Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 535

Chapter 527 : A real treasure

Li Tianyu turned on the heart network and felt it for a while, but then shook his head: “The three are dead ends. It should not be a maze, but some kind of mechanism to be solved. What’s more, even if it is not a dead end, there are traps in this The place can’t flash randomly, what if it flashes into a trap?”

Therefore, Li Tianyu, Shen Yan and Liu Zihao followed the three roads, while Zheng Nanxing waited in place, so as not to trigger a trap and separate the three and have no way to reunite.

Li Tianyu walked forward from the triangle-marked intersection on the left, and finally came to a treasure chest.

“I am a treasure chest here.” Li Tianyu reminded in the headset, “Where is yours?”

“I am also a treasure chest.” Shen Yan replied, followed by Liu Zihao’s reply: “Me too…so this seems to be three treasure chests. Let us choose one? Will there be punishment for choosing the wrong one?”

“Let’s take a look first.” Li Tianyu said, taking a closer look in the cave.

The treasure chest is placed on a bottom bracket, with a torch on both sides, there is nothing special other than that.

“Open it, it doesn’t seem to be tricky.” Li Tianyu said, first took the lead in opening the treasure chest, but he adjusted the angle carefully just in case, so as not to spray poison gas or hidden weapons in the chest.

But after opening the box, there was a note inside with the sentence “Blind People’s Love” on it. Soon, Shen Yan also gave a reply. There was also a note on her side, “The Envy of the Greedy”, and the note on Liu Zihao’s side was “The Perseverance of the Fool”. There are only these three pieces of paper, everything is broken here, there is no clue.

However, Zheng Nanxing suddenly replied: “Brother Tianyu, a code lock has appeared here.”

“We will come right away.” Li Tianyu replied, and then returned to the fork with Shen Yan.

Sure enough, as Zheng Nanxing said, there was an extra code lock that was supposed to be a wall before, and there were three square-shaped gaps on it, which seemed to require them to place three puzzle pieces in this place. Li Tianyu estimated that the puzzle information was related to the three pieces of paper they found, or related to the signs at the intersection before.

“But where to find it?” Li Tianyu frowned, and then turned on the heart network to perceive the terrain. Only then did he realize that the way they had come had changed before. Obviously there were no forks before I came, but now there are a few more forks, leading to several other rooms, it seems that some switches should be triggered afterwards, opening the way to these rooms .

But the strange thing is that Li Tianyu hadn’t found the location of this room before from his own heart.

“It feels like it appeared out of thin air.” Li Tianyu couldn’t help thinking to himself, but he and Shen Yan and the others turned their heads to look for them, and then they came to this extra room with six bases. There is a puzzle board with a different pattern on each, it should be put on the previous code lock.

However, only three of the six are correct, so how to choose is a problem.

“What happens if I choose the wrong one?” Liu Zihao asked tentatively at this time.

“Anyway, I know I won’t open the door if I choose the wrong one. Why don’t you try?” Li Tianyu said in a bad mood.

“Even if you want to try, it is very troublesome. Choose three out of six. There are 20 combinations of any three combinations. How long will it take to try?” Zheng Nanxing muttered, “Think about it. Are there any clues? ”

“Clues…” Li Tianyu took out the three pieces of paper. “The question now is whether the clues are these three pieces of paper or the sign that we entered before the passageway. In short, let’s take a look at these six patterns first. .”

The six patterns in front of them are the heart, crown, harp, rope, ship, and wings. There is no cross, triangle and circle pattern at the doorway, so obviously these six patterns are based on the three clues in their hands. elected.

“The love of the blind, the jealousy of the greedy, the persistence of the fool…” Zheng Nanxing snatched the note from them and looked at it. Li Tianyu thought for a while and said, “Is the love of the blind the heart? The heart symbolizes Love it.”

“But this is the heart and not love.” Shen Yan retorted, and then grabbed another rope pattern: “I think it is a rope. Love is like a rope connecting two people together.”

