Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 12 Second Night

After Wei Miao discovered the magic circle, she put the bed curtain back. ‘6’‘9’‘s’‘h’‘u’‘x’‘.’‘c’‘o’‘m’

This is a world full of ghosts. Even ordinary people know that ghosts exist. It is not surprising to have weird magic circle rituals. The key is that she can’t understand it.

If you have to guess what this magic circle is for, is it to prevent corpse transformation? Pizza told her not to touch the things on the seventh floor because this ritual is actually to restrict ghosts?

But this ritual... is too weird, is this world maintained by "beating evil with evil"?

She walked out of the room and closed the door on purpose.

Next, she checked other rooms. Without exception, there was a magic circle under the bed, and the door was in the same condition as 701.

Room 713 was once again an exception. Its door was the same as the one downstairs, and there was no friction when it was opened and closed.

Of course, she checked carefully, and there was nothing else to care about in 713 except the sacrificial magic circle.

Wei Miao went to the seventh floor tonight. In addition to checking if there were any points that were missed during the day, she also wanted to verify her guess.

She closed all the doors from 701 to 706, and clipped a piece of Lorraine's slightly longer golden hair in the gaps between the doors of 701 to 703. The doors of 707 to 712 were open.

The door of 713 remained closed, the only difference was that there was an extra hair between the gaps.

In biological experiments, there is often a control experiment. Wei Miao set up multiple control groups this time, corresponding to a variety of situations. When she wakes up tomorrow morning, she will know whether her guess is correct or not.

As for the destruction of the arrangement... Wei Miao considered the temperament of the three people and felt that they would not come to the gloomy seventh floor at night. If they really did such an action, she would look up to them.

When she returned to 306, it was almost eight o'clock.

Wei Miao turned on the TV. Although she didn't know why a long list of TV programs would be produced in the game copy, it was still an effective way to obtain intelligence. Generally speaking, in order to reduce the computing load, virtual online games use fixed CG-like videos to provide necessary information, but it is very rare to produce large sections of CG.

"The slum nightmare incident that occurred in Colin, Conrad some time ago has been basically controlled. Unfortunately, many poor people died in this disaster, and the number of casualties has not yet been counted. The abnormal organization Ghost World announced that it was responsible for it..."

"...A month ago, the Exorcist Society discovered traces of the Eye Spirit Cult's activities in Dick City. After careful arrangements, the Eye Spirit Cult's sub-base was destroyed yesterday, and a large number of peripheral members were killed or captured. The Eye Spirit Cult did not make a statement on this."

Wei Miao watched until more than ten o'clock. During this time, she simply paid attention to entertainment programs, documentaries, etc. to understand the customs and customs of this world.

For players, exploring the background of the world is also part of the fun of the game.

"Knock knock--"

There was a knock on the door. Wei Miao opened the door and saw that it was Anderson, holding a pillow and a quilt in his hands.

He smiled: "I'll sleep at your place tonight.♝♦ ♦♦"

When Wei Miao heard this, her expression became strange at first, and then she remembered the plan to spend the night together when they had dinner in the morning.

She smiled as if bathed in spring breeze and made way for her: "Please come in."

After entering the room, Anderson first paid attention to the turned-on TV: "Are you watching TV too?"

"Yes, I think the TV is quite good." Wei Miao said perfunctorily.

Anderson did not regard himself as an outsider at all, and sat down beside her bed with a swagger: "Please squeeze in a seat tonight, two grown men, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

That's not necessarily... Wei Miao said coldly in her heart. She has a certain degree of cleanliness, let alone strange men, she is not very happy to sleep in the same bed with strange women.

This has nothing to do with appearance and figure, it is purely a personal habit. Speaking of which, another feature of the masquerade is that it weakens the interference of appearance on the player's choice.

Everyone wears a mask, who knows if it is a human or a ghost underneath? Even if you use a fake body like in this copy, the fake body is assigned by the system, and the appearance will be considered as the corresponding advantages and disadvantages in the game balance.

But she didn't show it at all: "Of course."

Anderson: "If there are footsteps tonight, what will you do?"

"Pretend to sleep and don't move."

Wei Miao was actually not sure that her guess was completely correct, and could only pray that Anderson would not become a pig teammate who killed her.

Anderson nodded.

The two talked for a while later, mainly Anderson asked questions, and Wei Miao responded in a scattered manner.

I didn't expect Anderson to be a talkative chatterbox, talking about everything.

It was more than eleven o'clock, and Wei Miao took the initiative to suggest that it was time to go to bed, because going to bed early and getting up early is good for health.

So, turn off the lights, lock the door, cover the quilt, and go to bed. Anderson took the initiative to choose the side close to the door, probably because he knew that the ghost would walk to the other side of the bed. Wei Miao had no objection and moved herself to the edge of the bed, as far away from Anderson as possible.

As Wei Miao opened her eyes and was in a daze, the time gradually came to twelve o'clock. From Anderson's breathing, she could tell that he was not asleep either, especially when it was close to twelve o'clock, his breathing rhythm became a little rapid.

He was really cheerful when chatting, but really timid when encountering ghosts.

Wei Miao remained calm and stared at the clock until the pointer pointed to twelve o'clock.


Sure enough, the footsteps sounded on time. Wei Miao saw Anderson's body trembled with his peripheral vision.

What happened next was the same as last night. First, she heard the door open, then the sound of swaying footsteps. Wei Miao opened her eyes again secretly, but still saw nothing.

At one o'clock, the noise finally subsided. Wei Miao paid attention to the time from twelve to one o'clock. The ghosts disappeared very punctually, just like the prisoners in the prison, who could only come out for a walk at a specific time.

Wei Miao didn't know how Anderson slept tonight, but she slept very soundly afterwards.

In the morning, it was Anderson who pushed her awake. The dark circles around his eyes were heavier, while Wei Miao was refreshed.

He asked her curiously: "Did you fall asleep again last night?"

Knowing that ghosts were haunting, it was not common sense to say that she fell asleep again, so Wei Miao said: "No, I heard the ghost's footsteps."

"Then you slept so well, aren't you afraid?"

"I am afraid. But with Brother Anderson here, I am not so afraid." Wei Miao was talking nonsense.

When they were chatting yesterday, Anderson boasted to her that he used to be a big brother in school and he was doing well in society. Wei Miao just followed his words and made up a not-too-outrageous reason, maybe he could even gain some favor.

Anderson muttered something, picked up his quilt and pillow, and seemed to be going back to his own room.

His performance last night was quite standard, and he acted like an ostrich the whole time. If he was defeated during the process, Wei Miao had already considered a solution.

She would kick him off the bed, let him taste what it means to be extremely scared, and exercise his courage. Don't let him fail in the big scene that may happen later.

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