Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 540

Chapter 532 : The first part

“Why is it so smooth this time?” Liu Zihao whispered in disbelief after Li Tianyu came back.

“It’s not easy? Because I am more familiar with the world of The Flash.” Li Tianyu gave him a white look, and Liu Zihao asked inexplicably: “Then why didn’t you choose this world in the first place?”

“The first time you complete a professional task, it must be probing to figure out the situation.” Li Tianyu said in a bad mood, “The world of proficiency should be placed last, right?”

After all, Kuaiyin does not have its own independent film, so there is very little information about Kuaiyin. Li Tianyu initially entered the world of X-Men with a trial mentality to start missions. Failure is not wrong.

In the world of The Flash, on the one hand, the Flash is the protagonist, and the information in his works is naturally more detailed. On the other hand, it is also because the scene chosen this time is mainly “TV series”.

The details that can be explained in the TV series are naturally far more than the movies, so Li Tianyu is more familiar with this scene.

But he actually never thought that this scene would go so smoothly. After all, there are many difficult enemies in the Flash world. Inverse lightning, extreme speed, and super speed are all users of super speed power, and each of them is difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, they are now encountering Swann, who is relatively easy to deal with.

Considering the reason Swann became a “Reverse Lightning” in the first place, it is not impossible to convince him. In summary, all this has become relatively simple. However, it may also be that they think it is too simple.

There was a sudden scream from the laboratory behind him, and then a black lightning flashed in front of him. The next moment Liu Zihao flew out, and Li Tianyu turned into thunder. After Liu Zihao fell to the ground, he immediately put on his own armor, and Li Tianyu also gathered and formed not far away.

At this moment, a man in a black Flash costume stood in front of them, half of the mask torn, and the cheek below seemed to have rotted. Li Tianyu was shocked. He knew that this thing was called “Black Lightning”. For users of speed force, it was like the relationship between human beings and the **** of death. It could be regarded as the **** of death of speed force users.

It has only one purpose, to end the lives of the users of the speed force, and to pull them back into the speed force.

“Be careful!” At this time, Swan rushed out of the laboratory, “You violated the rules of nature, forcibly interfered and drew superb power, and the black lightning will drag you back into the superb power space!”

“I knew it was not that simple…” Li Tianyu frowned and sipped.

No matter how many blocks you run, Black Lightning will always wait for all of us at the end of the race. This sentence comes from a DC hero who is also a user of super power. From this point, you can see the power of Black Lightning.

It is impossible to be faster than Black Lightning before becoming a full-fledged user of the speed force. In the DC universe, the users of the great speed force have not fought against the black lightning. Some of them use the speed force to run to the end of time together with the black lightning. There is no point in death because of the time point of view. The lightning will disappear. Someone also ran back to the speed force with the black lightning, causing the black lightning to be absorbed by the speed force.

Of course, there is only one solution for Li Tianyu, and that is to get rid of this guy. After all, he is not a true super user. However, Li Tianyu seemed to think too much. Although he was in charge of some work in this mission, he only helped Liu Zihao “work”, so at this time Swan threw the strange equipment in his hand to Liu Zihao.

“Use this! Only users of super power can contend with Black Lightning!” Swan shouted.

Li Tianyu was a little surprised at the time: Can the unfinished Hell Armor be used with just one component?

Liu Zihao took the peculiar battery and placed it on his watch. The nano-robots spread out from the watch, but this time the surface of those nano-robots fluttered with some tiny lightning, which was obviously different from usual. After Liu Zihao’s battle suit took shape, it turned into a thunder light and rushed towards the black lightning.

But the black lightning turned into a black light and entangled with Liu Zihao. Li Tianyu was stunned for a while, and then confirmed the location of Liu Zihao and the black lightning with the heart network, but the two people moved too fast, he could only use the flash to move to In front of these two people. At this moment, two lightning bolts, one black and one red, were constantly colliding, making Li Tianyu wonder what to do.

