Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 85 - Memory Canyon


Huang Chao entered the exhaust pipe and was sucked up by a huge force. He seemed to sit on a water slide, walked through a transparent pipe for a while, then fell straight from the air and fell on a pile of memory balls.

He fell from a height of tens of meters without any means of slowing down, but the result was a fall without any harm.

The powerful rules of the comics world show its effect. People in the brain world will not be physically harmed, no matter how he tosses. There are only two places where it is dangerous. Abstract incinerators can deconstruct all concepts, and the darkest memory is held in the subconscious canyon.

“There is also a reason for existence in these two places, as long as I don’t go there!”

Huang Chao just got up from the memory ball, and a green normal shape fell from above.

He got up tired, patted the dust that didn’t exist, and said, “I hate this mode of transportation.”

Lele skipped to hug him: “Is this slide bad? More exciting than the best water slide!”

I ’m afraid I screamed and fell out of it: “Ah, fortunately this thing is not damaged, we almost fell into the abyss!”

A flame burst from the top of his angry head and shouted: “Shut up! Don’t make a noise! ​​Go away!”

Said sadly: “It doesn’t make any sense. It’s all our illusions. Back to reality, everything here will disappear. Just like the fantasy world, space-time foil may just be our fantasy …”

The more he said, the more sad he felt, and finally he cried silently.

Huang Chao looked at the five villains in astonishment. The thoughts of each of them are very familiar to them, and all are ideas that they may have!

“My goodness.”

The emotional villains derived from the brain world all represent Huang Chao. Although each of them was originally intended to make Huang Chao better, sometimes this does not cause beneficial results. For example, eating a big meal does make Huang Chao very happy, but it makes him obese.

Even if he has been promoting the deletion of numbers, he essentially hopes that Huang Chao is better, because in his view, death is indeed the best relief …

“Do you want to be so pitted?”

Faced with his emotions at this time, Huang Chao was extremely grateful to cultivate his spiritual strength, so that he would not be teased by this gang | to control his behavior.

Huang Chao inspected the team and found that all the recruited personnel were present. He combined the memory he had just obtained and ordered: “Let’s go first, the first goal, the intelligent spiritual team!”

He turned around and pointed to a silvery light in the distance. That is the light that the program in the light group is calculating and illuminating the night sky of the brain world.

At this time, Huang Chao has been quite sleeping, and the whole world has entered the night. And the intelligent mental power located in the distance is like a huge city that never sleeps at night!

The squad walked into a passageway where a small car could be driven. The walls on both sides of the passageway were ten meters high and filled with various memory light balls. This was Huang Chao’s own long-term memory passageway.

“These are my own memories!”

Huang Chao picked up a slightly dimly colored memory ball, which was a scene when he was in elementary school when he was a child. He looked at his sitting posture and remembered that he had to put his hands behind his back when he was in class. The teacher came to explain the sights and sounds of pinyin.

In this memory, he has completely lost his impression, and the teacher in the picture just looks familiar.

He put the memory ball on the shelf and felt a sense of frustration.

Huang Chao merged his self-spiritual information, and knew his own course of action. He led the team to the front, and the group slowly went deep into the vast memory maze.

Huang Chao and others walked for an hour, the sound of humming came in front of them, and two eggs were sorting out the memories on the shelf.

They were very surprised to see Huang Chao: “Oh, there have never been so many people here! The command center was captured?”

Lele was very enthusiastic and patient, so he stepped forward to explain the situation to them. Huang Chao found that the memory egg is not the same as his mental team members. They also have their own consciousness, which is the product of the law of self-memory and cannot be manipulated by Huang Chao’s subjective spirit.

For example, memorizing texts or words, subjectively want to remember immediately, but it is difficult to remember, and it is difficult to memorize it, and after a few years, all will be forgotten.

As if to verify Huang Chao’s idea, the memory egg said: “Well, I wish you all the best, we have to work!”

