Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 594

Chapter 584 : Alien Guard

This information, Li Tianyu immediately shared with other players, so that new tactics would be available. If it is possible to separate some of the existing civilians who are better at fighting aliens to deal with alien attacks, when aliens launch attacks, let those who are capable of fighting and those who are not capable of fighting take refuge.

In this way, they can drastically reduce the casualty rate when aliens attack.

However, the actual situation is not so optimistic that they can completely suppress the aliens. According to statistics, it is found that there are only about 20 humans who are good at fighting aliens. They are all hunters in the town and go hunting in the forest every season. , And the hunters who were captured the first day before were in charge of the same work, but it happened that it was not their turn.

The scale of twenty-something people basically can only deal with scattered aliens, and it is difficult to deal with aliens once they have formed a scale. But having such a group of people is better than nothing. Let this group of people lead other physically strong young people, should be able to organize a team of about sixty people, the weapons in the town are still relatively sufficient, enough to deal with the three parts of the alien.

“Actually, this task is a bit similar to a task we completed a long time ago.” Li Tianyu explained.

“Are you talking about the scene of the’Busan Tour”?’ Shen Yan asked curiously.

Li Tianyu nodded: “Even though we used the evil way to complete the task that time, the orthodox gameplay of that mode is actually the same as it is now. We rely on NPCs to fight on their own to accumulate experience and then kill the zombies. It is the same now. Players have to do it. In fact, it is a matter of decision-making, so that these NPCs can deal with alien attacks by themselves. As for the players…”

“It feels that the task of human players is to find a way to survive from alien players. As long as they last long enough, human NPCs will always come to support them.” Zhang Wenxin explained at this time, “Alien players are the other way around. They just want to find a way to kill more players before the NPC.”

“Well, that’s the case.” Xia Ning said in a deep voice, “Recall that we died because we were attacked by aliens and were never killed by the player. From these various settings, including the percentage of human weapons, it is true. With the damage and alien assassination settings, you can discover that the protagonist in this scene is still an NPC, and the player should be more responsible for decision-making.”

“Then, what is our next decision?” Nana asked with her nail polish on the side with her legs upright.

As a result, everyone at the scene focused on Li Tianyu, waiting for his answer.

“Last night’s trap had a miraculous effect. Of course, today’s task is to continue to complete the trap.” Li Tianyu replied, “But now that the alien has the ability to disguise, the search for materials must naturally change.”

“Go to the old man first.” Ye Tiancheng suggested, “Last night, I got a lot of alien bodies, and there was even a living alien. Let the old man take a look. Maybe he can invent some new traps. The materials have to be collected again. ”

“There are two aliens alive now? Brother Tianyu.” Zheng Nanxing suddenly replied at this time.

Li Tianyu was stunned for a moment. Only then did he remember that two aliens were trapped by traps, and one of them was caught by the vine net and couldn’t break free. The tough vine can’t be torn by the alien, and it won’t be corroded by acidic blood, so this alien has no way to escape. The other alien was the one that fell under the stake before, and its body was pierced and unable to move.

However, because this second alien was pierced in several places by the stake, it was already in a state of dying and looked very weak. The alien was trapped and unable to resist, so the players tied the alien with a vine net, and then brought it to the hunter’s hut.

“Oh? The living alien? This is really interesting.” The old man Arnold looked at the two aliens in front of him with interest and muttered to himself. At this moment, the alien trapped in the vine net was tied with his hands, feet and ears. Sitting on the ground, it can’t move, but it can still attack with its inner nest. It’s just that Mr. Arnold won’t be fooled.

“It looks so honest.” The old man Arnold smiled, touching his beard, and moved closer to the alien.

At this moment, the alien gnawed its teeth at the old man Arnold, and Li Tianyu knew that the alien was about to spew out the inner nest teeth. Sure enough, the next moment Alien opened his mouth and ejected his inner nest teeth, but Arnold was already on guard, and the Alien just opened his mouth and Arnold backed away and avoided. Seeing the abnormal shape, he retracted the inner nest teeth, gritted his teeth and looked at Arnolden.

But after a while, it calmed down and sat on the ground no longer struggling. Then Arnold went to look at the dying alien again. After studying for a while, he touched his beard and nodded: “It turns out that…Even with such a severe injury, it can still last until now. It’s incredible. This is. The vitality of this creature is like a cockroach.”

