Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 173 Witch VS Melee

Two dark blue beams of magic went straight through Wei Miao and Oga.

Most of the magic full of destructive meaning is plain and simple. Unless the shaping can really stabilize the magic structure and exert greater power, it is just a waste of witches' time and energy.

However, the next moment, the witch widened her eyes in surprise.

The magic torrent submerged only the illusion of nothingness. The real Wei Miao and Oga suddenly appeared beside the beam, with unabated momentum and murderous aura.

The crystal mirror is fragile and shattered at the touch. However, it successfully deflected the light and generated a misplaced illusion.

The Crystal Prince could not make a big move when unfolding the domain, so Wei Miao and Oga were the blades, but a small mirror illusion could still be done.

If it weren't for the help of the Crystal Prince, neither of them could take this blow and evaporated on the spot. Wei Miao heard the whistling of the magic beam beside him, and the air around it was distorted by the heat.

The beam of light that poured out a lot of magic power within a second shrank and disappeared, and at this moment, the two had already approached the witch.

There was a purple halo of unknown function on her outermost edge, and inside it was a red-gold fire shield. She was chanting non-stop.

Magic was more threatening when close to the enemy, and it was difficult to dodge, but compared with the risk the witch took, this threat was easy to be ignored.

However, the witch might have deliberately let them get close, so be careful to beware of her tricks. Because she didn't know how long this field would last, and whether the magic power that could not be replenished could support it until the end of the field, so she had to fight quickly.

In the process of playing the role of the Sister of Eternal Night, Wei Miao learned to be careful in battle, or more commonly, to gain "battle experience", which was not a symbolic name, but only had the function of upgrading the character.

Many players only attack, defend, and dodge by instinct in battle, which was due to the inertia of the game. There are also soul players who will observe the opening action, but will not really think about how both the enemy and us will respond in the ever-changing battle.

Another thing that players are not used to is that the enemy does not show health bars, no attribute skill information, nothing. Players have been looking forward to a real virtual action game masterpiece for many years, but they may not expect that one day they will complain because the combat is too realistic.

Wei Miao chose to let Oga test the waters first, and she swung a tentative sword.

The dark crescent calmly passed through the purple light circle, which was offset by the elemental fire shield, but some of the power of eternal night remained on it, slowly and firmly eroding the flame.

The red-gold light dimmed visibly to the naked eye, which meant that it was weakened.

On the side, Oga stepped into the light circle with his excellent physical defense. The black smoke on the surface of his white hair made him look like a hellish devil.

The next moment, the light circle suddenly lit up, and the circular space was filled with dense thunder, and the dazzling purple light illuminated the front of Wei Miao's body nearby, and the short gray rabbit hair exposed outside stood up.

Oga's figure was almost submerged in the purple-white light, blurry, and only a scream that sounded painful was heard.

Wei Miao braked suddenly, feeling very difficult.

Since the individual pointing skills are not good, then use the range AOE. The witch's idea is very correct. Both sides have high attack and low defense, except for Oga, whose unavoidable attack is very threatening.

She dare not joke with her resistance attribute of 1.47964.

The fire shield suddenly spread outward in the shape of a smoke screen. Oga, who could not hold on, withdrew from the electric shock circle with a black smoke afterimage, and avoided the fire screen synchronously through exquisite timing control.

Wei Miao, who had a lot of experience, leaned forward slightly, turned his wrist and slashed diagonally, and used two styles of fire-breaking flow to slash the fireworks. Under the repulsion and annihilation of the eternal night, the flowing fire exploded from the top of the night judge like fireworks, and the gorgeous flame tail brushed her body and disappeared into the air.

Oga, who reappeared in front of her, looked miserable. The black smoke was offset or dispelled, and the exposed white hair was dyed black by charcoal. There were bleeding and eschars on the epidermis after burns and tissue damage in many places. In particular, the cracking of old wounds made the blood stains on the black leather armor thicker.

It was already in a damaged state, and a few days of recuperation were not enough to heal the large wound on its abdomen and multiple arrow wounds. Lightning has a strong invisible destructive power. Under the embarrassed appearance, there are other invisible injuries.

Oga shook his stiff and numb arms and coughed out a mouthful of blood neatly on the ground. His cold wolf eyes were still locked on the witch.

Just after the fire curtain passed, the thunder circle just ended the light and electricity show. The twisted air blade suddenly burst out from the center, and dense slashes whistled and came in an instant. The speed was so fast that the two could only block hastily.

The overflowing wind swept the remaining sparks floating in the air, and ignited new fireworks that merged into more powerful fire blades.

Wei Miao lowered her center of gravity and slashed with her sword. The force of the blow from her hand made her arms numb. The heat in her face forced her to squint her eyes. The sound of the wind after the move was broken was like the scream of a banshee.

It should be that the shock technique was added during the collision.

After a few sword fights, Wei Miao changed her technique and no longer simply used the slashing force to break the move.

The Fire Breaking School is a comprehensive sword school, but it is indeed unique in "Fire Breaking". How to suffocate the flame with the angle and the use of the power of the Eternal Night is a compulsory course for every Night Watcher.

First, the Eternal Night power that is half attached to the blade is condensed on the blade to dissipate the flame, and the erosion characteristics of the Eternal Night destroy its structural stability, and then the force is retained to disperse the air blade. This can effectively relieve the burden on the arm and reduce the durability loss of the Night Cutting.

Oga's response method was simple and crude. It didn't care about flesh and blood injuries. Its tall and strong body was still agile. It tried its best to avoid fatal injuries and let go of some unimportant scratches and cuts.

It looks like it's full of dangers, with multiple hits and blood spurting everywhere, but it's actually very stable. It's already in bad shape, don't care if it gets worse.

It is very clear about its positioning, that is, a tank warrior, and Wei Miao can handle tough tasks.

The life-and-death battle made both sides aware of their respective abilities, and they trusted each other more than ordinary comrades.

After releasing the air blade, the witch immediately put a familiar all-round water shield on herself.

Wei Miao chopped off the last edge, and his figure broke through the air waves, bringing up a burst of misty smoke.

The long boots hit the ground, and the figure holding the knife pressed forward. He crossed the last distance in one breath, and Ye Zai almost twisted behind his left shoulder and chopped off the opposite side!

The speed and strength of this knife were impeccable, and Oga, who was watching the battle, couldn't even catch the trajectory of the blade.

The witch subconsciously retreated, but Wei Miao was better at estimating the distance than she was. She just took a step forward, and with the extension of her arm, the tip of the perfectly curved knife cut into the water shield.

The burst of eternal night power exploded the water shield into splashing, shapeless water balls.

However, the water mass violated the normal physical trajectory and partially came towards her.

The witch made a false move with her fingers, and the frost energy suddenly swept out. The water mass instantly turned into solid ice crystals, and with the explosive force of the shattering, it hit the unavoidable Wei Miao at a very close range.

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