Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 617

Chapter 606 : Climbing to the top

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When he arrived in the building, Li Tianyu didn’t dare to flash anymore. If he flashed randomly, he might not only attract enemies on the same floor, but also enemies upstairs and downstairs. Naturally, their task is to go to the top of the building and wait for the helicopter to pick them up, but they certainly won’t just go in and take an elevator to the top of the building.

When I came to the elevator door, it turned out that the elevator was in a faulty state and could not be used, but the power was not completely cut off. This shows that the internal circuit is intact, but there is a failure in some places. As for what the fault is…

“Anyway, seal the door first.” Li Tianyu looked at the door behind him and said.

At this moment, the zombies outside are still trying to break in at the hammer door, and there are still some scattered zombies and tables and chairs that can be used as obstacles on the first floor, and repairing the elevator obviously takes a while, so you must first ensure the first floor. It is safe in itself. So everyone cleaned up the zombies on the first floor first, and then blocked the glass door with obstacles to prevent zombies from entering.

The next step is to search for rooms that can be entered on the first floor. Twelve people are here now, and the efficiency of searching and cleaning has improved a lot. Soon they found clues on the first floor.

“Here are the elevator maintenance instructions.” Xia Ning put a maintenance manual in front of them, “there is a corresponding mark lock on the failure type displayed, let’s see what the failure icon displayed on the elevator is.”

As a result, everyone went back to the elevator and compared the electronic signs displayed on the elevator switches. It was found that the cause of the failure was “elevator fuse damaged”, and the corresponding repair method was to replace the fuse.

“Fuse!” At this time, Zheng Nanxing was agitated, “I saw this box in the warehouse on the first floor before, and it is next to the security room. I’ll look for it right away!”

After Zheng Nanxing got the fuse to install, the elevator’s failure was still not resolved, but turned into a new failure icon. According to the maintenance book, it was because of “blockage in the high-rise elevator aisle”.

“Haha…” Li Tianyu smiled dryly, judging from this situation, he was afraid that he would face another battle next. But they must first rule out which floor of the passage is blocked. The way to remove it is to press down the elevator floors one by one. On which floor the elevator stops, it means that the next floor of that floor is blocked.

And if the first floor cannot be moved, then the elevator channel on the top floor of the building is blocked, or the elevator cable is jammed by something. According to the instructions on the maintenance manual, they began a layer-by-layer investigation.

“Fifth floor.” Shen Yan pointed to the floor where the elevator stopped and said, “There is a problem with this floor. Let’s go and see.”

“Should you keep a few people to watch the door?” Mira asked suddenly, and then glanced at Kai inadvertently. Only then did Li Tianyu notice that Kai has been maintaining a human state, and it is estimated that a lot of physical energy has been consumed by this situation.

After all, in the previous battle, he faced the phase two tracker alone, and the state of returning life did not actually consume energy, but it could help him save energy. However, it can also be inferred from this point that it may be that Kay has not much stamina left, so he uses this “return of life” state to fight.

Kai didn’t like this state, but fighting in the form of a lion used to consume too much energy.

“All right, Mu Xue, you and Kai are waiting here.” Li Tianyu replied, “The others will follow me upstairs and have a look. If there is a situation, we will notice what happens on your side. Isn’t that okay?”

Everyone responded, and then Li Tianyu walked upstairs with the others. Fortunately, the target floor was on the fifth floor. The elevator was broken and they could only go up from the emergency passage. On the second, third, and fourth floors, the third floor was blocked and inaccessible, and the second and fourth floors were open.

“Zihao, you continue to go up and see how many floors the emergency escape route can reach.” Li Tianyu pointed to the upstairs and said, “Others follow me to the fifth floor to see if I need any props, and then we will return. Search on the lower floors.”

“Leave it to me, Brother Tianyu.” Liu Zihao replied, and then ran upstairs, while Li Tianyu brought others to the fifth floor, first cleaned up the little zombies on that floor, and found a small amount of supplies. Then he came to the elevator door and manually pried the elevator door open. Just as the elevator door opened a gap, a zombie’s head bite over.

Shen Yan, who was in charge of prying the door, let go of her hand like lightning, the zombie’s teeth almost brushed her fingertips, and Li Tianyu was frightened. The other Xia Ning who was in charge of prying the door also retreated first, and then the upper body of the zombie rolled out of the elevator directly, and then out of control, a large number of zombies in the elevator rolled out one after another.

