Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 530

Chapter 522 : The real enemy

Li Tianyu did not show mercy, because if their ship was sunk, then he would be finished. Although he won’t be drowned, but after that, don’t think about a serious treasure hunt, and can only go back to the shore to reorganize and set off. But he was also a little curious at the moment: how did these pirates know that the compass was in his hands?

The group of pirates was killed by him that day, and no one knew that the compass was in his hands. Is it a coincidence? Are these two pirate ships just about to attack this ship? I can only think about it like this.

After this violent punishment, although the two pirate ships were affected to a certain extent, they did not remain silent. “Bang!” Two more artillery shots came. This time one of the artillery shots accurately flew towards their hull.

“Nan Xing!” Li Tianyu hurriedly shouted as he watched the shells about to fall. Zheng Nanxing immediately raised his hand to aim at the cannonball, and the trajectory of the cannonball dropped sharply. Before it hit the hull, it fell into the sea and exploded, but a large wave was stirred up, causing their sailboat to shake violently. When he got up, Li Tianyu had to grab the rope on the side to stabilize his figure.

“Oh so annoying…” Li Tianyu scolded with a frown. His lightning effect is very good for people, but the effect for buildings such as ships is not satisfactory. When attacking the hull, Liu Zihao’s traditional technological weapons are better to use.

But at this moment, because of the violent shaking just now, Liu Zihao spit on the side of the boat.

“Lei Ying!” Li Tianyu raised his hand and shouted, a black thunderball condensed on top of their ship. After a short charge, it exploded on the two pirate ships, and the black thunder space shattered the hull. However, the two pirate ships have not been completely destroyed, but the basic functions of the hull have been destroyed. It can be seen that the two ships are about to sink.

The sinking of the ship also made the pirates on the ship have to choose to dive to escape, otherwise when the ship sank, it would create a whirlpool and **** in the surrounding things, so they did not continue to attack them.

This gave them a while, and the captain drove the boat away from the scene, passing around the other side of the island on their left. The island will temporarily obstruct the view of the pirate ship, even if they can catch up, they don’t know where they are going. The attack temporarily passed, and the ship began to move forward steadily.

At this moment, Old George had time to discuss the situation with Li Tianyu.

“Recently, pirates…have been appearing more and more frequently.” George sighed. He didn’t seem to suspect the presence of pirates. Of course, Li Tianyu didn’t know how these pirates came up.

“Do you know the reason?” Li Tianyu asked tentatively, and George shrugged and sighed: “Who knows? Don’t those pirates always be like this? Come out and looting if you don’t have money, and go to a happy life if you get the money. Time, the money is spent and then come out to grab, repeat this life until caught or killed, this is a pirate.”

“Hmm…” Li Tianyu pondered, “Maybe, it’s just a coincidence? Anyway, go ahead and take a look.”

The captain didn’t doubt anything. He drove the boat forward, and soon it was lunch time. The food on the boat was rough. Bread, bacon, canned food and a glass of lemon juice were monotonous, and the taste was just as rough.

“Fortunately, I have food to take with me, but it won’t last long.” Liu Zihao sighed and said, his face didn’t look good. At the moment they are in their own room, which is the exclusive right of guests. Four people can have a small room. There are two double-decker camp beds for rest in the room, and the general crew sleeps in hammocks.

“Is your physique okay?” Shen Yan looked at him a little disgustedly and asked, “It hasn’t been a long time since I boarded the boat. How many times have you vomited? It’s a shame that you can still eat it now… or don’t eat it. Well, I have to vomit for a while, waste.”

“I have the knack now. As long as I don’t eat too much, I won’t get seasick…” Although Liu Zihao said so, he still looked weak. After all, he vomited for a long time, and now he can’t eat those rough foods. Physical strength can’t be supplemented.

At any rate, I ate some rainbow fruit, which is a kind of fruit in “Gourmet Captive”. It has a much higher eagle-eye value than ordinary food. It can completely replenish the water and nutrients he has lost, so his health is not to worry about. .

There was nothing to do on the deck anyway, and they simply went back to the room. This double-rail sailboat has a total of four floors. The deck is the first floor, the second floor is the crew, captain, and guests’ rooms and the kitchen. The third and fourth floors are storage rooms for storing food, water, and lemon juice. And ammunition, this ship also has cannons, although there are only four.

For this reason, there is a window in their room above the waterline, you can see the outside scenery, lying on the bed of the room, by the shaking of the sailing boat, looking at the sea outside and taking a nap, it’s pretty good. cozy.

