Infinite Mage

Chapter 184: Reversal of the Law (4)


Translator/Editor: Ryuu



As he pondered, he realized the problem wasn’t the Howling. He had never seen a spell that transformed into a giant flash of light and flew into the sky.

“How did they do that? Who are they?”

Two pursuit specialists began tracking Shirone’s group. One sniffed like a dog, while the other tilted his head back, tongue out.

The man using his sense of smell admitted defeat.

“Captain, the wind is blocked. We can’t track them.”

The man using his sense of taste held out a bit longer. He had his tongue out to his chin, but then he retracted it, his eyes rolling back to normal.

“I can catch them with taste. This way.”

The captain mounted his horse as the rear guard arrived. Turning in the direction indicated by the tracker, he commanded.

“They’ve just gone over one wall! They can't have gone far! Pursue them!”


The pursuit team let out a screeching cry and retraced their path.

One minute later, Shirone’s group descended to their original location on the flash of light.

Shirone had proposed using the Kergos' tracking ability against them.

The area was already saturated with scents, making it impossible to track. The pursuers would only return here after checking all other locations.

Gardrock was again supported by Clove. Pointing to a deep crevice in the canyon, he said.

“Thanks to you, we’re safe. We shouldn’t run into them for a while. Let’s go this way. There should be a path.”

Amy, skeptical, asked.

“Where exactly is Nor’s Haven? How much farther?”

“That’s what I want to ask you. How do you control light magic so freely? Do you extract it from the air?”

“We don’t use such methods. Why do you ask?”

“To reach Nor’s Haven, we need a place where light converges. It’s similar to the spell you used but can travel much farther. Just trust me and follow. There’s a Shining Spot not far from here.”

Gardrock’s mentioned magic seemed to be a form of spatial movement. Using the power of photons at a place where light converged to reach Nor’s Haven in one go.

It was a smart choice. Even if the pursuers killed the guide, Nor’s Haven would remain hidden.

The Nor's way of thinking was certainly that of a mage. A place where such people gathered—what kind of place would Nor’s Haven be?

With a small sense of excitement, Shirone followed the crevice to the other side of the canyon.


“Where could they be hiding?”

The pursuit captain was frustrated. They had been searching the area for 20 minutes without finding any trace.

A group of scouts rode in, their eyes reflecting their failure.

“Nothing, sir. No signs in the Maru Valley or the Fan Creek.”

“Damn! We almost had them!”

“But sir, isn't it strange? How did they escape? That place wasn’t a Shining Spot the Nor talk about.”

The captain had been pondering the same.

As far as he knew, no Nor mage could use such magic. They might be outsiders, but they resembled humans.

Having hunted heretics for 400 years, he recalled a hint from ancient history.

“Could they be… humans from the land?”

A sharp light flashed in the captain's eyes. If they were from the land, the pursuit was a different matter entirely.

The Mecha delved into what was known, the Nor into what was unknown, but the Kergos sought out the divine, knowing all truths as the only true divine subjects.

Humans from the land weren’t just imitations. To the Kergos, they were a significant variable that could affect the law.

“Stop the pursuit. We return to Shamain. Reporting comes first.”

The captain and his subordinates turned their horses.

At that moment, a tremor shook the ground.

Everyone casually looking around opened their eyes wide as the tremors intensified.

“Could it be…?”

The reason the Nor used the canyon as a base was that, apart from one law, it was a safe zone free from harm.

So, this tremor should never have happened. A Vortex Serpent appearing during daylight was an unprecedented event.

“The law… is breaking.”

A strong wind blew, shrouding the sight of the twenty in darkness.

Nothing could be seen, followed by screams and cries.

As time passed, their cries faded.

When the darkness lifted, sunlight shone on the cold canyon. Thousands of pieces of flesh floated in the red stream.



Shirone looked puzzled, and Kanya realized she had been brief, adding more detail. Encountering people from outside Heaven often made her forget they were from the land of the earth.

“Shamain is a district where divine subjects live. It’s also called the First Heaven.”

“The First Heaven? Does that mean the first sky?”

Gardrock, less burdened as a heretic explaining Heaven, answered.

“Heaven is divided into seven zones, from the First to the Seventh Heaven. The place where divine subjects live is called Shamain.”

Shirone recalled the view from the sky.

Within the giant circular walls, six sectors were pie-like, with another sector in the center.

The seven heavens Gardrock mentioned referred to this.

“Do all races live together in Shamain?”

“Yes. While their living areas differ, they all reside in the First Heaven. Even the Kergos behave in Heaven because divine subjects are fundamentally protected by the law. But Purgatory is outside divine jurisdiction. Surviving here isn’t easy.”

“How many races live here?”

