Infinite Script Killing

Chapter 1052 The Western Holy See

Gu Xibai moved his hands and feet, and when he saw that these players did not dare to step forward, he couldn't help bursting into laughter: "Is there no one in the West? I have been standing here for so long, and you don't dare to take action?"

As soon as these words came out, all the Western players turned pale, but they were also heartbroken. The last time the Spear Gods fought against the Western Alliance, two god-level masters were killed and one was seriously injured.

As for the other participating masters, the casualties were even more heavy, and the entire Western camp fell into a dead silence.

Then a great internal strife broke out in the Temple, so that the Temple, which was originally the most glorious super team in the West, was divided into five and fell directly into a second-rate team.

According to statistics afterwards, at least two-thirds of the certified players among Western players were killed in the last battle.

Among them are many elite players who have been banned.

It is conceivable how weak the strength of the Western camp is now, and in the final analysis, these Western players in front of Gu Xibai are just a group of hastily assembled stragglers. Their strength cannot be said to be bad, but it is really hard to say how strong they are.

Of course, we cannot say that they are pitiful. If the Gunslingers are defeated, the Western team will inevitably invade on a large scale, and the situation on the Chinese side may not be much better.

But in the face of Gu Xibai's provocation, who could bear this tone.

"Let's all come together, I don't believe you can't kill him!"

Finally, some players still shouted slogans. After all, the opponent was invading, and if they didn't fight back, they would be dead ends.

They had received the news a long time ago and knew that this time the other party came here to kill them all. In this case, they could only fight with their lives to find a way out.

When the first Western player raised his hand to summon a huge fire storm, more than ten players in front of him all started to release layers of barriers, trapping Gu Xibai in them.

This was done not only to prevent Gu Xibai from escaping, but also to allow the power of all skills to gather in a limited space to produce stronger lethality.

As soon as everyone took action, they activated the most lethal ace method.

For a moment, spells, bombs, and even various props hit Gu Xibai like a rainstorm, and the terrifying explosion lit up the entire sky red.

But Xu Tong and others, who were sitting on the cloud, looked disappointed.

"There shouldn't be a main force of Western players here, so why are they at this level?"

Gao Zhuo had already yawned and asked Master aside.

Although Master's combat ability is not good, he has also been in several large teams in the West and is somewhat familiar with several large teams in the West.

After hearing Gao Zhuo's inquiry, Master shook his head: "I'm afraid these players don't even have the third-tier level. Besides..."

When he said this, Master paused and said: "The strength of the Western camp actually does not lie in the players, but in the Holy See."

"That's not bad!"

Xu Tong stood aside and when he heard Master's words, he suddenly realized that the true heritage of Western players does not lie in those super teams, but in the Holy See.

In this regard, the Western camp and the Chinese camp are completely different.

It's just that Gao Zhuo and others don't understand this, and they don't understand what it has to do with the Holy See.

Xu Tong patiently explained to them.

"We have gone through hundreds of schools of thought here, and finally the kingly education implemented by foreign Confucianism and internal law, whether it is Buddhism, Taoism or those small and small religions, are all detained outside the court, so they ultimately failed to achieve success in China On the land, a greater authority has been formed.”

Although Confucianism has many shortcomings in educating the world, it must be said that it is precisely because of the thoughts of Confucian saints and the Confucian students of all generations who firmly control the court that they can avoid the situation of gods ruling the country and ghosts and gods.

"On the contrary, Western political powers have been subject to divine power for a long time. Even in the real world, the power of the Holy See was once so powerful that it could appoint and remove kings. Of course, in reality, the Holy See eventually collapsed, but in the world of gods In the script world under its control, the Holy See has become the largest and strongest sect that has not been passed down for a very long time, and its power runs throughout Western history."

Xu Tong was not deeply impressed by the strength of Western players, but he met Dell from the Western Holy See at the end of the "New Territories" script.

