Infinite Mage

Chapter 189: Nor’s Haven (3)


Translator/Editor: Ryuu




As expected, such a situation was possible. Just because an item belonged to a citizen didn't mean it was impossible to purchase.

Nevertheless, the limited-edition merit remained.

Most importantly, the merchant knew Shirone's payment limit was two White Elixirs. The fact that he greedily set the price at one Elixir suggested it was actually much cheaper.

"Can anyone use it?"

"As long as it's equipped, anyone can use it. Weapons like Sygna, Exed, and Arc are communal, but drones are individually encrypted. Even if you take someone else's, you can't use it. But this one hasn’t been claimed by anyone yet, so it’s for sale."

Shirone was unsure. If it was new, there shouldn't be any defects.

Was it a simple misunderstanding due to not fully understanding this world? Or was the Fire Spirit that difficult to obtain?

Unable to decide, Shirone asked Tess.

"Tess, do you want this?"

"Yes! Shirone, I really want it. Please buy it for me. Other items are cheap and can be bought anytime later."

Shirone couldn't help but smile. Tess’s straightforward nature when asking for something was certainly different from Amy’s.

Ultimately, Elixirs should be used for everyone's benefit. So, he should buy it, but without knowing the defects, he couldn’t negotiate.

Asking outright would make him vulnerable to the merchant, and Clove wouldn't be of any help.

"Why won't you sell it? I brought exactly what you asked for!"

At that moment, they heard Kanya's voice.

Everyone turned to look. Unlike Kanya, the merchant wore a relaxed smile.

"Look, miss. There's no such thing as a set price in Purgatory. It’s an auction. If the price goes up, you can't just lower it at your whim."

"You said a month ago that one Green Elixir was enough for Epinephrine! And now, even with 30 Red Elixirs, you won’t sell it. Why?"


Shirone recalled the white potion recommended by the herbalist.

But Kanya’s reaction was too intense for it to be just an awakening potion. Why would she need to stay awake in Heaven?

"A month ago, yes. But now the price has increased."

"No! Even two months ago, three months ago, you never said that! This is extortion!"

"Miss, auction prices are determined by the buyer's desire. The more you want it, the higher the price. Isn’t the ritual only a few days away?"


Kanya’s face turned pale. No matter how much of a merchant he was, how could he say that?

Even Clove, typically shameless, frowned this time.

The merchant remained unfazed by Kanya’s outburst. From the start, he never intended to sell to a citizen.

"Wanting Epinephrine today means someone in your family is dying within days. Thus, you must buy it, and I demand a high price. What’s wrong with that?"

"I won’t let you get away with this!"

Kanya pulled out Arc, but Rena screamed and stopped her.

Violence was prohibited in Nor’s Haven. Any violent incidents would lead to expulsion and worse.

Maintaining the community relied on the rational agreement of the majority. Once the rules were broken, the community would collapse.

"Sis! Please calm down! If you fight here, we’ll be killed!"

Rena pulled Kanya back, who continued to curse even as she was dragged away.

The merchant exchanged a look with the herbalist across the way.

A silent agreement not to sell Epinephrine.

It was a cartel.

Three months ago, when Kanya came to buy Epinephrine, the merchant demanded an unreasonably high price.

In reality, it could be exchanged for about 40 Red Elixirs, but he asked for Green Elixir.

Elixirs are not like money. While arbitrary exchanges are possible, if someone insists on Green Elixirs, no amount of Red Elixirs will suffice.

Kanya had to buy Green Elixirs at inflated prices. When she returned to purchase the item, the merchant refused to sell it at that price.

"Why is she so agitated? What’s this ritual?" Shirone asked.

"It's the ritual of life regeneration," Gardrock answered. He had come out, disturbed by the noise.

Gardrock understood the situation from Kanya’s murderous expression alone. Though he had never met her as a guide, he was well-versed in the merchants' rumors.

"As you know, citizens have a set lifespan. When their time is up, they undergo the ritual of life regeneration to be reborn. That girl’s mother is the one affected."

"What exactly is this ritual?"

Gardrock squinted.

"I’d rather not talk about it. As you can see, it's a sensitive matter. Citizens call the ritual a blessing. Most heretics, however, feel aversion to it and flee Heaven. The merchants are the same. They’re not tormenting her over the Elixirs."

"But Kanya’s mother is nearing the end of her lifespan. What role does the awakening potion play? Will it save her?"

"No. The laws don’t change. By heretic standards, Kanya’s mother will soon die. Even so, she’s buying Epinephrine..."

Gardrock groaned.

He, too, had once been a citizen. Knowing what Kanya wanted to do even if it meant risking her life, he felt a twinge of sympathy.

