Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 64

Chapter 63 : Hide the plot

Actually, Li Tianyu hadn’t seen the original work. He didn’t know what happened when Gandalf fell from the bridge, but he knew that Gandalf was not dead. It’s just that this content is told in the form of memories in the second book of The Lord of the Rings. There is no direct shot in the first part, but it happened in the timeline of the first part in terms of time.

I don’t know how long it has been falling, and the surrounding area is pitch black and I can’t see anything, because they have buffered them, so Gandalf and the Balrog have already fallen first.

Finally, Li Tianyu felt a chill around him, and then he was submerged in the water, unable to breathe. He waved his hands and tried to float to the surface, but it was in vain. He didn’t know if it was the effect of the devil fruit, because he couldn’t swim before he gained the ability of the devil fruit…

But Shen Yan grabbed his waist at this time, kicked the water lightly, and flew him up from under the water and landed on the shore. Li Tianyu took a deep breath and felt that the whole person was a lot easier.

Then, Liu Zihao and Zheng Nanxing also fell beside them. After his eyes adjusted to the darkness below, Li Tianyu looked around and found that there was a dark stalactite hole below. Gandalf and the Balrog had disappeared, and they should have gone up the stairs. It just so happened that Li Tianyu and the others could take advantage of this opportunity to relax.

However, Li Tianyu still feels a bit regretful: he didn’t join the final scene mission.

The final scene is still quite magnificent. Although it is not as spectacular as in the second part of The Lord of the Rings, it is already the climax of the plot in the first part. I have participated in the previous tasks but failed to see the ending, which is really a shame. Regardless of the game rewards, isn’t the fun of this game right here?

“You were so brave just now.” Shen Yan looked at Li Tianyu and smiled. While climbing the stairs, everyone started chatting.

“Hey, I can’t talk about it.” Li Tianyu sighed and said, “I did this because I knew I wouldn’t die if I fell, but I was a little bit reluctant to bear the final mission scene.”

“That’s also very rare.” Shen Yan said seriously, “In the face of crisis or temptation, human nature will be magnified. Good people will be better, and bad people will be worse. Just like the players above. They all hid well before, but at this critical moment, they chose’evil’. And you chose to stick to yourself, I think this is not easy.”

“Thank you for the compliment.” Li Tianyu was a little embarrassed to be said.

“But, I didn’t expect that Li Bowen would help us talk later.” At this time, Liu Zihao interrupted, instantly destroying the atmosphere of the two of them alone, “I thought he must be the one who kicked us down.”

“I can only say that he is more sensible.” Li Tianyu curled his lips and said, “At least I know where the’lower limit’ is.”

“Where are we going?” Zheng Nanxing asked with a little fear. Li Tianyu looked at her for a while, always feeling that Zheng Nanxing was a bit too naive, and then asked, “How old are you, little girl?”

“I just took the college entrance examination this year, and I will go to university in September,” Zheng Nanxing explained.

“So small!?” Li Tianyu asked in surprise. Although Zheng Nanxing does look very slender in figure, her dressing style and makeup are actually much more mature than her peers, and she should be a college student in her twenties. Up.

It is precisely because of this that Li Tianyu had previously disliked this girl, thinking she was too naive, and deliberately pretending to be tender.

It now seems that people are not deliberately pretending to be tender, but really tender… Now that he thinks about it, he can understand many of the behaviors of this child. After all, he is a child and a girl, and it is normal to be a little savage and willful. It’s just that this child is small and slender, but the place that should be big is not small at all…

“It may be that I have been out of the world of young people for too long, and I don’t understand the children now.” Li Tianyu sighed and said, “Are the young people now dressed up so mature?”

“Almost, don’t underestimate the current children, they may have more love experiences than you and me.” Liu Zihao reminded.

“You…” Li Tianyu glanced at Liu Zihao suspiciously, but didn’t say anything, but continued: “Whoever of you noticed that player, is that the player who bewitched Wang Yang what is the ability?”

“I didn’t pay much attention, the battle was too intense, and I didn’t have time to observe.” Shen Yan shook her head.

“Me too, that guy is really inconspicuous, should he say that he deliberately acted very low-key?” Liu Zihao pondered, “After all, the scene mission this time is too messy. Everyone has no time to look at others, and it is inevitable that there will be It’s **** up.”

“However, this kid is very loyal.” Shen Yan looked at Zheng Nanxing with interest and said, “I just joined the team, I thought she would go for the victory with the other players above, no Thinking of jumping down decisively.”

“I don’t want it either, but I have already jumped out, there is no way I want to go back.” Zheng Nanxing muttered with a pouting mouth, “And I think those people are so good, they don’t have the courage of the little brother at all. At the critical moment One and two shrank like soft eggs, only the little brother stood up bravely. How can this make other girls follow them with peace of mind.”

“Brother Tianyu is really courageous. I admire it very much.” Liu Zihao also patted Li Tianyu’s shoulder approvingly. “When I saw the analysis data of that Saiyan player, I thought I would just lie down and play dead. Wait for him to leave, you still dare to go.”

“Actually, I didn’t think I could win before I went to him…” Li Tianyu thought secretly, but didn’t say it. After all, it feels pretty good to be praised.

They were chatting while going up the endless steps, Li Tianyu estimated that they should have entered a hidden plot. There are many corpses of dwarf and half-orc soldiers on the endless step, and it feels that you may encounter enemies here. UU reading

But he obviously thinks too much, probably because the Balrog is passing by, and there is no orc soldier on the road, but this also represents a message, that is, the next boss battle is to be faced. Therefore, Li Tianyu reminded: “Be careful, we may have to fight the BOSS next. That Balrog should be defeated by the player.”

The three nodded, speeding up their advancement. The endless step is indeed very long. After fifteen minutes of full speed, they returned to the ground. At this time, it was still snowing outside. After walking up for about half an hour, they finally came to the top of the Misty Mountains. A small temple was built on the top of the mountain here, and from time to time there was a burst of fire, like a lighthouse.

“Die! You evil demon!” Gandalf’s voice came from the front.

Li Tianyu winked at them, and then everyone rushed to the top area of ​​the mountain. At this moment, Gandalf was fighting with the flame demon, one person and one demon fought back and forth.

“Wait a minute!” When Shen Yan and the others were about to go in, Li Tianyu stopped them.

“The BOSS battle is about to start when you enter, so I have to warn you before the fight begins.” Li Tianyu explained, “The key to this battle should be Gandalf. After entering, I will first observe the BOSS action mode.”

“Understood, let’s play with this thing first.” Liu Zihao nodded.

“Hey, if I could afford the Armor of the Emperor Yan…” Shen Yan sighed a little sullenly.

“It’s okay, I can extinguish its flame.” Zheng Nanxing explained, “I will cover, you attack.”

Immediately, the four people stepped onto the top of the Misty Mountains, which is the site of this BOSS battle.

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