Infinite Two-dimensional Chaos

Chapter 640

Chapter 629 : Arriving in Soap Bubble Islands

“Unlimited Two-dimensional Chaos (

Although this battle was over, Li Tianyu still felt a little scared. If it weren’t for Lin Muxue to stand up at the critical moment, they might have suffered heavy losses in this battle, let alone a few resurrection stones. But now… Although everyone is still seriously injured, at least there is no death.

Sun En’s death ended the mission of the soul-suppressing clan, and the soul-suppressing clan can be disbanded from then on. Because of their help, the Soul Suppressing Clan also repaid them, giving the straw hats the food and financial reports they needed.

“Give all these things to us, is it really okay?” Although Nami said so, her eyes flashed with excitement. She is famous among the straw hats and loves money.

“It doesn’t matter, now Sun En’s soul is liberated, and our mission is over.” Hua Fang said with a slight smile, “After that, we don’t need to stay on this kind of soul-relief island anymore. We may find one in the future. Let’s start a new life in this place.”

“Hehehe. Isn’t that great?” Lu Fei wiped his nose and smiled. At this moment, Cioba is still on the side to treat everyone’s wounds. There are too many wounded this time, relying on Chopper alone. It was a bit reluctant, even with the help of a doctor from the Soul Clan, there were still dozens of wounded waiting to be dealt with.

But Luffy didn’t care about his injuries, and grinned: “Anyway, let’s have a banquet.”

Li Tianyu actually didn’t want to participate in such a noisy banquet, but he was really hungry after playing for so long, and he needed to replenish his strength. What’s more, they don’t own a boat, so they can only follow the straw hat group.

Soon, thanks to Sanji’s busy work, the banquet started smoothly. Everyone ate and drank and sang and danced on the beach where the Sonny was moored. It was so lively. But Li Tianyu didn’t like this kind of occasion, so he stood alone and ate himself as before, waiting for the banquet to end. The wound on his body is still aching, and the damage is more serious than expected.

Judging from this situation, when they encounter an enemy next time, their injuries may not be fully recovered.

“Thank you again this time.” While eating, Hua Fang turned to Li Tianyu and said, “If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be able to defeat Sun En. If there is anything we can give you back, please speak up.”

“Do you know’one-piece’?” Li Tianyu asked. In fact, he didn’t have much hope. After all, Sun En is the former One Piece, and one-piece is Roger’s treasure, so the Soul Clan should not know it. . And he didn’t plan to ask Luffy before. After all, Luffy’s purpose was to find one-piece, and the last question only increased the hostility between the two sides.

However, Hua Fang didn’t expect Hua Fang to reply again: “Are you talking about One Piece’s Great Secret Treasure? Of course you know. It’s the Pirate’s custom that One Piece keeps his own treasure on the Ultimate Island. Sun En has also hidden his treasure in the past. On the final island, he was later found by Gore D. Roger. Roger should be the same.”

“Oh?!” Li Tianyu was a little surprised by the clues provided by the other party, “Then, do you know the location of the final island?”

Hua Fang shook his head: “Only those who can become the One Piece are qualified to go to the Ultimate Island. According to the ancient legend of our family, the’Great Secret Treasure’ of the Ultimate Island is the’land of desire’ where the treasures of the One Piece kings of the past have gathered. , You can be there for anything you want. Treasure, fame, power, status, knowledge, truth…”

“So you still want to go to the Tianlongren to find the treasure…” Li Tianyu rolled his eyes and suddenly had an ominous premonition. Judging from the development of the current situation, he will go to the “Holy Land Mariagioa” where the Tianlongren is. When capturing the permanent pointer of the final island, I am afraid it will be a PVP scene, that is, it will be captured with other players.

Li Tianyu estimated that this scene should not be far away from them, and no surprise is the next plot.

“But, I know that there is a rule when searching for the final island,” Hua Fang suddenly added, “You must follow the guidance of the historical text to find the’true treasure’, that is, the treasure of the previous generation of One Piece.”

“Oh?” This sentence aroused Li Tianyu’s interest, and Hua Fang continued to explain: “Because each generation of One Piece will put their treasures somewhere on the final island, together with the treasures of the previous generations of One Piece. So There will be a lot of treasures there. If you don’t pay attention, you may find the treasures of a certain generation of One Piece.”

“Then the historical text is the treasure of the previous generation of One Piece?” Li Tianyu asked.

Hua Fang nodded: “One-piece treasures symbolize different meanings.’Ancient weapons’ symbolizes’power’, treasures represent’wealth’, and some other treasures symbolize’rights’. As for the historical text It symbolizes the’truth.’ It records the missing one hundred years of history in the world, that is, the truth of the’Dragon Man’.”

“So that’s it!” At this time, Liu Zihao intervened between the two and said excitedly: “I think it’s very strange, what exactly did the Tianlong people do to allow them to have such a high status, what kind of gods? The descendants, who have done such an excessive thing, can still be sheltered by the so-called “just” navy! It must have mastered some navy’s handle!”