A large number of zombies are entangled in the elevator on this floor, like a ball of hair, blocking the way down the elevator. These zombies just hung in the air on this floor, and they happened to be stuck here.

Although a part of the remains of the zombies slipped from the inside, the remaining zombies were still stuck inside. In their situation, it seems that the bones of certain zombies should be pierced and stacked together, causing them to form a zombie ball.

“It’s disgusting…” Zheng Nanxing said in disgust, covering his mouth.

Although it looks terrible, in fact most zombies are incompetent. As long as you find a way to clean up this zombie ball, the elevator should be able to operate. Just how to clean up is still a problem…

“Yan’er, are you okay?” Li Tianyu turned to Shen Yan and asked. Shen Yan shook her head and stretched out her hand to show him.

The nail on the **** was bitten off, but the hand was safe. Li Tianyu held her hand and couldn’t help but laughed: “Hey, is this manicure turned out to be an extra protection? No wonder you like to make manicures so much. Good girl, you really have it.”

“It happened to bite off the nail art, what kind of protection.” Shen Yan said with wide eyes, “This nail art cost me more than a hundred!”

“Go back and make one for you.” Li Tianyu replied, “Now, first check what props are on this floor.”

After searching the entire floor, they found a few bottles of gasoline, which was the only thing that seemed to be a prop.

“Should I burn these things?” Mira asked suspiciously, “Will it damage the elevator?”

At this time, Liu Zihao came back from upstairs panting. Li Tianyu turned to him and asked, “How is it? How many floors can the emergency escape route climb?”

“Twelve floors, but there are thirty-two floors in total, which is not enough for us to reach the top floor.” Liu Zihao said breathlessly, “but I looked at it and the emergency escape entrance on the upper floor was either locked or blocked. . Only the tenth floor is open.”

“That’s it…” Li Tianyu thought for a while, “In other words, the fourth and tenth floors of the second floor are where we can go. In this case, let’s search first and see if we have any props before we come back. Split up.”

Li Tianyu took Zheng Nanxing and Shen Yan to the tenth floor, while Liu Zihao, Xia Ning, and Mira were on the fourth floor, and Ye Tiancheng went to the second floor with Nana and Fujikawa. The searched props rushed back.

The second layer has no key props, only a “G virus sample” and a few supplies. They found two “cutting guns” on the fourth floor, and they found a fire extinguisher on the tenth floor.

Contacting these three props, Li Tianyu also roughly knows what to do.

“Do you think you should use a cutting gun to cut these zombies first, or use gasoline to burn them first?” Li Tianyu looked at the hideous “zombie ball” in front of him, and asked a little disgustingly. Even if you know that this thing is a virtual prop, you will still be physically disgusted with this kind of **** thing and can’t look directly at it.

“Give it to me!” Zhang Wenxin snatched the gasoline from his hand with a smile, and poured it on the zombie ball in front of him without saying a word, and then threw the lighted match over until the entire zombie ball was swallowed by the flames. Relieved.

“Sorry, I really can’t stand it anymore.” Zhang Wenxin smiled bitterly, “This thing is too disgusting, I just want to clean it up quickly. But I think it should be burned first, then extinguished, and finally cut the remaining remains. Drop it.”

“Tsk, everything is fine, hurry up.” Hideichi Fujikawa frowned, “The time advantage gained in the previous scenes will be wasted here now.”

Judging from Fujikawa’s remarks, Li Tianyu estimates that this order is not that important. It may be that a different order will lead to a different time spent , but this channel can be opened up in the end.

The flames burned this ball of zombies, and the scene was really impossible to stay. The pungent burnt smell filled this layer, and only Liu Zihao, wearing a battle suit, was left alone to clean up the aftermath. Although it looks terrible, in fact most zombies are incompetent. As long as you find a way to clean up this zombie ball, the elevator should be able to operate. Just how to clean up is still a problem…

“Yan’er, are you okay?” Li Tianyu turned to Shen Yan and asked. Shen Yan shook her head and stretched out her hand to show him.

The nail on the **** was bitten off, but the hand was safe. Li Tianyu held her hand and couldn’t help but laughed: “Hey, is this manicure turned out to be an extra protection? No wonder you like to make manicures so much. Good girl, you really have it.”

“It happened to bite off the nail art, what kind of protection.” Shen Yan said with wide eyes, “This nail art cost me more than 100!”

“Go back and make one for you.” Li Tianyu replied, “Now, first check what props are on this floor.”

After searching the entire floor, they found a few bottles of gasoline, which was the only thing that seemed to be a prop.

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