Infinite Script Killing

Chapter 1067 Good boy

As soon as these words came out, both Hagrid and Aogu on the top of the clouds looked stiff.

Hagrid's lips trembled slightly: "What do you mean??"

"It's nothing, I just think it's a bit of a coincidence. After all, we just came to the door and you just walked back to the temple, and there were people dragging you and our tribe to parade on the street. I don't know whether to say this is a test or a borrowing. Chance to sing a double act!”

Xu Tong squinted his eyes and looked at Hagrid, spitting out a puff of green smoke down his nose. The lingering green smoke surrounded Xu Tong's face, making the expression on his face flicker bright and dark, terrifyingly sinister.

"No, no, no, you are too worried. You are my distinguished guest. I guarantee in the name of my ancestors that such a thing will never happen."

Hagrid's expression was distorted, even though he was trying his best to control his expression and appear calm.

But there was still uncontrollable fear on his face. He tried his best to defend himself, but his nervous body exuded the smell of guilt.

Such despicable acting skills, not to mention an acting master like Xu Tong, even Gao Zhuo and others who came from the side could clearly see it.

"Alright alright!"

Seeing the large beads of sweat on Hagrid's forehead, Xu Tongzhen was worried that if this guy continued to argue, the show would end before it even started.

He waved his hand to signal Hagrid to quiet down, and then said to Ogu who was above his head very cooperatively: "You just asked for a ransom. What kind of ransom do you want?"

This time it was Ogu's turn to be in trouble. Their original script did not play out like this.

According to their original plan, if Xu Tong took the bait, they would find a way to slowly put forward some small conditions step by step to lure these people into the bait step by step.

The ultimate goal is to get back Hagrid's soul fragments at the minimum cost.

But now...

Looking at Xu Tong's face, I fully cooperated with you guys' performance, Augu began to murmur in his heart.

Fortunately, he has survived for so many years and has become a mature man. After thinking about it for a moment, he realized Xu Tong's intention.

"This despicable guy!"

Ogu cursed inwardly and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Although the plan had changed, at least it could be judged from the other party's words and deeds that they were not interested in Hagrid's soul fragments.

In other words, they themselves prefer to exchange Hagrid for greater benefits.

Thinking of this, Ogu could only be patient and continue to play out the scene, but he probably had no time to take care of the details.

It's ridiculous that the script they discussed for three hours was ruthlessly turned to the finale just after it started.

"For His Highness Hagrid's sake, you can do whatever you want with these prisoners of war, but I heard that you are extremely powerful warriors, so I would like to invite you to participate in the gladiatorial trial field."

When they heard the words "Gladiator Trial Field", the people who were watching the excitement suddenly started to revel.

Even under such a highly developed civilization, people still have a great passion for blood and sand.

"What's the benefit?"

Xu Tong neither agreed nor refused, but asked straightforwardly about the benefits.

Ogu already had a strategy to deal with this: "We still have many such prisoners. If you win one game, we will release a hundred of them."

Ogu did not say what would happen if he lost, but only said that if he won, he would release the prisoners.

Xu Tong knew in his heart that Augu was playing tricks on him, but when he looked back at the compatriots with the same skin color as himself, Xu Tong agreed without hesitation.

The two agreed to meet in the arena tomorrow.

Ogu's face in the clouds disappeared with the breeze, which made Hagrid beside him feel very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Xu Tong did not embarrass him and pretended not to know anything. The high priest still had his value. Xu Tong did not need to teach this guy a lesson at this time. After all, who would be in trouble with his own money tree.

Xu Tong then walked up to the prisoners and signaled Hagrid to remove their shackles.

After opening these special shackles, Xu Tong tentatively asked the other party: "Who are you and why were you captured by these guys?"

Facing Xu Tong's inquiry, these men covered in animal skins looked at each other, and then one of them spoke with difficulty, but the accent was a little strange.

Xu Tong and the others couldn't understand. Fortunately, Amei was beside them, and she was very used to the accents of these men.

"These are people from a tribe who were caught here without even knowing what was going on."

Amei frowned, these people were not so-called prisoners of war at all, they were just ordinary people.

These people from Atlantis are totally taking credit from them.

Hearing this, Hagrid on the side suddenly looked embarrassed and coughed twice: "Ahem, there will always be such things on the battlefield, it is inevitable, it is inevitable."

Xu Tong rolled his eyes at Hagrid, and immediately motioned to Amei to continue asking them how many people were imprisoned here.

"Three hundred people, they are men from more than a dozen tribes around. They only arrest men."

