Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 585

Chapter 575 : MVP

After an attempt to contact the military failed, everyone gathered to discuss the next step.

“The first goal of those guys is really the signal tower. Do you want to delay the arrival of the military?” Li Tianyu frowned and muttered, “It’s okay, get the tools ready, we will organize a team to repair the signal tower during the day tomorrow.”

In fact, the destruction of the signal tower by the force of the different situation also proved one thing, that is, the support of the military will indeed cause trouble to the force of the different situation, and the arrival of the military also announced the failure of the force of the different situation.

Therefore, their task is now very clear: to repair the signal tower, wait for the rescue of the military to arrive, and then survive during this period, it is as simple as that.

Of course, it is simple to say, whether it can be implemented is another matter. From a power point of view, they are in a passive situation. Whether it is upgrading weapons or traps, they need to attack the door, defeat the aliens, and collect the remnants of the aliens to achieve the upgrade, so everything depends on it. Different situational power.

“Tomorrow during the daytime, the four members of our team will take some villagers to repair the signal tower.” Li Tianyu said simply, “The rest of you are staying in the village. I suspect that the alien side may be adjusting the tiger away from the mountain.”

“No, no, no, I think you are more dangerous no matter how you look at it, right?” Lin Muxue frowned, “Maybe they deliberately used the signal tower as bait and asked you to take someone to repair it? Then ambush you on the road and take it away. A few people come to breed aliens. You have fewer people, obviously more dangerous than ours.”

“So, I plan to take only the fewest people.” Li Tianyu explained, “Our players will die in battle, and they will definitely not be captured. So even if they kill us, they won’t be able to breed aliens. They can only bring a few Several repairmen from, but on the other hand, the four of us have a chance to kill a few aliens. If we are lucky, we may be able to kill a certain player.”

“Indeed, it’s not a loss in this case.” Mira frowned and muttered, “After all, your four abilities are more flexible.”

Li Tianyu also nodded: “Although the damage to human forces will increase, our damage will not decrease. Yan’er and I are more flexible types and are not easy to be hit. Southern Star also relies on ability to disintegrate enemy attacks and attacks. There is not much difference between the strengths and weaknesses; and Zihao…people don’t need to go, just send the battle clothes.”

“I still have to go.” Liu Zihao said solemnly, “How can I use the fetters when I’m not here?”

“Well, that’s true.” Li Tianyu nodded, “Our human advantage is that we can be resurrected even if we die, so don’t protect other humans and give priority to killing aliens. You can kill a few, as long as the aliens are dead, the aliens The forces are also unable to move an inch.”

Li Tianyu knows that the “disintegration ray” will become a very critical ability, because the enemies hit by the disintegration ray will be instantly killed if they don’t have the ability to heal themselves, and they can be resurrected if they die.

Moreover, the resurrection of their players after death will consume ten human populations, and these ten human populations will not increase the number of aliens. So Li Tianyu’s plan is foolproof. Of course, the premise is that they can repair the signal tower.

The good news is that Li Tianyu’s flash is still usable on this map, and with his teleport distance, one flash can reach any location on this map. It’s just a cost…

Although only the least manpower is needed, the town is still more than ten kilometers away from the signal tower. This distance takes six people to flash once and it will cost half of his domineering, so if you have to fight, that domineering will not be enough to come back. .

Therefore, at this time, Li Tianyu actually decided in his heart that he would sacrifice the repairman he brought this time.

But for now, the first task is to live until dawn tomorrow morning. As the sun goes down, the sky is completely dark.

Due to the destruction of the signal tower, there are probably not enough people to destroy the power station. Even if the power station is destroyed, there are a lot of power generation equipment in the town, which can be illuminated within a few hours.

In accordance with Li Tianyu’s request, the residents of the town gathered together after dark. All outings were carried out in units of ten people. No orders were allowed, even if they went to the toilet, they were not allowed to be alone. In addition, every settlement has twenty armed men patrolling where the light is found, rotating every two hours.

