Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 572

Chapter 563 : Invincible in theory

won four consecutive victories in one breath, and Li Tianyu’s morale is also rising. However, Li Tianyu cared a little bit about the girl Mila, she was smarter than Li Tianyu thought, and there is something special about her to live to this day. Probably because she is a foreign player, so their favorite abilities are different from those in China.

After winning four games in a row, the opponent still has to win first in the fifth game. And this time they played on a stranger, the last player on the European and American server who hadn’t shown up. According to the referee’s introduction, he was called “Shuang Chen”. From his name, he should be a foreign Chinese, Chinese. His name is Chen Shuang.

This is a tall, thin, dark-skinned man with a horse face, a thin face, and a mess of short hair. The first impression is that a basketball player has no contact with an otaku. But since it will appear here, it means that the other party should also be a senior two-dimensional. The other party’s choice is actually quite smart.

Because I don’t know the other party’s ability, naturally there is no such thing as restraint.

“This time…” Li Tianyu turned and looked at the people behind him, “Who is on the court?”

“I’m coming!” Shen Yan raised her hand and said with great enthusiasm, “I can’t just let my husband play alone.”

Li Tianyu thought for a while, nodded in agreement, because Shen Yan’s abilities are also relatively balanced and comprehensive. No matter what he can do when he encounters any enemy, he won’t be killed so much. Therefore, Shen Yan clicked to apply to play, and then came to the field. Li Tianyu cheered for his girlfriend silently in his heart.

“I don’t think it’s a problem, Yan’er has a very strong heads-up ability.” Liu Zihao said confidently with her arms folded.

“But the enemy’s ability is an uncertain factor.” Lin Muxue frowned and said worriedly, “I don’t know what kind of ability it will be. What if it is troublesome?”

At this moment, the battle has already begun. Shen Yan immediately switched to the armor of the Sky Wheel and rushed up to Chen Shuang. This girl, regardless of temptation or temptation, was going to win the victory with all her strength. At this time, the necklace around Chen Shuang’s neck spread out, covering him into a battle suit. Although it was not in the shape of a black panther, it was indeed a suit of black panther.

Because Shen Yan’s sword hit him, a circle of purple phosphorescence spread, but nothing happened.

The special effect of the Black Panther’s suit is that it can absorb the impact of the enemy’s physical attack and use it to convert it into its own energy or release it. Basically, it can be regarded as immunity to physical attacks. There is only one super powerful, Attacks that exceed the upper limit of the suit can cause the impact to be transmitted to the owner.

In other words, the ability to defeat the Panther in a physical attack requires only the impact of Superman or the Red Tank level, otherwise it will be absorbed by the Panther’s suit. But Shen Yan’s strength is not that high, and it may be difficult to break this suit by physical attack. But Shen Yan can actually rely on magic attacks, and she also has armor that can launch magic attacks in her dress-up.

However, at this moment, a red shabby magic book floated beside Chen Shuang, and two black swords slowly floated out of the magic book, and were held by Chen Shuang. At that time, Li Tianyu was the first. The response is: interesting.

Chen Shuang’s ability comes from the “anti-magic power” of the protagonist “Asta” in “Black Five Leaf Clover”.

Of these two swords, one can eliminate magic power and rebound the enemy’s magical attacks; the other can absorb the enemy’s magical attacks, store them and counterattack them back, similar to Shen Yan’s guardian silver bracelet; there is a third sword now Chen Shuang didn’t take it out. This third sword could eliminate all magic states, including buffs and enchantments.

The combination of these two abilities, one immune to physical attacks and one immune to magical attacks, is really an interesting combination in Li Tianyu’s view. The Panther’s suit is not just a prop, but needs the support of the Panther’s blood.

Black Panthers are not ordinary people in the original work. When they become the king of Wakanda, they will drink a herb to increase their physical fitness, and in a duel, they will drink a herb to eliminate this superpower and put on The Black Panther’s suit needs this ability as a prerequisite to function, otherwise, if it is an ordinary person, even a little bit beyond the upper limit of the suit will be enough to kill.

And the combination of this ability and “anti-magic” is perfect, because as the protagonist “Asta” in “Black Five Leaf Clover”, his characteristic is “no magic”, but correspondingly his physique, agility and The strength is much higher than the average person.

Therefore, without the front of magic, it can only be matched with the bloodline and suit of the “Black Panther”.

Of course, there are many anti-magic abilities, such as the fantasy killer, but the fantasy killer was first selected by the player named Wang Yi in the national server during the week. Similarly, Meliodas’ full counterattack was also selected, so magic is immune. This aspect can only rely on Ashtar’s anti-magic power. And to match the anti-magic power, only the blood of the black panther is left without spending any magic power.

This combination is quite interesting and smart. Although it has no magic power, the anti-magic sword can hit the body of the natural fruit ability even if it does not need magic power, so this ability combination does not require magic power.

In theory, it is very good, physical magic attacks are not eaten, but…in actual combat, to fully achieve physical attack immunity and magic attack immunity, it still depends on the ability of both parties.