"It’s nothing. Just a ray of hope in despair. Like administering anesthesia to a dying patient."

Shirone felt heavy-hearted. He didn’t fully understand the differences between citizens and heretics, but he believed the intention to ease a parent's suffering was universal.

Yet the laws drew even this into distinction.

Kanya resumed bargaining. It was clear she was struggling to hold back her anger to buy Epinephrine.

There were two stalls selling Epinephrine, and today might be her last chance.

Shirone checked the herbalist at the other stall. He averted his gaze, perhaps feeling guilty.

Wouldn’t it solve everything if Shirone bought Epinephrine from him and gave it to Kanya?

Sensing Shirone's thoughts, the herbalist discreetly hid Epinephrine. Contracts were absolute for the Norins, and he wanted to avoid a commotion.

Kanya made her final offer.

"Fine! I’ll buy on credit. I’ll get the Elixirs by any means necessary. Just give me the Epinephrine."

"What can you bring?"

"Anything! I’ll hunt for a lifetime if I have to!"

"So, what will you bring?"

The merchant no longer hid his emotions.

He hated citizens intensely. He hated Heaven. No matter how good the medicine, he couldn’t erase his memories of living in Heaven. La’s laws were that strong.

"Even if I give you everything, you still refuse. So, tell me. What will it take for you to sell the potion?"

"Alright. Since you insist on buying, let’s see... what could I want..."

The merchant pretended to ponder, then looked at Shirone.

"How about all the Elixirs that boy has?"

Shirone realized the merchant's strategy had suddenly changed.

He must have calculated from the moment Kanya brought Shirone along.

It was natural for a merchant. But it was cruel.

Seeing the White Elixir sparked his greed, but he had no high-value items. So, he entangled Kanya.

Strategically, it was sound.

Norins were known for their shrewd business skills. He was a capable merchant, but not a great one.

Kanya was at a loss for words. The clearer her position became, the more she realized she was being played by a con artist.

"Now I see. You never intended to sell it. For three months, you enjoyed watching me struggle in Purgatory! What did I ever do to you?"

Shirone felt sorry for her. Emotional responses were ineffective against merchants. They were adept at using others' psychology to their advantage.

To provoke a mage, you had to fight fire with fire.

"You make me the villain. This only makes it harder for you. It’s not an impossible request, is it? Hunting for a lifetime is much harder than taking that boy’s Elixirs. Don’t you think?"

"That’s theft! Robbery! And we can’t fight here! How am I supposed to get Elixirs from someone unrelated?"

"There are ways. You’re a girl, he’s a boy. Figure it out."

Kanya's lips quivered. She wanted to blast his face with Arc. But knowing this was her last chance calmed her.

What would Shirone’s reaction be if she asked for Elixirs? Elixirs that were life to heretics.

Even so, maybe... he might help. Rena had a good eye for people despite being naive.

"I don’t like him because he’s handsome, but because he’s kind."

Kanya had scoffed then, but Shirone was different from normal heretics. Maybe he would give the Elixirs. The precious White Elixir? Maybe. Maybe!

It was all hypothetical. Yet, relying on hypotheticals was her only option.

She’d do anything for her mother. She couldn’t let her mother, who had lived half the life of an ordinary citizen, die.

Leaving the merchant's sneer behind, Kanya approached Shirone. His expression was calm, already understanding the situation.

Kanya felt a chill. What was he thinking? It couldn't be good. Why are you coming here? What do we have to do with each other?

Even so, she had to plead. She was prepared to give up everything.

Kanya spoke miserably as she reached Shirone.



Shirone extended his hand. A White Elixir lay in it.

Kanya felt a rush of emotions. It felt like anger, but it didn’t hurt.

Why is he doing this? Shouldn't he at least make me beg? Isn’t the point of charity to buy feelings? What’s the meaning of such mercy?

She felt she needed to ask. But doubted she could speak properly.


"Just go buy the Epinephrine. It’s important to you."


It’s not important to you.

She wanted to say, but her throat tightened, and no sound came out.

This boy was different. Not like humans or extraterrestrials. Even... different from Ra.

At that blasphemous thought, Kanya felt a thrill. Was this the precursor to corruption?

"Thank you."

Kanya could barely utter the words as she returned to the merchant.

Indeed, Purgatory was different from Heaven. She felt strange emotions she had never experienced before.

With weary steps, she handed the Elixir to the merchant.

"Here. Now give me the Epinephrine."

"No. I can’t sell it for this."

"Why... why again?"

Kanya lacked the strength to shout. The thought of holding back tears was the only thing keeping her standing.

"I said all the boy’s Elixirs. According to my calculation, he still has one left."

"No. I have no Elixirs left."

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