Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 179: The Witch's Knowledge of Teleportation Array

Prince Crystal walked straight in and explained, "At most, witches can set up protective magic in their own potion workshops to reduce losses in the event of experimental accidents. There is no need to convert their own laboratories into explosive barrels."

Wei Miao followed behind him. According to the observation of the cross-shaped double pupils, what Prince Crystal said was probably right.

Lady Rapunzel left the room and accompanied Prince Hebrew.

As soon as she entered, the pungent smell made Wei Miao frown slightly.

Pulling open the blackout blinds, you can see that the space in the brick house is about the size of a classroom, but it looks crowded because of a lot of miscellaneous items piled up on all sides. The blue lacquered wooden table in the center serves as a workbench, with unknown instruments assembled together, and colorful potion bottles standing on wooden shelves.

There are potted plants, potions, monster models, and books on two rows of three-layer shelves. The large suitcases in the corner are stacked two meters high. The paint-peeled puppet dummy is missing its legs and leans against the wall like a scarecrow. A "world map" was nailed to the wall, accompanied by a plush felt hat.

Wei Miao even saw a pot of moldy rotten rice on the table, with flies dancing around in disorder on the pot. Half of the strange smell in the house was due to it.

In addition, there was a strong herbal smell, slightly bitter.

All kinds of strange little objects filled the room, which was dazzling, not far from the small western-style building affected by the explosion.

Beside the workbench, empty bottles and waste paper were swept aside, clearing out a fairly tidy space, which attracted attention.

Wei Miao carefully found an open space to land, and said with a sneer: "Tsk, bad hygiene habits."

Crystal Prince said casually: "Oh, then you really should go and see the forging workshop of the Sky Island casters, that's a disaster... Especially the old man Cyclops."

He walked to the open space, squatted down and carefully observed the patterns on it: "There is no doubt that this is a teleportation array. It's a pity that it was destroyed and can't be used anymore."

Wei Miao moved to his side and looked down at the pattern.

This is a circular array drawn on the ground. If you get closer, you can smell the strange fragrance of light green ink. The radius is about 2 meters.

The classic double-line circle, the strange pattern inside seems to be corroded by some solution, blurred and intermittent, especially the central area is severely damaged, almost blank, and the ground is bumpy.

Prince Crystal: "This kind of damage is caused by Diszol solution, which is easy to mix and volatilize. It is favored by witches and is often used to destroy corpses. Using this potion to destroy the magic circle in your own potion workshop instead of a more peaceful wiping is obviously an emergency measure and there is no time to deal with it.

Wei Miao followed his thoughts and said: "Given that the witch was in the garden before, the damage to the magic circle should have occurred after we ambushed her."

"The danger that the witch may encounter comes from us. It is reasonable to infer that the damage to the magic circle is also to prevent us from teleporting to the other end."

"We came for Princess Rapunzel. Combined with the words of the demon sheep, Princess Rapunzel should have been sent away by the witch. Is this teleportation array the key to Princess Rapunzel?"

Oga, who was standing by, suddenly reached out and picked up a bottle of light green potion on the workbench, pulled out the cork, put it under his nose and sniffed it, and said: "The wonderful sweet bloody smell, the strange fragrance is fragrant, and it contains surging vitality, incredible, more nourishing than the flesh and blood of the demon sheep. ”

It actually tilted its head back and carefully poured a little into its mouth, smacking its lips, and exclaimed: "This is the most delicious blood I have ever tasted... It should come from Princess Rapunzel. I have smelled a faint smell near the White Tower. In the garden, the smell also extends to here, where it is the strongest. "

It indirectly supports Wei Miao's statement.

Crystal Prince affirmed: "The teleportation array may be the key to finding Princess Rapunzel, but unfortunately I am not very proficient in the witch's magic array knowledge, I am afraid there is no way to restore the magic array. "

Oga glanced and shook his head: "I don't understand it either."

Wei Miao stared at the incomplete magic array and had to admit that he had no clue. This is professional knowledge that laymen cannot understand.

"We can only hope to find the design drawings of the magic array. "Prince Crystal stood up and walked to the workbench, and began to look through the manuscripts.

The three of them were very efficient, each responsible for an area, and spent four hours searching the entire workshop, mainly on the piles of debris and books.

The blood-red evening light shone through the window glass and the door onto the bright red walls of the house. The three of them sat around the magic circle, with valuable materials and books piled in the center.

A small can of unused light green ink, a few thick yellowed notebooks, a book "Introduction to Magic Circle Studies", and dozens of manuscripts with scribbled handwriting. As for the complete magic circle design drawings, nothing was found.

Wei Miao contributed most of the manuscripts, Or rather, it was a messy draft, with patterns that looked like magic array designs in the corners.

She was checking what others had learned.

Oga and the Crystal Prince each took a piece of paper and read it. For a moment, the learning atmosphere was particularly strong, quiet and serious.

Failure to find a complete design meant that they had to try to piece it together on their own.

Wei Miao flipped through one of the notebooks, which seemed to be a witch's early research and knowledge notes, with occasional dates marked. Most of the content was a record of potion experiments and a summary of magic practice experience, in a diary-like format.

Some basic knowledge concepts in it gave Wei Miao a glimpse of the path of witch learning.

"I learned from a fragment that there is a special potion that can help witches break through the shackles of blood, but there is no formula, only a name 'bloodline'. Can I come up with a formula just by having a name? It's better not to record it."

"The dosage, medicinal materials, techniques, and heat of the potion are ultimately to achieve a balance of medicinal properties. A full reaction is the prerequisite for a perfect potion."

Only a few parts mentioned the study of magic arrays, and the unexpected "Rapunzel Research", which specifically refers to Princess Rapunzel.

"That family was so bold and lucky that they sneaked into the garden while I was away and stole the royal plant that I carefully raised without being discovered by the lambs. Oh, I must kill them!"

"She can't digest the royal plant, and she is pregnant again. The essence of the royal plant is actually concentrated in the fetus, which is simply a miracle of life! It is impossible to predict what will be born in the end. Let's spare their lives."

"A lovely girl, fragrant, full of treasures, can continuously provide high-quality life essence, with a short harvest cycle, much better than growing medicine myself, but it takes time for her to grow up, and excessive demands will harm her potential."

"Lettuce blood performs well in both vitality and magic conductivity. It is a holy medicine for healing, but the medicinal properties are strong and need to be diluted. The future is promising!"

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