Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 118

Chapter 117 :protracted war

After they drove the car near the gas station, the zombies in the gas station immediately rushed out. However, there are scattered zombies. From the look of dress, they should be the staff of the gas station and the drivers who come here to rest. There are only a dozen people in total, which is not a threat at all. Li Tianyu was about to get out of the car, when Shen Yan held him down.

“Let me go, you rest.” Shen Yan said, stood up and came under the car. The heavy rain instantly wetted her hair.

However, Shen Yan very handsomely brushed her hair behind her head, and then put on the armor of purgatory.

This set of armor covers almost the whole body, even if it is bitten by a zombie, it is impossible to hurt her, not to mention that the zombie can’t bite her at all. Wonder Woman’s abilities have the effect of enhancing basic combat abilities, and her movements are too agile and smooth.

Moreover, her sword is also very effective against zombies. After three times and five divided by two, Shen Yan cleaned up all the scattered zombies. Everyone got out of the car and then came to the gas station.

“Wait a minute.” Li Tianyu raised his hand to signal them to stop, and then opened the heart net. Confirming that there are no more zombies in the gas station, Li Tianyu nodded and said that everyone could enter.

Everyone checked in the gas station, and there was plenty of food and water supplies. Because the tide of corpses had just broken out, and the water and electricity hadn’t stopped, it was still usable. The place was also very spacious and suitable for overnight stays.

However, because most of the doors and windows of the gas station are made of glass, they are very fragile, and zombies can easily break in. If you want to use it as a safe house, you need to reinforce it. Fortunately, they have Liu Zihao, a technology tycoon. Therefore, when everyone was tidying up the gas station, Liu Zihao wore a battle suit and sprayed nano-materials on the windows to reinforce the defense, and the NPC was accustomed to this as if it was normal to have an Iron Man around him.

The gas station is divided into three parts, the parking area for refueling outside, the supermarket and the restaurant.

They are going to clear an area at the restaurant for the night. Liu Zihao is here to reinforce the glass defense, while the others are searching for food, drinks and other useful things in the supermarket.

Soon, Liu Zihao sprayed a layer of nano-materials on the windows. Of course, even so, the glass is not so strong. It is impossible to completely prevent zombies, but at least it can avoid being shattered by a hit, and it can help them. The role of an alarm.

Others ransacked the small supermarket nearby. All the food, beverages, bath supplies, safety helmets, baseball bats and even plastic gloves were all moved over and cleaned up the restaurant here. Out of a clearing.

Because it was still raining heavily, everyone’s clothes were getting wet, so everyone cleaned themselves up again, rinsed and wiped them with hot water, and put on dry clothes from their luggage. At this moment, the sky was completely dark, and there was thunder and lightning outside, but it set off a quiet and peaceful atmosphere in the restaurant of the gas station. Everyone cooked instant noodles and chatted as they ate.

“Actually, I like this feeling.” Li Tianyu looked at the lightning and thunder outside and said, “There is a sense of…peace.”

“I know.” Liu Zihao smiled tacitly, “It feels like farming in the last days, right?”

“Almost, it doesn’t count if there are zombies following us…” Li Tianyu shrugged.

“Hey, Li Tianyu, do you think we can stay here until we are rescued?” Shen Yan asked curiously, “We are Chinese at any rate, should the embassy send someone to help?”

“This…I don’t know.” Li Tianyu shrugged, “You can try to see how long we can stay here.”

“It would be great if it were a hotel, I really want to take a bath.” Zheng Nanxing muttered, “It’s not good to sleep without taking a bath.”

“Then you have to get used to it as early as possible.” Li Tianyu gave a dry smile, “We are afraid that we will stay in this mission for several days.”

“In fact, it’s pretty good occasionally.” Shen Yan smiled happily, “I think this task is very interesting.”

At this moment, the other survivors were also chatting while eating, but the atmosphere on their side was completely different from that on Li Tianyu’s side. The other survivors were very nervous and negative. They whispered about whether there would be anyone. Come to rescue them, and from time to time someone can’t help sobbing twice to express that they don’t want to die. Even if the light is on in the gas station, it will not illuminate the darkness over there.