From the plan, there is no way for Alien to attack the human side without being discovered. Even if they can kill a group of patrolling soldiers, they will be discovered, and the battle will begin next. However, Li Tianyu didn’t think he would attack in a different situation tonight. At most, he would come to a few players to try it out, and he wouldn’t really do it.

Because now their human equipment is too perfect, the entire town’s electricity is concentrated near these settlements.

Not only are a lot of traps set up, but also the light source illuminates all the surrounding areas. In this case, a rash attack by aliens will only result in being discovered by humans and then dying of bullets. The number of aliens in the early stage is small, and the new aliens have not yet matured, so they will definitely wait until tomorrow. At that time, the aliens hatched today should also be mature.

Li Tianyu speculated that they should do it after destroying the hydroelectric power station tomorrow.

As long as the power supply to the hydroelectric power station is cut off, the town’s lighting will be reduced by two-thirds. If you want to maintain the light source near the settlement, you will need a lot of engines and gasoline. Otherwise, the lack of light sources around the settlement will give you more aliens. In the space to play, the human beings attacked by aliens have no room for counterattack. They need to prepare in advance.

“If I’m not wrong, Alien should come to try it out tonight, but he won’t do it.” Li Tianyu said, turning to Karina, “We have to prepare in advance. If the hydroelectric power station is destroyed, we need something. What will ensure that the electricity in this small town can keep running?”

“We need a lot of gasoline and diesel.” The sheriff explained, “But even if the gasoline and diesel in the entire town are collected, it can only provide electricity for three nights. The nearest gas station is two to the east. Kilometers away.”

“Two kilometers…not very far.” Li Tianyu groaned while resting his chin.

“Tianyu, can’t your lightning be used for lighting?” Zhang Wenxin asked curiously, and Li Tianyu smiled dryly: “My voltage is 2 billion volts? It’s impossible to use it for life, right? All electrical appliances will be damaged. but……”

Speaking of this, Li Tianyu turned to Liu Zihao: “Zihao, your suit should be able to absorb my lightning and illuminate it?”

“Well, it can be…” Liu Zihao scratched his face unconvinced, “but I always feel a bit wasteful.”

“It’s not realistic.” Ye Tiancheng shook his head. “It’s too wasteful to use an important resource like a battle suit as a light. Alien will definitely find a way to destroy these battle clothes. Such an important strategic resource is simply destroyed. Isn’t it a pity?”

“So I still need gasoline…” Li Tianyu thought secretly, “Then, after the signal tower is repaired during the day tomorrow, we will find a way to collect some gasoline and bring it back.”

After deciding on the next day’s process, everyone also started to rest and shift.

Because the enemy forces also have players, and the ability of players is still difficult for ordinary people to deal with, so each settlement is arranged for a player to take a shift, and other players take turns to rest.

In the three locations, the three players responsible for guarding are Fujikawa Hideichi, Ye Tiancheng and Liu Zihao.

“By the way, I have always been curious about something.” Li Tianyu turned to Xia Ning, “That guy, Carl, how did you beat you? Your physique is so high, even Carl’s ability should not be able to easily solve your talents. Correct.”

Xia Ning’s brows frowned slightly, and she looked a little unhappy: “That guy used a domineering additional attack to hit me stiff, and then grabbed me and flew into space forcibly. That guy can survive in space, but I can’t.”

“Ah…” Li Tianyu suddenly said: The biggest disadvantage of Saiyans is that they cannot survive in the universe as aliens. They are similar to humans, but many bloodlines, including Thor and Superman, can all be in space. survive.

Even if they enter the universe, they can live. Therefore, the method Carl chose is indeed the simplest and most direct way to defeat Xia Ning. Otherwise, Xia Ning’s huge physique is even higher than Karl’s, and it is absolutely impossible to end the battle so quickly.

“This guy is really smart…” Li Tianyu murmured to himself, and could not be taken lightly because of Karl’s past arrogant performance. Everything that guy showed was the result of his careful consideration.

