Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 186 Tree Spirit Giant

The mutated Rapunzel Princess transformed into a giant tree spirit, eventually reaching more than 20 meters in height, with a sturdy body and a strong sense of oppression. The huge strength advantage brought by her size alone is destined to be unable to fight head-on.

The flying branches are accompanied by magic, which comes from the rough white stems and the deformed leaves on the top.

Some of them smashed down, and some of them were like sharp spears. The scale was so huge that it blocked the sunlight and cast a dangerous shadow.

Although Evelyn's target was conspicuous, she got rid of the 1v3 numerical disadvantage and turned to "besiege" them.

Facing such a battle, the Crystal Prince had a calm temperament. He put his ten fingers together, white light emerged, and the thick crystal wall completely covered the three people in a spherical shape.

Heberer was thrown far away, and there was another layer of crystal shield to protect him.

The vines wrapped around the shield layer by layer, rubbing and squeezing, but could not break through the Crystal Prince's defense. The subsequent branches continued to increase the stakes until they completely blocked their vision.

In terms of assistance, the Crystal Prince is very reliable.

He whispered: "Get ready!"

As soon as the words fell, the Crystal Prince crossed his fingers and the crystal shield exploded!

The Crystal Prince used amazing and exquisite control to make the impact force completely outward. The crystal that was broken into billions of pieces in an instant burst out with extremely terrifying cutting power, easily cutting the heavily surrounded branches into countless small pieces, and spreading a layer of broken branches on the wasteland.

The air wave roared, and then Wei Miao and Oga rushed out.

Wei Miao charged and slashed a black blade towards the tree canopy, but it was completely worn out by the layers of branches.

The tree net came back, and with the sharpness of the Night Cutter, it didn't take much power of the Eternal Night to cut off a piece.

Oga jumped up and down flexibly, with sharp wolf claws, avoiding branches from the gaps, or cutting them directly, and paying attention to coming and going like the wind, because with his fighting style, once entangled, it would be difficult to get out.

The Crystal Prince stayed where he was, huddled in the protection of the crystal cover, exploding from time to time to expand his vision.

The two advanced in their own way and arrived at the root of the lettuce one after another.

The wolf man tried to hit the lettuce stem with a black smoke claw.

The wolf claw composed of smoke easily pierced into the lettuce, and the milky white sticky juice flowed out from the gap.

But compared with the size of the lettuce, this wound was similar to being bitten by a mosquito, and the injury was minimized.

At this time, Wei Miao arrived and chopped it directly.

Ye Cai slashed a semicircular cross section smoothly, but when Ye Cai pulled it out, Wei Miao's eyes fell on the blade, and her heart jumped slightly.

The black blade was dim, and the milky white juice stained on it could not flow down the blade, but adhered to it.

With a thought, she opened the Ye Cai panel and found that the durability had dropped from 50 to 49.

"It's corrosive." She briefly reminded Oga, and immediately output the power of eternal night to cling to the blade, gradually corroding the milky white juice.

"You are all going to die!"

The layers of echoes disturbed people's minds, and a circle of green light suddenly spread out from the lettuce body, passing over several people.

Wei Miao instantly noticed that there were some foreign objects in various parts of her body.

The cross-shaped double pupils have comprehensive monitoring and perception of the body. With the endless flow of the power of eternal night, she quickly figured out what corroded her.

These are seeds condensed by magic power.

They start from the epidermis, take root between muscle tissues, gradually invade inward, affect the internal organs, use life as a breeding ground, absorb nutrients and grow stronger.

If it is not handled in time, her body will eventually be full of roots, until the tree buds push open the dry skin and grow recklessly.

However, the power of eternal night and the cross-shaped double pupils are both good at erosion, and they are also particularly good at anti-erosion.

One is responsible for sensing and positioning, and the other is responsible for extermination and cleaning, and soon all the seeds all over the body are pulled out.

Evelyn's magic power and vitality are entangled, showing strong corrosiveness and toxicity. For the cross pupil, these deformed vitality are like rotten steaks thrown into the trash can, which are discarded like rags and difficult to eat, leaving the power of the eternal night to clear away.

It is worth mentioning that compared with the witch's magic power, Evelyn is an out-and-out formal witch, and her energy level is the best proof. But her weakness is the same as that of the witch, and she lacks practical experience.

Wei Miao's actions only paused slightly and then returned to normal. Oga, who was standing next to him, opened his abyss mouth and swallowed himself in an instant, leaving the battlefield.

In fact, it is still in the same place, but not in this space. Oga's abyss mouth is like an independent different dimension, and the devouring power it possesses should help it get rid of this difficult negative state.

Wei Miao had sensed this devouring power at the beginning, but was killed by her in an instant, so he could not get more information.

Evelyn is high up in the leaf crown. If you want to threaten her, you have to find a way to knock her down.

Wei Miao clenched the Night Cutter: "Broken Fire Flow·Changhong!"

This knife cut the stem with a real knife, not with the help of the blade light.

A black arc of light extended from the blade, cutting the stem in two smoothly like cutting tofu!

Countless branches rushed towards her frantically, or twisted into a "fist" from the sky, trying to overwhelm her with force.

Wei Miao turned around to deal with the threat behind her, and the knife light wove an airtight grid, cutting off the attacking branches in an orderly manner. They still twisted like snakes after falling to the ground.

The falling fist was like a rocket in Wei Miao's eyes. Her eyelids twitched and she decisively left the place.

Although the Night Cutter is sharp, it is hard to say whether she can catch so many branches piled together and collide with each other.

The giant fist smashed a shallow pit full of cracks at the place where she was standing, dust flew, and the ground shook.

The broken branches on the ground bounced up 20 centimeters and were blown away a short distance by the air wave.

At this time, beside it, the space suddenly cracked a deep hole, and Oga stepped out suddenly, instantly identifying the current situation.

In a green jungle, the werewolf pretended to punch the stem in front of him.

Black smoke lingered on his wrist, raising a small cyclone, and the shadow formed suddenly expanded to a width of four or five meters with the air flow, looking like a misty cloud.

But this light smoke finally threw a very heavy and shocking punch!

It was seen that it hit the stem hard because of Oga's action. The black smoke suddenly compressed and expanded in an instant, exploding like a mushroom cloud. The huge force generated actually shook the lettuce body, and a dull sound was clearly audible.

The thick stem of the lettuce could not help but fall towards Oga, revealing the smooth cross-section of the connection.

Oga scored a goal with one blow, and retreated quickly. The place where he was standing was submerged by the frenzied branches.

They pierced into the ground, trying to support the mother body, but only slowed down the speed of falling.

Suddenly, Wei Miao sensed a strong life fluctuation in the stem.

"No way..."

Mr. Gray Rabbit ran away again.

I worked hard from the afternoon to midnight every day, and finally finished all the work today. I will adjust it and try to resume normal updates the day after tomorrow.

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