Infinite World Projection

Chapter 88 - Stand and chaos

A battle soon started.

Under a raid, the warriors of this tribe were slaughtered, leaving only women and children who had no resistance.

Was followed by a brutal scene reappearance.

Facing the tribe without resistance, Chen Changming’s clan began to plunder.

Since the head of the tribe, everyone rushed forward, wreaking havoc among this tribe.

People who were peaceful in the past are now beasts, rushing forward one by one, scrambling to **** their loot: possessions, cattle, sheep, women …

A mess began to appear.

This place became a hell, and countless screams came from everywhere.

Stood on the spot, Chen Changming looked up and looked at the people around him.

These former comrades have now been transformed into beasts, holding swords one by one, with brutal actions, where they are arbitrarily hacked and killed.

In the crowd, Chen Changming also saw his boss, the ten commander, a middle-aged man in his forties.

He was on the edge of a tent, where he screamed in bursts.

Behind him, a girl who looked young, but about 13 or 14 years old, was crying and covered with blood.

And not far away, another older middle-aged woman was lying quietly on the ground, with a fatal knife wound on her chest, which looked similar to the girl.

Screams emerged from everywhere.

Chen Changming closed his eyes silently, facing the scene, his mood was a bit complicated for a while.

He walked silently to the side, neither participated nor prevented this feast, but just walked aside silently, waiting for the feast to end.

Lasted for several hours before this atrocity was declared over.

The survivors walked out of the enemy ’s camp with satisfaction, and everyone had a lot to gain.

Even Chen Changming, there are a few more horses and horses on hand.

Even, because of his outstanding performance in the battle, the tribal leader also summoned him, praised him, and personally gave him a good horse.

Time passed slowly.

After destroying a tribe, they had enough food for all the people to spend the winter, so they began to return slowly.

In the process, Chen Changming also verified his previous conjecture.

His physical data is still growing spontaneously.

During this time, he did not practice Taixuan Tiangong, and even to verify his conjecture, even Xi Wu stopped.

But even so, his strength is still slowly improving, and slowly reached a higher level.

This is obviously not what is normally possible.

As Chen Changming had previously thought, Chen Changming’s original body seems to be having a subtle influence on this body, so even if Chen Changming does not practice by himself, his body data is slowly growing in the subtle and silent way, gradually moving closer to the body.

Of course, this growth rate is very slow.

If you want to rely on this spontaneous growth to become strong, I’m afraid I don’t know when to wait.

Therefore, after verifying his conjecture, Chen Changming did not continue to stop, but started to practice again.

Earlier, he had already approached the concept of pregnancy and reached a critical point.

After this period of time, with the spontaneous growth of his body, his strength has improved, and he is closer to this threshold.

With his current physical qualities, he has already met the requirements of quenching body, enough to carry out the next step of quenching body, trying to enter the pregnancy.

Of course, in order to quench the body, in addition to self-compliance, it also needs the assistance of spirits.

These things, there is no doubt that Chen Changming is not.

But the aura absorbed by Taixuan Tiangong can also do this, but it is much more dangerous than the pure aura in the Elixir.

But under the current conditions, Chen Changming has no choice.

On the way back, Chen Changming marched and hardened the body, and began to slowly ascend.

After half a month, he returned to the previous tribe.

For his safe return, Mumura and Zhedan were very happy, and they were also very happy for the trophies he brought back.

“Why didn’t you bring a wife back?”

Looking at the cows and horses brought back by Chen Changming, Mumura was not only happy but also puzzled.

Attacks other tribes, not only those livestock are loot, but also women and slaves.

Around, when many people who walked with Chen Changming returned, they brought a few robbed women on horseback.

Only Chen Changming, although there were a lot of cattle and horses robbed, no one was there.

Looking at Mumura, Chen Changming was speechless for a while, and finally he could only be silent.

The time passed slowly.

After this battle, the tribe’s days seemed to be calm again.

Chen Changming, as always, ran horses during the day and practiced at night, so step by step, he recovered his strength.

Time has just passed for more than a month.

Winter is slowly coming.

As winter came, the surrounding grass gradually withered, and the horse thief around gradually increased.

At this time, Chen Changming’s main daily task was not only herding horses, but also an additional task of inspection.

