Infinite Mage

Chapter 77: The Return of the ArchMage (3)

“Can we get more details about the situation?”

“The incident happened a week ago. The escapee's name is Lucas, a former deputy head of the Parrot Thieves' Guild. The leader of the guild is still wanted.”

“Besides the escapee, do we know anything about the person who attacked Inferno?”

“Well, I only heard rumors. They say it was an old man with snow-white hair. I think there were two accomplices. They used dark magic to free the prisoners. What was it called again... something of darkness...”

“Might of Darkness?”

“Yes, that's it! You really are a teacher from a magic academy.”

Although Reina complimented him, Thadd didn’t hear it. His mind was occupied with thoughts of a senior dark mage attacking Inferno using an advanced technique like Might of Darkness.

‘Could it be?’

Thadd suddenly looked up.

“Excuse me, I must go now.”

“Huh? Oh, okay.”

His polite departure was almost instinctual. Thadd's eyes no longer saw the party or the beautiful women around him.

‘Damn it! Of all times, when I’m away!’

The breakout was a week ago. Even traveling non-stop from Bashuka, he could have already reached Creas with time to spare.

“A carriage! I need a carriage!”

Exiting the estate, Thadd hopped into the first carriage he saw in line. He opened the driver's window and shouted.

“To Creas, as fast as possible!”

“S-sir, all these carriages are booked for high-ranking officials. We cannot take passengers not on the list…”

These were carriages meant for high-ranking officials, unlikely to be swayed by a regular sum. 

Thadd rummaged through his belongings and pulled out all his money.

“Here! Take it. Will you go or not?”

The coachman, after counting the scattered gold coins, immediately changed his expression and prepared for departure.

“We'll get there as quickly as possible. Shall we drive through the night?”

“No need for rest or sleep! Just go as fast as you can!”

The sound of horse hooves rhythmically beat against the night air.

“Damn it! I hope I'm not too late.”

Leaning back, Thadd pressed his forehead. He wished he could leap through space, but in unfamiliar territory, the risk was too high, even for him.

Helplessness brought back his composure. As he pieced the situation together, questions arose. 

What could be the purpose behind his return to the world?

Thadd had never met him or seen his face. But the dreadful connection he had heard from Alpheas remained vivid in his memory.

“Viltor Arcane…”

His eyes ablaze, he stared straight ahead.

* * *

Just past 4 AM, Canis's group entered the training grounds halfway up the mountain at Alpheas Magic Academy. 

Though they had never attended a magic academy, being disciples of an archmage, they recognized the quality of the facilities. 

A frivolous voice broke the silence.

“Wow, this place is well-built. Like it's lined with gold. I wonder how much the land is worth?”

Canis frowned and turned away. Lucas, a B-grade wanted criminal and a member of the Parrot Thieves' Guild, was carrying twin swords engraved with a parrot, lazily slung over his shoulder.

“Keep it down. Guards might be patrolling.”

“What are you worried about? We'll just kill them or bury them.”

Canis grew more irritated. Although following the master's orders, he found nothing likable about this man.

“You're misunderstanding something. You're hired by us. If you cause any trouble, I won't let you off easily.”

“Heh, the young ones are so bold these days. They even talk back to adults.”

Lucas flopped down in the training field. As he was no longer interfering with the plan, Canis suppressed his anger.

‘The most important thing is the master's revenge. I'll have to tolerate him, no matter how unpleasant.’

“By the way, why are we waiting here? We'll eventually have to go down to the academy.”

Arin expressed her disgust.

“Master is about to cast a spell. It's a wide-area magic, so we'll be in danger if we're within its range. You're welcome to go down first if you're confident.”

Lucas shrugged. He certainly didn’t want to face Arcane's magic.

“Heh, don’t be so angry, little lady. You look cuter when you're not mad.”

“Hmph, what others look like is none of my business.”

“Then how about dating this old man? I can teach you something even more exciting than magic.”

As Arin, blushing, was about to scream, Canis cut in.“Quiet. It's starting.”

Their gazes turned skyward. Arcane was floating in the center of the moon, casting Fly magic. 

Fly, a fusion magic from the Air category, combines Press and Blow. First, it forms a solid air pressure using Press magic, then generates lift with Blow magic. Though classified as overpowered due to the merit of flight, it requires delicate sensation due to constantly changing winds.

As darkness gathered and obscured the moon, Arcane, concentrating, opened his eyes wide. Combining omniscience and omnipotence, he spread his arms wide and cast his life's masterpiece, Abyss Nova.

There was no thunderous noise or violent aftermath, but the sight of dark energy enveloping the academy was magnificent.

As the effects of Abyss Nova spread beyond the academy and dissipated, revealing the moon and brightening the surroundings, Arcane sighed deeply.

Arcane gasped for breath. Even for an archmage like him, the massive spell Abyss Nova consumed almost 90% of his mental energy.