The opponent's strength is definitely not inferior to Yan Xiaoqi's.

You can even take out a bag of divine gold diamonds as a greeting gift. You can imagine how deeply the Holy See has taken root in the world of the script.

Not to mention, there are gods from the two camps of heaven and hell. To put it bluntly, Xu Tong was not optimistic about the outcome of this alliance from the beginning, not only because of the greed of the gods, but also because of the profound Western heritage. It will only turn a large number of their players into cannon fodder.

While Xu Tong was explaining to everyone, the battle below was coming to an end.

Yes, Gu Xibai didn't even move at this moment, and his figure was already submerged in all kinds of indiscriminate bombardment.

The hole that was originally made by Gu Xibai was now smashed out into a huge fire pit by various spells.

"Hahaha, this arrogant guy is destined to pay the price for his stupidity and arrogance!"

"Even the top players in the first-line team can't last this long, right?"

"Don't take it lightly, let's attack again!"

Seeing that Gu Xibai's figure could no longer be seen in the flames covering the sky in front of them, the faces of these Western players not only showed excitement.

However, there were some people among them whose faces became paler and paler. Facing the enthusiastic attitude of the crowd, a chill grew in their hearts. Seeing that they still wanted to stop, they couldn't help but scream, "Don't stop, who of you will receive it?" Have you got the kill information? This guy is still alive!"

The words were like a basin of ice-cold water poured on everyone's heads. They looked at each other, but no one received the message about the kill.

Now everyone gradually started to panic. There was no kill reminder. Could it be that the opponent was not dead? Or is it that the other party is not in front of them at all?

Impossible, the surrounding areas have been sealed and reinforced by space mages. Even if the opponent has space prop cards, it is impossible to escape from here.

Just when everyone was in shock, a blond player's pupils suddenly tightened, and a black shadow gradually became clear in the barrier, and then a faint golden light pierced the surrounding chaos, and Gu Xi could be seen Bai's figure became clearer and clearer, and his whole body was enveloped in a bright light.

"Is he still alive??"

Seeing this scene, everyone was frightened. When they discovered that the other party was not only still alive, but didn't even have any scars on his body, they felt a chill in their bones.


Finally, someone realized that a catastrophe was coming. While shouting to run quickly, they ran in the direction they came from without feeling any pain.

But at this moment, Gu Xibai, who was in the sea of ​​​​fire, slowly showed a cruel smile: "After beating me for so long, it's my turn!"

The moment Gu Xi finished speaking, a stream of blood as thick as a mountain surged from his body, penetrating the sky like a dragon, and the force was terrifying.

In an instant, the huge amount of blood energy dispersed all the surrounding magic elements, and even the sealed barrier exploded into glass like snowflakes in an instant.


Gu Xibai just stepped a little, and the huge power caused the surrounding earth to explode. Then people were like lightning. The next moment, everyone's eyes were swallowed up by a huge golden storm.

Gu Xibai's figure was like a great beast. Wherever he passed, several players were directly knocked away with just one punch.

Some players rushed forward risking their lives to buy time for their teammates to retreat, but when they got close to Gu Xibai, they discovered in despair that not only their own abilities, but even the prop cards had lost their effect.

This is exactly the special passive and rampant martial arts forbidden method after Gu Xibai strengthened his prop Kawu Sheng to +13.

With itself as the center, all props, skills and spell-like skills are imprisoned. The stronger your health, the wider the radiation range.

With this ability and the body of Gu Xi Bai Martial Saint, it would be a terrible nightmare for almost most players to encounter him.

At this moment, Gao Zhuo, who was standing on the deck watching the battle, could still feel a little more relaxed. This guy's tactics were enough to compete with Gu Xibai's, but the worst he could do was to fight and run away.

As for Chang Wugu and Li Bo, they had different expressions.

Chang Wuzhen's eyes flashed with cold light from time to time. He not only strengthened the assassination technique to +13, but also strengthened the Black Water Dragon Fang to level 13.

