Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 62

Chapter 61 : Broken Bridge

(I, add more, recommend votes)

Li Tianyu did not mean to blame Li Bowen, but he was a lot easier. Because he himself thought the same before. It is a normal behavior to beware of other players. Who knows if he will become a competitor next time? Moreover, if Li Bowen did this, Li Tianyu would not need to be uneasy in his conscience afterwards, and could abandon this guy unscrupulously.

Actually, Li Tianyu originally had a similar plan, but his vision was a little longer, because there was still an Act.4 mission. In Act.4, the number of tasks is 0/60, which means that all surviving players will participate. Not only the camp of their Fellowship Alliance, but also the camp of the enemy Demon Lord Sauron.

Why did the Saiyan player leave with the player who used the Zanpaku? Time is approaching on the one hand, and on the other hand, because they are waiting to participate in the Act.4 battle, they don’t want to continue to aggravate their injuries here.

Although Li Tianyu doesn’t want other players to be too strong, it’s better for players to work together in this situation. At least they have to support Act.4. It is also good for more players to attract the attention of the enemy. After all, the premise of not wanting other players to be too strong is to be strong enough.

And if this mission is lost, although there are basic rewards, the score rewards will definitely be discounted. In order to beware of teammates, letting the rewards go down and the enemy get a lot of rewards is not worth the gain.

Moreover, Li Tianyu thinks that Li Bowen has been hiding his ability for another reason.

According to Zheng Nanxing’s description of “Bombing Space”, this ability is difficult to deal with without knowing it, but once the principle is known, it is not so terrible, so the other party’s ability to conceal it is also normal.

Now Li Tianyu doesn’t want to continue investigating this matter, because a bigger problem is coming soon, and the enemy they will face next may be even more terrifying than the Saiyan player just now. The flame demon is a plot monster. In theory, this monster is unbeatable if you don’t follow the plot. They can only choose to escape to avoid this monster.

“Can you wake up these players?” Li Tianyu pointed to those players and turned to Zheng Nanxing and asked.

“Let me come.” Liu Zihao said lightly, turning to those players, a peculiar mini-turret stood up from his shoulder, and then launched a mini missile at each player, and the missile was nailed to those players. There was an electric shock. At that time, these players woke up from a coma.

However, a few players experienced concussions, unstable standing, and slight vomiting.

“This product… after all is Kryptonian blood, almost no injuries.” Li Tianyu looked at Wang Yang and said to himself.

Apart from being stunned, this guy hardly suffered any harm, and there is still no sun.

“Okay, only a few of us are left.” Li Tianyu sighed and said, “I don’t ask you to listen to me or work closely with me. Let’s try to live to Act. 4 first. Even if it may be in the future. Opponents, let’s get the victory reward for the time being. I don’t think everyone has any objections to this point?”

Having said that, Li Tianyu couldn’t help frowning and covering the wound under his ribs: He actually didn’t want to show weakness in front of outsiders, but the wound was really painful, and Zheng Nanxing only gave him a simple emergency treatment. , Let him escape the danger of life, but the wound did not fully heal, which made him very uneasy: can he really support Act. 4?

“Reassure, you’ve tried your best, let’s be a **** later, I C you.” Shen Yan patted him on the shoulder and replied, Liu Zihao teased from the side, “Is this C a CAO or a carry?”

Shen Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, and then slammed his face with an unchanging punch. Liu Zihao spun and flew out and hit the wall on the side. He got up and murmured: “Just kidding, why are you so serious…”

Everyone reorganized. After Li Tianyu briefly explained the situation, the NPC also started to act at this time.

“There is a big guy coming…” Aragorn whispered, and Gandalf raised his staff and watched carefully.

Li Tianyu heard a strange sound, like the roar of some kind of creature, or the friction sound of some heavy metal weapon dragging on the ground, and a fire rang out in the passage outside the gate.

Gandalf immediately reminded with a solemn expression: “A flame demon… from the depths of the earth, a demon from the ancient world.”

Fear slowly covered the face of the NPC, and Gandalf continued: “This monster is beyond our ability to cope…”

After finishing speaking, Gandalf looked at the passage from outside the passage to the other side, and shouted: “Run!”

At that time, the Hobbits came back to their senses and followed Gandalf, and Li Tianyu and other players immediately followed.

Actually, they didn’t see exactly what was behind them, they could only feel the ground trembling constantly, and there was a strange roar behind them, Li Tianyu didn’t plan to look back, Liu Zihao flew forward quickly behind him.

After passing through a gate, the NPC in front suddenly braked, and the people behind stopped one after another: they came to a broken bridge, and then started down the narrow stairs, preparing to jump over the broken bridge.

But because the stairs are constantly turning, the monster at the back is pulled closer, and there are still a large number of orc archers harassing them on the stairs in the distance. The real body of this monster finally Appeared in front of them.

Amidst the falling rocks above their heads, the monster with flames on his body appeared in front of them. This was a demon with a bull’s head, with bat wings on the back, a long whip in one hand and a long sword in the other.

But they didn’t have time to look at the Balrog behind them, because although those trash half-orcs archers couldn’t shoot NPCs, they would shoot the players exactly. Li Tianyu obviously hid behind Liu Zihao, and was penetrated by several bows and arrows.

“The armor of the sky wheel.” Shen Yan put on the armor of the sky wheel again, and attacked the half-orcs with flying swords. The players also showed their magical powers and dealt with the half-orcs archers. But the battle didn’t last long, and soon it was the stage of jumping the bridge.

NPC and the players stood on the edge of the broken bridge, jumping over one by one, while Li Tianyu was carried on the other side by Liu Zihao. At this time, Gandalf was left on the other side of the bridge to resist the chase of the Balrog.

“Go back to your hell…” Gandalf looked at the flame demon in front of him with a resolute expression and a dazzling flame was burning on the flame demon. He raised the long sword in his hand and struck Gandalf at Gandalf. Go down.

However, a protective shield appeared beside Gandalf and bounced the sword away.

“Can we help him?” Wang Yang asked in a low voice, “There may be extra rewards for defeating that Balrog…”

“I want to fart, this is a plot, just like a cutscene.” Li Tianyu didn’t have a good temper, and then hesitantly added: “Of course I just guessed, not 100% sure. Would you like to try it?”

Wang Yang looked at Li Tianyu, then shook his head with a reluctant expression on his face. Most people are like this, everyone is very decisive when following the trend, but being the first person to eat apples is not very happy.

After entangled with the Balrog, Gandalf tapped a wand on the narrow road where he and the Balrog stood, breaking the narrow bridge, and the Balrog fell from the bridge. However, on the way down, the Balrog suddenly swung the whip in his hand to entangle Gandalf’s legs, and immediately lost his balance, lying on the edge of the broken bridge watching them.

“Come on, you fool.” Gandalf looked at Frodo and urged, his eyes clearer than ever.

The next moment, Gandalf fell from the broken bridge deck and disappeared into the darkness below. The NPCs shouted “No!” “Gandalf!” They tried to rescue them, but they were stopped by Aragorn and forced to walk out.

“Okay, in this way, this scene should be over…” Li Tianyu thought to himself, and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But just when he was thinking this way, a fire shone from behind, and then the Balrog whip swung away, penetrating his body straight, hitting his elemental passive, and then swept across to other players.

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