Infinite World Projection

Chapter 312 - Automated practice (No. 4

   In the corner of the laboratory, there was no one lying there at the moment, it was the seventh-level awakener who was caught by Chen Changming.

  In that year, after being caught by Chen Changming, this unlucky egg was kept sealed within Chen Changming’s source and spent some time in it.

  After Chen Changming found a place to settle down, he was released by Chen Changming —— changed a place seal.

   Just like before, it was placed in a special nutrient solution to maintain life, maintaining the last breath without swallowing.

   As for his consciousness, he has been sealed by Chen Changming. According to the rhythm in front of him, if no one helps, he may not wake up until his old death.

   On this seventh-level awakener, there are also some gathering magic circle depicting.

  However, unlike the lives of the rabbits before, the pattern on this man is not one, but a dozen or so.

   This was newly discovered by Chen Changming.

   The more powerful life, the stronger the resistance to dark elements.

   It is very reluctant to engrave a gathering pattern on a weak life like a rabbit, but it is different on other lives.

   Some of the more powerful life forms can fully carry more patterns.

   And like the 7th level awakener in front of him, it is even more exaggerated, and can directly carry a dozen patterns.

   Even, this is not the limit, but the result of Chen Changming leaving his hand.

no way.

   This is the only experiment in Chen Changming’s hands, and its value is very high. If it is accidentally broken, it will be finished.

   And more lines will increase the load on the body, which will eventually increase the burden on the body and accelerate the collapse.

   So for the sake of insurance, Chen Changming only engraved only a dozen, not more.

   Judging from the current situation, the results are still good.

   “Compared to before, it seems to have been enhanced a lot…”

  Observing the data of this experimental body, Chen Changming kept recording and began to compare with the previous data.

  The results of the comparison show that, in terms of physical strength alone, the strength of this experimental body has indeed increased a lot.

   This is the result of Ju Lingzhen pulling dark elements and driving the scouring of the body. It looks pretty good.

  Like the previous rabbit, the time that those polymorphic patterns were portrayed on this experimental body was also about half a year.

   However, in this experimental body, the crystals of the aura condensed at the moment are obvious.

   There are more than a dozen spirit stones, each of which is covered by the thumb, and the concentration is obviously much larger than the previous one.

   All conditions are very good.

   “From this point of view, it is feasible to strengthen the strength by depicting the texture on the flesh…….”

  Observing the situation in front of him, Chen Changming fell into contemplation: “As for the danger and the harm to the body, it can be avoided with the panacea.”

   “Even if it is the monk himself, he can also control some of his own body to avoid some dangers and reach the point of being harmless…”

  Chen Changming is constantly depicting there, recording all kinds of data one by one.

   Of course, besides recording the data, he is also thinking.

  He is thinking about how to apply the experimental results in front of him to himself.

  Through the method of portraying self on the body, the crystals of aura can be condensed on him.

   These aura crystals exist in their own bodies, and naturally belong to themselves.

   To some extent, this is equivalent to an extra source of aura, and has a higher endurance than others.

   On the other hand, this seems to have other benefits.

   “Taking these crystals in the body as a network and connecting them in series to form a node where Aura flows, may be able to achieve the effect of letting Aura work spontaneously…”

  In an instant, this thought flashed in Chen Changming’s heart.

   The monk practice, he needs to vomit the aura itself, constantly absorb the aura into his body, and then to refine.

  If you can draw the external aura into the body through the magic circle, and then operate through the node network formed by the spiritual crystallization of the body, you can form a cycle spontaneously.

  Does this mean that the ring of breathing aura can be skipped completely and directly realize automatic swallowing?

   At this point, Chen Changming couldn’t help but feel strange for some reason.

   If this is the case, the monk still has to work hard to vomit aura, do you meditate every day?

   Isn’t it sitting there, the power of the body will increase spontaneously?

   “No, it’s not right…”

  After thinking for a while, Chen Changming shook his head.

  Although it is theoretically true, it is not the same thing when it is actually operated.

   First of all, if you want to portray such a set of psychic patterns in the body, the operator must have a strong theory and control.

  If Chen Changming and other strong players shot, it was not so easy for him to describe the Gathering Array in his own body.

  Know that this is not elsewhere, but on the human body.

  Take the pattern in other places, it won’t matter if you make mistakes.