For example, anti-magic power. To activate this ability, you must cut the opponent’s magic attack with a sword.

And physical immunity is not absolute. If a single blow attack is strong enough, it can destroy the suit.

Shen Yan also knew this, so after seeing through the opponent’s abilities, she put on another set of pure-hearted clothes. Shen Yan’s attack type is relatively subtle. Normal attacks are physical attacks, but the moves of the armor of the star armor are magic attacks. Moreover, although Shen Yan’s Sky Wheel Armor is a physical attack, the “Dazzling Sword” skill of the Sky Wheel Armor is a magic attack.

In addition, the conviction slash of Pure Heart Cloth is also a physical attack with magic added.

In terms of Chen Shuang’s ability, to be immune to physical and magical attacks, one has to distinguish whether these attacks are physical or magical. Of course, those three anti-magic swords can not only eliminate magic, but also can be used as a physical attack.

Therefore, Chen Shuang first went up and used the broad sword “Sword of Broken Demon” with his right hand to greet Shen Yan’s demon sword Hongying. The sword confrontation made a crisp sound, and the two started a few back and forth fights, seemingly irrelevant for the time being Win or lose.

“The domineering has been eliminated…” Li Tianyu thought to himself.

With Shen Yan’s attributes, if he is domineering, he can completely crush Chen Shuang’s attributes, but the two sides are between the first and second, obviously because the sword of breaking the demon has eliminated the domineering.

“Hmm…” Chen Shuang groaned for a while, then suddenly put the sword of the demon in his right hand back into the magic book, and then took out the sword of exterminating the demon and greeted Shen Yan’s demon sword Hongying. As the swords connected, Chen Shuang was forced to take a step back by Shen Yan’s strength. He gritted his teeth and looked a little disappointed. It was obvious that his careful thoughts did not succeed.

Li Tianyu knew Chen Shuang’s purpose. He obviously thought that the armor on Shen Yan was transformed by magic, so he planned to try it with the Sword of Demon. If it were armor and weapons formed by magic, they would disappear instantly when they came into contact with the Sword of Demon, just like Inticus’ clothes after being touched by a fantasy killer.

But in fact, Shen Yan’s armor is not magic but a real thing. Her magic power is only used to change outfits quickly.

Therefore, the Sword of Demon Slayer cannot eliminate Shen Yan’s armor, at best it can only eliminate part of her slash. Shen Yan and Chen Shuang kept going back and forth, and finally Shen Yan found an opportunity to attack. She bowed her head to avoid Chen Shuang’s attack and swept Chen Shuang into the air with a sweep of her legs, and then slashed Chen Shuang’s chest with her sword in both hands.

With this heavy blow, Chen Shuang slammed his head on the ground, spreading a circle of dust.

On Chen Shuang’s battle clothes, a circle of purple phosphorescence spread, but Chen Shuang showed no signs of injury.

Li Tianyu knows that Shen Yan is actually testing. The Pure Heart is the armor with the highest power and agility bonus. If this armor can’t break the defense of the Panther suit, then it is really impossible to rely on brute force. Broke through. The key is that Shen Yan’s domineering correction effect was eliminated by the Sword of Broken Demon, and the attributes were naturally much lower in disguise.

To defeat Chen Shuang, in fact, the best is the type that relies on attributes like Xia Ning and Carl to suppress.

This is why Carl is so strong in the foreign service. As the saying goes, one force drops ten times, and most of the abilities will be restrained when the attributes are crushed. But if Shen Yan is changed, this game may not be very good.

The other party’s ability is actually very troublesome for Li Tianyu. These three swords almost defeated his ability Not only ordinary lightning strikes, even Chaos Thunder will be eliminated. And absorption, because Chaos Thunder is actually just a thunder and lightning mixed with armed and domineering. Thinking of this, Li Tianyu began to think: What should he do if he meets Chen Shuang?

Although the ability is restrained, but the player is not perfect, people will make mistakes. So with such great restraint in ability, all you can do is to keep attacking and temptation, and then see who makes the mistake first.

Li Tianyu doesn’t have any particularly good ideas, so now he can only observe Shen Yan in the stands to see if Shen Yan can come up with a good idea. Shen Yan then cancelled the clothes of pure heart and switched back to “Armor of the Sky Wheel”, and then immediately replaced it with the “Armor of Stars”, so that she would have two passive effects on her body.

The passiveness of Qingxin Zhizhi added a layer of red light to the two lightsabers in Shen Yan’s hand, and at the same time the “flying sword” of the armor of the sky wheel surrounded her, allowing her to continue to attack with the sword. These two layers of passive effects complicate Shen Yan’s attack methods. He attacked Chen Shuang again, but this time she played more flexibly, constantly attacking Chen Shuang’s dead ends.

“That’s it…” Li Tianyu suddenly praised his girlfriend’s cleverness.

Shen Yan’s attack in this multiple passive form is “combined” damage, with magic damage and physical damage at the same time.


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