Infinite World Projection

Chapter 372 - Virgin Mary

   Looking at Chu Cheng, Chen Changming smiled and silently withdrew his hand.

  In fact, Chu Cheng was completely wrong.

   When Chen Changming defeated Wei Emperor before, it was not the current practice.

The reason why    can have such cultivation at present is only three months.

   For more than three months, from Hualing to Hualing Peak, this seems very strange. If it is enough to shock the world, it is actually quite normal.

   At the level that Chen Changming used to be, he practiced very quickly. As long as he has enough resources, he can arbitrarily pile up his cultivation, and there will be no bottlenecks at all.

  After assuming the throne as emperor and becoming the great emperor of the Wei Dynasty, Chen Changming would naturally have few problems in the practice of materials.

   During these three months, he continued to practice, and at the same time, he used the material resources of the entire Wei to assist himself in practice.

   In March, he didn’t know how many immortals he swallowed. He even awakened the Imperial City’s large formations and used the power of the large formations to condense the spirits of the world to help him practice.

  With all these conditions and the assistance of his own abilities, Chen Changming was able to reach the point in front of him in March. Although it was unexpected, it was not impossible.

   This is why Chen Changming can promote.

  After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, the situation between the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Wei Dynasty is tense. If it is not accelerated, I am afraid that this dispute cannot be stopped.

   Time passed slowly.

   Soon, at that time, at the border of the Great Wei Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Emperor met with the Great Wei Emperor Chen Changming. The two met in each other and talked within it.

   It is reported that there are changes in the day, the sun and the moon change, and the mountains and rivers have to change for it, a horrible scene.

   Subsequently, Bei Zhou and Da Wei formally talked about a contract between the two, sending protons to each other, and going to their respective countries to be qualitative.

   The situation where the two countries were at odds with each other was alleviated for a while.

  I don’t know why. Originally in Beizhou, the group of people who opposed the peace talk disappeared all at once, and there was almost no trace of it.

  Everyone agreed to the peace talks as if they were not the ones who were fighting before.

   This contrast is a bit unbelievable.

  According to some sources, a war broke out on the day of the peace talks.

   is just this war, not the Northern Zhou Emperor against the Wei Emperor, but all the masters from the whole Northern Zhou Dynasty to compete with the Great Wei Emperor.

  Full three masters of Hualing shot all at once, towards Da Wei Tianzi, but was defeated by Da Wei Tianzi neatly.

   This great Wei Tianzi is terrifying and scary. Its strength is far superior to that of the previous generation, Wei Wei Tianzi, and his strength has already reached the peak of the spirit, far better than the past.

   It is unremarkable that if this great Wei Tianzi had no intention of killing, then the Northern Zhou Dynasty would inevitably suffer a heavy loss, even the Northern Zhou Tianzi himself might have died in his hands.

   Such a terrible scene, even if it is said, I am afraid not many people believe it.

  Many people regard this as a joke and think this is fake news.

  Only a few talents know that this news is not fake, it is what happened.

   This generation of the great Wei Tianzi is so terrifying and so powerful.

   However, it is surprising that with such a strong power, the great Wei Tianzi was uncharacteristically, without any intention of attacking the outside world. Instead, he appeared quite silent and focused on cultivation.

   He seemed to be totally uninterested in the expansion of the territory, and it was very unique. He was devoted to practice.

   is not like what an emperor should be.

   After the new generation of Wei emperor came to power, he did not cancel the past armaments, but he put more energy on people’s livelihood.

   He didn’t do much, he spent most of his day in closed practice, silently improving himself.

   Just like that, unconsciously, ten years have passed.

   Ten years later, the entire Wei recuperated and the national power began to flourish, and around the great Wei, the great power and the southern country also committed crimes in an attempt to annex Wei’s territory.

  Wei Emperor walked out of Weidu and went to the frontier for a battle.

  Under World War I, the Yuan Emperor died in battle, and 30,000 iron armor was destroyed by Wei Emperor alone.

  The Yuan Dynasty was destroyed, and it was annexed by Wei.

   The news came out, and the world was shocked.

   In this battle, the power shown by Wei Emperor was even stronger, and it was suspected that it had already transcended the realm of spirits and reached a higher level.

  As soon as the news came out, the power that the Quartet had coveted on Wei Guoguo suddenly converged.

  At least, no one dared to extend his hand to Wei Guo before this great Wei Tianzi fell.

   And the big Wei Tianzi also seemed quite calm. After annexing the Yuan Kingdom, he did not take advantage of the pursuit and continued to shoot against other small countries. Instead, he went back and returned to his closed place.

  Looking like this, it seems to be the same as before, completely uninterested in opening up the territory and concentrating on practice.

  In fact, in the past ten years, the power of the entire Wei Kingdom was gradually handed over by Wei Emperor.