Strength: 2.63. Agility: 2.58. Constitution: 2.67.

Projection: None

Talent: Incarnation

Familiar projection interface emerged in front of eyes.

Compared with before, the above data has changed a lot.

In these few months, Chen Changming has successfully promoted his pregnancy and even passed the period of weakness.

Today, he has broken the flesh and bones, is a real warrior.

But to this point, for Chen Changming, it has reached a limit.

If you want to continue to improve, of course you can, but just want to have such an explosive improvement, but it is already impossible.

no way.

There is no need to be here before. As a herdsman, Chen Changming has limited access to people every day, including those who can provide him with projections.

Without sufficient energy supply for life, Tai Xuan Tiangong’s practice also became slow, and it was impossible to make rapid advances as before.

Is actually the practice of the concept of Pluto, and some progress has been made during this period.

The idea of ​​the concept of Pluto, this is the method that Chen Changming obtained from Chen Xinrou, to visualize the phase of Pluto, and temper the spirit.

After showing the inheritance of Chen Xinrou, Chen Changming was not unfamiliar with the practice of this method. During this time, he began to try to practice.

The result of the practice is quite appropriate. Although not very outstanding, Chen Changming can still feel that his spiritual strength is slowly improving.

As long as it improves, for Chen Changming, it is already very good.

“What are you thinking?”

Behind, a voice came.

Chen Changming turned around and saw that behind him, Zhe Dan wore a black dress and walked from the side.

“It’s nothing.”

Chen Changming shook his head, looked at Zhe Dan, and said calmly: “Where are you? Did you find anything?”

“There are some traces, it should be left by some horse thieves.”

Zhedan said: “Recently, the surroundings have become colder and colder, food in various places is tight, and more and more people are distorting their ideas.”

“There seems to be nothing here.”

He looked at Chen Changming in front of him and said, “Let’s go back.”

“it is good.”

Chen Changming nodded his head and had no comments.

After a while, several other people in charge of patrol came one after another, and then headed towards the tribe together.

Along the road, as he drove the horse forward, Chen Changming was also meditating on his practice, recalling the confusion encountered during the practice.

It was just the moment he approached the tribe, but he suddenly felt something was wrong.

An inexplicable sense of anxiety appeared in his mind, with an inexplicable anxiety and tension.

This is spiritual feedback.

His powerful spiritual power is feedbacking, and seems to be warning him.

Feeling this feeling, Chen Changming frowned and directly rushed forward.

It didn’t take long for familiar tribes to emerge.

It’s just that the tribes in front of them seem to have some inexplicable changes compared to before.

A channel of gray gas slowly rose into the sky, there was fire in the distance, and there were faint screams of faint noise.

Suddenly, Zhedan’s faces changed.

“Enemy attack!”

Without hesitation, they rushed forward ~ ~ Not far away, they saw the scene clearly.

In the original intact tribe, pieces of corpses fell to the ground and were cut down by the enemy.

The ground is covered with blood, and there are light weeping and screaming everywhere.

Seems to be able to hear the sound of swordsmen’s fighting, and it seems very clear everywhere.

The whole scene completely coincided with the scene a few months ago.

Several times ago, Chen Changming followed the clan to attack other tribes, and the scene at the time was the same.

And now, the scene reappears, but the character is completely reversed.

“Damn !!”

Looking at the scene in the distance, Zhe Dan’s faces were blue, without any hesitation, he drew his knife and rushed up.

He rushed straight ahead, hitting several enemies in front, struggling to cut down a man.

But other people have reacted, one by one with a smile, they will be unloaded eight pieces.

boom! !

A light breeze flashed in the air.

Broken scimitar danced in mid-air, and in a flash of vigorous energy, he chopped on several people in front of him.

The huge force burst, but in a flash, a few people in front of him were directly flew out, even if there was a guard of armor, there was a deep mouth in the chest.

They fell to the ground and their bodies were twitching. Looking at this, it was obviously not saved.

Zhe Dan’s body froze, looking at the scene in front of him was blank, but staring blankly at Chen Changming.

A residual image ran across his eyes, and then another figure flew out directly.

“Don’t be dazed.”

Chen Changming pushed his horse forward and came to Zhedan. At that time, his face also looked a little unsightly.

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