Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 581

Chapter 572 : European and American game style

After entering the scene, Li Tianyu and others appeared in a small town. The scene is similar to the second game of “Alien vs. Predator”, which takes place in a remote town. But this time the town is much larger than before, with a total population of 400 people. The town is surrounded by mountains and the environment is quite good.

But the town is still a foreign town, probably because foreign residents can hold guns. It was nine o’clock in the morning, and the birth place of Li Tianyu and his party was in a villa in the small town.

From the information of the villa and their luggage, it is inferred that they should be tourists visiting this town.

“It’s still early. Alien will not act before dark. We will disperse first to find out the terrain and general information of the town. By the way, we will have a good relationship with the residents and establish a certain degree of prestige. We will wait for the accident. It’s convenient to start the action immediately.” Li Tianyu warned everyone, then patted Lin Muxue’s shoulder, “It’s your turn to play.”

“Leave it to me.” Lin Muxue cast a wink at him, and then smiled mischievously at Shen Yan: “It’s time for me to show off?”

“Well, come on.” Shen Yan pursed her lips and smiled. In front of outsiders, Shen Yan usually behaves more beautifully.

“Let’s go, too.” Li Tianyu turned to Shen Yan, Zheng Nanxing and Liu Zihao and said, “The four of us try to act together as much as possible. In addition, we must also be careful of players with different forces in the daytime. Carl is still very strong in the daytime.”

“Understood.” Everyone responded, and then they moved separately. But Li Tianyu felt in his heart that European and American players should not act in the daytime, because they would only stun the snakes. Even if the human players are killed, the players will not die, but can be resurrected by consuming the population.

So now is to understand this scene first, each scene has some hidden settings, especially in this kind of NPC scene. Maybe human NPCs can also cause damage to the player, otherwise Karl can kill all the humans in the entire town by coming alone, and there is no point in starting this game.

They wandered around the town and learned about the operation pattern of the town. The town is dominated by hunting and tourism. It is the off-season for tourism. In addition to them, there are only another group of tourists in the whole town. The population of the whole town is exactly 400 people. Although the town is not big, the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs.

There is a small clinic in the small town, and there is also a larger hospital. The top of the hospital is equipped with an apron and a helicopter for emergency transport of patients. In addition, there is a supermarket, a school, and a hydroelectric power station in the town, and every household has a generator. But the more critical thing is the signal tower, one in the south and one in the north of the town.

When both signal towers are destroyed, the town will be cut off from the rest of the world, and the nearest city or town will take four hours to reach by car. It is definitely too late to ask for help after an accident.

Judging from past experience, these two signal towers will be a key point. The unusual force will definitely destroy the signal tower, and they must prepare in advance the tools and materials needed to repair the signal tower.

In addition, there are weapons. It is very important to fully equip the residents of the town. They learned from the residents that because the aborigines here have been hunting for a long time, there is a weapons shop in the town.

There are a large number of powerful shotguns and bullets for sale in the weapons store. These shotguns are basically large-caliber shotguns of the Magnum series. These guns are very powerful and are usually used to hunt wild boars and elephants. Thick beasts, even aliens that are hit by these guns will be seriously injured. But the number of weapons is obviously impossible to arm everyone.

Judging from the number of firearms, plus the residents’ own shotguns, it should be able to arm 70 or 80 people. In addition, the residents of the town also have a lot of experience in bows and arrows and trap making.

Last time Li Tianyu and the others joined the alien formation, they didn’t know much about the human camp, but this time it seems that the human forces are still relatively strong. Probably because there is no predator added this time, so humans have enough ability to fight the aliens. This also means that the residents of the small town will definitely play a key role in the confrontation.

And Li Tianyu’s intuition about this is not wrong. They can see from the mobile phone information that the residents of the town can cause “percentage true damage” to the enemy. In other words, whether it is a player or an alien, the NPC has a chance to kill it.

Even Karl. Even if Carl turns on the “Heaven and Heaven” state, if he recklessly conflicts with a human NPC, he will be shot and killed by the human NPC indiscriminately. However, correspondingly, Li Tianyu estimated that the Alien also has similar attributes, which can cause a percentage of real damage to the player, or simply a one-shot spike.

