Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 597

Chapter 587 : Sneak attack

After the end of last night’s battle, apart from being given a hand by Edward at the end, it can be said that the human Fang won a great victory. However, although Li Tianyu was given a hand by Edward, he felt that it was a gain, because Edward’s character was an unstable factor in the opposing team.

Players in European and American servers are either more obedient or sane. Carl is the strongest and the most sensible, everyone else will follow his orders, but Edward is obviously an exception.

Although John was a bit reckless and brainless when acting alone before, he at least obeyed Carl’s instructions, while Edward was different. This person has an impulsive temperament and a hot temper, and this is a very important point.

Perhaps this point of Edward can be used in subsequent tasks to gain a key advantage. However, their first task at the moment is to plan the next step first.

As a result of this victory, they lost 16 people and four were captured, but they killed 18 aliens. In other words, there were originally 36 aliens, but now the number has been reduced by 14 aliens.

Now, the number of aliens on the side of the alien force has been reduced to twenty-two. If the aliens come to attack again tonight, the loss will be more serious, because the number of aliens has been greatly reduced, but their traps and weapons have not decreased.

Therefore, if there is no accident, the different situation forces should not attack tonight, and they may not attack in the next few days. After all, the number of them is too small, or they can only rely on sneak attacks to take away a few townspeople to slowly develop during the day, and then attack again after the number increases to increase the number of aliens.

But Li Tianyu will not let this happen. The residents in the town now have ample food. The military cans and water collected from the warehouse, plus the materials already in the town, are enough for the residents of the town to support ten days. . Therefore, the residents do not need to take risks for food and water. Just stay in the town and wait. The army will arrive in five days and they can afford it.

The second option for alien power is to continue to complete the task and carry out special parasitics to increase the “traits” of the aliens, and make the aliens stronger, so that fewer aliens can beat more humans. This is their only way. .

Li Tianyu intends to attack the alien lair while they are going to complete the “special parasitic”.

He has observed several times in the past few days, and every time the alien players spawn from the same point, he is almost certain that that point is the “entrance” of the alien lair. Therefore, taking advantage of the aliens not coming to attack these few days, Li Tianyu plans to counterattack once. It is not the only way to always be passively beaten. Only by proactively attacking will it be possible to end the battle as soon as possible.

“Everyone did a good job. Let’s rest for now. I’ll talk about it tomorrow morning.” Li Tianyu ordered, and everyone at the scene began to pick up the mess, settle the dead body, and take the alien body to Mr. Arnold.

There are quite a lot of aliens killed tonight, so they can use alien skulls and tails to make some new weapons to continue to strengthen the ability of alien guards. The strength of the human side is getting stronger and stronger. Maintain this advantage. This game Basically, the victory was a good ten. But Li Tianyu’s action is to eliminate all the variables in this game.

“I always feel very upset…” Shen Yan complained next to him just after falling asleep.

“Why are you upset? Didn’t you win a big victory?” Li Tianyu asked puzzledly, and Shen Yan said angrily: “I actually let the **** who used the flames kill my man in front of me. This is for me. It’s a shame to say… I will never let this happen again. Next time I see that guy again, let me take care of it.”

“Oh, everyone relaxed their vigilance at that time.” Li Tianyu sighed and said, knowing the situation in his heart.

In that state, Karina brought people to support and suppressed the alien. Everyone obviously relaxed their vigilance and thought that today’s offensive was over. In the end, it was unexpected that Edward would come to such a move. The most direct reason was that they were too careless.

Including Li Tianyu himself, he would never be careless at ordinary times. The most critical factor is that human players will not really die after death but consume ten people to resurrect. This setting made him relax his vigilance subconsciously.

However, after learning from the past, Li Tianyu will be more careful, and will not care about it until the game is over.

“In short, let me deal with that guy next time.” Shen Yan squeezed her fist and said angrily.

“Okay, now the attack is over…” Li Tianyu said, putting his hand into Shen Yan’s clothes and smiling. “I guess that the next two days will be fine. Do you want to hurry up and put out the fire?”

“Fire…” Shen Yan squinted at him and smiled, “Will you eliminate it for me or should I eliminate it for you?”

