Infinite World Projection

Chapter 340 - Induction of the Eastern King

A mist blew and covered the place.

In all directions, the sound of fighting sounded from all directions, as if directly surrounding the place, and covering it.

Like being on the battlefield.

Standing in the same place, Chen Changming looked up and looked away.

In the distance, bursts of phantom changed.

One by one, the phantom of the figure was fluttering, appearing from below the ground, rushing towards each other above the earth, fighting each other here.

Vast murderous opportunities emerged, squirting in this place, so that the atmosphere of this place could not help changing.

That kind of mighty killing, almost as if it were substance, is enough to make people feel chills.

Looking at these, feeling all this, Chen Changming could not help frowning, feeling a horrible pressure rising enough to suffocate.

“This is…yin?”

Looking at the extremely clear cry in front of me, and the sounds of fighting, Qingju felt cold in the heart of the princess, feeling a terror at this moment.

“Is this place once a battlefield?”

She stood there muttering to herself, at this moment it seemed to remember something.

“The remnant soul remaining on the battlefield was aroused by unknown forces…”

Chen Changming looked deeply in front of his eyes, the thought flashed in his heart.

Here, he felt a huge murderous opportunity, which originated from the figure of the devil.

The figures of the gods and demons once fell here, and their murderous intentions were scattered, evoking the remnants of the former war soul, and recreating the former battlefield.

This is the vast scene in front of us.

Chen Changming glanced deeply in front of him, there was no action, so he waited silently.

Although in theory, the vast scene in front of us is already a past tense, but it is a reproduction of the past scene, without real power.

But when it comes to gods and demons, no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

Rather than bumping into it rashly, just wait here.

Standing in place for a moment, as the time slowly passed, the vast scene in front gradually disappeared.

The surrounding killings gradually stopped, and the nihilistic killings disappeared completely, leaving only a calm.

This place was plunged into tranquility, and there was no further killing.

Chen Changming stood still and looked behind him.

Behind him, Qingjue’s face was pale, and she was relieved to watch the remnant soul in front disappear.


Looking at the look of Princess Qingjue, Chen Changming looked calm and continued to ask.

“carry on!”

Princess Qingjue’s face was pale, and her mental state seemed to be somewhat poor, but she still clenched her teeth and refused to give up.

It’s okay to say she’s greedy, and it’s okay to say she insists. Since she finally came here, she is not going to leave easily.

Otherwise, I am afraid she will regret it in her life.

Seeing that Princess Qingjue was reluctant to leave, Chen Changming also had no opinion, silently turned around and continued to move forward.

It didn’t take long for them to reach the center of the cliff, and they soon approached the end.

At this place, even Chen Changming couldn’t help but be careful.

In his psychic induction, the divine pattern of this place was dense and dense, almost everywhere, almost to a point where there was no place to fall.

Even if it’s him, he might get a stroke if he is not careful, and he will step on the thunder.

He was cautious, walking slowly step by step.

Behind him, Princess Qingjue silently followed, trying to follow Chen Changming’s footsteps.

This process lasted for a moment before it was declared ended.

After half an hour, they came to the top of the mountain.

At this point, only a short distance from the final summit.

A touch of majesty shrouded here.

When I came here, everything around me seemed to be different.

Chen Changming looked up and looked outside.

Here, a majestic majesty is shrouded, and it is so unique that it is shrouded in all directions.

Invisible, the monk’s mind and divine power are suppressed, layer upon layer, and they are constantly suppressed.

“The breath of the devil…”

Feeling this feeling, Chen Changming stood there and frowned alone.

Once a divine demon, he was familiar with the existence of that level, but immediately recognized the source of this breath.

From a demon.

Gods and demons exist, and Wei An is unparalleled. There is immense power between every move. For mortals, it is really like a real **** and demon, which is enough to move mountains and fill the sea and do many incredible things.

And this kind of existence, even if only a drop of blood, is enough to turn into a big river, and a scent of breath is enough to collapse a mountain, reaching a kind of horror that is almost mythical.

For Chen Changming’s current strength, this kind of breath is too scary.

The spirit and the origin level are okay to say that because of being a **** and demon, although it has some influence, it is not obvious.

But on the flesh, his flesh is obviously unable to be immune to this effect at this moment. After a time, the whole body may disintegrate and cannot bear the pressure of this breath.

Of course, strictly speaking, he is still good.

Behind him, Qingjue Princess looks even more miserable at the moment.

Unlike Chen Changming, she used to be a **** and demon, so she had a strong enough resistance to the breath of **** and demon.