“Then, old man, can you handle these aliens alone?” Li Tianyu asked at this time.

“Huh, although I am old, I am not an idiot.” Arnold glanced at Li Tianyu, his tone was rather surly, “I won’t be killed by the two aliens that have already been caught, don’t worry. But I sent it today. There are a lot of alien corpses, and I believe we should be able to assemble a batch of weapons specially designed to deal with aliens…”

Speaking of this, Arnold smiled at the alien in front of him: “Hmph, you ugly monsters, do you think you are the best hunter in the world? Wrong, the best hunters have the ability to learn. That’s why humans don’t have fangs. Sharp teeth and tall body, but still at the top of the food chain. Learning is the most important place, we will improve, and then defeat you.”

Li Tianyu felt that the old man’s personality was a bit weird, so he left him here, and then returned to the town with other players, chatted with Karina, and learned about the most urgent needs of the residents in the town. Supplies. First of all, gasoline and diesel are used for power generation. If they are not replenished, the power will be cut off after tonight.

The materials used for the traps are quite sufficient, and the materials collected a few days ago can still support a period of time.

But there is another thing that is urgently needed now, that is, medical and sanitary products, such as disinfecting alcohol, bandages, and simple drugs such as aspirin. During the battle last night, many wounded people appeared in the townspeople. Alien itself is a representative of filth. Now the climate is relatively hot, and many wounded wounds have been infected.

If they are not dealt with anymore, these wounded will completely lose their combat effectiveness and become a burden, and they may even die in the end. So the top priority now is diesel, gasoline or any fuel that can be used to generate electricity, as well as medical supplies.

After the previous routine, they have determined that the player is responsible for strategic tasks, so these search materials are the responsibility of the player. Although the player encounters the alien and is killed by a single blow, Li Tianyu does not think that the alien force will take such a risk, because it is not cost-effective. Once the alien is exposed in front of the player, the ending is death.

Therefore, even if ten human populations are used to exchange for an alien, it is still more cost-effective for human power, because the number of aliens has not increased.

Therefore, Li Tianyu divided the team slightly. Ye Tiancheng and Kai wanted to guard the hunter’s hut to prevent Arnold from being attacked. Lin Muxue and Nana were not fighting types. Two players were left in the town just in case. Therefore, Li Tianyu arranged for Xia Ning and Fujikawa Hideichi, two more capable players, to stay in the town for defense, and the others were divided into two batches to start operations.

Li Tianyu, Mila and Shen Yan moved together to search for medical supplies, while Liu Zihao, Zhang Wenxin and Zheng Nanxing went together to find usable gasoline. Each team on both sides brings a person who can’t fly. The most important thing is that the two people in the team have a certain ability to perceive aliens, although it is not very accurate.

The “extraterrestrial parasite” on Mila can react to the beast, but it doesn’t have to be an alien, it may be a certain wild wolf or grizzly bear; and Zheng Nanxing’s vector control can help her prevent the alien first The wave sneak attack will not be killed in seconds but if the alien’s target is someone else, it may not be effective.

“Medical supplies…Where is there such a thing?” Milla frowned and complained, “This is not the end of the world, should we go to the next city to find it? But the scene map should not be that big, right? There must be edges. ”

“Yes, so search around on the map.” Li Tianyu replied, “I asked the sheriff before and she told me that because the town is too far away from the city, there will be some warehouses for storing some first aid in the hospital. The supplies, so as not to die before getting to the hospital on the way to the doctor. Let’s go and search those warehouses.”

But the sheriff only knows a rough idea, and they don’t know which materials are in which warehouse.

The situation in the United States is that there is a large area with sparsely populated areas, like this small town, where there are farms, corn and various crops are planted in the middle, but no one is seen. Li Tianyu had heard from the residents of the town before that there was a large company’s plantation nearby that was responsible for the production of corn syrup. These corn plots were artificially planted when they were planted, and then they were all operated by drones.

Whether it is watering, fertilizing or spraying pesticides, drones are in charge. When the crops are mature, they will be sent to harvest and then sent to the factory to make corn syrup. So there is no one around here, but there is a large warehouse of the company, which stores various materials and supplies, most of which are the company’s materials. If they are not dealt with anymore, these wounded will completely lose their combat effectiveness and become a burden, and eventually may even die. So the top priority now is diesel, gasoline or any fuel that can be used to generate electricity, as well as medical supplies.


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