After thinking about it, Li Tianyu decided to attack Liu Zihao and Black Lightning together. Anyway, Liu Zihao’s suit can absorb his lightning. So he raised his hand and shouted, “Lei Ying!”

The black thunderball condensed above his head, but at this time the black lightning stopped abruptly, and then threw a black thunder gun at him. This is the difference between Thunder Gun and his Thunder Gun. It is not a thunder and lightning but formed by superb power. Although it looks like lightning, it can hurt him. But at this time Li Tianyu had no time to dodge, and was slammed by this black flash.

It is more like being hit by a thunder and lightning. The whole person couldn’t help flying backwards, and then it seemed that there were thousands of ants crawling all over his body from his chest. Go, that painful feeling caused him to twitch twice on the ground, but fortunately Black Lightning did not make a follow-up attack on him, but Lei Ying also dissipated.

“Tsk…I can’t get in.” Li Tianyu sat up, watched the two people in front of him continue to collide, frowned and thought to himself. Although Liu Zihao may not be able to gain the upper hand from the control of the speed force, after all, Black Lightning should belong to a complete user of speed force in terms of ability, and Liu Zihao is still a newcomer.

But Liu Zihao is not a simple super user, he has other abilities.

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu knew what Liu Zihao needed, so he threw a thunder dragon at them.

This thunder dragon didn’t hit the black lightning, it just hit the ground and exploded, but it was quickly absorbed by Liu Zihao’s suit. Then the red light began to change gradually, turning into a golden light.

In the next moment, this golden light and black lightning were entangled together, and it got faster and faster, finally forming a spherical lightning storm space, and the lightning inside continued to raging. However, immediately after these lightning bolts seemed to be sucked in by an open gap, the scene finally calmed down, leaving only Liu Zihao on the court.

The golden light gleamed on Liu Zihao’s battle clothes, which was obviously a sign of overloading.

“Did you kill it?” Li Tianyu asked in surprise. Liu Zihao looked down at his hand, as if he couldn’t believe it. Click, send it in.”

As he said, Liu Zihao turned to Li Tianyu: “This feeling is really amazing…It’s like the time around is still. I can even go over and give you a punch just now, and then come back and continue to fight him.”

“Believe it or not, I killed you.” Li Tianyu gave him an angry look, “So have you completed your mission?”

“Should be considered complete?” Liu Zihao muttered, relieved of his overload, and the device connected to the super-speed force also fell from his hand.

At this time, looking at the super-speed connection device in Liu Zihao’s hand, Li Tianyu couldn’t help thinking about one thing: This device connected to super-speed power should be used directly without completing the Hell armor? It can be used directly on Liu Zihao’s current suit. Maybe this can give them a great advantage in future battles?

However, then Swan came to their side.

“You got it done?” Swan looked slightly surprised, “It’s incredible…but I want to remind you that now the connection between this device and the speed force has been fixed, and the next time you use it, it will integrate the speed force into it. A set of equipment. So if you don’t plan to use the current set of equipment to connect to the super power, you’d better choose carefully.”

This news made Li Tianyu’s heart sink. In other words, this equipment can’t be used until the Hell armor is completed, otherwise the next time it is connected to Liu Zihao’s current suit, it will be bound to this suit. Will be integrated into this suit, and this device will be useless.

And after this explanation was over, their mission was declared over, and two people came out of the mission scene.

“Strong!” Liu Zihao said excitedly when he came out, “This equipment allows me to enter the acceleration state of the Flash, and my overloaded operation can further enhance this acceleration, compared to real Flash players. Not bad!”

“Be quiet!” At this time, Shen Yan’s voice came from the room, and then came out of the bedroom angrily, “Do you know what time is it? Three o’clock in the morning! You kidnapped 20 of my husbands.” I haven’t settled the bill for the hour yet!”

