Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 120 - Stray kitten


The two approached and started to fight. Ling Yuhan stood like a swallow, and surrounded Huang Chao’s offensive. A pair of prime hands made a loud voice in the air and greeted Huang Chao’s face.

Huang Chao slashed with one palm in his right hand, depressing Ling Yuhan’s left wrist, and then a clever flip stopped Ling Yuhan’s right hand. His left hand shuddered, resisting taking the opponent’s routine in the middle house and punching Ling Yuhan with a punch.

Ling Yuhan put his hands together, trying to stir Huang Chao’s hands. The two men struck each other’s arm, Ling Yuhan’s entanglement was quickly wrapped around Huang Chao’s left arm, and then a stronger force came from Huang Chao’s arm, but let her two arms move away.

Ling Yuhan turned and kicked his leg, and after pulling away the distance, he said: “You are not Wing Chun. You have also learned Tai Chi?”

Huang Chao said: “Who said that I must use Wing Chun?” He put on the ball-holding style, which was the starting hand of Tai Chi.

Ling Yuhan pouted: “Don’t think you will learn Tai Chi after two days, it will be used. Tai Chi is very complicated.”

Huang Chao didn’t speak but laughed. Ling Yuhan attacked again. He felt like playing against the mirror. Huang Chao’s Taijiquan was as skilled as her. The two seemed to be slow and fast. Dancing face to face.

Huang Chao deliberately suppressed his strength and speed at Ling Yuhan’s level, otherwise he would have defeated Ling Yuhan long ago, so Ling Yuhan had such an illusion.

Thanks to Ling Yuhan as a beauty, Huang Chao was interested in feeding her. Looking at the other person’s efforts in front of him, Huang Chao often burst into laughter.

Ling Yuhan was very depressed, and finally shouted: “No more, you must use Wing Chun!”

“Okay, okay.” Huang Chao glanced at him slightly, and did not expect Ling Yuhan to have such a childish side.

His eyes made Ling Yuhan a little embarrassed, and then he showed no mercy. He used all the hard tricks, and didn’t even say hello. Huang Chao looked at her as she gritted her teeth and flushed her teeth. She felt happy that she had changed from a goddess to an ordinary person.

Huang Chao saw that Ling Yuhan had practiced some routines against him. She tempted Huang Chao to block, and then quickly and smoothly changed her moves, cooperating well with the previous momentum.

She seemed flawed when she shot, and it was just right for Huang Chao to intercept. As soon as Huang Chao reached out, she seemed to have expected to twist her body, so she avoided Huang Chao’s blockade, and she would demolish Huang Chao’s ancestral hall with a seabed needle.

Huang Chao quickly jumped away, pretending to hold Ling Yuhan’s hand in surprise: “Hey, don’t you need to pull the egg?”

“What the hell?” Ling Yuhan reacted and shook Huang Chao’s hand away, scolding with blush, “Not serious!”

Huang Chao couldn’t laugh or cry, you dare to start, but still don’t allow me to say? In fact, Ling Yuhan at most pulled Huang Chao’s calf, followed by a knee-knocking step and put him down …

After experiencing this episode, Ling Yuhan greeted Huang Chao’s face. Huang Chaoxin said: “After all, it is also a big customer. Maybe I want to develop her as a girlfriend. Let her happily move.”

With Huang Chao’s eyesight, even if he and Ling Yuhan have the same power and speed, he can block Ling Yuhan’s every move, so that she can’t make a complete move, which will be very uncomfortable.

So next, Huang Chao split Ling Yuhan one way, letting her smoothly use the new learning moves, and sure enough these were more aimed at Wing Chun.

“Oh, look at this, someone pointed to Ling Yuhan, could it be her grandfather?”

In the end Ling Yuhan could not hold the heat, his forehead was slightly exposed with sweat, and his breathing became slightly short. She glanced at Huang Chao, and he still looked like Yun Dan was breezy.

“Okay, I lost again. But this time I played very happy.”

“Oh, haha.” Huang Chao laughed at this question.

The two came to a Western restaurant. Ling Yuhan quickly ordered his own dishes, which seemed to be regular customers. Then it was Huang Chao’s turn to order. He turned the menu. Instead of ordering the top three-piece foie gras truffle caviar, he chose the medium-cooked steak and dessert.

Ling Yuhan wanted to open a bottle of red wine and was stopped by Huang Chao: “No more. I only need a glass of water.”

“Why, you can’t drink?” Ling Yuhan looked at Huang Chao with a smile, a good expression. Even a person who ca n’t drink alcohol can pour a pound of white wine in the face of such ridicule of beauty.

“Drinking water is the healthiest.” Huang Chao’s heart is quite strong, he admired the beauty in front of him, but still insisted on his point of view.

Ling Yuhan said to Huang Chao: “Is there any time this weekend? My grandfather has an eighty-fifth birthday. He wanted to meet you young master before.”

Huang Chao shook his head and said, “No, I have to go home to see my parents this week. Anyway, the grandfather wants to see me and doesn’t care if it’s a birthday. There are many people on the weekend, and he may not have time to talk to me.”

Ling Yuhan frowned at Huang Chao, his mouth pouted. Huang Chao felt the resentment in the other person’s eyes, put down the tableware and asked seriously: “You shouldn’t you want me to be a shield?”

