Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 1384 - Enter the base

Huang Chao and others drove for a day, and did not come to the location marked by the coordinates until it was dark. Murphy was fast asleep in a bumpy car, the sound of a buzzing motor seemed to have an unstoppable hypnotic effect.

“Are you here?” The brake disturbed Murphy. She tried to open her eyes wide and saw a barbed wire fence in front of them, they were blocked from the outside. Cooper and Huang Chao got out of the car with tools. Cooper illuminated the barbed wire sign with a flashlight and said, “This is an air base? It seems that no one has come for many years.”

Huang Chao has no feeling for the end-time world. Anyway, all people will die, and it is likely that all countries or civilizations will be destroyed. Even if the scene of the world turning modern civilization into a ruin is before him, Huang Chao will not touch anything. . There is no responsibility for him here. All this may mean that the civilization in front of me is unlucky, and at the same time, they also made a series of choices and brought themselves to this situation.

According to Huang Chao’s memory, after the deterioration of the earth’s environment, mankind had a world war, but everyone was a loser, and the war that swept the entire world did not allow them to find a cure for blight. The pollution caused by the war has made the plant wilt disease more serious, and many lands in the world have become deserts without grass. But the war also wiped out a large number of people, so that the planet ’s plant output is declining, and the requirements for surviving humans can be maintained. At least there will be no famine … The remaining humans are guarding a small area of ​​residence and trying to plant Food that can survive.

The environment became extremely bad as the plants withered, the agricultural crisis and environmental deterioration caused a sharp decline in population, civilization began to retreat, and the number of human beings plummeted to maintain a small range of living areas. Humans have discovered that war can only make everyone die faster, and there will be no winners. Fusarium wilt spreads all over the world, and no one can escape it.

Huang Chao estimates that if this continues, everything will break down. With the demise of plants, all the land will become desert, and those who take risks will embark on the road of plunder. Because the government cannot solve the problem of human survival, it quickly loses its credibility, and people will find that they normally only starve to death. There must be some people who start wandering and plundering others in order to survive: if there is no miracle, this world will soon become a chaotic world like “Mad Max”, the light of human civilization will extinguish under the barbaric counterattack, even if there are people in this world. There are also beautiful emotions like “love”, but that is only a small range of emotions, it can move people, but it can not restore civilization to its former glory.

Fortunately, the chaos will not last too long. Huang Chao found that the destruction of this world is very complete, and the wilt disease will kill all the plants. With all the plants disappearing, the carbon cycle of the biosphere was interrupted, and no matter how powerful the raiders could make photosynthesis out of thin air, they would still starve to death when they finished their inventory.

Huang Chao and Cooper used pliers to remove the barbed wire, and he could feel the guard rushing from behind, but he did not remind Cooper. Huang Chao knew that they would not be in danger. At this time, he was still thinking about the problems of world technology: “The technology of the world in the direction of artificial food synthesis is completely zero … In the face of the strange blight, the entire civilization has no resistance. Really I ca n’t figure out how to break through even synthetic nutrients. How can they emigrate to aliens? “

The guard rushed out of the darkness and pointed his gun at Cooper and Huang Chao: “Raise your hand! Who are you!”

Cooper immediately threw away the pliers in his hand. He was a heroic explorer at the previous moment. He raised his hands honestly at the next moment, indicating that he did not have any threats. At the same time, he tried hard to explain, so that the opposite side could understand clearly: “I am in the car. ‘S daughter! “

Huang Chao now wants to mix up a wave of space exploration, so he honestly raised his hand to surrender. You can’t surrender. This is a soldier with a gun on the opposite side. I am afraid that the two of them may have put their hands in the wrong place. The other party may shoot directly. According to the local view, he just suspected that Cooper and Huang Chao had dangerous behaviors, and it was very reasonable to kill them. Cooper himself had no temper: he was so alarmed to explain that he was afraid that the other party thought there was a danger in the car. Molecule, Murphy burst out of sight when the figure shook.

“Oh, I didn’t actually shoot at Murphy, so Murphy’s law is not counted.” Huang Chao and Cooper were taken to a warehouse, Huang Chao thought boringly, “According to Murphy’s law, if Things may get worse, no matter how small this possibility is, it will always happen. Just now Murphy did not shoot as a dangerous element. Cooper, you should thank God. “

Huang Chao estimates that these three are white, and the face value is in line with the guard’s values, so it is not easy to be killed. Thinking of the destruction of this world, but human beings inherited the old prejudice and cruelty, Huang Chao only felt …

Haha, what does it have to do with me.

Cooper showed to the opposite robot called TARS that they didn’t want to cause trouble, would forget everything, and just wanted to take their daughter away. Huang Chao looked at Tas for a while and thoroughly analyzed the structure of the robot. This kind of cube robot is very “ingenious”, it is a flat block, split on both sides, divided into two rectangular pillars as legs, a large square plate in the center with a display, constantly refreshing the real time of Tas information.

Huang Chaonianli has scanned this NASA base. The rocket and space station designs have no highlights, and the plant samples obtained from the biological research laboratory at the base all show the state of blight. Here is a good experimental environment artificially made ~ ~ They still can not avoid the occurrence of Fusarium wilt.

The plants in this world have all been infected with Fusarium wilt. It is said that humans have no longer inherited the “clean” plants. In this case, they still have to die in other situations. However, in the film, the space station is lush, and the clean and tidy buildings are full of advanced technology. Obviously, people have solved the blight and got rid of the sand and dust in the space station, and their living conditions have been significantly improved.

But they have not yet solved the blight of the earth: otherwise the plants are cured, they just go back to the earth to open up wasteland and plant it! The atmosphere, temperature, light and other conditions here are logically more suitable for human survival than the planet beside the black hole.

“So, this kind of wilt disease is something that is aimed at the earth’s space?” As long as it is on the earth, plants will definitely get wilt, and the plants in the space station can survive normally. There is no “uninfected” seed in this world, and the space station and the earth can create the same specialized cultivation environment, but as long as it is planted on the earth, the plant must suddenly find that Huang Chao suddenly: “This is a method of directional cleaning of the planet! “

Obviously, it is time to eliminate “plants on earth”. If you want to destroy a planet’s plants, if you use some kind of powerful bacteria or virus, it may produce some kind of uncontrollable mutation, turning the planet into a Jedi and becoming unusable for a long time. Plants on earth now

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