Infinite Mage

Chapter 73: Dream On (2)

As about ten children took their seats at the table, Lumina's mother generously served the boiled pork.

Shirone felt a bit awkward. Preparing such a meal must have cost a considerable amount of money. Paying for it wasn't the issue, but it was a peculiar situation nonetheless.

Sensing Shirone's concern, Altor spoke up.

"Don't worry. We can sell the monster's hide for a good price. We'll start working on it tomorrow. Of course, we'll need your permission first."

"Me? No, of course, you should. Ah, and the monsters were Ulks. Their claws and fangs can fetch a good price, I've heard."

Shirone was sure to give permission. Besides, knowing the monster's name was a bonus.

In this world, knowledge equated to money.

Without knowing its name, taking it to market risked being underpaid. The effort of skinning could end up costing more than the profit.

"Well, thanks. Not just for the Ulk, but without you, our village would've had to relocate."

For generations, living off the land and selling forest yields was their way of life. Losing their home would've been a disaster. In that sense, Shirone was a hero to the village.

"It's fine. This place is precious to me too."

Shirone truly felt that way. The children had stayed instead of going to the mountains to collect the Ulk, even though the meat would spoil.

Though not wealthy, their way of life, tough and filled with more blushes than nobles, taught them how to live together, which Shirone appreciated.

Martin, chewing on the meat, suggested, "Too bad your hard-earned vacation turned out this way. Want to come to the mountain tomorrow? We'll sell everything - the hide, claws, and all - and use that money to have fun."

The children of Huajeonmin Village never missed a chance to play, but Shirone regretfully declined. He was eager to analyze his recent enlightenment.

"No, I'm well-rested. Thanks to you, my fatigue is gone too. Time to study hard. I'll head back to school tomorrow morning."

After dinner, the children returned to their homes. The night was still young, but they had work to do - preparing equipment, checking carts, and more.

Shirone climbed a hill to look down at Huajeonmin Village. The children, carrying torches, prepared for the next day's work, joking and laughing together. A gentle smile graced Shirone's face.

"Shirone, you're here?"

"Altor, how did you find me?"

"Just felt like you'd be here. What are you thinking about? You didn't even notice me coming."

"Just the old days. Playing tag here with Dad… in those fields."

"True. But you spent more time reading books. Well, probably because of us."

"No, I just really liked books..."

Altor laughed heartily.

"No need to be polite. We all knew. Kids have always looked up to you. I was jealous too, and I owe you an apology for many things."

"No, I was the weird one. Maybe I was just scared to meet people. It was a confusing time."

In Huajeonmin Village, Shirone was the pride of his parents, never causing trouble. But since discovering magic at twelve, he was constantly tormented with doubts and struggles.

Altor nodded, understanding. Seeing Shirone's magic today made things clear. The boy he thought was naive and bookish was, in fact, fighting harder than anyone else.

"Sorry, Shirone."

"For what?"

"For last night at the bar. I overstepped. Everyone has their limits, and I misjudged. Don't take it to heart."

Shirone recalled Altor's sharp words from the night before. They hadn't hurt him. It was a burden he had to bear for choosing magic.

"I don't think like that. I've never considered how blessed and lucky I am. How fortunate."

"No, Shirone. You worked hard. That's why people help you."

"But still, it's the truth. What you said is my reality, and I have to live with it."

Altor smiled sadly. People like Shirone, who could criticize themselves so objectively, were rare in Huajeonmin Village.

"Mages are amazing."

Altor couldn't comprehend mages' thought processes. But that's probably why the world revered them so.

Shirone and Altor looked down at the village, silent, but their eyes fixed on the same place.

The following morning, only the children remained as the adults had already started their day's work at the crack of dawn.

After having breakfast at Lumina's house, Shirone left for the day. The children saw him off, each carrying tools to dismantle the Ulk.

Shirone realized anew the weight of his own path in life, seeing their never-resting daily lives.

"Take care, Shirone. Study hard and become a mage," Altor offered his hand for a handshake. The other children also crowded around Shirone, bidding their farewells.

"Shirone, will you visit again?"

"Tell us more stories about the magic academy when you come next time."

"Ha-ha! Sure. I'll come after this semester ends. Take care, everyone."

After bidding farewell to the children, Shirone turned to Lumina. Despite the cheerful atmosphere, her face was the only one clouded with sadness.

Shirone vaguely understood Lumina's affection for him. But what could he do? Matters of the heart are not something one can control with their mind.