“Cancel each other…” Li Tianyu smiled, then forcibly kissed Shen Yan’s pink lips and fell down under her.

Shen Yan was still very cooperative, and the two of them vented the pressure accumulated over the past few days, and then fell asleep peacefully. Li Tianyu didn’t get up until after ten o’clock in the morning the next morning, and then he went to the city hall to discuss the situation with everyone. Of course, it is the city hall, which is actually just the office building of the mayor. As for who the mayor is…

Li Tianyu had never seen him before, and the sheriff Karina was in charge of the entire town from the beginning to the end. It was at this time that he thought of the mayor, because last night was their first exciting victory, so he hoped that the mayor would come out to inspire the residents of the town to boost their morale.

“Do you know where the mayor is?” Li Tianyu lowered his voice and asked Karina. Karina pressed her police cap a bit awkwardly and replied: “He… on the first day, he tried to leave the town. The residents on the road ran away alone, and as a result…”

“Where did he escape?” Li Tianyu asked in disbelief.

“The mayor has a military Hummer…” Karina explained.

“Oh…” Li Tianyu was suddenly stunned, and then frowned, “Let’s say it, after all, I won a big victory last night. I think I need to boost the morale of the townspeople. Only five days are left until the military arrives. Time is up.”

Karina nodded, then went back to the police car and took out the loudspeaker. She cleared her throat and said to the crowd gathered in front of the city hall: “Everyone, please pay attention to me. I have something to follow. Everyone said, please take a moment…”

Everyone had come to listen to their daily reports, so they were all approaching to see what she was going to say.

“Last night was a glorious victory for us.” Karina said solemnly, “When we faced these unknown monsters, we won the victory on our own for the first time, with unprecedented casualties. The number of monsters is small. And the number of aliens eliminated is larger than the number of people they have captured. In other words, we have successfully reduced the number of these monsters…”

“…We defeated these monsters stronger than us, relying on our courage and wisdom, and this is the most powerful weapon we humans have so far survived. As long as we persist for another five days, the military’s support will arrive in five days. I I know that the arrival of these monsters every night symbolizes death and terror, but I also hope that everyone’s hearts will not lose hope…”

Karina’s exciting speech also helped the residents of the town to regain their optimism. The battle last night proved that sprays and confounders are indeed very useful, even for the elderly, the weak and the sick, who are incapable of fighting. These two props can also avoid death by alien hands, which can greatly reduce the casualty rate.

After doing this, Li Tianyu called the players individually and prepared to tell them about the “counterattack”. These two days are their only chance, at least from this evening to tomorrow morning, the alien will definitely not attack.

“I estimate that from today’s day to tomorrow night, except for a few housekeepers, the alien players will all be dispatched to complete their parasitic missions to enhance the alien’s ability. Otherwise, it will be an alien attack. Come to die. UU reading Therefore, this day and night is our precious opportunity.” Li Tianyu explained.

“What are you going to do?” Xia Ning asked, raising his arms, “Go to the alien lair?”

“But I haven’t remembered the way yet.” Lin Muxue frowned, “Although I will investigate every night, the road in the alien lair is too complicated. Moreover, the alien queen will be transferred, not always in the same one. local.”

“So,” Li Tianyu said solemnly, “Today we are going to find the Alien Queen with you.”

“Come with me?” Lin Muxue raised her brows and looked a little surprised, “but you will be discovered.”

“Can you not do anything about this?” Li Tianyu asked tentatively, “For example, the transformation of a ninja? We have enough alien corpses to confuse their senses with the’pheromone’ on their bodies. .”

“Um… if that’s the case, maybe it’s possible.” Lin Muxue pondered, “The pheromone is very important. As long as you can avoid the alien ears, you may be able to sneak into the alien lair.”

“How do you usually avoid aliens?” Mira asked curiously, resting his chin.

“My own sense of existence is relatively low.” Lin Muxue explained, “Moreover, my transformation is generally not an alien, but some small animal. Alien is only very hostile to humans, and it is very hostile to general animals, especially Those animals that are too small to be parasitic are not interested. If you have seen the alien series of movies, you should know this?”

Liu Zihao nodded: “These guys were originally created by’artifacts.’ After undergoing the last transformation, they only parasitized on humans.”


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