At this moment, her face was extremely pale, without any trace of blood, and her spirits were suppressed to the extreme, reaching a terrifying point.

The whole body and mind are suppressed by the breath of gods and demons, and they are simply unable to move freely.

“This breath…”

Standing behind Chen Changming, she was pale and subconsciously muttered to herself: “Great power… Absolute power…”

“This place has great power to fall… Even if so many years have passed, the breath remaining on the body is so terrifying…”

During the conversation, he took out an ancient jade from his arms and used divine power to make it bloom a faint light, confronting the vast breath everywhere around him and isolating it.

“It seems… we can only stop here…”

She looked pale and looked at Chen Changming.

Chen Changming silently just turned around silently and looked forward.

With his sight, you can see some of the scene ahead.

In the front, a large barren landscape emerged, in which a little mottled blood stained the earth and dyed it red.

The blood was crimson and red. Although it had dried up, there was still a certain kind of divinity flowing in the blood. The sacred and great shores exuded a worldly majesty.

This is the blood of the gods and deities, supreme and noble, even if you don’t know how many years have passed, there is also the kind of supreme gas machine.

Looking at this scene, Chen Changming was awe-inspiring.

Obviously, there was a divine demon once fell in this place, and looking like this, it was obviously not a normal old death, but an accidental death.

I just don’t know what happened.

It was just standing on the spot, feeling the brilliance in the distance, but Chen Changming couldn’t help moving.

In his body, the Eastern Emperor Jing’s thoughts flowed spontaneously, boiling in his body, appearing a little active.

Indistinctly, an inexplicable feeling emerged, so that Chen Changming could not help being moved, and he realized something.

“East Emperor Jing…”

Chen Changming’s face was calm, feeling the boiling of the Eastern Emperor’s divine power, and instinctively felt something: “That divine demon is like me, and has also practiced the Eastern Emperor’s Scriptures, and there is the Eastern Emperor’s divine power in his body…….”

At this point in his thoughts, his heart moved, the divine power in his body worked, Nirvana divine power degenerated, and he gradually pondered.

Subsequently, the Eastern Emperor’s divine power showed up at this moment.

Bang! !

The divine power in the body is spewing, erupting like a river, flooded in Chen Changming’s body.

Then, with the rise of the Eastern Emperor’s divine power, which was originally enveloped in the Quartet, the majesty of the dense demon quickly dissipated, replaced by another feeling.

The feeling of oppression was no longer there, but in the breath revealed in it, it showed a little closeness.

“The princess stays here waiting for me.”

Feeling that feeling, Chen Changming must be in his heart, turned around and looked back: “I will go back and then go back.”

The voice fell, and Qingjue was surprised.

Before she could react, she saw that in the front, Chen Changming took a step forward and continued to walk forward. The speed was very fast, as if it was not affected by the spirit of the devil.

Suddenly, she was a little puzzled, and at this moment her head was a little dazed.

Ignoring Princess Qingjue’s thoughts, in front, Chen Changming went all the way.

As he expected, after operating the Eastern Emperor Divine Power in the body, the breath of divine demon did not continue to oppress, just wrapped around it, without any impact on him.

The induction from the Eastern Emperor’s divine power made the majesty derived from the blood of the gods and deities automatically avoid Chen Changming. Not only did he not oppress it, but a feeling of intimacy rose between them.

Chen Changming continued to move forward.

As he progressed, the front lines began to emerge spontaneously, rippling in Chen Changming’s heart.

It was okay at the beginning, but at the end, Chen Changming discovered that he seemed to have nowhere to settle.

The surroundings were dense and dense, with patterns everywhere, which seemed deep and terrifying.

No matter where you are, you will be surrounded by that dense pattern, which looks very scary.

Being in it, Chen Changming reluctantly found a way heading forward.

Afterwards, the pattern of dense surroundings disappeared completely.

The surrounding was empty and very calm, which made Chen Changming feel a little surprised.

This shows that this is already the core of this mountain, and there is nothing more than just around it, it is already close to the core.

At this point, the mottled blood around him gradually increased, and the induction from the Eastern Emperor’s divine power became more and more boiling, driving Chen Changming’s own blood to begin to circulate and surging continuously.

“Is this declining demon the one who created the Eastern Emperor’s Sutra?”

In an instant, this thought flashed in Chen Changming’s heart.

But then, this idea was rejected by him again.

It’s not just this level.

To the extent expressed by the Eastern Emperor’s Sutra, its founders have clearly surpassed the realm of gods and demons and reached a higher category.

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