Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 1412 - Rainbow comes to bridge

Up to now, the black hands behind the attack on the solar system began to face Huang Chao above the eleventh dimension. The solar system seems to be a relic of an “ancient super civilization”. In fact, this super civilization is still active. Huang Chao is here alone, even if he interferes with time and space with the touch point of the big brother, he still exerts the perfect power of civilization on the timeline.

There is no test here, hey, give civilization a chance, but it is to clean up the decaying civilization of “Interstellar” reasonably; now facing the challenge of aliens, but its own small animals, playing yellow dogs depends Master, playing blue cats, mice, and foxes also depends on the big guy behind them.

“What stuff.” Huang Chao on the high-dimensional scale sees time before and after. Since the universe is not deserted, there is light and darkness. Some people always think that they are first-class, they regard their existence as noble and reasonable, and regard other civilizations as weed pests. They have carried out long-term conspiracy cleaning activities. Once there is a trace of “advanced civilization” in any corner, they will launch super A strong blow to eliminate possible threats.

These investigative units wandering the galaxy call themselves “cleaners” and really treat everyone else as garbage.

Huang Chao ’s attitude toward this is more rational: “The motives of these creatures are also understandable. Is it so powerful to kill the possible challengers in advance if you do n’t want others to progress? But if you encounter the iron plate, then you have to admit it. Are you ready to be cleaned up? “

Regardless of whether you are prepared or not, Huang Chao does not need to be angry when encountering this kind of existence, just crush them and wipe them out. They treat others as garbage, and with this attitude alone, others can treat them as garbage.

The particles of curvature flight “should” be invisible to the three-dimensional world, but all invisible anti-invisibility is at the technical level. Now the theoretically black gun hidden in the dark is seen by Huang Chao and others. For a stellar galaxy, without detecting this threat in advance, when the particle decelerates, it can directly destroy their star at the speed of near light: for an ordinary stellar civilization, this basically represents destruction.

“Thank goodness, we have destroyed the curvature particles that threaten the solar system.” When the intelligence of the successful defense confirmed, Curry smiled happily. The time of the space war is quite long. Huang Chao and others were tight from construction to launch, but intercepted the comet and launched it. It took ten days to reach the target. An energy release activity comparable to a supernova explosion occurred outside the solar coefficient of ten light years. .

Curry has a gentle character, and the success of the defense makes Curry very happy; but for the blue cat, naughty, and Feifei gang of fighting madmen, what is the defense success? Of course, it is to immediately fight against the opposite set! In particular, they also have a like-minded old yellow dog!

Huang Chao likes to develop and likes to make his own name right. This is all for what, of course, to destroy the enemy as soon as the time comes, and to kill the enemy with integrity. The development of one ’s own strength is fundamental, and the pursuit of the reputation of justice is moral self-discipline. All purposes are precisely for invincibility.

Without Huang Chao ’s urging, the fat man at the solar base station passed the calculation data and the dynamic star map of the universe. His warm voice was a bit black: “I have calculated the relative position of the galaxy in the previous year, and marked the suspicion that it can strike us Galaxy! After the active scan is turned on, I detected all the suspected areas, and fifteen were out of a strange state of shadow, indicating that there is a higher civilization here. “

The large area without light but with mass is not composed of dark matter: the civilization there may be out of development or concealment, completely shielding the light of their own stars, and completely using their own stars, which is always whiter than the entire galaxy. ” Lighting is good.

Fatty simply provided the data, and everyone immediately seemed to be burnt by the tail. The blue cat patted his chest and said: “Yellow Dog Brother, our comet weapon has been overhauled, and we can launch a second comet strike immediately! You can say a place. ! “

Feifei fanned the flames and said: “Brother Gou, where do you still have to guess where the enemy is? Simply put a comet on every suspicious location.” Then he and the naughty said in unison: “We are going to Kuiper belt!” They did not know the blue What are the cats doing, I feel that I am driving the moon to suppress all the enemies in the solar system. I did n’t expect the blue cat to actually host a galaxy-level weapon? Can this be tolerated? They have all been to a hand addiction that destroys the world.

