Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 256 Candy Machine

There is a so-called owner in the house, but the soul hunter will not trigger his appearance.

After taking a good look, Wei Miao left the house and closed the door again.

She scanned the silent town, randomly chose a direction, and walked along the road, her footsteps silent.

Her goal was very clear. She would go to the end of the street, approach the edge of the town, explore the area of ​​the map, and then gradually search inward.

That is to explore the map.

Terrain is an important factor affecting decision-making.

Maybe I can run into my dear traveler...

Wei Miao trotted and found that the style and distribution of the houses were a bit strange.

Some houses look exactly the same, with a standard square building, dull red tiles, only one floor, and no door installed, but there is a waist-high square window in the front and back, which anyone with normal athletic ability can easily climb over.

Some houses have the same appearance as the above, but are completely enclosed, and even the door cannot be found.

They are randomly mixed in normal houses.

After actually observing several such houses, Wei Miao is willing to call them "template houses." One is an open template room, and the other is a closed template room.

One of the meanings of the former is to provide a gaming place for travelers, and the latter... probably to confuse the vision, to fill in the numbers?

Wei Miao reflected the appearance of the town in his mind, and the edge of the pointed and slightly hooked bird's beak was shining with a cold black light.

In terms of the layout of the West Town Hall and the East Church, at the same time, the northwest corner of the town.

Guan Shanyue was alone, wanting to cry but not crying.

After witnessing the hideous crow shadow, she was teleported to the Requiem Realm before she got rid of her instinctive fear.

She only remembered that a huge sickle with a sense of oppression slashed in the air, and after her eyes went black, she appeared here inexplicably.

[Tip: Traveler, welcome to the hunting time! All players have arrived at the Requiem Realm! You cannot leave this place before the time ends (6:00). ]

[Try your best to escape from death! ]

The bright red system prompt made her feel like a thorn in her back.

There is a hunter who will come to claim her life at any time, and this feeling is extremely bad.

Guan Shanyue was standing under an old kerosene street lamp. The street was deserted and her teammates were nowhere to be seen. The world was a gray and dark color, and the wind died here.

It is easy to panic in an uninhabited place, because any monster may pop out at the next moment, but it is unlikely to be a human.

Guan Shanyue took a deep breath and calmed down.

She was a person who had experienced five dungeon tests after all, and her psychological quality was still good.

Her contact with her teammates was not completely cut off. There were four round avatars on the system terminal, which were frontal photos of the travelers.

Their status was marked next to them. Currently, all four of them had 0 layers of damage.

The Requiem Realm was built based on the town as a template, which did not surprise her. Because the daytime activity location was chosen in Sabo Town, and there were a series of elements such as All Saints' Day and special residents, the Requiem Realm at night must be related to the town.

"It looks like a town from many years ago."

Guan Shanyue observed the buildings on the street. The walls were old and the doors of the simple shops were closed. It was far from being as gorgeous and bright as the Sabo Town during the day, with bright and exquisite glass windows displaying trendy dresses or a variety of daily goods.

This is an outdated commercial street. The rebuilt town streetscape has been completely changed and can no longer be recognized.

Guan Shanyue could not find a sense of familiarity, could not confirm her position, and could not tell the east, west, south and north.

The game has no flat map to refer to, and no direction indicator, which is not friendly to people with poor directions.

Players need to choose a direction as the true north, and then build their own landforms of the Requiem in their minds.

Guan Shanyue decided to move forward along the current street because she vaguely saw a dark wall at the end.

Since the policy is to hide, wandering around the border can reduce the perception area.

She trotted forward and found that she did not make any sound even though she did not deliberately control her steps.

It was just like a sponge absorbing water, and the sound was swallowed up by the unknown.

This is certainly not easy for the hiding party to reveal their position, but the pursuers can also be unexpected and elusive.

At the same time, she also noticed the uniqueness of the house group, spent some time entering the house to check, and got a similar view as Wei Miao.

She deliberately wrote down the location of the open template house.

At the end of the street, Guan Shanyue finally saw the dark city wall.

The conical top of the wall column is carved with decorative geometric patterns, the triangular battlements are uniquely beautiful, the integrated city wall is magnificent and continuous, no traces of bricks and tiles can be seen, and the surface is smooth and cold.

The height of this city wall is more than ten meters, and Guan Shanyue has no intention of climbing over the wall.

She just looked at it curiously, and then paid attention to something more important.

A candy machine.

It is located at the foot of the city wall not far to the left. It is the size of a general vending machine, and the colorful striped shell is full of childishness.

There is a metal round hole in the lower right corner of the front, which is the "coin" insertion point. Above the round hole is a small electronic display screen, and the green number indicates the number of coins inserted, which is 0 at this moment.

There are two rows of columns in the glass cabinet, with a total of five grids, three on the top and two on the bottom, all of which adopt a non-physical display method - using mini 3D projections.

They are suspended in the grids, slowly rotating, showing the basic appearance of the items.

There is an oval blue button below the grid, marking the price of the props.

The neon light that changes color casts down from the top of the glass cabinet, rendering the goods colorful and attractive, and it is also the only clear light source currently seen in the town.

The whole machine is full of trendy sci-fi feeling, which is out of tune with the ancient silence of this place, like an old car equipped with a nitrogen injector.

[Tip: Welcome to use the Shiqu brand candy machine! After you select an item through the button, please put the All Saints' Day candy into the coin slot, and the transaction is equal, and the money and goods are cleared. ]

[The inventory of props between candy machines is interoperable. Once the props are selected and the delivery procedure is entered, it cannot be regretted. ]

[Physical props will be placed in a temporary storage space, and non-physical props will be registered in the terminal in the form of skills. ]

After Guan Shanyue understood the trading rules given by the system, he looked at the following five props.

[1. Church Pass: The door of the church is open to you and provides shelter. Soul Hunters cannot enter the church. Ten minutes later, you will be randomly teleported to a certain place on the map. (Price: 30) (Stock: 1/1)]

[2. Protective Shield: Defends you against one attack from the Soul Hunter. (Price: 20) (Stock: 1/1)]

[3. Pumpkin Head: After putting on the Pumpkin Head, the Soul Hunter cannot get your approximate location when sensing you, but it will seriously block your vision. (Price: 8) (Stock: 3/3)]

[4. Spicy Candy: Lets you get rid of fatigue within five minutes. After the effect ends, you will fall into a state of severe fatigue for ten minutes, and your agility will be reduced to 0.6. (Price: 10) (Stock: 8/8)]

[5. Ghost Face: Freely change your appearance within 30 minutes. Refer to the initial creation of this copy for the method. (Price: 10) (Stock: 3/3)](End of this chapter)

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