   But if you make mistakes on the human body, the consequences will be unimaginable.

   may be just a little mistake, the trajectory of the aura in the body will be affected, resulting in a change in the structure of the entire body.

   Therefore, if you want to truly depict such a pattern in your body, you must have a master who is extremely proficient in the way of the pattern.

  Only this point is enough to exclude ninety-nine people.

   Moreover, even if someone is willing to shoot for you, you may not be convenient.

   This is to depict a pattern on your body. If you secretly do something, I am afraid your life will be taken by someone.

   There is no doubt that this is definitely a very dangerous thing.

   Moreover, there are many other difficulties, each of which is terrible.

  Generally speaking, to achieve this, the conditions can be described as extremely harsh, and only a few strong people can do it.

  So, automated practice is destined to appear only in a few people.

   “Everything is ready…”

  After finishing the matter at hand, Chen Changming smiled and looked to the outside world: “Now, wait for the free experiment to come to the door…….”

   The faint voice fell, echoing continuously in the laboratory.

  Final did not let Chen Changming wait for too long.

   For a period of time, Chen Changming’s experiment had initially achieved results. When complaining about the lack of experimental products, Finaar sent it to the door automatically.

   In front of Chen Changming, she patted her chest and said that she could get a good batch of experimental products.

   Then, Chen Changming agreed.

   Soon, the first batch of death squads came up.

   This is a group of real people.


   On the spacious test bed, Chen Changming’s face was gentle, and he said to the teenager in front of him.

   In front of him, the teenager’s face was tense. Although he nodded uncontrollably, it was hard to conceal the tension in his heart.

   No way, this is the critical moment of fate.

  Before he came, he had understood the key to this experiment.

  If the experiment is successful, he will be able to gain much stronger power than before.

   But if the experiment fails, maybe he will die here.

   The future is here, no matter who it is, it will inevitably be nervous.

   Of course, although these people are regarded as experimental products, Chen Changming is not so pitted.

   In fact, his experiment is still confident, not as pitfalls as some bad.

   The reason why he was looking for someone to come over for an experiment was just to test more experimental data, so as to improve it better, not really want to harm people.

   Therefore, the safety of these people’s lives is basically guaranteed.

   Of course, more, Chen Changming cannot guarantee it.

  A needle of anesthetic hit them, and these people quickly fell asleep and lay silently in this place.

   Afterwards, Chen Changming started his own actions and acted on these people.

  With spiritual power dancing up and down, a little pattern is depicted on their bodies.

   This is a delicate physical activity, generally can not make mistakes, and the location should also be appropriate, can not make mistakes, otherwise it will affect the entire body structure and accelerate the collapse of the body.

  If you let ordinary people come, I am afraid it will be terrible.

   Fortunately, in this respect, Chen Changming is not much of a problem.

   Time passed slowly.

   When these people woke up again, they already felt very different.

“my body…….”

  When the subjects woke up from a deep sleep, they immediately felt the changes in themselves.

   The previous boy got up from the test stand, tried to wave his hand, and his face suddenly showed surprise.

   At this moment, he can feel that his power seems to be much greater, and his body is full of a sense of power.

   This feeling is unprecedented.

   “Go back first, then come back once every half a month.”

   ahead, Chen Changming’s calm voice sounded.

   He looked at the experiment in front of him, his face was calm, with the gentleness as always: “Remember to eat more after you go back.”

   “Otherwise, you may soon become skinny like a monkey.”

   He spoke softly, jokingly.

   Many experimental products in the place are puzzled, thinking that this is just a joke.

   But this is indeed the case.

  Phenomenon formation is portrayed on them, which consumes their biological energy.

   And where do creatures come from?

   is the daily If you don’t eat a lot at the usual time, at the speed of the energy consumption of the gathering magic circle, they may become one by one, and even die.

   From this aspect, this gadget is very good for weight loss.

  Final and others soon realized the power of this thing.

  When those experimental products went back, they all showed amazing appetite.

  Eat what you eat in a meal can be worth the rest of the day, and every one has become a big stomach king.

   Even, this is not enough.

   Three meals a day can no longer satisfy their appetite.

   They need more.

  Even if you eat for a while, but after a while, they can still continue to eat, which kind of appetite makes people unbelievable.

   This is the result of the energy consumption of Juling Circle.

   In the days to come, these people may become kings of big stomachs one by one.

   However, it does not matter.

  Some food consumption, they can afford Finaar.

   What really pleased them was changes in other areas.


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