“Cut, think beautifully.” Ling Yuhan was quite embarrassed by Huang Chao guessing the center of thought, so he stopped mentioning this topic.

Huang Chao has already made plans. He will go home on weekends to treat his parents with real energy and medicinal herbs. Even if Ling Yuhan’s grandfather hangs, he is not in a mood to run and join in the fun.

They are just acquaintances, or ordinary friends, but not formal lovers. And what did you do in the past, make a bunch of silly people | make a mockery of a meal time, and then Mr. Ling treats him with enthusiasm, so that those people break their glasses?

To be honest, if someone has no legitimate reason to mock Huang Chao for a meal time, Huang Chao will be very unhappy if he does not let him re-become a man.

They finished eating quickly, and Huang Chao had to say that he was not full at all, but he couldn’t eat five, six, seven, eight, eight, eight, eight, like a reborn baby …

Huang Chao returned to the laboratory and returned to the dormitory until 10 o’clock. He deliberately came back ahead of time and decided to try the effect of Qi. True qi works without hindering him, and I don’t know how to send it into someone else’s body.

This world is different from the world of Ye Wen 2.

There is a stray kitten downstairs in Huang Chao’s dormitory with black and yellow patterns on it. It squats under a few sycamore trees every day. Because of its small size, it can only make a slight meow from time to time, very cute.

Some students passing by will feed it to eat, both boys and girls. Huang Chao is one of the most painful ones. When he looked at the stray cat, he immediately jumped out of the news about “rabies and parasites” related to the stray cat.

He admits that the appearance of the kitten is indeed very attractive, no wonder that attracted so many people to get close to it in succession.

Huang Chao came to the side of the road where kittens often haunted. It really lay on the side of the road. When he saw Huang Yue coming, he straightened up alertly and was ready to escape at any time.

“Hey, come and eat ham sausage.” Huang Chao put aside a ham sausage and dangled in front of the kitten.

The kitten’s courage was so small that he hesitated not to come up. He had to say that it was wrong, and he saw through Huang Chao’s evil intentions.

Huang Chao put the ham sausage on the ground and squatted to take a step back. The kitten slowly approached and sniffed on the ham sausage. Huang Chao suddenly broke out and played all at 41 points quickly, leaving him almost leaving an afterimage.

He didn’t use this speed when he and Ling Yuhan started their hands. The kitten was caught off guard and was caught by Huang Chao.

“Meow meow meow.”

“Oh, kitten, teach you to be good. In the face of absolute strength, all calculations are useless.”

Huang Chao scanned the kitten’s body with his spirit, and slowly began to send true energy into his body. Does the cat have meridians? This is a problem. Huang Chao did not study this kind of thing. He first sent True Qi into the body surface near the kitten’s back, and there was no violent phenomenon of bursting and corrosion. This proves that Huang Chao’s True Qi will not produce a fierce rejection reaction in reality. .

He increased his input of true energy, and roughly went around in the kitten’s body, and found that it was not only uncomfortable, but even stopped struggling, leaning on Huang Chao’s palm was very enjoyable.

“Well, it looks good, this time it took me twenty points to source, it was too expensive.”

When Huang Chao was about to leave, the kitten walked with him for more than ten meters. Until Huang Chao let it go back, he slowly returned to his nest.

Next, Huang Chao conducted experiments on the stray dogs in the school and found that there were no abnormalities in the stray dogs.

He returned to the dormitory and immediately changed his coat. The soap washed his hands three times. Although he was very strong, he did not dare to challenge the parasite that could grow to a dozen centimeters in the human brain.

At noon on Thursday, Huang Chao and Mr. Qian came to the Bihai Mountain Villa on the outskirts of the provincial capital. This is a beautiful villa area with mountains and water and beautiful scenery. The air is much better than the urban area.

Among them, there are dozens of small buildings with separate gates, which occupy a vast area. Huang Chao lived better in the last world, but in reality there is still a long way to go.

Mr. Qian said: “Mr. Huang, the scenery here is good. I am familiar with the boss here. If you want to buy a property here, I will ask him to give you half price.”

This villa is worth tens of millions, and Mr. Qian will lay down millions of faces in a single mouth. Huang Chao also understands that he must heal the other’s father. Otherwise, he didn’t even speak.

The medicine doctor does not die ~ ~ Mr. Qian’s father has cancer, and now he is so arbitrarily admitted to the doctor that it is really his disease that has reached an advanced stage. What Mr. Qian can rely on can only be some kind of “miracle”.

Even without the limitation of source power, Huang Chao would have to work hard to save the opponent. But he has limited resources now, so he won’t spend all on it.

“Thank you Mr. Qian for your kindness.”

Huang Chao entered the house with Mr. Huang. In the bedroom on the first floor, an old man was infusion and a young and beautiful nurse was taking care of him.

“Son, you are back and you have brought friends.”

Mr. Qian asked the nurse to leave, and then said to the old man: “Dad, this is a magic doctor I asked for. Don’t look at his young age, but he is more powerful than many old doctors. Let him show you that the situation will be much better. Yesterday’s medicine was obtained through him. “

He said that Huang Chao became a doctor with a background rather than a Chinese medicine seller. He did not refute, Mr. Qian just boasted about and strengthened his father’s confidence, which is justified.

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