Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 196 Bartender

Wei Miao: "In comparison, wouldn't it be better to give birth to new blood descendants?"

Oga: "At the same time, a witch can only have one blood descendant. The reproduction of a witch is different from other races. It condenses part of the blood into the seeds of life. This part of the blood is a permanent loss to the witch before it is recovered. .Witches cannot bear a second loss of blood, and the pregnancy will wear them down.”

Wei Miao: "In other words, she is not out of danger yet?"

Ojian interjected: "The night of the transaction was a scarlet moon night. She should have wanted to use the power of werewolves to escape from her elders, but your arrival proved that she failed."

It didn't know what it thought of, and smiled sarcastically: "It seems that even a weird little girl like her can't let fate do what she wants."

Wei Miao recalled the dungeon CG. Without the intervention of Hunter Ambrose, Little Red Riding Hood might have succeeded.

But Crystal Prince Coristol, who was traveling with her, helped her get a ten-day freeze period, and then Mr. Gray Rabbit had the opportunity to appear.

Fate has arranged everything.

Wei Miao has fully understood the mission situation. Saving Little Red Riding Hood does not mean helping her bring back the wolf's heart. On the contrary, it is her own wish to become a werewolf. What Mr. Gray Rabbit should do is to rush back to the Bard's Tavern immediately and find a way to take away Little Red Riding Hood.

Or more directly, if you solve the problem, there will be no problem.

Wei Miao nodded to them and said, "Thank you both for your explanation. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Ao Jian smiled and shook his dirty wolf claws: "Go slowly and don't see me off."

Wei Miao glanced at the two brothers one last time, turned around and left neatly.

After her back completely merged into the darkness, Ojian said to Oga who was standing aside: "This bounty hunter has found the wrong person, has he found you in the secret realm?"

Oga sneered and said: "That's right, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see you anymore. Its strength is equal to mine."

Ao Jian: "What if I did predict it? Bloodline tracking is affected by distance and bloodline strength. It is not a stable tracking method, and misjudgment is possible. If it is divination, let's talk about it differently. But I don't believe in an apprentice. There is someone at the top who has the resources to pursue strange spiritual witches.”

Oga stared at it: "Your thoughts are already obvious, no need to say more. In addition, you have learned the extraordinary theory very well."

Ao Jian smiled contemptuously: "In the werewolf race, no matter how rich the knowledge is, it can only be converted into the power of trickery to a limited extent, which is not as good as the extraordinary talent."

Oga was just silent.

Ao Jian snorted and changed the subject: "This rabbit is a strange character who appeared from somewhere. He is scary. There should be no extraordinary rabbit race in the Secret Forest, right?"

Oga: "I don't know...maybe it has something to do with the dream realm?"

Wei Miao left directly, and she had no way of knowing the communication between the werewolf brothers. She doesn't have much time left.

If she didn't rush back within the deadline, she was afraid that something would happen and the mission would fail. After all, she didn't understand the configuration process of the blood inheritance potion.

If the witch Elsa takes Little Red Riding Hood somewhere in the gathering place and does it directly, it will be difficult for her to act.

Endangering a witch in a witch gathering place is not a reliable act no matter how you think about it.

So the safest way is to go to the pub to guarantee that the person is still there.

Wei Miao traveled day and night according to the map, and finally walked on the forest road on the first day again in the early morning of the last day, overlooking the exquisite outline of Bader's Tavern not far away.

The morning humidity is thick and the light and shadow are hazy. Wei Miao had just woken up and took a walk in her pocket feeling refreshed. These days of rest allowed her to completely get rid of the negative poison remaining in Princess Lettuce, and her strength returned to almost intact.

She could finally slow down and her destination was right in front of her.

It was still early and there were not many people on the road. Wei Miao's unique clothing style is more eye-catching, attracting frequent glances from everyone who passes by her.

Whether it's trendy or weird in their eyes is up for debate.

Bard's Tavern stood at the intersection. The brown wooden door of the tavern was still ajar, and the dim situation inside could not be seen clearly from the outside.

Rabbit Paw opened the door slightly, and Wei Miao, who was covered in moisture, walked into the tavern.

At a glance, she saw that the tavern was only half full.

Some drunkards who stayed up all night, their consciousness numbed by alcohol, were drunk at the table, holding wine bottles and mumbling something; some guests who had had a few drinks were laughing and talking about recent interesting things; some people were sitting quietly in their seats, reading newspapers or Books, and occasionally sipping wine when I think of it.

Her arrival made no waves. People care less about strangers than they think.

Most importantly, she saw Corey Stoll and Ambrose sitting at the round wooden table in the corner, playing cards. And a "bartender" who was walking towards her stopped and looked at her in surprise.

"We meet again, Lord Hibberer." Wei Miao took the initiative to step forward and greeted with a smile.

Today, Prince Hebler is wearing the same white shirt and black vest as the cat-man Bard. He is holding a white porcelain plate steadily in his hand. The flute-shaped wine glass in the plate is bright in color, transitioning from deep red to yellowish brown. The pattern is like a tornado.

His posture was upright, and he seemed to be in high spirits compared to how depressed he had been a few days ago.

Sibberle smiled lightly and said: "Mr. Gray Rabbit, it's nice to see you again."

Judging from Wei Miao's smile, it was full of surprises of meeting an acquaintance: "It seems that you have completely come out of the shadows."

Shibler: "Thanks to Mr. Bud's guidance, I understand a lot."

"Do you plan to stay in the tavern in the future?"

"This is a transit station in my life. If I fail to find a new direction, I will stay here forever."

"I wish you to find a new destination soon."

"Thank you." Heberer nodded, "Do you need a drink?"

"No need. I'll find some acquaintances."

Heberer understood, brushed past Wei Miao, and continued his bartender work.

Wei Miao's smile did not disappear, she walked towards the round table in the corner.

Behind her, Prince Heberer's humble words came faintly: "Sorry, I kept you waiting..."

Beside the round table, there was not only the hunter and the crystal prince, but also a familiar figure.

The wrinkle-free black vest and white shirt, with snow-like white hair, have an elegant and easy-going temperament.

He is the bartender and owner of the tavern, Bud.

The golden three-pronged candlestick on the round table is inserted with white wax, and the faint blue light illuminates the dim corner.

When I got closer, I saw that the three of them were playing cards together.

Wei Miao spoke first: "Good morning, the three gentlemen."

"Mr. Gray Rabbit, good morning." Kristol, who was facing her, responded first, "It seems that the commission has been completed?"

Wei Miao spread her hands regretfully: "Unfortunately, it has not."

"Oh?" Kristol seemed a little surprised, then smiled and said, "Do you mind sitting down and talking to us?"

Wei Miao: "It's my honor." (End of this chapter)

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