“It makes sense…” Li Tianyu frowned, and Liu Zihao continued: “What about the persistence of the fool? Is the crown? It symbolizes the pursuit of power? But what is the jealousy of the greedy? Ships? The harp? It doesn’t fit.”

“Oh, you are so noisy.” Zheng Nanxing frowned, “Think about it carefully, don’t guess randomly. Everything is based, I think these three clues are suggesting something to us. Do you still remember this treasure is? What?”

“The siren’s treasure?” Li Tianyu asked tentatively, and Zheng Nanxing nodded: “So, start with the siren. How did the siren come first? They were originally the daughters of the river **** Acrous. A beautiful fairy born from his blood, but when he failed to test music with the Muse, his wings were pulled off, and he could only swim near the coastline, occasionally turning into a mermaid to lure sailors closer. I think these three clues It’s hinting at us about something in this story.”

To be honest, Li Tianyu couldn’t figure out what the hint was, because he didn’t know the legend of Siren at all.

“Then, there are some other legends about the Siren, that is, Parser Loper, the Siren’s boss, loves a human named Odysseus, but this crew member named Odysseus drives the ship past the Siren. When they were in the sea, asked the crew to plug their ears with wax, and then tied him to the mast, so that they would ignore themselves when they passed the Death Island, so they passed the Death Island smoothly. After that, Parseloper was heartbroken. , I threw myself into the sea.”

“Well, I feel that these three clues seem to imply something…” Li Tianyu said thoughtfully.

“Yes, judging from these three clues, the facts seem to be different from what we know.” Shen Yan also nodded.

“Could it be…” Liu Zihao grumbled his eyes, “In that match, the Muse secretly moved his hands and feet because she was jealous of the talents of the Sirens and caused them to lose, and then they were pulled off their wings. Otherwise. You think, it’s just to test the music. If you lose, you lose. As for the cruelty of pulling other people’s wings? It makes them fall into the mortal world.”

“Yeah.” Shen Yan agreed, “Moreover, why did Odysseus tie himself to the mast when he was passing by Death Island? Wouldn’t it be enough to wax his ears just like the other crew members? You said, yes. Wouldn’t it be those crew members who deliberately tied him to the mast and made Parseloper think that this man had betrayed her, and thus was heartbroken and threw himself into the sea?”

For a moment, Li Tianyu felt as if everything had been straightened out. Indeed, this story feels a little strange when I hear it. But with everyone’s two-word speculation, it seems that there is a story that comes to the surface. Zheng Nanxing also made a summary: “The Muses are a family of narcissus that guard the spring water in the legend. I think it must be one of the Muses who also fell in love with Odysseus, and then began to calculate Parse Loper.”

Liu Zihao said excitedly: “Moreover, it should have been used some disgraceful means to frame Parser Loper, and then won without a fight. It is precisely because of this that the Siren Sisters were pulled off their wings and fell into the mortal world. After that, Odysseus wanted to find his beloved goddess, but the muse secretly bought the crew and tied him to the mast.”

“Palse Loper, who didn’t see his dwarf, was heartbroken and eventually threw himself into the sea… It’s reasonable.” Li Tianyu nodded, “Then, after knowing the ‘truth’ of this story, how should I choose the puzzle?”

“The jealousy of the greedy…” Zheng Nanxing said, grabbing the harp, “symbolizing the muse.” Then she grabbed the rope pattern again, “The love of the blind symbolizes Odysseus being tied up. On the mast, “the last is the wing,” the Fool’s persistence symbolizes Parsel Loper’s love for Odysseus, causing her to lose her wings and throw herself into the sea.”

“The three patterns are all there, let’s go, and open the door.” Li Tianyu replied, and everyone returned to the combination lock door.

However, when they put these three patterns on, the code lock did not respond, and there was no trap to indicate that they were wrong, nor did they open the door. Li Tianyu asked curiously: “Is the order wrong?”

However, even if they changed the order, there was still no response.

Li Tianyu thought for a while, and took out the three clues before.

