Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 261 Everyone Aware

The wanderer is carefully unlocking the door.

The wire in his hand jumped lightly in the keyhole a few times, and with a gentle push, the door opened inward.

After the test, there is no door that cannot be pried open in a closed house.

To his surprise, the house was not as fully furnished as he imagined, but was empty enough for mice to run.

The closed second floor seemed to hide the so-called owner of the house.

Before the door was pried open, the windows were closed. After the door was pried open, the wooden window opened automatically inward and could be climbed over.

The wanderer's job is to open the map in this area as much as possible.

He plans to stay here and not leave.

In his opinion, prying doors sporadically will not have much effect and is difficult to use.

And concentrating in an area can expand the resources of the house area several times. Its value lies in providing additional doors and windows for climbing over.

The wanderer did not close the door after unlocking it, which is convenient for entry and exit.

Moreover, when the door is closed, it is impossible to tell from the outside whether the house is closed, and even he, the initiator, will be confused.

His unlocking speed was just as described in the skill, 30 seconds was just right. He didn't know the principle of unlocking, he just knew to insert the wire according to his feeling, twist it casually, and the door lock would be unlocked under the action of mysterious power.

After working like a stream, before receiving the prompt of [Detect Evil], he had unlocked a small area of ​​houses, including the template houses that already existed, a total of more than a dozen buildings.

When the light column marking the soul hunter shot up into the sky, he just looked up at the distance, and his hands did not stop moving.

After a day, the wanderer was a little numb. He persisted in the masquerade with the freshness of being defeated by life, and the open-mindedness of playing badly never faded.

He didn't care much about winning or losing this entertainment game, and now he just wanted to do what he should do peacefully.

About twenty minutes after the game started, Wei Miao found another candy machine under the city wall in the southwest corner.

"Is there no traveler nearby... The inventory has not changed."

Wei Miao examined the goods and read the instructions of the sweet candy.

Pain is a common experience, it is not friendly at all. High-level players will try to overcome their reflexes to pain, which sometimes leads to operational distortion and fatal mistakes.

Therefore, the value of ignoring pain is not just to avoid suffering.

But she has limited All Saints' Day candies on hand, and there are as many as eight in stock. Without knowing the remaining goods of the candy machine, she does not intend to purchase.

In addition, from the location of the first two candy machines, it can be inferred that the third candy machine is likely to be located in the southeast corner of the town, and the three are distributed in a triangle.

"Almost done, see if there are any lucky people nearby."

Wei Miao turned and looked at the quiet city behind him, and finally used all perception.

"All Perception" is a skill with fixed cooling, and it comes with one shot at the beginning. In six hours, it can be activated 13 times in the most extreme case, but the first and last two are actually invalid.

The reasonable situation is to use it 12 times. Activate once within the first half an hour of entering the game, and as early as possible, and use it as soon as possible after the cooling is completed to reduce the ready time, so that the last activation has more time to find the traveler and avoid it from being invalid.

[Detect Evil] is the same reason.

But it is also very important to be able to detect the opponent's movements at the right time.

Therefore, Wei Miao kept "All Perception" until now. Another reason is that she hopes to end the hunting game as soon as possible, so the role of the last "All Perception" will not be important.

The candy machine has been found, and it's time to find someone. The way to the third candy machine is across half of the town, so you can stop by.

"All Perception" can form a confrontation with [Detect Evil]. The problem is that the soul hunter cannot know what special skills the traveler has obtained, or even know that they can know the status of others through the avatar on the panel.

However, asymmetric confrontation games are not uncommon, and they are also popular in virtual games. The basic structure of the system and gameplay can be predicted. Usually, players are randomly born somewhere on the map, unable to communicate or sense each other, but there is a simple window to know the status of teammates and make decisions.

Wei Miao cannot confirm whether the opponent has [Detect Evil].

The use of [Detect Evil] will not be detected by the soul hunter, which is a default item not written in the skill description. If it can be detected, the soul hunter can use this to mislead the direction of movement, which will destroy half of its functionality.

Wei Miao assumes that the traveler has obtained [Detect Evil], either to confirm her position from the beginning, or to deal with emergencies.

For example, if she is sensed but her position cannot be confirmed, she can be used for self-rescue.

The person who possesses the skill will definitely use it for emergency avoidance. If the person is gone, it is useless to keep the skill.

It can be seen that at least Guan Shanyue does not have [Detect Evil] in his hand, otherwise he would not fall into the trap.

If others have it, from the current point of view, it is likely that they have used it. As for when they used it, it is not very important.

When "All Perception" was turned on, four scarlet beams of light shot up into the sky, overflowing with feather-like brilliance.

Wei Miao sensed four travelers scattered all over the place.

"Three are in the southeast city, and another is nearby."

With the four intersecting main roads as the boundary, Wei Miao divided the Sabo town into four districts in his mind: northwest, southwest, northeast, and southeast, with the main road at the beginning as the north.

She is now in the southwest corner.

As she walked along, she had a general understanding of the town's layout. The town was bounded by a perfect circular wall with a radius of about 800 meters, and each city area occupied a large area.

Since there was a range reference, plus the distance and direction information obtained by sensing, Wei Miao could accurately locate their location even without the light column.

The skill showed that a traveler was only more than 200 meters away from her and was not moving.

The remaining three, by some unknown coincidence, gathered in a city area, but were scattered from each other and might not have met yet. Judging from their respective directions of travel, it was only a matter of time before they met.

Two were moving, and one was not moving.

When the skill duration ended, Wei Miao had already swept dozens of meters towards the nearest prey.

At the same time, Zixu was squatting in the corner of a template house and wandering in the void.

His position was quite good. The streets in this housing area were crisscrossed. To deal with such a housing area, sometimes you can simply stand at the entrance of each street and look inside to see multiple streets.

But this housing area has an outer row of separated buildings, which conceals many internal alleys.

Zixu chose a template house in a row of rooms inside as his hiding place. The template house had windows on the front and back. He hid in a corner, with his back pressed against one of the windows and facing the other window.

This allowed him to only be alert to the opposite window, as the Soul Hunter could only find him from there. The [Secret Blind Spot] he carried was very suitable for hide-and-seek.

The Soul Hunter would definitely not find him without the need for everyone to notice him.

The action of squatting was not strictly judged, and sitting down was also considered squatting. Zixu did not have to worry about being unable to escape because of numbness in his feet if he was discovered. The window facing his back was exactly the escape route he had expected.

He hugged his knees with his hands and waited quietly for time to pass. In another ten minutes, he should move the battlefield to prevent the Soul Hunter from suddenly noticing him.

However, the next moment, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

The perception was triggered, and the Soul Hunter was nearby!

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