Infinite World Projection

Chapter 164 - advent

Sitting quietly on a white jade bed, Chen Changming thought back to the gains and losses of this time.

Undoubtedly, the inheritance of this time has made him make great progress, and the magnitude of this progress is almost the largest since he has awakened through.

Even at this moment, this enhanced performance is not yet complete.

At this moment, the power of his body was constrained by the power of the spirit king in his body, making it impossible to go further and start further transformation.

Once after that, the power of the spirit king in his body can keep up, then the factors that bound him further no longer exist.

By then, he must be able to usher in a brand-new transformation.

Even, this is not all.

In the previous ancestral hall, Chen Changming harvested not only one projection, but three.

It was a projection of three elders with a golden sword and a pulse, and at this moment it was lying quietly on Chen Changming’s projection list.

The projections of the three elders of the Golden Sword have undoubtedly been the origins and the top supreme strongmen in the world.

At the moment, these three projections are only used by Chen Changming.

There are two others, Chen Changming has not yet used.

If all of them can be realized, Chen Changming’s cultivation will probably reach a level that ordinary people cannot imagine.

In this regard, Chen Changming had some expectations in his heart and could not help smiling.

Sitting on the white jade bed, he then lowered his head and looked at him.

Then in front of me, the familiar projection interface began to show slowly.

Strength: 17.74. Agility: 18.15. Physique: 2.45.

Projection: Golden Knife, Hou Sheng, Zhao Zheng, Shang Jun …….

Talent: Incarnation.

The familiar projection interface is now in sight.

Compared with before, Chen Changming’s body data has changed a lot, almost doubled at the moment.

The body data doubled across the board, which is a change on paper.

The actual changes are even more terrifying.

At least at this moment, feeling the turbulent power in his body, if the previous self came to himself, I am afraid that he could not move.

The gap is extremely obvious.

“about there…..”

Sitting on the white jade bed, looking at the projection interface in front of him, Chen Changming’s face was calm, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, he did not continue to project.

Without further growth of the spirit king’s power in his body, he cannot enter the next level even if he continues to project.

In this case, instead of projecting now, wasting those great inheritances, it is better to keep these projections, and wait until the power of the spirit king in the body is further improved before choosing further transformation.

At the end of the thought, sitting on the white jade bed, Chen Changming slowly closed his eyes and fell into practice.

He is practicing the Secret Code of the Spirit King, striving to upgrade his cultivation to a certain extent as soon as possible, so as to break that layer of isolation.

In the practice, the breath in him gradually fell into peace, and the ecstasy was determined to run, smoothing the best ripples in Chen Changming’s heart, and directly fell into ecstasy.

In the golden sword of the king, feeling Chen Changming’s present state, the spirit in the sword could not help smiling, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Time passed slowly.

In peace, a change began to take place.

A few days later, outside the Lingzong, a team came slowly.

A woman in a white robe took a few people to move forward slowly, and walked slowly to the mountain gate outside the Lingzong.

This is Bai Ling. At this moment, he has transformed into a spokesperson for a holy place and brought people to Lingzong.

“Ghost Valley School?”

In a large hall, looking at the far road in front of me, although his appearance is ordinary, but with a unique and beautiful white spirit, the elder Jin Dao can not help but frown: “I ca n’t remember, my spirit sect and your ghost valley school what is the relationship?”

His attitude was a bit cold, but it was quite good than usual, at least it seemed normal.

The Guigu School is an extremely mysterious holy place among the countries. Its founder Guiguzi itself is a generation. Everyone is well versed in astronomy and geography. Many of its disciples are often well-known and are known as heroes in the world.

In particular, many of his disciples throughout the ages are proficient in mathematics. He has profound research on the theory of numerology in the Ming Dynasty, and he has also produced a lot of gods.

This kind of existence, the ordinary holy place is also less than that, even if the elders of the Golden Sword are such a daunting person, they have always been domineering and awe-inspiring.

“The Guigu faction moved westward to the Qin Kingdom hundreds of years ago and was used by the Qin Kingdom royal family. This time, did they come on behalf of the Qin Kingdom?”

Aside, Elder Hou Sheng also spoke softly. Although his attitude was much better than that of Elder Gold Knife, his eyes were also fixed on Bai Ling.

But on the side, Elder Sacred Heart seemed very calm, and he was playing with a sachet in his own way, with nothing to do with himself.

“That’s what I meant.”

Looking at the three elders of Lingzong in front of him, Bai Ling smiled softly and said, “Lingzong is well-known in various countries for a long time, and the king of our country also admires it very much, and he has longed for the elders.”

“I came here this time for one thing.”

“What’s the matter?”

Elder Jin Dao asked slightly.

“Our country’s grand meeting will be opened, and we will specially invite disciples from all over the world to go and try to compete in it.”

