Infinite Mage

Chapter 68: At the Summit (1)

Shirone knew that those who claimed to be experts often ended up getting fleeced at such places, down to their underwear. Of course, with Yiruki's Savant Syndrome abilities, he would be unmatched in probability calculations, but there's a reason why people call it gambling. Probability is just that, probability; to win in gambling, one needs the instinct of a gambler who can sense the tide of victory. Shirone could clearly envision Yiruki slowly winning money and then losing it all in one go.

"I'm not going. You guys go. I don't do gambling."

"You don't have to gamble. There are pretty girls there who serve drinks and massage your shoulders, you really don't want to go?"

Hearing this made Shirone even less inclined to go.

"Ah, sorry. I'm just really tired. I need to keep sleeping. Have fun."

Once the word 'sorry' came out of Shirone's mouth, there was no turning back. After all, he was the one who had accumulated the most fatigue in preparing for this presentation. Both Nade and Yiruki lacked sleep as well, but their tasks were divided into physical and intellectual labor.

In contrast, Shirone, who had to increase the level of photon output, had undergone intense training that exhausted both body and mind for a month. Plus, at the last minute, he entered the Infinite Realm and exhausted his mental strength, so it was natural for him to feel physically and mentally drained.

"Alright, we get it. Rest well. Anyway, we're going, just so you know."

"Yeah. Win big and buy me something delicious."

"Ha ha ha! Don't worry! When you wake up, we'll have magically become rich."

As the door closed, Shirone buried his face back into the bed.

'All this fuss for being rich already...'

Shirone fell back into a deep sleep.

* * *

That night.

"Huuh... Huh."

Shirone tossed and turned in his bed, sweating coldly. The nightmare that hadn't visited him when he fell asleep like fainting was now resurfacing as he got enough sleep.


Shirone grimaced and shook his head left and right. In the vast universe, humans were nothing. That intense sense of emptiness wrapped around Shirone as a powerful shock.

Again, the nightmare was being sucked into a single point. Time flowed backward, reaching the beginning of the universe. Light appeared, and that light, flickering like a thread, then turned into bubbles, filling Shirone's vision. It was only light. And the next moment, a powerful explosion occurred in the empty space of nothingness.


Shirone sat up, his eyes wide open, still fixated on the afterimages in his memory. Only when he felt the dampness of his sweat-soaked pajamas did he slowly turn his head towards the window.

Chirping sounds of birds indicated morning.

"Phew. Just when I thought it was passing."

He had a nightmare, yet again. A strange sensation enveloped his entire body, making him shiver.

But Shirone was no longer afraid.

He had heard the cause from Armin and had managed to escape from the Infinite Realm with his own will on the day of the presentation.

As he gained some control over his power, Shirone calmly observed the phenomena happening to him.

'The universe I see in my dreams. That's clearly a scene representing the beginning of the universe. And then, the Gauge Symmetry.'

Although lacking logical information, he felt a sense of clarity. Perhaps it was a process of organizing information in the subconscious. Reminded of Armin, who had said he would come to realize it on his own, Shirone felt calm, and the sense of mourning disappeared.

Shirone went to the bathroom. He felt quite good, having slept deeply for what could have been several days. While brushing his teeth, he remembered that Yiruki and Nade seemed to have stopped by.

'Was it a dream? Or did they really go?'

The faces of the two, saying they would hit the jackpot at the casino, faintly crossed his mind.

'I should have gone with them. What do I do now, alone?'

As he finished brushing his teeth and left the bathroom, Shirone suddenly stopped, looking back at the bed. Small dust particles floating above the bed were rotating. The window was closed, so it wasn't due to air circulation.

Forgetting he was still brushing his teeth, Shirone ran over. Looking closely, the particles were indeed moving. He reached his hand towards the center of the rotation, feeling nothing at first, but then a strong sense of mourning hit him.


Shirone bent over, spitting out the toothpaste foam.

What could it be?

It felt like touching a nerve where a tooth had been extracted, a sensation of confirming something he knew but didn't have a name for.

'This is it! Something I know but don't have a name for. But what is it?'

Shirone waved his hands frantically in the air, but the strange sensation didn't return. Calming down, he went back to the bathroom, showered in hot water, and came out, still pondering the recent phenomenon.

'It's not wind, not air pressure, not temperature. But how can dust move like that?'