After exploring the village for a few hours, all of their players came to the restaurant in the town at noon to discuss the information they had gained after exploring during the day. Basically all aspects are similar to Li Tianyu’s guess. There are several key points in the town. One is the repair shop, which contains various repair equipment and parts, which can be used to repair the damage to the hydroelectric power station and the two signal towers.

The second is a weapon shop, where the weapons can be used to arm the entire town’s residents.

The third is the supermarket, which has a lot of canned food. This is because the town relies on hunting for a living and does not grow much, so vegetables and vitamins basically rely on canned food and wild vegetables picked in the mountains. The supermarket goes outside to replenish goods once a week. The goods in the supermarket are very sufficient, enough for the residents of the small town to supply for half a month.

These three places must be protected. As for the hydroelectric power station and the signal tower… these three areas are located outside the town. In the wild environment, these three areas are impossible to protect. Once you go outside at night, the alien in this environment surrounded by mountains can easily kill a human in a sneak attack.

Therefore, hydroelectric power stations and signal towers will definitely be destroyed by aliens.

In this way, the whole idea has slowly become clear, and it is basically a tower defense model.

Aliens operate at night, destroying important structures such as human power stations and signal towers, and launching sneak attacks and parasitic attacks on humans to expand the population; while humans repair structures damaged by aliens during the day, and then rely on what they have at hand at night. Weapons and traps defend the aliens’ attacks.

This model can be said to test strategy, at least better than simply testing force. And Li Tianyu thinks they have advantages. The first is that Carl can’t exert his ability at night, and the attack of human NPC can also kill him.

The second advantage is that humans are more fault-tolerant. Even if players die, they can be resurrected by consuming a certain amount of population. This means that human players have room for recovery even if they make mistakes.

However, Lin Muxue brought them back a very important piece of information: “I found an old hunter in the forest outside of the town. I heard that he is the oldest hunter in the town. He used to be a veteran. It looks a bit like blue. Bo is very good at traps and guerrilla warfare in the forest, and then he told me a particularly important piece of information, which I think is an’upgrading system’.”

“Upgrade the system?” Li Tianyu asked curiously, “How to upgrade?”

“He said that no matter what beast is, it has its own habits. As long as you can observe their behavior and body structure, you can make traps and weapons specifically for this beast.” Lin Muxue explained.

“It sounds like let us bring him the remnant of the alien for him to study, and he will give us some more powerful traps and weapons against the alien?” Ye Tiancheng asked with interest, “It’s interesting, I Go and talk to him.”

“Then this grandfather must be protected?” Nana asked Fujikawa by the arm at this time, “What should he do if he is attacked by an alien in such a remote forest alone?”

“I don’t think it’s necessary…” Lin Muxue frowned, her lips tightened and said: “I also said at the time that it is too dangerous for him to live in the forest. Let him go back to the town with me. But he disagrees, saying that he is absolutely capable of protecting himself.”

“Really? He’s just a veteran…” Xia Ning frowned suspiciously, and Lin Muxue shrugged. “He said that his home is full of traps, and he also has enough weapons to protect his own. It’s safe. And he has had conflicts with the residents of the town. Except for buying some necessities in the town, he will never go to the town at other times.”

“This guy is not invincible, right? It’s the kind of invincible NPC.” Liu Zihao speculated.

Li Tianyu shook his head: “It shouldn’t be invincible. It’s just harder to kill. It may take a lot of trouble. It also shows that we need to protect this old man so that we can upgrade our abilities from him.”

“Hey, let me protect this old man.” Kay gritted his teeth at this time: “I like this old man’s character, and I feel that I will get along well with him. Anyway, I don’t want to be with you guys. Only weak animals can do it. social……”

“Yes, wild beasts always walk alone.” Li Tianyu interrupted him expressionlessly, “but wild beasts are also divided into bobcats and lions. Although these two are independent, their strength is not in the same level, right?”

“What the **** do you mean!?” Kai gritted his teeth, Li Tianyu just didn’t bother to pay attention to him: “But I think it’s feasible, after all, this guy has a very good sense of smell. You can give us a warning in advance if you find something.”

“I’ll be with him.” Ye Tiancheng also replied at this time, “I am very interested in the old man’s weapons and traps. Maybe I can get some information from him to make some weapons for human NPCs to use.”


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