“It happened that when I heard that the Son was born in Lingzong, he sent me to come and invite him.”

“I don’t know what the elders mean?”

Looking at the elder Jin Dao in front of him, Bai Ling had a faint smile on his face. The ethereal temperament was very striking, and he said so gently at the moment.

“Trial contest?”

Elder Jin Dao and Elder Hou Sheng couldn’t help but fall into deep contemplation.

I have to say that this is an opportunity.

Since the great changes dozens of years ago, Lingzong’s strength has fallen into a trough and had to be sealed for decades.

But now, the Spirit King Shengzi appears again, the Spirit King inherits some people, and the Spirit Sect has arrived at the time to go out of the mountain.

This so-called trial may be an opportunity.

Not only can it be famous, but also it can make the Spirit King Shengzi appear in front of the Qin monarch.

Although it has been sealed for hundreds of years now, within the Lingzong, the news of Elder Gold Sword and Elder Hou Sheng is not blocked, and understands the situation between the nations today.

Today, after thousands of years of unrest, following the successive succession of the Seven Kingdoms, Qin’s power is becoming stronger and stronger, dominating the northwest, the struggle of the seven kings, the strength of the country, and there is a trend of world first.

If this were not the case, the Guigu faction would not enter the Qin Kingdom west decades ago and fled to the Qin royal family.

If Lingzong wants to go out again and find a country to join, Qin is one of the best candidates.

At this point, Elder Jin Dao and Hou Sheng Elder looked at each other, and there was something in their hearts.

However, the only thing that worries them is that the Holy Son has only recently returned to the throne, and his practice is still shallow. Is it a bit early to participate in the contest?

After all, although this is an opportunity to show your face, if you lose this way, it will not look good.

“No worries.”

In front of him, it seemed to see the concerns in the hearts of Elder Jin Dao and Elder Hou Sheng. Bai Ling smiled again and said: “The status of the noble princess is so respectable, how can we go down and fight like ordinary disciples.”

“This time, you only need the noble school to send a few skilled disciples to go, as for the Son, you don’t have to come out in person.”

“At that time, Qin Guozi will arrange for Mr. Chu to be responsible for hospitality, so that he may be close to the future lord of the noble school.”

“So, it doesn’t matter.”

The elder Housheng moved, and then nodded.

If this is the case, then the biggest concerns will naturally disappear.

And they also heard about the so-called Chu son.

This is one of the sons of the King of Qin today, and also the designated next-generation King of Qin, which can be described as one person under the Qin Kingdom and more than 10,000 people.

To entertain the Holy Son of Lingzong in such a position, it can be seen that the attention of King Qin.

If the son of Lingzong could have a good relationship with the future King of Qin, the situation of Lingzong within the Qin Kingdom in the future would naturally be much better.

As for risk, it should be nothing.

Lingzong Shengzi travels, not to mention anything else, among the three elders of Lingzong, someone will inevitably accompany him.

In the asylum of the master, who is located in the Qin Kingdom, who can hurt the Holy Son of Lingzong?

Therefore, with regard to this concern, Elder Housheng just thought about it, and then he left behind.

Aside, the elder Jin Dao also nodded: “Yes.”

“That would be better.”

Looking at Elder Jin Dao and Elder Hou Sheng, Bai Ling couldn’t help but smile.

She naturally understands the thoughts of Elder Gold Knife and Elder Housheng. It is precisely because she understands, so this time she will have a lot of confidence.

“Being within the Lingzong, as long as you don’t leave this place, the variable will be the life of the spirit king, and naturally nothing will happen.”

“But if it comes out of this spirit sect, it is not necessarily.”

Looking at the elder Jin Dao in front of him, Bai Ling smiled: “After walking out of this spirit sect, whether or not you want to personally end the battle with the people, but you can’t help it.”

“This is the evolution of fate, and it’s the ending you can’t avoid.”

She spoke gently in her heart, and at this time all kinds of thoughts could not help flashing.

After discussing the matter with the three elders of the Golden Sword, Bai Ling did not leave immediately, but just stayed here for a while.

And half a day later, in the Hall of the Spirit King, Chen Changming learned the news.

“Let me go to the Qin Kingdom and watch the battle on behalf of Lingzong?”

Sitting on the white jade bed ~ ~ Chen Changming slowly opened his eyes, looked at the black robe maid in front of him, and said slowly.


In front of him, the black-robed maid looked respectfully and gently spoke: “This is the original word of Elder Gold Knife.”

“At that time, the Elder of the Golden Sword will accompany the Son to the Qin Kingdom.”

She said so, telling the elders of the golden sword.

In front of him, Chen Changming was silent for a while before speaking.

“I know.”

He opened his mouth gently, his face looking calm: “Go back and tell the elder that I will be ready.”


In front of him, the black robe maid nodded respectfully, and then left slowly.

Only Chen Changming was left in place.

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