   Nowadays, Princess Liu Rou of Wei is in charge of the palace, and with the support of Wei Tianzi, he has almost mastered most of Wei’s authority.

   This situation will not change for a long time, because Wei Emperor has no wife and heirs, and the mother tribe has long since fallen.

  As the only princess who was friendly to Wei Emperor, the former three princesses held most of the authority of Wei State.

   As long as Emperor Wei did not speak, he could not be shaken.

   Time passed slowly.

  Under the suppression of Wei Emperor, Wei Guo continued to develop slowly.

  Unconsciously, another thirty years passed.

  Thirty years, the situation between the world has changed somewhat.

Unconsciously, many forces suddenly appeared throughout the world.

   Some of the handed down holy places seem to have sensed something, and began to appear one after another, appearing in the heavens and earth, and even active between the heavens and the earth.

   They were active between heaven and earth, and began to frantically collect spiritual materials between heaven and earth. They even spread through temples and preached everywhere.

  Looking like this, it seems why he is preparing.

  Want to collect spiritual materials and preach in various places, naturally can’t avoid the top powerful forces in the world.

   If you can have the support of the current forces, if you want to do these things, naturally it will be much easier.

  In this case, as the most powerful force in the world, Da Wei was naturally also eyeed.

   early morning.

   Outside the Great Wei Imperial City, a group of special guests came and came outside the Great Wei Imperial City.

   “By the order of Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady, Wei Emperor came to see him quickly.”

   The cold voice sounded throughout the Great Wei Imperial City.

  Several beautiful and holy women with beautiful appearances came outside the Imperial City, their faces were cold, and they held a special white handwriting in their hands.


   bursts of sound fell.

   Listening to the voices of these women, many people made a roar and their faces were angry.

   “Holy woman, bullying too much!”

   The cold voice came from the imperial city.

  On the walls of the inner palace of the imperial city, Liu Rou was wearing a silver-and-white armor, and his face was cold, looking at the few women from the outside world: “Let my big emperor Wei Wei personally meet, you breeze!”

   “It is already a death sentence to practice my saintly path without authorization.”

   In front, the beautiful woman headed was cold and could not see the slightest emotion: “If there is something else to explain, this time it is to take his life directly.”

   “Great tone!”

  Liu Rou’s complexion changed, Rao’s temper was as good as ever, and at this moment, he could not help raising an angry look.

   Bang! !

   bursts of soft sounds quickly sounded.

   Earthquake swayed, and inches of spirits scattered, rippling around.

  Under the eyes of everyone, the imperial city array began to awaken, and the gods in it flew away at this moment, rippling to all directions.

  The power of Haoran emerged, and at this moment it turned into layers of seals, and they all went down to suppress them. Seeing this, they should directly suppress the other party.

   After decades of changes, the Imperial City nowadays has long been different from usual.

In that year, Chen Changming once shot and personally modified the imperial city array to make it more powerful. With the spirit veins below the ground, once it broke out, it was even enough to suppress nine days, even if a spiritual spirit peak, It will feel extremely difficult.

  Faced with all this, the Virgin Mary’s face was calm, still the cold appearance before, but he silently took out his handwriting.

   The white handwriting looks very clean, at this moment there are bursts of light flashing on it, and large gold characters are constantly emerging, shaking and flashing at this moment.

   is a majestic manifestation of the gods and demons.

   The power that belongs to the gods and demons was displayed, and the large array in front of them began to stagnate spontaneously. Some problems appeared in their operation. It was impossible to operate as freely as before, and burst into a powerful force in an instant.

“this is!”

  Feeling the majestic dignity and majesty, Liu Rou’s face changed At this moment, there was a feeling that something was wrong.

   “Offend the messenger of God and man, the sin should be dead.”

In front of   , the golden handwriting flashed, and on the pale white handwriting, a little light continued to diffuse.

The beautiful woman headed by    turned pale, holding the hand book in her hand, and spoke lightly.

   The voice fell, the horror divine power tilted down, and the mighty divine power fell, pressing towards the imperial town in front of him.

   The kind of ruined divine power accompanied by horrible divine majesty has already surpassed the level of the spirit and reached a more terrifying point.

   This is by no means an ordinary thing, but something left by a real demon, which even has part of the power of that demon, once it breaks out, it is a disaster.

   Judging from the power contained in the blow in front of him, the burst of power was even enough to directly smash the imperial city in front of him and kill countless creatures in it.

   It was only at the end, when this shot fell, nothing happened around.

   A golden divine power enveloped the Quartet, and the celestial arts were displayed. The meaning of the space was displayed in the Quartet. This space was directly locked, and the power was isolated without leaving any traces.

   Haoran’s power is displayed, directly blocking the demon with a single blow.


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