Huang Chao naturally did not allow them to play tricks. The material strike of curvature flight was a disaster for lower-level civilizations. For higher civilizations, it was a disaster that consumed human and material resources at best. Even though the solar system can support multiple targets, Huang Chao is committed to eliminating this crude way of doing things. He also hopes that the small animals in this world can comprehend and perfect the personal cultivation suitable for the current super civilization, so that they are not mentally handicapped because of the indiscriminate use of magic weapons.

On the scale of the universe, because the distance between the two parties is too far, the role of technological explosion is highlighted. Even if the two sides start the engagement, they can take the time to initiate a technological revolution. This is the history of the two civilizations, the present life and the hope of a full-scale war in the future, and Huang Chao ’s solar system is clearly the leader of this technological explosion.

The comet accelerator in the Kuiper belt runs at full power, and the stellar galaxy in the light system around the solar system for dozens of light years is ushered in the tiny comet flying with curvature. They are not used to destroy the galaxy, but the beacon brought to the Rainbow Bridge. The new Rainbow Bridge no longer requires the spirit of the Blue Cat and others as a beacon, but directly establishes a territory spanning tens of light years on the basis of material. The distance of the three-dimensional universe has been greatly shortened. In fact, the distance travelled by light for decades can be reached very quickly by the Rainbow Bridge. The causal laws of the entire time and space will be redefined with a higher-dimensional logic.

“Ha ha ha ha, we have completed the transformation of the Rainbow Bridge, and see where these alien cubs can hide!” The blue cat was in the open void two suns away from the sun, giving him the size of his sign. Even the gravity of the sun is invisible here, the traces of matter in the space are very thin, and the blue cat is surrounded by its own space fighter. It has become a fully functional material support platform, allowing the blue cat to complete the galaxy level here. Rainbow Bridge base construction.

The blue cat’s figure appears quite natural in the universe, because this void has no traditional reference. The huge and hollow Rainbow Bridge facility is hidden in the dimension after it is started, and the brilliance of the fragments shines in the gaps of the space from time to time. Such a flicker is not enough for the blue cat to make a reference. But if the blue cat returns to the earth, he can really feel that his body is already huge like a mountain, and the dozens of high-rise buildings in the city are just to his calf position.

This is the primary “giant beast” form that the Blue Cat opened, not for fighting with the body, but for the space environment, gradually amplifying the quality of the self-controllable objects. In the current dimension world, their technology can already achieve the transformation of various material particles, which is more energy-efficient and convenient than creating material from the void. In this case, increasing their own material occupation can give them a good material foundation. Complete the construction of certain facilities very quickly.

Blue Cat’s mind was immersed in the void, jumped to the high-dimensional communication network, and confirmed the situation of their respective bases to Naughty and others. After a while, everyone reported that everything was normal.

“Rainbow Bridge connection is complete!”

In an instant, Blue Cat and others had close communication, and material and information crossed the distance of the void. From then on, they became a whole. The first operation of the Rainbow Bridge Joint System was a complete success, and each of them was very happy.

This is worthy of their rejoicing: the entire system was independently developed and built by them. From theoretical breakthrough to practical success, they are all led by themselves. This is their own creation!

Huang Chao felt their joy and realized with gratification that his efforts were not in vain. At least in this world, all the small animals are working **** the way forward, and no one is willing to fall. This made Huang Chao feel that his work was not in vain, and the students he chose could be taught.

Once the Rainbow Bridge was opened, material exchanges between different galaxies immediately began, and new dimensional facilities began to be built: most of this territory, which spans up to tens of light years, is a barren void, and among the stars with limited mass concentration, every Everyone is in charge of a star. Based on this star system unit, a larger span of dimension-raising equipment is built.

Since then, the earth civilization has a clearer vision, and supports the exploration of folding space in the territory of decades of light years. The information of distant galaxies is no longer very few for them.

