Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 26 Taking turns

"Thought stamp" is not a good thing.

According to Wei Miao's understanding, it is similar to a kind of forced mental hypnosis.

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Tina said calmly: "The more you want to betray, the deeper its imprint will be. Its only function is to ensure your loyalty. Once you do something that is not conducive to the Exorcist Society, even if you just have such an idea, you will feel a splitting headache."

Wei Miao's smile faded: "...Can I refuse?"

No matter what, no one wants to plant a bomb in their head.

Tina raised her eyebrows: "I'm sorry, no. The result of refusal is elimination. I don't feel at ease to put a person like you in the Exorcist Society."

The intention is nakedly displayed. Wei Miao fell into contemplation and finally said: "I agree."

It seems that she has only this way to go. Besides, it is Lorraine who is undercover, what does it have to do with her Wei Miao?

"You're smart. I'm very considerate, right? I asked for your consent." Tina nodded with satisfaction, took out a cigarette from her pocket, lit it, and took a deep breath.

She exhaled a round white smoke ring.

This smoke ring floated towards her in violation of the laws of physics, maintaining its shape, and the next second it was stuck on her face.

Wei Miao hated cigarettes, and also hated smokers. She closed her eyes expressionlessly, thinking in her heart when Lorraine would become a big boss and get rid of this president.

Lorraine must not be able to bear the shame of being forcibly stamped with a thought stamp, right?

The smoke ring dissipated, and an idea suddenly appeared in Wei Miao's mind.

It came out of nowhere and went against her original intention.

"I must not betray the Exorcist Society."

Wei Miao lowered her eyes, hiding the cold light in her eyes, and controlled her thoughts.

Tina said that this thought stamp only had the function of forcing loyalty. Who knows, can it read minds?

"Okay, you can get ready and leave the hotel by yourself."

Tina handed her a mini map with a general appearance of the city, with a red cross in the upper left corner.

"You find a way to get to this place. This is the slums of Kanshe City. The members of the Eye Spirit Cult sometimes operate here. As long as you keep the strange eyes, they will find you sooner or later."

Wei Miao glanced at it casually and put it away: "How can I contact you?"

"If you get valuable information, come to this hotel near a fried chicken shop called "Special Delicious", write a note, and give it to the manager when you pay."

"If you leave Kanshe City, we'll talk about it then."

"Now, you can go."

She said she could go, but the next moment Tina turned into smoke and was blown away by the wind, walking faster than her.

Wei Miao looked at the empty balcony and curled her lips.

Faced with the messy and bloody scene, she had no intention of cleaning up the mess. She took the elevator down to the third floor with a fruit knife in her hand.

After knocking out six people, she dragged them to the elevator, transported them to the seventh floor, and then moved them to 713. It took nearly half an hour, and most of the time was spent on body searches.

If she capsized in the gutter, she could quit. Fortunately, everything was settled.

She returned to 306 and planned to change her clothes. The bloody smell was too strong. Unfortunately, she couldn't take a shower for some reason that everyone knows.

I have to say that Lorraine has a great figure.

Wei Miao came to the shower room to wash her face.

She raised her head, and water drops slid down the curve of her face. Her eyelashes were stuck with water stains, and the water was hazy when she opened her eyes.

After touching her face, Wei Miao looked at the mirror.

She was stunned.

"Mr. Pizza?!"

What appeared on the smooth mirror was not her figure, but another person who was strangely replaced.

It was the upper body of Pizza.

He nodded slightly to Wei Miao and said, "It's nice to see you again, and you lived up to expectations and made it to the end."

The voice came from the mirror, which made people wonder if there was another world in the mirror.

For this administrator, the final successful clearance was inseparable from his assistance, so Wei Miao had a good attitude: "All thanks to Mr. Pizza's help!"

"Because you have the possibility of success." Pizza said, "In fact, I know almost everything about the hotel."

"Ten years ago, three peripheral believers of the Eye Spirit Cult tried to summon Black Eye. The ritual conditions of Black Eye are harsh. It requires finding an eyeball of a person who was born blind and preserved for more than ten years, and a carrier with a strong will born on the day of the lunar eclipse. They were lucky and found both."

"But the carrier's will needs to be tempered, so they designed a series of man-made disasters to force the spirit of the carrier to To the point of half madness but not collapse. Using the information of his wife's death as bait, he was invited to this hotel. "

"You also know what happened later. Because of his strong will, Hei Tong suppressed the activity of Weird Eye, which almost caused the ritual to fail. The mutation was incomplete, but he got rid of the control of the three-eyed evil magic."

"After Hei Tong lost control, he started a massacre in the hotel. When the Exorcist arrived, they did not directly destroy it. One reason was that Weird Eye was not yet mature, and the power was half useless when it was directly obtained by the six-eyed evil magic. The other reason was that they wanted to use this Hei Tong to fish. So they set up the "time and space state binding spirit" and exiled it to the fictitious copy of the seventh floor space. The mummies in the 12 rooms you saw were ritual sacrifices. "

"The reason why it walks through the twelve rooms every day is that the twelve mummy anchors tied it up with the help of a ritual based on cause and effect. Under the effect of the ritual, it instinctively wants to approach them."

"Later, I didn't catch any fish, but I came up with the idea of ​​using it as a touchstone. But you death row prisoners are actually here to die. No one can survive, except you."

"Tina just said it nicely, but before you, no death row prisoner had ever survived. She is a very principled person. Although she follows the value code, she is very strict with death row prisoners. She has set a very high threshold of value. In her eyes, you are nothing but garbage of society. "

"Using the supernatural must have a price, and the ritual is no exception. The space-time bound spirit needs the soul to nourish it. The death row prisoners are the donors. As for the corpses, they are used as waste and used to feed the black pupils to promote the maturity of the strange eyes. "

"The supply of living bodies for more than ten years has made the strange eyes mature, just waiting for a crazy enough person to come and pick them. You have become the final winner. "

The secrets of the hotel were told from his mouth, restoring a picture full of cold calculations and sacrifices.

People in the supernatural world, even the Exorcist Society, which stands on the position of justice, also quantify the value of life and act in the interests of the "majority".

People are consumables.

Wei Miao responded: "Mr. Pizza is really omniscient and knowledgeable."

She had a bad feeling.

As the president of the Exorcist Society, Tina had just come to her on behalf of the Exorcist Society to make arrangements for her.

So what did Pizza come for, just to tell her the truth about the trial?

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