Infinite World Projection

Chapter 452 - Linkage

“What a huge feast…”

Standing still, looking at the surrounding scenes, Liu Yanqi couldn’t help but sigh, and said so.

There are no mortals in the village today.

There were dense figures standing all around, but none of them were mortals.

Almost everyone has a vortex of spiritual energy on their bodies, and a little spiritual energy spontaneously wraps around their bodies, bringing them an inexplicable aura reaction.

There is no doubt that these are proofs of monks.

In front of them, in the past few months, these people have knocked the boundaries of mortals and truly embarked on the road of spiritual practice.

To some extent, this is equivalent to all the clan becoming monks.

Looking at this scene, Liu Yanqi couldn’t help being a little envious.

The Liu family where he is located is also very prosperous, but the number of monks is still not much.

Although he has been working hard over the years, trying to excavate talents from the Liu clan so that they can embark on the path of spiritual practice, there are still too few people who can really meet the conditions.

Practice, practice.

It is still too difficult for most people to embark on this path.

This is also no way.

After all, just a matter of innate qualifications is enough to bother most people.

Without that qualification, it means that there is no life, and there is no way to force it.

Therefore, even though Liu Yanqi has worked hard over the years, the number of monks in the Liu family where he lives is still not many, including himself, that is, less than ten.

How could it be compared with the scene of the tribe’s practice, and everyone embarking on the path of practice together.

Thinking of this, Liu Yanqi couldn’t help sighing.

He knew in his heart that after embarking on the path of cultivation, these people in front of him would definitely become stronger at the fastest speed, eventually reaching a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

Among nearly a hundred people, although most of them will step into mediocrity, there will definitely be a few elites who will go retrograde and achieve higher achievements.

Moreover, as long as they continue to multiply and the number of clansmen continues to grow, sooner or later they will become extremely powerful, and eventually become a powerful force not inferior to any holy land in the world.

For these, Liu Yanqi had already expected it.

Chen Changming naturally knows these too.

He looked at the hands, looked at the excited faces below, everyone who looked a little unable to calm down, smiled gently.

The golden silk threads spread out silently, wrapping around everyone in front of them.

Without everyone knowing, including Liu Yanqi, Chen Changming’s mark has already imprinted on everyone.

This is the imprint of infinite space, and it is also the proof that these are included as apostles.

Because these people were mortals before, and their strength was not strong, so including these people into the apostles and imprinting them would not consume too much power.

Except for Liu Yanqi, all the other people combined, the power consumed is not as good as that of an ordinary monk.

But there is no doubt that the rewards these people can provide are exceptionally large.

After breaking the boundaries of mortals and becoming a monk, Chen Changming could feel that the feedback of his strength was beginning to grow.

Almost every moment, his potential energy is rapidly increasing, and its speed is much faster than before.

Of course, the bulk of it was provided by Liu Yanqi.

Chen Changming was not surprised by this situation, but just smiled.

These people in front of them, whether they are from the Vulcan tribe or Liu Yanqi himself, have great potential.

Bringing them under control and within the scope of the apostles is a very cost-effective thing.

As time goes by, these people will eventually become stronger and stronger, and in the end the power feedback they provide to Chen Changming will become stronger and stronger.

At that time, Chen Changming’s own potential energy could grow more and more, and eventually he could do more.

This is a virtuous circle.

Moreover, there is an additional benefit in doing so.

In front of my eyes, lines of handwriting emerged, and on top of them, names were revealed.

Those are the names of these Vulcan survivors.

As Chen Changming branded these and included these people in the ranks of the apostles, the projection ability began to have some reactions and included these people in the projection list.

It seems that to some extent, as long as these people are branded, it means that these people have enough contact with Chen Changming to be able to project.

Chen Changming thought about this situation for a while, and then he was a little surprised.

The essence of projection power lies in connection.

Only when there is a certain depth of connection between the two, the projection ability can be used to perform projection and complete a series of functions.

And this kind of connection can be done with normal connections, and it can also be done with some abnormal methods.

Chen Changming branded these people, to some extent this is a kind of connection.

From then on, even if these people are unwilling, he can also incorporate these people into the illusory world in one word, and even decide their life and death to a certain extent.

With this level of authority, the contact will naturally reach the standard.

And if the contact reaches the standard, you can naturally use your own projection ability to do something.

In a way, this is a surprise.

After returning from the world of the door to the truth, after returning to this world, Chen Changming has not used his projection ability for a long time.

It’s not that the projection ability is useless, but at his level, the ordinary projection has no effect to him.

With his current level of cultivation, the original essence of the once gods and demons, and then to project those characters who can’t even reach the gods and demons, what’s the point…

Because of this, after returning to this world, Chen Changming seldom performed projections, and basically never launched it again.

After all, there are too few people who can perform projections and are worthy of projection.

But the discovery in front of him is not bad.

In an instant, Chen Changming thought of all the things he could do in conjunction with the projection power and the power of infinite space.

At his level, one or two projections are nothing to him, unless they are also the ultimate figures of gods and demons, otherwise even if they are gods and demons, they are actually like that.

But if the number of projections is large enough, the role that can be played will be different.

In particular, while performing the projection, Chen Changming’s insights belonging to the projected characters will also be acquired by Chen Changming, thus inadvertently deepening Chen Changming’s own heritage.


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