you while eating, sleeping, or even on the battlefield. That's why a swordsman's conviction is as important as their life. Once broken, it never returns."

No one mocked Rian any longer.

"No one wants to carry the memory of being cowardly. Especially not a swordsman. Maybe a day will come when recalling today will be more detestable than death itself. So, end it here. If you want to hold your head high in the future, right now, in this moment, in this place..."

Rian shouted, spitting blood.

"Fight, you fools!"

Rian's cry pierced the hearts of the trainees. Their blood boiled. Regardless of individual skill, the desire to be known as a ghost of the battlefield, the strongest swordsman, or an iron knight was the same in all of them.

The fighting spirit of hundreds ignited simultaneously, palpable in the air. The atmosphere heated up. The fear once directed at Faiger was gone from their eyes.

The first group, led by Faiger, felt the looming crisis and exuded a murderous aura.

"Shut up! No one listens to the words of a loser! You want to take me down? Then come at me. I’ll make you end up just like that guy hanging there!"

Tess smiled and fiddled with her lips.


Rian Ogent.

A prospective student of Kaizen Swordsmanship Academy.

"That was good."

Tess leaped into action, untying Rian, who thudded to the ground and painfully arranged himself into a sitting position.

"Your name is Rian, right? I'm Tess. Let's fight together."

Tess offered a handshake, but Rian just stared back, unable to move due to the ropes.

Tess's intervention caused a stir among the kids. Although she was part of the women's group, her skills during training were on par with Faiger’s.

"I'll fight too! I can't stand this any longer!"

"Even the women are stepping up; we men can't just stand by!"

One after another, they sided with Rian. Eventually, all trainees except for the first group united, shouting:

"Let's show them! Drive those ruffians out of the school!"

"Drive them out! Drive them out!"

Faiger and his group found themselves surrounded by nearly 300 kids. Even with enhanced strength through Schema, they couldn't take on so many.

"You brats! You really want to die!"

"Kill us if you can, you bastards!"

A boy from the second group, known for his strength, attacked first. Faiger's jaw twisted as he grimaced in pain. The moment he glared back, dozens of kids pounced, pinning him to the ground.

"Wait! Stop!"

Faiger, realizing the reality, shouted, but the kids' anger wouldn't subside so easily.

Elsewhere, trainees from the first group received similar treatment. Even those not in any group joined in, thrashing them mercilessly.

"Save me! Teachers! Teachers!"

Tess watched Rian, who was observing the battle dispassionately, and laughed.

"Haha, sorry about this. It feels like I just stuck a fork in a meal prepared by someone else."

"That's fine. I hate playing the hero anyway. That's why I called you over here."

"Oh? Did you really not know?"

As Rian looked puzzled, Tess realized he was serious and looked incredulous.

"Are you an idiot? The instructors would never let us roam free like this. This whole situation is probably being reported right now."

Tess's assumption was accurate. Faiger suffered fractures and was expelled, and the other first group kids, despite completing their probation, were denied admission.

And Rian... despite not having the best training record, was admitted as the top of the 30 successful candidates into Kaizen Swordsmanship Academy.

Recalling her first encounter with Rian, Tess smiled broadly.

"So, that Rian is now lingering at the bottom."

"Shut up. Why bring up the past out of the blue? Who asked to be ranked first?"

"Haha, but it's really impressive. If it were me, I'd have been overwhelmed with self-doubt, but you haven't missed a day of training."

"Self-doubt, you say? I got over that a long time ago."

"Aren’t you worried, though? After all, you've been admitted, so you should graduate and make a name as a swordsman. At this rate, you’ll end up neither here nor there."

"...You’re really trying to kill my spirit."

"Nonsense! I'm genuinely worried. And curious. What drives you?"

Rian looked up at the sky, pondering. His motivation. Compared to the other trainees, he was in a more comfortable position.

"It’s fine if I don’t make a big name as a swordsman as long as I become stronger. For my lord."

"Lord? What are you talking about?"

"Ah, I’ve made a knight's vow."

Tess's eyes widened in surprise. It was like asking a child next door who they would marry and hearing they were already betrothed.

"Really? You’re not even twenty yet?"

A knight's vow was a lifelong pledge a swordsman could make only once. Therefore, choosing a lord involved careful consideration of the future and potential.

"Are you sure? Who is this person? Someone I know?"

Tess guessed it must be someone famous. A war hero, a minister at the royal court, or a local lord. After all, to entrust one's life, they must be of such stature.


"Shirone? Hmm... Shirone... I don’t know. What does he do?"

"He’s my friend. He's currently attending a magic academy in our hometown."

Tess opened her mouth in disbelief. A friend? Moreover, not even a professional mage, but a student?

"What were you thinking? Even if you're close, there's no need for a knight's vow. Wait, don't tell me..."

