Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 42 - Visit Ye Wen


Ye asked to probe down the second floor and stop Huang Chao: “Brother Huang, do you have time, can you come in and have a chat?”

Of course Huang Chao was desperate for nothing. “Mummummum” ran upstairs and looked at Ye admiringly: “Ask Brother, what’s the matter?”

In the movie, Ye Wen is a well-deserved national hero. Although the plots of the beating are all processed by screenwriters, the current world has evolved from movies, so Ye Wen is such a hero.

No wonder Huang Chao looked at each other admiringly. Ye Wen in the movie deserved such respect.

The two sides have met each other and introduced themselves. Huang Chao claimed to be from Guangzhou and his father was a small official, so he was able to spend leisure time and run away from home to learn martial arts.

Huang Chao explained the situation in Japan and Germany to let them know that world wars are difficult and unavoidable, and the League of Nations cannot hope.

Zhou Qingquan was still unwilling, Huang Chao suggested:

“If you want to open a factory, you might as well go to the southwest to open a factory. This year the National Government has come up with the idea to relocate part of the basic industry to the southwest and prepare for a protracted war. Chang Kaishen said this year that Sichuan is in a favorable position in terms of humanity Worthy of being China’s first province, it is naturally the best base for reviving the nation … “

Ye Wen and Zhou Qingquan glanced at each other, a strange look flashed in their eyes. They haven’t heard of this news, Huang Chao even said so firmly, it seems that his father’s “little officer” is really not small.

“However, when the factory was opened there, it was likely to be annexed by the four big families during the war. Brother Quan, please see for yourself.”

Zhou Qingquan was quite entangled. He had no acquaintances in the Southwest, and he probably went into the tiger’s mouth. After thinking for a while, he decided to open a small-scale textile factory in the local area. Huang Chao understands that the other party has not completely believed in himself.

“Fortunately, if he really doesn’t open the factory, I don’t know if there are any bridges where the textile factory teaches fist? But in wartime, as long as I bring food to ask, Ye Wen will teach me.”

Huang Chao struggled with Xue Wu’s problem, but Ye Wen on the other side was moving the idea of ​​accepting the apprentice. He observed Huang Chao for a moment and concluded that he had never practiced martial arts. Huang Chao could suppress Master Liao before, relying entirely on physical fitness.

Huang Chao has spent 20 days in reality from obtaining the space-time foil. During this period, he performed a large exercise + dieting to lose weight, so this projection, he is not as bloated as before, and looks burly and strong. .

If he is as fat as before, it is estimated that Ye Wen will not have the idea of ​​a believer at all.

The previous conversation came to an end, and Ye Wen suddenly asked: “Brother Huang, haven’t you studied Wu before?”

Huang Chao faithfully replied: “No, I was just running to lose weight.”

“I think your strength and speed are quite fast,” Ye Wenzheng was sitting in a chair, his hands folded on Erlang’s knees, and he looked sideways to Huang Chao. “Oh, why not come to my house at night?” . “

This scene has a good sense of sight! Huang Chao quickly thought that this was the end of “Ye Wen 2”, Ye Wen’s actions and expression when he met Bruce Lee. It seems that apprenticeship is a play.

That night, Huang Chao and Wu Chilin came to Ye Wen’s house. Ye Wen and Zhou Qingquan came out from the big house. Wu Chilin walked up excitedly and said, “Ask brother, I learned a new trick today, you help me Try to see if it works. This is a strategy of attack and defense, attack and defense, attack and defense, and defense and defense. “

Zhou Qingquan, Zhou Qingquan’s sons, and Huang Chao stood beside them, and Zheng Tai Zhou Guangyao whispered to Huang Chao: “The four sentences he said are the same.”

“Oh, yeah yeah.”

Wu Chi Lin looked at Huang Chao and Zhou Guangyao contemptuously: “Children know what, Brother Huang, you also follow Tian Chao, and go to see me and ask brother to compare.”

Wu Chilin punched him, but was pushed aside by Ye Wen and pressed his hand against his face. If this is a contest, Wu Chilin has long been beaten.

Zhou Guangyao and Huang Chao had known each other when they asked Ye to talk about things. Now they are not afraid of life and speak in a low voice, but they deliberately let Wu Chilin hear: “Chao brother, he said so badly, why can’t he hit people.

“He just read the chant.”

“Go and go,” Wu Chilin was a little embarrassed. “Obviously, I asked Brother to be too strong. You didn’t want to ask Brother to learn Wu. You can try it. See if Brother can’t accept you.”

Zhou Guangyao showed a sudden look, and then stared blankly at Huang Chao: “It turns out you have to be a teacher too.”

Huang Chao almost laughed and knelt when he saw his dumbfounded look. Where did you recruit such fun actors? The characters in this world fully projected the movie characters, and Duomo looks too happy.

“Ask Brother, please advise.”

“Well, Brother Huang, you come to attack.” Ye Wen put his hands behind his back, spread his hands to the front, and attacked the gown, his face was indifferent, showing a strong high popularity field.

Huang Chao was eager to leave, and Ye Wen ’s son Ye Zhun grabbed a piece of rice paper and came over, handing the paper to Ye Wen: “Dad, look.”

What a lovely kid, Huang Chao has the urge to squeeze his face, just worried about being beaten by Ye Wen.

“Daddy is not available.”

Ye Wen pushed Ye Zhun away, leaving Huang Chao with a drop of sweat: According to the plot in the movie, Ye Jun was neglected and very wronged, and then Ye Wen’s wife and grown up!