After hearing Amei's translation, Xu Tong sighed. He asked himself that he was not a kind person. It would be fine if he had not encountered such a thing. Now that he had encountered it, of course he would not sit idly by and ignore it.

"It doesn't matter, we have to go to Mount Tai anyway, and it doesn't matter if we take them with us. With a fat man like Li Bo here, we can afford to support even three thousand people, not to mention three hundred people."

When Xu Tong asked Li Bo and others to help prepare some food for these people, these men gradually let down their guard.

Gradually, the relationship with Xu Tong and the others began to become harmonious.

When Hagrid saw this, he wisely ran away with his head lowered.

Xu Tong chatted a lot with them, but what was disappointing was that they were just some tribes in the mountains and had not really come into contact with the official power of the Chinese land.

"Is this era still the tribal era?"

Gao Zhuo was a little jealous. In this era, the hair-shedding technology of Atlantis has developed to such an extent, but the Chinese side is still in the tribal era.

"Don't let other people's ambitions destroy your own prestige like this." Xu Tong didn't think so: "Since they call these people prisoners of war, it means that Atlantis is still at war with China, and I'm afraid they haven't won, otherwise how could they Go catch these tribesmen and take credit."

As soon as these words came out, Gao Zhuo and others suddenly realized that this seemed to be the truth.

"With such a terrifying technological civilization as Atlantis, there are still twelve super masters sitting in charge, and they are not getting any benefits. It shows that in China at this moment, the masters are even more terrifying, otherwise I will be sorry for this road of trials! "

Xu Tong's analysis made Gao Zhuo and others feel more confident and they were looking forward to their next trip to Mount Tai.

Moreover, Xu Tong also discovered that although these men were all members of ordinary tribes, each of them was extremely powerful. If they were not incompetent in martial arts and not good at fighting, they would not be captured so easily by the people of Atlantis. arrive.

After calming them down, Amei pulled Xu Tong aside: "I'm afraid we need to be more careful in this industry, especially here. I'm worried about fraud in tomorrow's arena."

"Don't worry, in the worst case we can fight out." Xu Tong put his hand on Amei's waist and said confidently.

With Lao Bai, a powerful immortal, and the fact that he had just comprehended the second inheritance of the Nine Immortals Cauldron, no one could stop them if they wanted to kill them.

Besides, Hagrid's life is still in his own hands after all, and he is not afraid of anything happening to them.

While the two were talking, they walked down the fortress and walked along the Golden Avenue, treating it like shopping.

He had dated A-mei several times in the past, but at that time A-mei couldn't leave the script studio. Now it's better, and they can go shopping openly.

However, Amei was not as optimistic as Xu Tong. He and Xu Tong walked quietly on the bustling street.

Walking along the avenue, every few dozen feet, at the intersection, there is a circular or other regular polygonal fountain.

Under the fountain is a pool. The water is clear and translucent. There are young people from the sea holding harps gathered in groups beside the fountain, playing the harp lazily. The sweet music of the piano attracted the chorus of birds in the sky.

"I have read the history of gods, but the records about Atlantis are extremely vague. This is the source of Western mythology, but it was eventually destroyed and prospered. Werewolves, vampires, witches, and Western gods all seemed to be... It is related to this place, but there is no precise data record. It seems that someone has erased this period of history and made it impossible for people to check it. Therefore, this is an almost primitive world."

At this point, Amei whispered: "This Lord Dou Mu Yuan deliberately left such a trial path, but on this road, there is someone waiting for you, so you have to be careful."

As one of the managers of the script library, Amei knows too much inside information and is very clear about what the gods are doing.

Originally, the world was divided into reality and realm, with realm being the projection left behind by reality.

This is a state of balance between yin and yang, but the gods greedily turned the state into a script.

Choose humans to become players, and follow the scripts they set to become their tool to control the scripted world.

After thousands of years of this, the world has been riddled with holes by the gods, and the world occupied by those players has become even more unrecognizable.

But Doumu Yuanjun left such an almost primitive route. On the surface, it was to leave a trial path for her disciples, but it was not normal no matter how you looked at it.

Xu Tong knew that Amei was worried about him, but now he had no more way to go.

Whether it is the gods of death like the youngest and the others, or the gods of the heavens, or even at this moment, does he have more choices?

At this time, Xu Tong couldn't help but recall that he thought he would be free and at ease after jumping out of the chessboard.

But when he jumped out without knowing it, he realized that there was a bigger chess game outside.

He was still a chess piece, but this time, he couldn't see clearly who was playing the chess piece.

Just like their original plan for the trip to Mount Tai, Xu Tong had some ideas in his mind, but he didn't dare to confirm it.