Li Tianyu can basically be sure that Carl’s ability to “artificial sun” cannot last for five minutes. Even with the help of John, it is impossible. It can be supported in two minutes at most. It is very likely that this state is a fixed one minute.

If this is the case, then there is a plan to deal with it, this ability is a double-edged sword, as long as this minute is delayed, Karl will fall into a state where he cannot fight.

As Li Tianyu was thinking, there was a scream outside, followed by gunfire.

At that time, everyone came outside without saying a word. At this moment, a group of patrolling people were venting their guns into the darkness, but in the darkness they could vaguely see a few dark shadows passing by quickly, even though the shadows were huge in size. There was only a slight sound of “rustling”, as if I saw those cockroaches running around in the dark in the kitchen when I was a child.

“Don’t waste bullets!” Li Tianyu raised his hand to stop the group of patrolling people. “They just came to harass.”

Li Tianyu opened the heart web. Although his heart web could not perceive the alien, he could find the player’s location.

Now the people in the small town are all gathered together, so the people who perceive outside the settlement must be the players with different powers. There was a person who was quite close to them, so Li Tianyu raised his head and saw in the air…

“Carl…” Li Tianyu raised his head and stared at Karl and muttered to himself, because it was at night when Karl was in a state of high speed, which was the attribute of 50/150/50/0, but even so, humans’ damage was increased by 100%. Passive effects, players like Li Tianyu will still be hurt by Karl.

Only Xia Ning, even as a human, can survive Carl’s injury.

But Carl didn’t attack rashly. He was just observing all this in mid-air. It seemed to be to observe the situation, just as Li Tianyu had expected before, just to test it out. After discovering that Li Tianyu’s gaze was locked on him, Carl was still expressionless. After all, he was in a higher position in the depths, and no other human beings found him.

“Don’t you get out?” Li Tianyu raised his hand, “Even if I am a human being, I can hurt you…”

A black thunder and lightning descended from the sky and fell towards Carl, but Carl only flickered a distance to avoid it. He was not hit by the lightning, but did not intend to leave. Instead, he was going to go to the other side to see the town. Happening.

At this time, a human being saw Karl and suddenly let out a heart-piercing scream. The woman pointed to Karl in mid-air and screamed: “Well, there is a monster there, it can fly!”

“In the eyes of human NPCs, are players with different powers also an alien appearance?” Li Tianyu thought to himself with interest. But instead of explaining, he turned to Liu Zihao and the others: “Knock that guy away.”

At this moment, people in the town were still panicking with flashlights looking for aliens running around in the dark.

Judging from the flashing shadows, there should be only two aliens, that is, the queen’s guard.

This means that at the time of birth, the queen had three aliens, and then on the first day they parasitized four people and took away eight people. Tomorrow night, besides the queen, there will be 14 aliens who can come out to move.

The number of people who can fight in the town is no more than a hundred people, and the rest are old, weak, sick and disabled women.

In the case of sufficient light, there is still something to fight, but if the hydroelectric power station is destroyed…

At that time, the players on the scene attacked Carl in mid-air together, trying to drive him away, but Carl is not so easy to kill even if he only has 50 physique left He is in this state. The next is too agile.

The 150-point agility made him watch the enemy’s attacks all in slow motion, and he could easily dodge it until… a gunshot came, and then Carl clutched his shoulder and gave a painful cry, and looked down.

At this moment, Ye Tiancheng was holding a shotgun in his hand and pointed it at Carl’s side.

“Yes, human weapons can cause a percentage of true damage to aliens…” Li Tianyu suddenly said, “This is much more effective than our own attacks! Then why use abilities?!”

Moreover, the flying speed of bullets is so fast and small in size that the human eye can’t see it at all.

Although the player’s ability is easier to use when killing ordinary aliens, when fighting against a guy with high physique like Carl, there is no doubt that human weapons are much easier to use, after all, it is a percentage of real damage.

From this point of view, is it wrong for Ye Tiancheng to be the MVP in this game?

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