NPC is still so into the show… Li Tianyu couldn’t help but muttered to himself.

“It’s so gloomy…” Shen Yan frowned and said, “Should we comfort me?”

“Hmm, it’s your turn to play, Wonder Woman.” Li Tianyu said lazily, eating a mouthful of instant noodles, and I have to say that these Korean instant noodles that have been blown to the sky are actually just like that. They all taste the same, sour and spicy. ,sweet.

“Okay.” Shen Yan sighed, then came to the survivor’s side, smiled and comforted: “It’s okay, don’t worry too much, we will protect you and let you survive.”

“Oh, is it?! What are you going to do?” a sobbing middle-aged lawyer roared, Shen Yan was not angry, but patiently explained: “Let’s rest here for one night, and we will drive tomorrow morning. Go to the high-speed rail station, take the high-speed rail, and go to the military exclusion zone in Busan, waiting for our country’s rescue. Simple, right?”

After finishing speaking, Shen Yan smiled politely.

“Nonsense!” The lawyer said angrily: “We are in the city right away, and there are all zombies inside. How can we pass through those monsters to reach the station?! Even if we arrive at the station, the train may already be paralyzed! We are again. No one knows how to drive that thing, thousands of kilometers of road, how do we rely on this broken car to get there?”

“It’s five hundred kilometers.” Zheng Nanxing reminded at this time, glancing at the middle-aged lawyer with some contempt in his eyes: “The distance from Seoul to Busan is less than 500 kilometers, and it only takes two hours to take the high-speed rail. It only takes six hours to drive. This is South Korea, not China. Wake up, uncle.”

The six-hour drive doesn’t sound too long. Even if the bus is a little slower, it can reach Busan in one day. This makes everyone’s hope of survival changed from nothingness to something concrete. Numbers, everyone’s complexion has alleviated a lot.

“So, that’s it.” Shen Yan nodded in satisfaction, “The four of us will solve those zombies. You can just wait at the back. Of course it’s best if we can start the high-speed train. If we can’t start, we will drive by ourselves. Go over.” After speaking, Shen Yan patted the lawyer’s back without annoyance, and he patted him on the table: “Come up! Are you a man? Your wife and children are still watching. Now, how can UU reading say such discouraging words? Be brave!”

“Yes, yes…” The lawyer coughed, and the survivors at the scene cheered up somehow.

“Oh, it’s really a shame that you can substitute yourself in.” After Shen Yan came back, Li Tianyu sighed with his chin, “It’s hard for me to treat them as real people. No matter how you look at them, they are all NPCs.”

“I think that will make you less fun.” Liu Zihao said, resting his chin.

Li Tianyu shrugged and did not deny it. He looked outside. It was still raining heavily at the moment. The outside world was cold and humid, but the gas station was safe and warm, which made people feel a little sleepy. He was full now, and yawned.

“Go to bed early today,” Liu Zihao clapped his hands and said, “I will arrange a few suits to come to watch the night, so sleep well.”

However, because of the limited things on hand, everyone can only put a change of clothes on the floor and fall asleep.

“Brother Tianyu…” Zheng Nanxing, who was sleeping next to him, grabbed his sleeve and asked, “How many days are we going to stay here?”

“It’s not clear yet, but it’s certain that this mission is a protracted battle.” Li Tianyu sighed, “Just look at where the next safe house appears. Don’t be afraid. Those zombies can’t threaten our players. .”

“I’m not afraid. I’m looking forward to it. I want to stay in it for a few more days. I like apocalyptic movies the most.” Zheng Nanxing pursed his lips and smiled. Shen Yan also raised his head over Zheng Nanxing and looked at him with a smile, and asked back. Said: “Don’t you like it? I thought you were a fan of horror movies.”

“Sleep!” Li Tianyu said angrily, turned his back to the two girls and fell asleep.

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