Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 1448 - Duel of the same gem

Huang Chao backed away again, and the two confronted each other, tearing the sky and the earth again. This time they collided at close range, the destructive energy of the aftermath ripped and shattered hundreds of kilometers of land. Their manipulation of power seems to be not “precise”, but they are exerting the power of infinite gems, which is not just the existence of a three-dimensional universe.

Huang Chao distorted reality again with his hands waved. The thick rock layer was lifted from the ground, and the solid material was used to stop the hegemony. Even if Thanos jumped with the space gate, he could use the time gem to seize the opportunity, first use a piece of land to land at the destination of his transmission, so that Thanos appeared in the rock formation every time.

“Only infinite gems can fight against infinite gems.” Huang Chao thought quickly, “This is not absolute. It’s just that infinite gems represent the basic existence in this universe, and there is no power beyond the universe. It is indeed impossible to do infinite gems in it. . “

Huang Chao, the light angel avatar, has no regular power. He is the king on the earth level, and he is stretched out in the war at the universe level.

Bully said his state mercilessly: “Your power can’t control four gems at all. Do you understand the price of stupidity now?” Huang Chao revealed only the power of a few time gems and real gems. He didn’t dare to use soul gems. The heart and soul were connected. When he used soul gems, he increased the burden on the spiritual level. I am afraid that the battle in the soul world will collapse directly.

Huang Chao will not be moved by his language. Now the fighting power of this light angel is less than one percent of his skill. It doesn’t matter if he is chased by the bully. The real battle is on the three-dimensional universe.

This rule-level martial arts “successful power” divine ability can only save lives and grab people’s heads, and cannot let him die from the front. Fortunately, this light angel is to delay time in the three-dimensional universe.

The situation of lower-level battles is always affected by upper-level battles. When Huang Chao broke through the first layer of the soul world and began to have a confrontation with the spirituality of the soul gem, a part of the new resources were allocated to the light angel of Titan.

Supajero at this time, suddenly stopped the routine to stop the slip. In fact, he has long realized the mystery of the next battle, but he can only be a fantasy without supporting everything.

“Oh, you are no longer running away? Mr. Hierro.” The Bully asked with great interest.

The Angel of Light withdrew the splendid light wings and energy armor outside, revealing the true look of Supajero. Their battle has destroyed thousands of miles of land, but when the two are standing face to face, everyone is neatly dressed and plain, as if the sight of **** in the distance has nothing to do with them.

Huang Chao looked quietly at the bully: “I know you, you don’t know me.”

Huang Chao has been able to use more gem power. The double gems are against each other, and hegemony is not his opponent-it has been said that Huang Chao will play. The power that distorts reality in the next moment covers the range of one inch around him. This is the strongest distance that his existing force field can cover. Within this inch, the energy position is consistent with his own existence, which is a high-dimensional projection node. Zoom in naturally.

A layer of translucent spherical shroud covers Huang Chao, and the sphere has stars shining, which is a new reflection of the three-dimensional universe. Just looking at this shield with your eyes can explode the brains of intelligent creatures. His eyes gleamed again with the green symbol of the time gem. This time the symbol did not disappear, but enlarged from the bottom of his eyes and expanded into the surrounding area of ​​tens of meters.

Huang Chao can accelerate himself, he doesn’t need to slow down enemies, so this range deceleration is useful for helping teammates in combat. The bully’s eyes are low, now Huang Chao has no teammates. This skill seems useless, but it has another deep meaning. Time deceleration is also impossible to slow down the destruction of double gems. Different gems will start to fight, let the holders who consume life energy and soul will, whoever cannot support the gems first, will collapse.

The reality gem twists itself and gives Huang Chao unparalleled strength. He flashes his fists again. The defensive counterattack of the bully can no longer hit him again. His super speed that he forcibly improved with his personal qualities can only resist slowly.

Huang Chao fisted as a hammer, swinging his arms as if lifting the power of a pair of neutron stars. The distorted reality exploded the space between his shots, and the violent hammer hit the bully. The purple wave of the defensive counterattack collided with the red of the twisted reality. The purest and violent aftermath of energy dissipated, and everything collapsed within a thousand miles, turning into the deepest darkness.

The Bully was repelled for the first time. His face changed slightly, and he felt the pain that he had not experienced for a long time.

“Impressive, Mr. Hierro, how long can you support.” The purple and blue light portrayed an inexplicable rune around him. Huang Chao’s attack touched him, and hegemony could not ignore his attack.

After punching again, Huang Chao seemed to break into the quagmire. He is fast enough, but he is too far away from the bully. Aware of Supayero’s ability, Destroyer laid a defense of space folding for himself, and carried forward the strategy of “space for time” to the extreme.