“It’s said…” Hua Fang lowered his voice when he said this, “The Tianlong people once found the treasure that symbolizes’right’ among the great secret treasures, so the Tianlong people have been blessed by the navy ever since. But what exactly is that treasure, I don’t know too much. If you really want to find the big secret treasure, the Celestial Dragon might know the whereabouts of the final island.”

“Maybe…” Li Tianyu groaned when he said this, and didn’t say the next words.

Because that is just a guess. In his view, it is possible that “truth” and “right” represent the same item, and it is possible that the Denonman found the handle of something the Navy did for “justice” from the text of history. , And thus obtained the asylum of the navy. Of course, it is impossible for them to know these answers, only the author of One Piece knows best.

However, this is also where this task is dangerous. Because it involves an animation plot that has not yet been made public, it means that the follow-up content is beyond their expectation. It will be the original plot of the game, and they have to explore it by themselves.

“Hmm…” Li Tianyu groaned. In fact, the Soul Clan didn’t give them much help, but they still guided them to the Holy Land Mariejoa, which was the same as what they did at the beginning. The only point is that the “text of history” represents the true treasure of Gore D. Roger, that is, one-piece.

Otherwise, they may find the wrong treasure, which is the treasure left by the Pirates before Roger.

This is more important, but only if they can find one-piece.

At this time, the scene suddenly became quiet, and then a melodious violin sounded.

“Binks’ wine…” Li Tianyu muttered to himself.

This song made the atmosphere at the scene a lot more peaceful and peaceful, and Li Tianyu also felt that his heart calmed down. He listened to this song silently. The melody of the violin version of “The Wine of Binks” was much slower than that of the piano version. There was no joy but a trace of sadness, as if to pay homage to the souls who had ascended to heaven.

“I hope my father can have a trace of comfort in the sky.” Hua Fang smiled slightly, and then suddenly muttered to himself, “Should I also take everyone out to sea to be a pirate? It seems to be very free.”

“That’s right!” Luffy clenched his fists and smiled, “On this sea, the person who is more free than anyone else is One Piece!”

“How about the town of Soul Pirates?” Robin asked with a slight smile, and everyone talked and laughed again. In the song “Binks’s Wine”, the banquet ended, and everyone was ready to meet the town. The soul clan bid farewell, and then went out to sea again.

Li Tianyu stood on the deck together with the others, watching the Soul Clan on the island slowly move away from them.

“Aren’t they going to be okay?” Usopp muttered to himself with some worry.

“It’ll be okay, didn’t they say? Going to sea as a pirate.” Frankie said with a smile.

“Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I look forward to seeing them in the sea in the future!” Brooke smiled while pressing his hat.

“Ah!” At this time, Chopper looked at Sauron who had already begun to exercise and roared in annoyance. He grabbed the bandage and rushed forward. The straw hat group returned to their usual appearance.

“What about you? Is the injury okay?” Nami looked at Ye Tiancheng and asked.

“It’s okay.” Ye Tiancheng looked down at the bandage on his body, “Doctor Chopper’s skills are still very good.”

“Damn it, even if you praise me so much, I won’t be happy at all, you stinky bastard.” Qiaoba said on his mouth, but his happy face was red, and he smiled stubbornly, just like it was in the original. The performance is the same. U U Reading

Indeed, with Chopper’s treatment, Li Tianyu estimated that their injuries should be able to recover in about three days, but he didn’t know when they would reach the Soap Bubble Islands. After arriving at the Soap Bubble Islands, it is not far from the Holy Land Mary Joe Ye.

“Miss Nami, do you know when you can reach the Soap Bubble Islands?” Li Tianyu turned to Nami and asked.

Nami looked at the permanent pointer on her wrist and replied with a smile: “I guess it will be possible to arrive in another three days, if you can use the wind to blow the gun. It just so happens, during this period of time, please take care of your injuries. There are a lot of things on board now. Sufficient food and raw material reserves are enough for us to rush to the Soap Bubble Islands. There is no need to worry, by the way…”

Speaking of this, Nami looked at him and asked, “What are you going to do when you go to the Soap Bubble Islands? Are you also going to Fishman Island?”

“No, we are planning to go to Mary Joa.” Li Tianyu shook his head and said.

“Could it be that you are also heading for the permanent pointer of the’Final Island’?” Robin asked faintly at this time. Although her expression was calm, she was also very serious.

Li Tianyu didn’t bother to lie, after all, it was unnecessary to lie to the NPC, not to mention that the straw hat group would not turn against them because of this, especially after everyone went through this life and death battle together.

“Really? You are also aiming for one-piece.” Luffy said with a grin in his straw hat, then clenched his fists and smiled with full enthusiasm: “But I won’t let it to you. The one who becomes One Piece must be me.”

“Hey.” Sauron smiled with his arms on the side. Sanji also looked at them with a cigarette in his mouth. Although everyone is also a competitor, the straw hats didn’t mean to clear the obstacles in advance. Instead, I am looking forward to the next encounter.

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