'It will be hard to recover from this for a while.'

He changed direction and headed towards the mountain. Maintaining the Fly magic was difficult, but his anger grew stronger.

'With Abyss Nova spread, no one can stop me now. Besides, haven’t I prepared my disciples for such situations?'

“Hahaha, wait for me, Alpheas. I will make you taste the humiliation you gave me 40 years ago.”

As the dark night passed, the first light of dawn began to rise in the eastern mountainside.

It was the last day of their suspension. After studying till dawn at the inn, Shirone and his friends woke up well past morning. They bathed after teasing each other about their disheveled appearances.

Having returned the books to the library, they entered the academy just as lunchtime ended. The campus was quiet, with only a few janitors sweeping the stone paths.

“That's it, our last day of 'vacation'.”

“Vacation? Since when is suspension a vacation?”

“Still, we had fun, right? What’s next?”

As Shirone turned towards the dormitory, he said, "First, I need to clean my room. Classes start tomorrow, so I should tidy up today."

“You're always so meticulous. Alright, then. We'll be in the research group, so come over if you get bored.”

“Sure. See you later.”

After parting with his friends, Shirone returned to his room. It was a mess since he hadn’t been able to tidy it up during the presentation preparation period. He rolled up his sleeves and started cleaning, finishing by arranging his textbooks in order on the shelf.

A week-long suspension that came without warning.

However, it was a time of significant learning, perhaps even more than what he had learned at the academy so far.

'Finally, regular classes again. I can't wait for tomorrow.'

It was natural that he was behind in his studies, and he planned to focus on classes, even if it meant reducing his research group activities.

'Nade and Yiruki must be thinking the same.'

Their eyes burned with a zeal for learning at the inn. The clear goal of advancing to Class Four before the semester's end had inspired them.

Alpheas Magic Academy sets the promotion criteria at the end of each semester based on midterm grades, with a cut-off line of at least 80% in every subject. It was a daunting standard - not an average of 80%, but 80% or more in each subject.

While it was a challenging target, it was a solid policy from the academy. Before specializing, students were expected to have well-rounded knowledge in all areas.

Thus, graduates from the magic academy were well-equipped to use basic magic from each category, which was why they were favored in the magic society.

Not all active mages graduated from magic academies. Some were disciples of mages, achieved enlightenment on their own, or learned magic through darker routes. Their strengths lay in practical experience and combat-ready magic, but they often lacked a deeper understanding of magic and had limited potential compared to academy graduates.

Whether to hire academy graduates depended on the nature of the job, but they generally had an advantage in employment. The 80% standard set by the academy reflected the contemporary societal context.

“Hah. So, in my case, I need to raise my average by at least 30 points.”

Regardless of his recent insights, this was still an academy. To advance, he needed a score above 80 in every subject.

Using the core of knowledge he had could make it possible. Moreover, the knowledge gained from preparing for the presentation and studying the Particle of God could significantly boost his score.

Yet, even considering these factors, the probability of advancing seemed to be around 30%.

‘Isn't that impressive, though? A 30% chance of advancing to Class Four in just six months.’

Shirone thought positively. It was a chance worth taking. The thought of being left behind in Class Five while his friends advanced was unbearable.

Advancing to Class Four would also open the possibility of applying for the advanced class. That would mean keeping his promise to Amy.

“Ah! Right, Amy!”

He hadn’t seen her since the presentation. In his excitement back then, he hadn’t even thought to look for her.

‘I was too thoughtless. Amy was always a supportive friend during challenging times.’

Determined to be there for her this time, Shirone left his room with a playful twinkle in his eye.

“Hehe! She’ll be so surprised!” 

* * *

Shirone, carrying two cups of coffee, headed towards the advanced class. One was for Amy, and the other for Sharelle. Memories of running coffee errands for Amy made him smile wryly.

‘Back then, I thought the world was ending.’

It was an ironic relationship. Who would have thought the troublesome girl he met in an alley at twelve would become a friend?

He climbed the hill to the advanced class. The massive structure, known as the Steel Gate, loomed at the entrance. It looked even larger up close than from a distance.

‘This is the pinnacle of the magic academy.’

Walking under the structure symbolizing the spirit of a mage, Shirone felt a solemn reverence.

As the sixth period ended, the students of the advanced class began to emerge. Shirone spotted Amy and Sharelle chatting at the main entrance and shouted, “Amy! Amy!”

The students turned their heads, but Amy and Sharelle didn’t seem to hear and continued their conversation. Seizing the opportunity for a prank, Shirone quietly approached from behind and presented the coffee right in front of Amy.

“Ta-da! A surprise gift!”

Amy’s eyes widened in surprise. Shirone grinned and offered a cup to Sharelle as well.

“Here, for you too, senior. Enjoy!”

Sharelle tilted her head in confusion. Amy blinked a few times, then scrunched up her face and asked, “What’s this? Who are you? Why are you giving us coffee?”

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