“Yes, yes…” Liu Zihao quickly lowered his voice and said tremblingly, then turned to Li Tianyu and gave a thumbs up, “As expected, Brother Tianyu, this task will be completed within three hours after entering, efficient enough! Then I Let’s go back, take a break and we will go to the next round of mission tomorrow. Bye–!”

After speaking, Liu Zihao used the teleportation bone fragment to return to his home.

“Really…” Shen Yan muttered a little bit irritably, and then suddenly grabbed Li Tianyu’s arm, “How about my husband? Tired or not? The next round will be played in a few hours soon, how about you? Have a good rest?”

“It’s okay.” Li Tianyu touched Shen Yan’s face and smiled, “The two tasks actually took less than ten hours in total, so it’s not particularly tired. A little rest can ease it. You today What did you do all day?”

“Playing games, chasing dramas, shopping online.” Shen Yan replied with a smile, “but I’m not just playing, but I also washed the clothes at home, cleaned up the room, and took the trash away and thrown it away.”

“Not bad.” Li Tianyu patted her **** and said. At this moment, he also swept away the decadence of the previous mission failure, and he was in a very comfortable mood. “You go to bed, I’ll take a shower.”

“I can’t sleep after being woken up.” Shen Yan said, raising an eyebrow at Li Tianyu and smiling. Li Tianyu naturally knew her hint, so he waved his hand and urged: “Go and change your clothes. I’ll take a shower, right away.”

After exercising with Shen Yan, Li Tianyu was inexplicably refreshed. Now there are more than four hours before the start of the next round of the game. He is ready to take a rest, refresh himself and prepare for the next round. Prepare for the game.

“Let’s chat with others, go to bed after venting, scumbag…” Shen Yan said angrily beside her.

“Oh oh oh, come, hug.” Li Tianyu opened his arms and hugged Shen Yan into his arms.

“How about Zihao’s professional task? Is it difficult?” Shen Yan asked curiously, and Li Tianyu thought for a while and said: “It depends on your understanding of the scene. If you have a sufficient understanding of the ability and personality of the scene, it will be fine. , But if you don’t understand… it may be troublesome. As for the elements of the battle, you don’t really need to intervene. You are helping Zihao to strengthen the equipment, and the battle must be handed over to him.”

With that said, Li Tianyu added: “At least this is the case with me. I’m not sure about other tasks.”

“It sounds like it’s okay,” Shen Yan muttered, biting her thumb. “I don’t know if I can help him get it done before the next round of the knockout round. Hey, by the way, is his suit strong?”

“I think it will be very strong if it is made.” Li Tianyu shrugged, “You can see that he has the speed of the Flash, the transformation ability of the Green Lantern, the strong defense of Superman, the weapon enchantment of the goddess of victory, and the calculation ability of steel bones. , And his overloaded operation can further enhance the effect of these abilities. The most frightening thing is that the only shortcoming has been made up for by me.”

The most dangerous part of the Hell Armor is that it will drain the life of the user after the energy is exhausted, but Li Tianyu can charge Liu Zihao’s suit infinitely, allowing him to have endless energy. The disadvantage of the Hell Armor is not a disadvantage. Up. It is conceivable that in the future, after Liu Zihao obtains the Hell Armor, his strength may be improved by several grades than it is now.

However, it is still far away from making the Hell Armor. Only the first step has been completed at present, and the specific situation of the following tasks is not clear. Therefore, Li Tianyu must prepare for the worst, that is, when the final elimination round begins, Liu Zihao’s Hell Armor has not yet successfully completed this situation.

At that time, they could only rely on their current ability to fight. Fortunately, in addition to Liu Zihao’s Hell Armor, Li Tianyu has one more thing to look forward to, and that is fettering skills. Not surprisingly, the four people in their team still have at least one fettering technique, that is, the fettering technique that starts with him and ends with Shen Yan. As for himself…

Li Tianyu is also not sure if there are any fetters with him as the core, because all their fetters can only be developed with him as a starting point. But if there is…

“That’s worth looking forward to.” Li Tianyu took a deep breath and thought to himself.

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