After all, it would be terrible if Fu Jun was in charge.

The master, the master, the master's wife, the goddess, they are all being held captive here in Yincao.

These are all things on the surface. If it is really him, then does it mean that... from the time I met the master, no! Even earlier, when he got the papermaker's book, he had already come into Fujun's sight?

It was not an unreasonable conjecture for him to think so.

He was born without any fetters and was originally free and carefree, but by chance, he became the heir of the Seven Sects, and then inherited the plum blossom lineage.

If you break down the cause and effect on yourself, Buddhism accounts for 20%, Taoism accounts for 10%, and the remaining miscellaneous things account for 56%. The rest are all related to the underworld.

The gods can observe the future, even if it is often said that the future is not trustworthy, but it depends on who it is. A being at the level of Fujun can control his own destiny completely at his fingertips.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave for a moment, and even had chills running down his spine.

Just when Xu Tong thought about it more and more, his heart grew colder, and a pair of hands hugged him from behind, which made Xu Tong recover from the panic.

Amei hugged Xu Tong, although she was speechless, it was worth ten thousand words.

At the same time, in the Poseidon Temple, the twelve high priests sat together with dark faces. Hagrid lowered his head and looked gloomy.

In the end, Ogu, as the head of the high priest, spoke: "Things have already happened. There is no benefit in talking more. Since the other party is willing to participate in the duel, everything should proceed according to the original plan."

"I don't accept it!"

After Ogu finished speaking, he was immediately interrupted by a white-haired old man.

"Why should we wipe his ass for his affairs? In the Genesis project, he occupied 25% of the energy resources, and in the end he became the trophy of those outsiders. I am now asking for a vote on Hagrid. I think he is not He is fit to serve as high priest again.”

As soon as these words came out, Hagrid's face instantly turned pale, and then he glared at the white-haired old man angrily:

"Sphinx, you bastard, if you hadn't failed on the battlefield, how could these barbarians appear in Atlantis? You still have to apply for 10% of the energy supply to build your bullshit war machine. I see That thing is a living target!”

Sphinx snorted when he heard this, and said with a smile: "But I at least expanded the territory of Atlantis by three areas and completed the alliance with Dongyi. A defeat on the battlefield basically means that No problem.”

The two of them were noisily going back and forth, causing several other high priests to watch a dog-eat-dog joke.

In fact, the Sphinx is not the only one who is dissatisfied with Hagrid.

Atlantis' most precious resource is energy, which is extracted from solid crystals on the seabed.

Each of them has relevant important projects at hand, such as genetic modification, heavy weapons research, etc., all of which require these energy sources.

But except for the 30% share occupied by Ogu, the other 70% of the energy is divided among the eleven of them. When it is not enough, this guy still occupies 25%.

Genesis is indeed a miraculous study, but now this study has been completely in vain. No one would be satisfied with such a major mistake.

And everyone knows that Hagrid and Ogu have an extraordinary relationship. Hagrid must give at least 15% of the 25% of energy to Ogu every year.

So the Sphinx said it was deposing Hagrid, but what it was actually challenging was Ogu's authority.

Seeing the fierce quarrel between the two, Ogu felt like a mirror. He waved his hand to signal the two to be quiet and said, "Hagrid made a serious mistake, but now is not the time to hold him accountable. The authority of Poseidon Temple cannot be doubted. He must be held accountable." Give back the pieces of his soul.”

Having said this, Ogu stood up: "Whoever can get back the soul fragments in the gladiatorial tournament will get 25% of Hagrid's energy supply."

Hearing this, the Sphinx immediately beat the drum and stopped talking.

After all, 25% of energy supply is what they really want.

When the meeting dispersed, everyone dispersed, and the Sphinx and the other four high priests walked on the gold-paved avenue outside the temple.

"This is not an easy matter. These barbarians are very powerful. Since Hagrid can be defeated, do we need to fight in person?"

A high priest was not optimistic about the plan of the arena.

He prefers to go directly to Xu Tong to negotiate terms, but the price is too high. After all, Hagrid is the high priest, not a cat or a dog, and the other party will not let go of this opportunity for the lion to open his mouth.

"Hehe, not necessarily!"

A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of the Sphinx's mouth: "We don't have to play in person, but don't forget, we have the Sarast Gem."

The other four high priests' eyes lit up when they heard this: "This is a good idea!"

The Sarast Gem is a technology that has been developed by Atlantis for a long time. It can use the power of the gem as a medium to temporarily transfer the power of one, several, or even dozens of people to other people through the gem.