With the power of the Earth Immortal, facing Gu Xibai, if it was an assassination situation, he was sure to severely injure Gu Xibai with one blow, and even complete the feat of killing Gu Xibai with one blow.

But in a head-on confrontation, I'm afraid none of the ten of them would be Gu Xibai's opponent.

As for Li Bo, this kid was just watching the fun. Anyway, he would not fight against a monster like Gu Xibai. He had no chance of winning.

Now, Gu Xibai's strength means that Yan Xiaoqi, Buluan, and even Kang Xiazi, who are the god players, can overwhelm him. Under the god status, almost no one can beat him.


Gu Xibai looked up to the sky and roared. The huge roar formed a shock wave visible to the naked eye, which directly knocked those players hiding in the distance and shooting hidden arrows into unconsciousness.

"Run, run quickly!!"

Seeing Gu Xibai killing like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, the surviving players suddenly lost their fighting spirit and could only flee in confusion.

This is the gap, an insurmountable chasm like a natural chasm. Such a strong blood essence can swallow millions of lives like an angry sea.


The lead clouds are like mountains, thick and heavy, making people breathless.

Gu Xibai just used the simplest punch to form a terrifying punch, sweeping forward. No one could hold out under the power of the punch for three seconds before being knocked unconscious by this terrifying force. .

But despite Gu Xibai's lively fight, he didn't kill anyone. Those players fell to the ground and just passed out.

Xu Tong will not be soft on his enemies, but he is also not a butcher, and he will not like the Eight Evil Men who like to treat human lives like toys and rub them into pieces.

For these ordinary players, Xu Tong had no intention of killing them, but he was not a good person either. After Gu Xibai ended the battle, he let the sun battleship slowly fall and used the dragon beam to kill all these players. The bundles are strong and tight.

When these players woke up, they suddenly discovered that Xu Tong had tied them to the ground.

"You despicable and barbaric bandits, this is aggression, God will punish you!"

Seeing that he couldn't break free, a player yelled in anger.

Xu Tong glanced at the other party, then walked forward immediately, looked at the other party up and down, and couldn't help but sneered:

"Invasion? Compared to a hundred years ago, when you big noses brought out the Eight-Nation Alliance, your methods were much more cruel than ours.

To this day, many of our country’s national treasures are still displayed in your country’s museums. "

After hearing this, the player was still trying to argue with Xu Tong: "Nonsense, it was your country that declared war on us first!"

Xu Tong was too lazy to talk nonsense with this idiot and patted his head: "Hey! I just like how tough you are!"

After saying that, Xu Tong called to Chang Wuju: "Ask them to hand over all the script points, plus one-third of the prop cards in the prop book. Anyone who dares not to hand over will be sent to see the King of Hell!"

Since others have said that they are here to engage in aggression, why should I be polite? It is not difficult to let them live, but it is not possible to let them go like this.

Just leave the rest to Chang Wugu. This dead eunuch has many ways to torture people.

Xu Tong then asked the team to rest while he walked towards the church in the distance.

When I opened the door of the church, I saw that the church was filled with densely packed people, all of whom were residents of nearby towns.

When Xu Tong and the others entered the script world, they received news that Xu Tong and his group were demons and were here to destroy the world.

It doesn't matter where the news comes from, because when they entered this script world, they were warned that everything in this world would be hostile to them.

So they spontaneously came to the church and prayed to God, hoping that God could kill these demons that suddenly appeared.

When they saw Xu Tong's black hair, black pupils, and yellow skin, in the eyes of the villagers, Xu Tong and the others were the murderous demons in the story. Everyone looked at Xu Tong with full eyes. A look of fear.

However, when Xu Tong strode to the priest who was praying, the priest jumped up first, holding the Bible in one hand and the cross in the other. He pointed at Xu Tong and screamed as if he was stimulated: "In the name of Heavenly Father, I command you devil to tell you your name!!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong remained silent. He just took out a sign from the props book and threw it to the priest: "I want to see the archbishop of your area!"