It wasn't just floating; it was moving in a pattern driven by some force.

After over an hour of deep thought, Shirone, feeling frustrated, changed his clothes and went outside. It was the middle of class time, so no students were around.

Feeling unfamiliar emotions, Shirone walked towards the main gate. He had a week of suspension, so he was free to do whatever he wanted for the next four days. Now that the die was cast, Shirone decided to use this time as a rest period after the intense training.

'But where to go?'

The first place that came to mind was his home. The desire to see his parents grew strong as he thought of them.

'No, that's nonsense.'

It would take half a day by carriage, but there was no reason to go. He couldn't just show up at home saying, "Mom, Dad, I got suspended."

And visiting the Ogent house without Rian and Reina there would only be awkward.

"Ah, right!"

Shirone suddenly realized his destination and snapped his fingers.

The bookstore it was.

Though the school library was overflowing with books, purchasing them from a bookstore had always been a dream of Shirone's. Smiling at the memory of being overjoyed by an old book his father had bought him in his childhood, he recalled the desire to own more books.

Now, thanks to the allowance Temuran sent him every month, he could afford it. Buying books in the commoner's area meant he could fill a basket with just a little spending.

'It's the first time I’m buying my own book.'

While borrowing from the library wasn't bad, Shirone, a book lover, had a strong sense of possession.

With his decision made, he quickened his pace, passing the noble district and entering the commoner’s area. The streets he often visited with his father's cart in his childhood remained unchanged. Entering the bookstore with a confident stride, the owner recognized him as the child who used to spend hours gazing inside.

"Welcome... oh my, isn't this Shirone?"

"Hello, ma'am."

"Look how much you’ve grown. I thought your father had left the city since he hadn’t visited in a while. He always bought a book whenever he came."

"He won't be coming anymore. That’s why I’m buying them myself."

"That's good. You still love books, I see. Feel free to browse."

"Sure, I’ll take a look around."

Shirone walked around the store with a content smile. Regardless of content, well-kept books were expensive. In Creas, a city with a large population, bookstores did well despite few commoners being literate.

Although academic books were less common than popular novels, Shirone realized that the library at Alpheas Magic Academy housed much more advanced texts. Settling for a novel with a magician as the protagonist, he picked a clean, new copy and paid with gold. New books were expensive, but Shirone, having enough money, didn't mind.

"Buying something this pricey? Are you running an errand for someone?"

"No, it's actually the first book I’m buying myself. I wanted a clean one."

"That’s admirable. Not many spend money on books. Read it well and get smart. A clever head won't make your future wife suffer."

Unaware Shirone attended a prestigious magic academy, the bookstore owner proudly gave a speech. Shirone listened happily, leaving with his book.

'This is my book.'

The thrill of owning a book not borrowed or used by others made his heart race.

"Hey, isn't that Shirone?"

Hearing his name, Shirone turned to see a group of kids around a cart. Recognizing them, his eyes widened.

"Altor? Martin? And Lumina too?"

They were friends from the village he used to play in as a child.

"Wow, it really is Shirone!"

The kids, mostly his age, swarmed around him. Altor, the leader, had grown enormously, while Martin, always small, was closer to Shirone's size.

Altor draped an arm over Shirone's shoulder.

"You! What's been going on? You haven’t visited in years. Vincent only said you were living in the city."

"Ha ha, sorry. That’s how it’s been."

Shirone was as happy to see them, despite the rough greeting. Martin, with protruding front teeth, exclaimed in awe.

"Wow, you look like a noble."

"Do I? I hadn’t noticed."

Shirone was surprised. Unknowingly, he had acquired the air of nobility. Lumina, the only girl in the group, chimed in.

"Shirone always looked noble. Anyway, glad you're doing well."

"Thanks, Lumina. You’ve become pretty."

Lumina blushed. Shirone remembered her as a freckled, chubby child, but now she was a slender girl with clear skin.

Altor laughed.

"Shirone, still good with words! But seriously, how did this noisy girl get pretty?"

"Shut up! What right do you have to judge me?"

Lumina's unusual outburst embarrassed Altor.

"It was just a joke..."

"Enough. I don’t want to talk to you."

"Fine! I'm embarrassed to be seen with a girl like you anyway!"

Shirone's heart warmed, watching them bicker like old times – a typical day for the village kids.

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