Tess suddenly felt uneasy. There were cases where knight's vows were made to someone neither famous nor promising.

"Is this Shirone... a woman?"

"Are you crazy? What are you thinking? I wouldn't make a knight's vow like that, talentless or not."

"Really? Hmm."

Tess let out a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, don't say that recklessly. I believe Shirone will be the best. That's why I've staked my life on it."

Today, Rian seemed different. Frankly, it was like a camaraderie among boys, but it seemed unlikely to make a knight's vow for someone less than extraordinary.

'Who is this Shirone...?'

Then, a brilliant idea struck her. She had been pondering how to start a conversation, and now she had a perfect excuse with Shirone.

"Can I meet him? This Shirone."

"What? Why do you want to meet my friend?"

"You brag about him so much, I'm curious. It's like securing a job before finishing school, right?"

"It's not that simple. Besides, Shirone is in Creas. It's very far from here."

"So what? The term is almost over anyway. My family is in the occupied territories, so there's no one to meet. Let's go on a trip to Creas. Right, there's an island to the south, a tourist spot. I've always wanted to go there. Let's go with Shirone."

Tess’s words flowed smoothly as if she had planned this all along. Rian's mind changed upon hearing her. He had no desire to go on a trip with Tess alone, but if Shirone joined, it would be different.

"Hmm, with Shirone... But won't it be awkward with three of us? Especially around women."

Encouraged by Rian's positive response, Tess’s eyes sparkled. She was jealous that he had changed his mind for someone else.

"Tell Shirone to bring someone too. There must be girls he knows at the magic school. Let's go on a double date. How about it?"

Double dating. It sounded fun. Besides, Rian had been thinking about playing with Shirone after the term.

"Well, I'll think about it."

Though he said that, he had practically agreed. Tess nodded, satisfied.

"Great. Then let's finish the final practical test with a bang."

It was soon Tess’s turn for the obstacle course.

"Number 47, Elzain Tess. Ready for the test!"

As Tess announced her readiness, Kuan signaled her to start.


Tess charged through the obstacles with a limbo-like maneuver. However, she froze in front of the blade obstacle, lower than her height.

Having learned Schema early, it was still her first time attempting external gravity.

After calming herself, Tess executed the first impact. The shockwave, amplified by Schema, resonated.

'Now, shift the center of gravity outwards!'

Not magic, but a powerful inertia overcoming gravity. Confident, Tess leaned back.

'I did it!'

She smoothly slid under the blade, a testament to her previous training without external gravity.

"Number 47, Elzain Tess. Obstacle course complete!"

Tess’s completion was met with applause, but her heart was pounding.

'I did it. It really works?'

Kuan’s teaching wasn't in vain. It was all planned.

'Even a psychopath can teach.'

Tess finished first, unbeatable with few participants left.

"Number 52, Ogent Rian. Ready for the test!"

As Rian's turn came, Kuan frowned. He didn't expect much, but Rian intrigued him.


Rian dashed forward, excelling in obstacles that didn't require Schema. But the last one was a problem.

'First impact!'

He stamped the ground and leaned back, but something felt off. The blade seemed to be heading for his neck.


Kuan kicked Rian's face, sending him rolling. Rian struggled to stand, only to be confronted by an angry Kuan.

"Are you crazy? Want to die? Where did you sell your Schema? Throwing your neck under the blade?"

"I'm sorry! But I did it! Schema..."

"What nonsense? Do you even know what Schema is? Those who can't do it are exempt from practical tests!"

"No! I definitely succeeded! I passed the strength enhancement test!"

"What? Strength enhancement? Where did you hear such nonsense..."

Strength enhancement involved lifting twice one's weight, a test to verify Schema. Kuan looked around, calculating Rian's weight for a suitable test.

"Come here and lift this."

It was a large stone left from building the training ground.

Rian approached, taking a deep breath. Even the previous test had been challenging.


Grappling the stone, Rian strained to lift it. Trembling, he raised it above his head.

Kuan pressed Rian's body, feeling the vibration of muscle fibers. His expression darkened.

'Damn it.'

It wasn't Schema.

Despite his training, Rian hadn't mastered Schema. Normally, training would suffice, but not for Rian.

Kuan didn't want to give up on him. Rian was different, earning respect despite his lack of talent.

"How much have you trained..."

Kuan admired his spirit but faced a harsh truth. Rian lacked talent.

"Rian, I'm sorry, but you haven't mastered Schema."

The trainees were shocked. Kuan's apology was unheard of in half a year.

"How can that be? I'm holding this stone! What does that mean?"

Kuan sighed.

"That's just your foolishly strong muscle power."

Stunned, Rian dropped the stone.

Rian Ogent. Last place confirmed.

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