The priest was startled and stared blankly at the shining golden sign in his hand. The expression on his face suddenly became particularly wonderful.

First he was shocked, and then he felt incredible. There was a bit of suspicion in his pious eyes, and finally he carefully put the sign away, and ran out of the church at a trot amid the doubtful and shocked eyes of everyone.

Xu Tong was not in a hurry. He sat on a chair outside the church, lit a cigarette, and waited slowly.

"Boss, what are we waiting for?"

Li Bo walked over and asked curiously.

"You'll find out later."

Xu Tong blew out a puff of smoke; "How about it, Chang Wuju killed a few of them!"

"No one was killed. Those players were just a bunch of idiots. Brother Chang made a few gestures under their crotches with a dagger, and they honestly handed over all the prop cards and script points."

When talking about this, Li Bo did not forget to take credit and said: "I personally selected all the prop cards, and there are quite a lot of good things in them."

"Just divide the script points and prop cards among yourself. I won't use them here."

Xu Tong's words are not exaggerating. His demand for prop cards is getting less and less now. Unless it is a top prop card like the Nine Immortals Cauldron, even the best of the best will not be able to catch his eye.

Li Bo laughed and said that many of the prop cards were useless to everyone, but there was one prop card that Li Bo left behind specifically for Xu Tong.


Li Bo handed a prop card to Xu Tong like a treasure.

When Xu Tong saw it, he immediately became happy.

This Li Bo is indeed the team's best lucky star, and he actually found gold out of the garbage.

【Time Hourglass】

It is said that the hourglass left by the God of Time in the human world.

Passive skill 1: Seal of Time.

When suffering fatal damage, time around you can be stopped instantly for 1 second.

Active skill 2: Time and space hourglass.

Spend 3000 script points to activate the time hourglass, causing a time force field to be generated around you. In the time stance state, you can speed up or slow down the flow of time around you at will.

Duration: 30 seconds

Cooling time: three hours

Although this prop card looks relatively ordinary, any time prop card is extremely valuable.

Xu Tong happily accepted the prop card and thought to himself: "Sure enough, Li Bo, the mascot, has good luck. In the future, it would be better for him to do the work of touching corpses and unpacking boxes."

With this prop card, Xu Tong's mood suddenly improved a lot, and he and Li Bo started chatting while sitting outside the church.

To be honest, at this time, other players would have already begun to plunder crazily and impatiently, but Xu Tong was so slow and leisurely, and even had the attitude of a foreigner, thinking that they were the only ones in the Qimen family.

While chatting, Li Bo suddenly felt something: "Is there someone over there?"

"Yes, the strength is quite strong. It seems that the Holy See is not that easy to deal with!"

Xu Tong had long noticed that a team was heading towards him in the distance. He could even feel that the bishop sitting in the carriage had at least the strength of an enlightened person.

At this time, Xu Tong took out the [Angel's Tears] ring from the props book and put it on his finger again.

After the opponent's carriage slowly approached the church, they saw that the entire church was surrounded by crusaders in white robes. Each person held a big sword in their hands and looked serious.

Before the servant could open the door, the bishop sitting in the carriage hurriedly opened the door and ran straight to the church.

"Hey, this way!!"

Xu Tong waved towards the other party.

"Oh, God in heaven, praise God, your sudden arrival caused those ignorant fools to mistake your identity for an invading demon. Please forgive me for my original sin."

As soon as the slender bishop walked up to Xu Tong, he immediately knelt down, held up Xu Tong's hand, and kissed the ring on Xu Tong's hand.

This scene made the common people in the church and even the crusaders on the side look dumbfounded.

It seems that he did not expect that as the regional bishop here, Lord Steve would show such noble courtesy to this guy with yellow skin, black eyes and black hair.