The five high priests gathered all their power to create a god. It would be extremely easy to defeat the other party.

"Just in time! When the time comes, 25% of Hagrid's energy will be given, and each of us will receive 5%."

"No, no, no! Just in case, we need to bring in one more person!"

The Sphinx shook her head at this moment.

As soon as these words came out, the other four people suddenly looked strange. After all, 25% is not easy to divide among six people.

But Sphinx seemed to have understood the thoughts of these four guys. He grinned and sneered: "So we need to recruit free labor."


When they heard it was free, everyone immediately became interested.

The Sphinx smiled evilly and said: "Of course it's Hagrid. He needs soul fragments, we need energy, and we wipe his ass. Shouldn't he use some strength as compensation?"

"Oh, it is simply a manifestation of wisdom that the great Poseidon can choose you as his messenger."

When the four high priests heard this, they all praised the Sphinx.

At this moment, Hagrid did not know that he had become a labor force and was being targeted by his nemesis, the Sphinx.

After everyone left, Hagrid walked to Aogu's side and knelt down on one knee in front of Aogu with a guilty look on his face.

"I'm sorry that I lost your hard work."

Everyone knows that Genesis is Hagrid's brainchild, but they don't know that Genesis is actually Ogu's research.

It's just that Aogu is now researching something more powerful. Once the research is successful, this era will be divided into two, and the world will belong to Aogu from now on.

It was precisely for this reason that Ogu assigned the Genesis project to Hagrid.

"My child, you are still very young. The foundation of Genesis is still there. It won't take much time to start over."

Augu didn't mean to blame Hagrid. He was still writing a draft about his research in his hand, as if time was extremely precious to him.

Hagrid glanced at it and found that there was a lot of content in the draft. Among them, a huge sphere draft caught Hagrid's attention the most.

But Hagrid's mind was not on that. He said worriedly: "Those guys like Sphinx are becoming more and more dishonest. He used to be your student, but now he can't wait to attack you!"

Hearing this, the quill pen in Augu's hand paused for a moment, and then continued to write the draft drawing in his hand: "Don't worry, I think he will always be a good boy!"

"Good boy?"

Hagrid didn't agree with this, but he still continued to praise: "Your tolerance and magnanimity make me feel ashamed."

Only after Hagrid retreated did Ogu stop the pen in his hand, looked deeply in the direction Hagrid left, and said meaningfully: "You are also a good boy. A good boy must know how to sacrifice."

The next day, the sky was dim and bright. When the first ray of the sun penetrated the sea and irradiated the golden avenue of Atlantis, the residents of Atlantis had already walked out of their homes, playing moving music, wearing Wearing gorgeous dresses.

It looked lively and lively, as if attending a grand ceremony.

"Is your place so lively every day?"

Gao Zhuo yawned. Although sleep was not important to him, getting up so early still made Gao Zhuo a little unhappy. Looking at the cheering figures on the street, Gao Zhuo looked back at the werewolf Dyson.

"No, but the gladiatorial trial is not just a simple battle, but also a gift to Poseidon. The most powerful person can not only get rewards from the temple, but also get Poseidon's blessing."

Dyson looked at the street outside with a fanatical look in his eyes. For them, this was a celebration, just like the Spring Festival.

"Oh! Then how strong is your most powerful warrior??"

Gao Zhuo asked casually.

This seemingly casual question is actually the focus of everyone's attention.

Gu Xibai and Xu Tong on the carriage turned their attention to Dyson.

As for Li Bo, Master and Amei, Xu Tong asked them to return to the Sun Battleship in order to be ready to meet them at any time.

Chang Wuju, this guy said he was not interested in fighting performances and went for a walk. As for what he was going to do, Xu Tong didn't know, but since this guy started on the path of an assassin, his temper has become more and more old-fashioned. Him hiding in the dark can be regarded as a layer of insurance.

"The strongest warrior is naturally the werewolf Simon Mutu!"

Dyson did not hesitate when mentioning this warrior because he was recognized as the strongest warrior.

After transforming into a werewolf, his ability can reach up to forty stars, making him the most powerful warrior among werewolves.

Xu Tong calculated in his mind that he was almost at the peak level of Zhan Dao, and still a long way from being a He Dao Earth Immortal.

Not to mention Gu Xibai, even Gao Zhuo could easily torture him.

"So easy? You don't need those old guys to do it yourself, right?"

Xu Tong was a little confused.

But even if they do it themselves, Xu Tong is not afraid. Seeing the thin boy next to him, with a short body, a human immortal, martial arts to the extreme, three generations of gods have to get slapped twice before leaving...

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