Beyond tens of thousands of light-years, the cleansers’ civilizations may not understand the situation of the solar system. Due to the slow transmission of signals in the universe, the solar system’s technological explosion occurred to them in an instant. The civilization of the cleansers has expanded to hundreds of thousands of consecutive galaxies. The vast country can also occupy a place in the Milky Way. Although there are 150-400 billion stars in the Milky Way, there are still very few that have reached this scale.

They systematically divide living planets, resource planets, and other planets in different stellar systems, and continue to explore outwards to clean up the “pests” of the radiation range of the territory …

Fatty saw the “whole picture” of the enemy’s civilization and silently passed the information to everyone. As the main person in charge of logistics, Fatty has always been the most stable, but now he has nothing to say. Before, everyone worked hard together to expand the civilization of the earth to several galaxies around, which has made them quite happy, but now …

When they saw the enemy, the enemy also saw the civilization of the earth. Fatty calculated the observed threats and informed everyone: “We have been subjected to 130 weapons of curvature and will bombard the stars around the solar system within a year; unknown particle beam weapons are 15,700 times, It will bombard the surrounding stars in the next 5,000 years; the dimensional fluctuation weapon will be attacked from top to bottom for 18 times, and it is theoretically available in an instant. Now our Rainbow Bridge system is blocking the high dimensional void to isolate the dimensional fluctuation Outside; the enemy assembled a large fleet and began to travel into the wormhole, judging that the landing point was within 200 light years around the solar system … “

“Until now, the enemy has not communicated with us.”

Perhaps the biggest contempt is to turn a blind eye. Unfortunately, the civilization of the earth is now severely despised by aliens. In fact, with the technological power revealed by the solar system, the knowledge level between the two is at least not large. Even if the dialogue is not between modern and primitive status. The alien’s silence comes from the inherent arrogance. This high attitude, even with Huang Chao’s many years of Qi cultivation, also gave birth to the idea of ​​pressing it **** the ground.

“Aren’t you looking for the remains of civilization at the beginning? Very good, let you understand that the representative technology of the Blue Cat World, Rainbow Bridge!”

Seven space fighters are ready to go, and Huang Chao has also got his own fighter. With the technological bias of the Blue Cat World, all high technology is first concentrated on individuals and space station aircraft: they can deal with alien legions by individual combat. This tradition is now inherited and carried forward, a civilization that occupies hundreds of thousands of stars, and space fighters on the planet can deal with it!

In the high-dimensional world, the brilliant Hongqiao connects two distant space points of the solar system. In the face of various threats of extinction ~ ~ Huang Chao and others did not defend or escape, they chose to take the initiative to attack.

All this is not because of blood or sacrifice, but because of self-confidence in technological power, years of development, coupled with the unlocking of the technology of the “ancient” to upgrade human civilization, so that they have a more terrible technological power. Just like the aliens did not contact the earth, Huang Chao led the earth and did not send a signal to question, condemn, or fight for peace. The enemies that can be destroyed are not nonsense.

Enter the Rainbow Bridge to transport, the porthole is a gorgeous rainbow streamer. Huang Chao looked at this splendid scene, and his thoughts had a short distance: humans can see the color of the light in the rainbow. This is a natural choice. The most powerful part of the white light is used by the creatures of the earth. White light is the so-called “visible light” of human beings. The wavelength is in this section. Different wavelength ranges correspond to different colors. After being decomposed, it is the color of the rainbow … because humans can see it first, and then there are various naming and classification. , Research … From the initial sage studies on magnification, spotlighting, and small hole imaging, they have now flown through the rainbow-colored dimensional channels.

Even if everyone can feel the electromagnetic waves of each band by themselves now, the original habit allows them to still maintain their vision as before, otherwise, because of their ability to perceive infrared, ultraviolet and other bands, the external “image” is afraid Is very different.

In the unfamiliar star field, the rainbow exploded in the void, the gorgeous halo lasted for a long time, and Huang Chao ’s space fighter appeared in the center of the halo. From the perspective of the gravitational field, the previously “flat” space was suddenly twisted at this moment. A massive object, enough to interfere with the source of disturbance in the starry sky, appeared here.

“Although it is easy to cause misunderstandings, it must be said that there are six more powerful ones like me.” Rw more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone’s college

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