Huang Chao didn’t dare to touch Zhang Yongcheng’s mold, if he was worried about it, he would never want to learn boxing again.

He hurried over to stop it: “It’s okay, ask your brother to see the painting first. Oops, Azhun, your painting is so interesting, is this your father?”

He stood next to Ye Wen and looked at the painting with him.

Ye Jun painted two villains fighting, children graffiti, this painting can only be described as “fun”.

Ye Wen was stopped by Huang Chao, smiled apologetically at him, and then started coaxing his son. Zhang Yongcheng looked at Huang Chao’s profile and rolled his eyes: “This fat man knows a little politeness.”

After seeing the painting, Ye Zhun returned to his mother with satisfaction. Ye Wen and Huang Chao face each other, and the scene is quiet.

Huang Chao looked at Donnie Yen opposite, a little helpless. Was it too rude to see the movie star standing in front of him and hit his face directly?

“Go ahead.”

Huang Chao hesitated and punched Ye Wen in the chest. Ye Wen easily stopped, holding his arm and said, “Hesitate what, you give your best.”

“I have no eyes, and I won’t spare any effort. Ask your brother to be careful …”

Ye Wen is quite helpless, Huang Chao is afraid to hurt himself? “Let you do your best, you do your best. I think you are not easy to hurt me.”

“Then I’m here?”

“No more bullshit, I won’t teach you anymore.”

As soon as these words fell, the atmosphere changed dramatically. Zhang Yongchang raised his eyebrows and looked at Huang Chao angrily, feeling that he would take up Ye Wen’s time. Wu Chilin’s expression of a wife running away with someone: “I haven’t taught me for so many years, why should I teach him?” Zhou Qingquan cheered, feeling that his son also had hope.

The children continued to draw, and Zheng Tai continued to watch. At the same time, the crowd outside also began to whisper:

“Have you heard, Master Ye said to teach him!”

“Who is this fat man?”

“I know that this man lives in Wu Chi Lin Restaurant, and today he started working with Master Liao, as if he had the upper hand.”

The crowd whispered: “Oh, so at stake!”

Huang Chao looked at Ye Wen, and his heart was still like water. The experience of killing in the world of torchlight came to mind. At this moment, his entire popularity suddenly changed, like a golden wand, and was suddenly identified to show the attributes!

Ye Wen turned into a boss-level monster in his eyes. Huang Chao knew that he wouldn’t use head-hammer-like movements, so he actually had four attack points, namely his limbs. He also has limbs, high-speed response and agile movements, which allows him to keep up with the movements of Ye Wen to block.

The change of Huang Chao made Ye Wen pay attention to it. His hand behind his back had been taken to his side, and his foot slowly slid, pulling away the shelf, unlike Wu Chilin, who just stood naturally.

Originally, I wanted to use one hand to play an expert, but Huang Chao’s condition made Ye Wen give up his plans.

The tense atmosphere affected the people around them, they suddenly felt something wrong, the sound in the garden disappeared, and everyone looked at the two of them in the field.

In order to feel the gap with the real master, Huang Chao doesn’t need to think hard at all. He rushed forward and punched Ye Wen’s face. Ye Wen relaxed easily. His two hands were like turning flowers and butterflies. He took away his arm and pushed it to Huang Chao’s face.

“This feeling? His speed is not fast, and his strength is not strong, but just by making the right move, letting my own hand fall far away, he can easily attack the face.”

In the event of a strange monster, the reactionary power of the teleportation made a contribution. Huang Chao jumped away from the spot and let Ye Wen push away. Although Huang Chao was embarrassed, Ye Wen didn’t achieve his goal. Ye Wen looked at Huang Chao funny.

Huang Chao recalled the feeling that Ye Wen had just given him, combined with a few moves in the movie, he was prepared for it and attacked again.

He stared at the opponent’s hand movements, and he punched out Ye Wen spread out, Ye Wen attacked, he also spread it out. Ye Wen was quite surprised, Huang Chao not only imitated the movement in an instant, but also kept up with his shot, just right to block it!

This is the strength of Huang Chao’s 21-point agility, 49 points of intelligence and 2 points of consciousness. Here, he is a genius with quick body, flexible response and amazing savvy.

Ye Wen intends to try tricks and gradually increases his hand movements. He finds that Huang Chao really can’t, he can only use his own movements to fight back. And every time he uses a new dismantling method, Huang Chao will shine in his eyes, and then use it in the next dismantling. UU reading www.uukanshu. Comm’s movements are not standard, and the way of output is wrong, but this learning ability has surprised Ye Wen.

The two of them didn’t attack the key anymore, but concentrated on the splitting. The two were getting faster and faster, and the movements of the rabbits fell, making the people around them dazzled.

“Maybe he has practiced Western boxing in foreign countries? Otherwise, how can he get started so quickly!” Ye Wen thought, thinking that he had found the treasure.

Huang Chao complained secretly at this time. He attacked hard from the beginning. As the two kept attacking and blocking, the fists and arms were constantly striking: “The arms are all green.”

“These martial artists are really hard-working, and their physique is definitely not low. In the movie, they have all kinds of confrontations. It’s okay. Even if the head and neck and abdomen are hit hard, you can get up and fight again. That’s it. My arm can’t help Ye asking! “

Ye Wen is actually feeding Huang Chao, otherwise he can force, accelerate, even move, kick, and no matter which kind can immediately knock down Huang Chao.

But in the eyes of the people around them, the two played cracklingly, and their movements were so fast that they couldn’t see clearly. This was evenly matched.

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