“Including Purgatory, countless. There are many creatures whose origins are unknown, called outsiders. The Dokgakgui you encountered are outsiders too. But only three races uphold the divine law. Each has its strengths and works together to form the foundation of Heaven. The Nor love exploration, and the Mecha love research.”

“Then what do the Kergos like?”

Gardrock's lips curled.

“They love God.”

“Gardrock! That’s blasphemous!”

Kanya rebuked him, but Gardrock didn’t care.

Since deciding to become a heretic, no law governed him. He had exchanged divine protection for a painful life, but that too was his choice.

“The Kergos love to fight. Their role is hunting. They are the only race allowed in Purgatory. Of course, they interpret this privilege differently.”

This time, even Kanya couldn’t disagree.

“They're a detestable race. Using the Giants' abilities doesn’t make them Giants. It’s annoying to see them mimic the law-abiders.”

“But what exactly is the law?”

When Shirone first heard of the law, he interpreted it as he knew, but over time, it seemed to differ from his world’s concept.

Kanya looked incredulous.

“You don’t know the law? Does the land of the earth have no laws?”

“No, we do. I mean, do you have to follow it strictly?”

“Of course. The law is the will of the great Ra. Those who oppose it cannot exist. That’s why it’s called the law.”

Shirone spread his hands, exasperated.

“But we’re breaking the law now.”

Kanya grew frustrated.

“That’s why we’re in this situation in Purgatory! Can’t you understand? Would you want to live here forever?”

Clove countered Kanya’s disdain for Purgatory.

“What’s so bad about it? It’s much better than living in a cramped place forever.”

“Oh, really? Then try living well, always hunted by the Kergos.”

Before Clove could retort, Gardrock spoke.

“That’s possible. We defied the law and were banished to Purgatory, but so what? At least we gained freedom.”

“How is that freedom? It’s just fear, not knowing when you’ll die.”

“We don’t know when we’ll die. But at least the right to die is mine. Isn’t that enough?”

Kanya’s expression hardened.

Divine subjects were said to gain eternal life, but death remained a sensitive issue. Heretics speaking of the right to die mocked Heaven.

Unable to contain her anger, Kanya snapped.

“Divine subjects should follow the law! Running away and talking about freedom and the right to die won’t make your lives better! That’s why I dislike the Nor.”

Rena intervened.

“Stop, sister. Fighting a heretic won’t change the outcome.”

Kanya knew. Talking with those standing against the law was pointless.

But Gardrock, living in Purgatory for so long, had much pent up.

“Do you really think that way? That you're right?”

“Of course! We’re different! We’re here because Heaven doesn’t use elixirs. Once we get the items, we’ll return to Shamain and live happily under divine protection!”

“No need to dress it up. You’re just a creature thirsty for eternal life.”

Kanya’s eyes filled with rage.

She had tolerated the blasphemy up to now because there was a line. But Gardrock had just crossed it.

“No matter how heretical you are, I won’t forgive such words. I could kill you right here.”

“Sister, don’t.”

Kanya shook off her sister’s hand and drew her Arc. Gardrock, however, looked at her calmly, almost sympathetically.

“Then why did you seek me out? What are you looking for in Nor’s Haven?”

Kanya’s shoulder twitched as she aimed the Arc.

“Isn’t it obvious? Soon, someone in your family will receive a life-saving elixir, right? So you came to buy Nor’s medicine.”

The Arc wavered. At this distance, releasing the handle would leave no time to block the projectile. But she couldn’t fire. Uncontrollable tears streamed down her face.

“What’s wrong with caring for my parents? This has nothing to do with the law! I just… I just want my mom to…”

Men from Heaven were also weak to women’s tears, so Gardrock’s anger softened. He had once been a divine subject. He understood Kanya’s feelings well.

Rena hugged her sister and spoke to Gardrock.

“I’m sorry. My sister…”

“I understand. No need to apologize to a heretic. The Mecha tribe values family bonds. She must be very worried. It’s all because of this injury.”

Gardrock sheepishly examined his wound. His muscles were cut, but his organs were intact. The bleeding wasn’t severe, but it hadn’t stopped.

Turning away, Gardrock said.

“Don’t worry. The Nor don’t attach emotions to items. You’ll get what you want but the elixir will cost a lot. The Nor are skilled traders.”

Kanya wiped her tears and spoke firmly.

“Don’t worry. I saved enough over a year.”

Gardrock’s lips formed a sad smile as he walked away.

Watching their exchange, Shirone felt melancholic. Many words were unfamiliar, and the emotions behind them were unclear, but this place wasn’t ruled by absolute values either.

What is the life-saving elixir? Is Ra truly a god? Is this Heaven or just another world?

Will this journey end with all the answers?

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