Infinite World Projection

Chapter 446 - Goodbye Liu Yanqi

The sacred fire in the sky was burning and gradually spread forward.

A burst of divine power soared into the sky, trying hard to block the sacred fire spreading from the front, but it was still unable to do it.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, following the divine power, it continued to spread to Liu Yanqi’s body.

A sharp pain came.

Slowly, his body was entangled by a layer of divine fire, and a violent pain emerged, unfolding on the body.

His body gradually changed. At this moment, it seemed to be burned by those sacred fires, gradually producing a certain change, accompanied by an extremely strong pain.

At this moment, Liu Yanqi thought of the people he had seen in the past.

In the past, it’s not that no one has walked into this area of ​​fire, trying to find the treasures and artifacts left by the legendary demon **** in the area of ​​fire.

He has seen the scene of those people’s death, the whole body is entangled by the sacred fire, and finally there is no residue left from the bones to the flesh and blood.

, Only a piece of red ashes remained, which was blown away by the breeze, and no longer had its original shape.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely miserable way to die. All of his own things are not left, only a place of ashes, cruel


But even so, it will not change Liu Yanqi’s ending at the moment.

After supporting it for three days and three nights, his body couldn’t be supported after all, he just stood there, entangled by the divine fire.

He didn’t wailing, and there was nothing unusual, just standing there silently, staring straight ahead, even before he died,

The body is also extremely straight, like a spine that never twists and turns, and would rather be broken than compromised.

The blazing fire is burning.

In the rear, a foreign girl dressed in a unique service saw this scene.

Tears appeared on her face and the corners of her mouth opened slightly, as if she was about to let out a shout.

It’s just that she can’t do more after all.

Because the scarlet flames had already wrapped around Liu Yanqi’s body, wrapped around his body.

Looking at this scene, the girl closed her eyes weakly, as if she had anticipated Liu Yanqi’s ending.


A soft noise came from a distance.

In the silence, a slight noise continued to sound, just like the slight footsteps made by someone walking.


Listening to the voice, Liu Yanqi frowned subconsciously, almost thinking that he had hallucinations.

This is not the outside world, but a realm of divine fire everywhere.

How could there be footsteps in such a place?

Even if someone shows up, it probably won’t take long before they will be burned out by the divine fire in front of them, and they will be directly turned into a pool of ashes.

It simply cannot exist.

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and he kept thinking about it.

It’s just that as time continues to pass, the crisp footsteps in front of you have not disappeared, but have begun to become clearer.

Liu Yanqi couldn’t help but feel that something was wrong.

At this moment, everything around is full of an unreal feeling.

The sound of footsteps from everywhere did not disappear, but became brighter.

In contrast, Liu Yanqi himself did not seem to feel pain.

Entangled by Shenhuo before, the pain caused by Shenhuo’s burning body is quickly disappearing.

A unique feeling was unfolding, giving him a faint cooling sensation.

With the emergence of this feeling, the sacred fire on his body quickly disappeared. He was hurt by the breath of this place, and the painful feelings that had been affected disappeared.

Instead, there is a unique sense of warmth.

The divine power lost in the body quickly recovered, and a brand-new sensation emerged.

So he couldn’t help raising his head and looking forward.

All around, a horrifying scene emerged.

I saw all around, the sacred fire burning in the sky.

The four sides of the earth were all burned out, and on the surface, layers of black crystalline matter appeared, which was particularly unique.

The dense sacred fire was burning, and it was burning here, which looked very special.

A figure came from the front.

It was a figure that looked like a teenager, it seemed that he was young, just a teenager, dressed in white.

The age of the teenager does not seem to be very old, but just that kind of temperament, that kind of temperament, can not help but feel extraordinary, it is very impressive.


With a handsome face, he walked into the distance in silence, came to the surroundings of this village, and stood here.

The surrounding sacred fire was still burning, but when it reached this person, they spontaneously avoided, as if they felt the breath of this person.

A spontaneous retreat.

The flames of all directions began to regress.

Not only Liu Yanqi, but at this moment, as the young man approached silently, the sacred fire in all directions began to retreat spontaneously, and continued to retreat to the rear.

An invisible force enveloped this place, and a huge momentum enveloped this place completely, turning it into a small area.

Being in it is equivalent to being shrouded by this huge momentum, so far no longer disturbed by the outside atmosphere.

“That is?”

Standing outside the village, Liu Yanqi’s eyes widened as he looked at the appearance of a young man in the distance.


He looked at the outside world, his face was full of astonishment at this moment, that expression looked extremely exaggerated, as if he had never expected the other party to appear here.


Of course, in fact, it is true.

“long time no see……”

There was a burst of light sounds A thick sacred fire was burning, and it was burning here, which looked very special.

A figure came from the front.

It was a figure that looked like a teenager, it seemed that he was young, just a teenager, dressed in white.

The age of the teenager does not seem to be very old, but just that kind of temperament, that kind of temperament, can not help but feel extraordinary, it is very impressive.


With a handsome face, he walked into the distance in silence, came to the surroundings of this village, and stood here.

The surrounding sacred fire was still burning, but when it reached this person, they spontaneously avoided, as if they felt the breath of this person.

A spontaneous retreat.

The flames of all directions began to regress.

Not only Liu Yanqi, but at this moment, as the young man approached silently, the sacred fire in all directions began to retreat spontaneously, and continued to retreat to the rear.

An invisible force enveloped this place, and a huge momentum enveloped this place completely, turning it into a small area.

Being in it is equivalent to being shrouded by this huge momentum, so far no longer disturbed by the outside atmosphere.

“That is?”

Standing outside the village, Liu Yanqi’s eyes widened as he looked at the appearance of a young man in the distance.


He looked at the outside world, his face was full of astonishment at this moment, that expression looked extremely exaggerated, as if he had never expected the other party to appear here.


Of course, in fact, it is true.

“long time no see……”

There was a faint sound.


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