“Wait a minute.” Li Tianyu superimposed the clue “Blind Person’s Love” he found with the pattern of the rope, and pasted it on the door of the code lock. Now this puzzle board fits perfectly inside the code lock. .

“It turned out to be like this! To confirm that we are not guessing, but really know the meaning of these three clues.” Shen Yan suddenly pasted the patterns and clues in his hands and put them in the combination lock. Then Liu Zihao followed suit. Finally, after the three puzzle pieces were put inside the code lock, a light spread out around the code lock, and the scenery around them changed instantly.

However, there are still two doors in front of them. The doors are made of transparent glass, and you can see what is behind you through the glass.

In the room on the left is a tomb with a stone statue of a mermaid sitting on the tomb, and on the right is full of gold and silver jewelry.

“What are you doing!?” Seeing that Liu Zihao was about to open the door on the right, Li Tianyu immediately grabbed his hand and asked.

“Isn’t it a treasure? Get the treasure and leave.” Liu Zihao asked puzzledly.

“You have to choose one of the two, don’t you see it?” Li Tianyu frowned and asked sternly.

“Why choose one of the two, can you not open both sides?” Liu Zihao raised his eyebrows, and Li Tianyu shook his head: “Don’t think too simple. In fact, I always suspect that everything we see is an illusion. It was Siren Jean. The illusion we saw. From the beginning, we didn’t break free from the illusion, so my heart network couldn’t perceive the exact terrain here.”

“So…” Liu Zihao swallowed nervously and said, Li Tianyu replied: “If you make a mistake, you will die.”

With that said, Li Tianyu looked at the left side: “I think this mission is not so much to find the Siren’s treasure, but rather to let us find the Siren’s’right treasure’. The choice here is, what exactly is a treasure? .”

Li Tianyu pressed the doorknob on the left, swallowed and said, “Is it a treasure of gold and silver, or the love of a girl who is willing to wait for you stupidly and even die for you.”

After speaking, Li Tianyu twisted the door handle forcefully and entered the tomb room on the left.

I saw the stone on the surface of the mermaid statue instantly dissipated and turned into a beautiful mermaid, and the whole room immediately fragrant, as if it had arrived in heaven. The mermaid held his hands and looked at them and smiled happily: “Odysseus, is that you? I finally waited for you… I knew that you would come to me. I love you…”

After speaking of this affectionate confession, the mermaid’s figure instantly dissipated, and the scene in front of it became another scene. The four of them stood on a small reef, surrounded by sea water, and the waves were frantic I slapped the reef uncomfortably, and when I took a closer look, the sea was filled with dense white bones, and the dense crowds made people feel hairy.

Obviously, if you took the wrong step just now, you would fall into the water, and then you might be dragged into the deep sea in an illusion.

When the hallucinations in front of them finally disappeared, they found two mermaids sitting on the reef next to them, looking at them.

“You have found the truth. This is the’Siren’s Treasure’.” The red-haired mermaid smiled with a gentle expression, “Please remember this truth, please appeal to the world. And you will get the siren. Blessings You will be loved by the siren, loved by this sea, no matter where you are on this sea, you will be surrounded by this blessing.”

The four of them were surrounded by a ray of light. Li Tianyu checked the “buff” on his body and found that its description was “Siren’s Blessing”. Under this blessing state, driving on the sea will be smooth sailing and will not be affected by carats. Ken and the attack of the ghost ship can kill the “cursed crew member” at the same time.

“That’s it?” Li Tianyu’s first reaction in his heart was actually this, but he dared not say it in front of Siren.

After all, from the previous situation, after being controlled by the illusion, unless the siren takes the initiative to release it, he will always fall into the illusion. What’s more, in fact, this blessing may not be of much use to them, but for those sailing on the sea, it is indeed the most precious treasure. After all, what is more important than life?

It is the dream of every crew member to be loved by this moody sea.

After getting the treasure of the siren, they also successfully completed the task of this scene.

They re-entered the preparation room and began the final settlement of this task.

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