This time, the super speed of the bully has finally come in handy. He finally kept up with Huang Chao’s rhythm. Although his movements were slow, he had a heavy and steady Titan star in the attack with Huang Chao.

In the gap of time, Huang Chao thought deeply about the power of the four gems. He sighed in his heart: “Sure enough, they are evenly matched. Not only are the numbers two-to-two, but the properties of gemstones are also exactly opposite. Space and time are two kinds of gemstones that act on the material world. Power and reality span the material and spirit. His physique and spirit make him indestructible in two ways. Realistic gems also allow my spiritual action to arbitrarily distort and transform the creation of the three-dimensional universe. At the same time, power gems tend to matter, real gems lean to spirit. “

“The other two soul and soul gemstones are acting in the spiritual world. The two are very closely related. The spirituality of the gemstones they are involved in makes the soul world a battlefield for victory or defeat.”

This time it was really evenly matched. The soul world leaked a few more resources, and Supayero of the three-dimensional universe immediately exploded in skill. The same is the ability to play two gems, who is afraid of who he is and tyrants?

Each of Huang Chao’s fists and feet contains the power to distort reality, earth, water, fire, lightning, frost, light and darkness, and blurry chaos … The attacks of various attributes come under his hands. However, the final collision between him and the Tyrant is still an absolute collision of life essence. The energy situation of various transformations, under the suppression of the high priority of infinite gems, shows no special effects at all.

Huang Chao can **** the body that hit the tyrant, but he can issue counterattack power every time. His body is filled with purple power, making his physique extremely powerful. This kind of hit can’t hurt him.

“It’s called the power gem, but it strengthens the body.” Huang Chao keenly grasped the mechanism of action of the power gem, and an idea gradually became clear in his mind.

Huang Chao felt: “I haven’t had such a happy fight for a long time.” The two used space and time gems as special effects of attack and defense, and strengthened themselves with strength and reality gems. Each attack is a collision of infinite gems. The martial arts of the two have reached their peak, showing unparalleled exquisite skills in the boxing.

But the strength, speed, skill and even artistic conception and rules of martial arts are not the determinants of their victory or defeat in battle. All these are covered by the light of infinite gems. Constantly wielding the power of infinite gemstones, every collision shakes the starry sky, they are constantly consuming their lives and wills, and constantly grabbing the power of gemstones.

“If I hit him in the head with a punch, even if there is no harm at this time, I can consume more of his roots. The fists and feet are specialized martial arts limbs. If he uses the head or torso to catch my fist, the loss will definitely be greater. This requires my judgment, beware of his intentionally revealing flaws. “

The bully snarled. Huang Chao changed his previous roaming tactics and broke out a fierce offensive. Each collision caused the aftermath of the gem to explode, shaking and shaking the muscles, bone marrow and even the internal organs. The Huang Chao in front of him is shrouded in distorted reality, which effectively reduces damage and avoids damage. Although he does not directly strengthen himself like a power gem ~ ~, he does not fall out of the game. He began to feel the fiery battle.

Domineering has the strongest Titan talent. In this battle, the “war intention” is activated, the momentum is more fierce, and all qualities are also improved! He was even more fierce in his fists and feet, and the original gentle scholar expression was abandoned on his face, turning into a fierce and fierce warrior.

“Hah!” The tyrant rushed to Huang Chao. Such an attack Huang Chao had to accelerate to escape, but now, he also counterattacks with a violent gesture. One fist and one fist bumped together without fancy.

The four infinite gems, the purple, blue, red, and green rays are mixed together at this moment, turning into a wave of chaos that annihilates everything. This time the aftermath is more terrible than all the aftermath of the battle. With their hands as the core, thousands of kilometers of material are destroyed, the material disappears, and the explosion of energy spreads the destroyed area to the outer periphery.

Under one blow, the Titan star appeared obvious pits, and the structure of the entire star became unstable. The energy bombardment of continuous energy made the gravitational disorder here and the space was distorted. This huge planet that gave birth to the Titan family seemed to emit Moaned in pain.

The wave of counterattack immediately came from the body of the bully. Even if this was his active counterattack with Huang Chao, the strength in his body solidified the “counterattack”, allowing him to launch a second blow instantly. Shred everything, disintegrate everything, counterattack and attack are superimposed, and the attack of the bully itself is even more powerful.

Huang Chao also momentarily flexed his fingers and knuckles, flicked his fingers away and pointed out the sword to stab again. The reality of each blow is collapsing and reorganizing. In the gap of time, he searches for the gap between the energy of the puncture and destruction.

In a small area where the arms are staggered, a small black hole suddenly formed. The bully roared loudly, opened his arms, and hit the void. The blue light spread out. Pure space cutting, shattering the distorted reality.

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