“Tianyu, how long do you think we will stay in this world?” Shen Yan asked, stretching out a beautiful leg in Li Tianyu’s shop.

“Who knows, anyway, the food is only enough to last for a month, which means that you will return after two weeks of advance, and there will be results in two weeks.” Li Tianyu reached out and touched her white and tender jade feet.

“Two weeks…” Shen Yan muttered to herself with her feet curled up, “Isn’t it because you can’t get off the sheets for two weeks?”

“Ahem…” Zheng Nanxing cleared his throat loudly next door, while Liu Zihao was already asleep and started snoring.

“What cough, kid…” Shen Yan whispered, “Don’t you know? It’s the happiest thing to roll the sheets.”

“My lord is too dirty!” Zheng Nanxing covered his ears and said, Li Tianyu shrugged and added: “I can use the wallpaper house, but the material of this double-rail sailing boat is very fragile and it is risky to stick to the boat. It was in the wallpaper house at the time of the attack. The hull was shattered and the wallpaper house would be damaged. We were trapped inside. We will use it when there is a need.”

“Hmm…” Shen Yan replied, and her beautiful calf swayed gently.

The first day was spent peacefully after the attack. After the seasickness in the morning, Liu Zihao slowly recovered in the afternoon. As long as he eats less and eats too much, he can guarantee that he will not get seasick, at least not too severely. In fact, Li Tianyu didn’t understand Liu Zihao very well. He didn’t see him fainted when he went up into the sky in the battle suit.

Regardless of the content of the mission, the time spent on the boat was quite new to Li Tianyu, just like in the scene of the rest of his life on the deserted island. Seeing the last ray of sunlight on the horizon disappear, Li Tianyu also took Shen Yan’s shoulders: “Okay, the sun has also set, shall we go back to the room?”

Usually ships do not sail at night when the view is very poor, because there are no sonars and searchlights in this era. In the dark at night, the sea can not be seen clearly. If you drive rashly, you will hit the rocks. Even if you know the direction, you can’t move forward. So after it was completely dark, the captain ordered the ship to stop and anchored to rest.

At this time, the crew will clean the deck, prepare the food for the next day and some daily preparations, and then brag, chat and play poker to end the last time of the day, but Li Tianyu did not intend to join them.

“I think, in fact, I still like life on a boat unexpectedly.” After returning to the room, Li Tianyu nodded and said, “If you don’t want to buy a yacht in the future, just live in it, right? You can drive out when you have time. Wander around the port.”

“Do you know how to swim? It’s dangerous for those with the ability to stay on the beach?” Shen Yan teased.

“Isn’t there a yacht?” Li Tianyu stretched out his hand and scratched her foot, and Shen Yan moved her foot back.

At this moment, Liu Zihao was still asleep on the side. He didn’t wake up much today. He ate something and went to the toilet in the middle of the day, and then he went to sleep. Zheng Nanxing sulked on the side because he couldn’t get into the topic between him and Shen Yan.

However, they didn’t talk for too long, and it was easy to hypnotize it when dangling on the boat, and Li Tianyu soon became drowsy. At this moment, the dark sea outside the window was staring at them like a bottomless abyss. It was a bit permeable, but very quiet. Somehow it made Li Tianyu feel particularly calm.

However, when the sea is gentle, it embraces the world like a mother, and when it is angry, it resembles a demon.

In the middle of the night They were awakened by a muffled thunder. Li Tianyu glanced outside. At this moment, there was a disturbance on the boat, the sky was full of thunder, the gusty wind was engulfing dark clouds, and the sea was faintly disturbed. After dividing, wave after wave began to get higher and higher, causing their boat to waver up and down. A flash of lightning illuminates the entire sea level.

At this time, Li Tianyu suddenly realized how small they were. On this vast sea level, they were like a leaf floating in a pond. This made him understand that perhaps their enemy on this journey was not the pirates nor the monsters encountered in the treasure hunt, but the journey itself, but the “sea”.

This also made Li Tianyu understand that this journey may not be easy, even if they have the strong ability, they still can’t fight against this sea, especially now they are in the middle of this sea and they can’t see it at first glance. A piece of land.

“Raise the anchor, let the sail! Quick!” George roared outside at this time, “The storm is coming! We have to leave this area before the storm comes! It is impossible for the Mary Joe to survive such a strong storm!”

At the urging of George, the crew began to get busy, lowering their sails and preparing to leave from the stormy area by the strong wind, but less than ten minutes later, there was a pouring rain, and the rain fell on the body like a stone. Generally a dull pain.

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