"Lumina, thanks for the delicious meals. You'll cook for me again, right?"

Only then did Lumina show a smile. It was a resigned smile, knowing that wishing for more would be greedy.

"Of course! Just make sure you visit often. Don't pretend you don't know me just because you become a mage."

"Sure. I'll definitely come back."

Walking down the hill of Hwajeonmin Village, Shirone suddenly turned back and shouted to the children still standing there.

"Take care, everyone! Stay healthy!"

As Shirone walked further away, Lumina finally let her head drop weakly. It was sadder to realize that she could no longer harbor feelings for him.

"Hey, are you okay?" Altor touched Lumina's shoulder, concerned. Lumina couldn't hold back her tears any longer. Altor felt a pang of guilt, knowing her feelings for Shirone from childhood but not realizing how serious they were.

"Damn, if you're so upset, you should have at least said something. Want me to beat him up and bring him back?"

"No, it's okay. Shirone isn't gone."

Lumina wiped her tears with both hands and lifted her head. Suddenly, a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Shirone is chasing his dream."

Lumina prayed to the gods of the mountains and forests.

May his path be filled with warm light.

As Shirone headed back to the school, he pondered over the questions Hwajeonmin Village had thrown at him. 

How far can I go?

Being a guest at the Ogent family, studying with the students at the magic school, didn't mean he had achieved anything.

He must continuously strive and progress without hesitation. He was attending school with the support of the Ogent family, studying advanced magic due to his parents' sacrifices.

Is this the right path? 

If he fails, can he easily accept it and live as he did before?

Arriving at the school, Shirone headed straight to the research club. He didn't feel like entering his dormitory, feeling troubled.

‘I wonder if the others are having fun? Hopefully, they haven't lost too much...’

By now, Yiruki and Nade should be excitedly betting in the casino. He hoped they hadn't gambled away their house deeds.

Entering the warehouse where the research group was, Shirone stopped at the door, hearing voices. 


Opening the door, he found Yiruki and Nade arguing on the sofa. The debate was so heated that Yiruki was unusually excited.

“You idiot! A perpetual motion machine is absolutely impossible!”

“Why are you so narrow-minded? I’m not talking about infinite power, but a second-type perpetual machine!”

“That’s against the law of entropy!”

“What about this then? What is this I’ve made?”

Nade pointed at a wind-up toy car on the table. To call it a car was a stretch; it was more of a wheeled metal box.

“Uh, guys…”

Nade turned to Shirone, holding up the toy car.

“Shirone! You be the judge. I made this. After winding up like this and placing it on the ground...”

The car moved in a circular motion, but the wind-up didn’t unwind.

Yiruki glared furiously.

“Hey, Shirone! Don’t be fooled. That’s a complete scam!”

“What’s a scam? You’ve been waiting to see when it stops, and now you’re arguing with me!”

“The perpetual motion machine! It’s impossible to prove with just 1-2 hours of movement! Your machine is just highly efficient, that’s all! The wind-up is ridiculously tight!”

“So what? It's miniature. If it's bigger, it can be 100 times more efficient!”

“How big will you make it? As big as the sky? It’s more efficient to feed a horse!”

“All we need is to show the possibility! Technology always evolves towards being more compact!”

“Theoryless technology eventually collapses!”

“Who cares about theory! Just make it and use it!”

Both the mathematician and the engineer had valid points. Shirone blinked, observing the car.

Seeing them heatedly argue over a seemingly useless toy car, Shirone suddenly felt his earlier troubles fly away.

‘Ah... I see.’

Someday, this wind-up car, through the research of many scholars, will earn a reputable name. Someone will then use it to create new knowledge.

How arrogant to think I am the only one who can do something. It wasn’t because I was exceptional that I got here. 

If my father hadn’t bought me books, if I hadn’t entered the Ogent family, if there hadn’t been a teleportation test, if I hadn’t met Yiruki and Nade...

Shirone wouldn't be as he is now.

A series of improbable coincidences led Shirone here.

‘Thank you for letting me be here.’

Lost in his thoughts, Shirone quickly regained his smile and asked his friends.

“So, what happened with the casino?”

Nade, who was head-to-head with Yiruki, turned with a frustrated expression.

“How? Got cleaned out in one day. We were just one bet away from hitting the jackpot.”

“That’s why I said it would be a spade. 57% chance.”

“Funny! I lost big time listening to you! 57%? That’s just a game of chance!”

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