"My Lord Bishop, your piety is the most pure and flawless I have ever seen. God will bless you!"

Xu Tong reached out and gently touched the bishop's bald Tianling Gai.

"Please just call me Steve."

As Steve said that, he returned the [Pope Badge] that Xu Tong gave to the priest to Xu Tong.

"Let's go, my troops are a little sleepy and need to find a place to rest. In addition, Bishop Steve, I really need you to help me contact the highest level of the Holy See."

"Of course!"

The two of them got up and walked onto the carriage. Xu Tong asked Gao Zhuo and the others to drive the sun battleship and follow them in the team channel.

Although everyone didn't know what Xu Tong was going to do, they could see that these members of the Holy See were very polite to Xu Tong.

Riding in the carriage, Xu Tong looked at the endless farm outside and casually chatted with Bishop Steve.

After chatting, he realized that his previous guess was completely correct. The Holy See's control over the world of the script far exceeded his expectations.

Even in the script world dedicated to players, the power of the Holy See is still very powerful.

Because players not only need to build the Holy See on a large scale, but also use the Holy See’s divine authority as the only authority in the world.

Even for all resources produced in this scenario world, players must pay 30% to the Holy See as tax.

What? you are not willing?

I'm sorry, if you just slap the label of a heretic, not only will the Holy See punish you, but even the Script Studio will blacklist you. In serious cases, you will be sent to the Holy See's trial.

If the gods on the Chinese side treat players as free-range tool men, then the gods on the Western side treat players as sheep raised in pens.

They call themselves shepherds, not only treating players as tools, but also squeezing the value out of them all the time.

But speaking of it, the two are essentially the same, except that the Chinese gods are more gentle in their methods than those in the West.

So even though Xu Tong looked very pious towards the Holy See on his face, in his heart he was thinking about how to use the Holy See to completely muddy the waters.

As for whether the Holy See would make any demands on him, Xu Tongcai didn't care.

Just like that wise saying, when faced with the enemy's sugar-coated bullets, you must learn to eat the sugar-coating and throw back the bullets.

Of course, Steve didn't know what the Holy Son was thinking. After respectfully inviting Xu Tong into their cathedral, Steve enthusiastically presented the specialties of this script world to Xu Tong.

It was a very strange metal called divine gold.

Not only does it have a very strong defensive power, it is also as light as a feather. The most important thing is that this kind of divine gold has an amazing and unique power that can repel all magical powers.

Xu Tong took a look and realized that this thing was extremely good. If he forged a battle armor for Gu Xibai, it would definitely take Gu Xibai's strength to a higher level.

So Xu Tong naturally put forward this small request that was not excessive. Although Steve was embarrassed, in order to please the Holy Son, he gritted his teeth and took out all the inventory in the past few years.

But he didn't know that Xu Tong had already figured out the origin of the divine gold when he came. He had already asked Li Bo and Gu Xibai to quietly explore there, preparing to use a trick to the Holy See to remove the inventory from the origin and the unopened products. The divine gold dug out is packed into a pot and thrown away.

While Xu Tong and others were arrogant in the church, the leaders of the Sixth Regiment on the other side had gathered together for the first time.

Not only the head of the Sixth Regiment, but Yan Xiaoqi and Kang Xiazi were also among them.

Speaking of which, they were able to gather together so easily only because of the boundary-breaking sign sold by Laojunfang.

Otherwise, it would not be easy to gather together so easily.

After Buluan slowly walked into the room and sat down, he saw Buluan take out a decree of the gods from his sleeve, take it out, and lay it flat on the table: "This is the order of the gods, destroy it." Seven doors!”

This terrible year of 2022 is finally coming to an end. This is not a good year. We have experienced too much history and are even forced to participate in it. Whether you are willing or not, I am not optimistic about the future, but I hope that the new In this year, may everyone be healthy and free from illness and disaster. Even if you don’t get rich or have an affair, as long as you are healthy, you will be happy...

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