“Look, all these high school texts have been cleared; these are math problems, and they have all been cleared …”

Huang Chao looked at them and sucked away the faded memory **** one by one, and felt quite pitiful: “Hey, wait a minute, these good or bad things I remembered for a long time, just cleaned up like this?”

The memory egg said lightly: “If you didn’t forget them, the light will not fade, and we don’t need to clean it up.”

Huang Chao picked up a memory ball with some exercises in it, which looked like he had done it himself, but he couldn’t figure it out at all.

Huang Chao sighed and threw the black memory ball into the tube.

I am afraid to say: “If we remember too many things, the whole brain will collapse!”

Memory Egg nodded: “The influx of excessive memory **** will cause the channel to block. Once you knock down the memory ball rack, there will be a domino disaster. However, now our space is expanding, and the manpower and machinery are being upgraded, thanks to To improve intelligence. “

Lele suddenly asked: “Do you have any advertising songs sent to the command center?”

Memory Egg also knows the story of the movie. He took out a memory ball and laughed: “Although I haven’t heard that gum advertisement, we have this, and this and this …”

He took out a bunch of memory balls, Huang Chao took a few, and some of the old and old ladies danced in hula and sang: “No gifts this year, no gifts, no gifts …”

There is also a very short, only a melodious tone: “Huiyuan Juice …” “Yangyangyang …”

Well, this used to be an advertisement before the weather forecast. The memory egg said: “We haven’t watched TV for many years. These advertisements are not very attractive, and we will not send it to our minds.”

There is also a new “Where is the greasy sister …” “The God of War, I want to fight three …” This is an online advertisement.

Tired of vomiting and saying: “If one day you find a song echoing in your mind, it’s actually Lele singing …”

Lele said: “I rely on, is it bad to sing? I think we will go to KTV to sing this time when we go back!”

Sorrowfully said: “You are so shameless, so poor, why do you still have a face to sing …”

Huang Chao remembered the popsicle in the movie and asked, “Do I have any fantasy friends here?”

The memory egg nodded, it is difficult to imagine that an egg-shaped creature made a nod action: “There is indeed one here, as for those who have completely forgotten, all disappeared long ago, I don’t know.”

An expression of crying and laughing appeared on Huang Chao’s face, he already knew who it was.

Lele immediately shouted loudly: “Pillow, come out …”

Tired of looking down for two seconds, he raised his head and said, “It’s a pity that there is no ground seam on the ground for me to get in!”

Okay, Huang Chao also wanted to find a seam.

Lele cried several times like a silly man, and his anger was about to rush over to block his mouth. This is a ripple in the space in front.

With a thud in the empty passage, a, uh, a pillow appeared. He was small and he was not very heavy. He quickly hit Huang Chao’s face as soon as he came out!

The pillow yelled and made a milky voice: “Ha ha ha, rhubarb, you finally came to me to play! I have wanted to try it for a long time, and I feel like I’m actively hitting your face!”

Huang Chao grabbed his pillow. It was exactly the same as a pillow when he was a child. At that time, Huang Chao liked to play with this pillow and even talked to it. So his fantasy friend appeared here as a pillow. .

He has two small eyes and a big mouth, in fact the buttons and seals of the pillowcase. Pillows are boxy, but they can fly around in the air.

Huang Chao, as a boy, sets combat attributes for his fantasy friends, and there are only two:

Can defend against all attacks, can kill all enemies in seconds …

So this pillow, in fact, is a super fantasy creature. The fighting power in Huang Chao’s mind is very powerful.

Huang Chao was very happy to see it, and immediately ran awkward thoughts aside. He hugged the pillow and smashed his head **** it twice, and found that he still felt very cool, so he ignored the pillow to protest and carried on with it.

Lele is very envious: “I really want to play for a while …”

The pillow said dissatisfiedly: “Dare to say so, kill you!”

Huang Chao patted the position of the pillow towel: “Talk well!”

Looking at this scene with enthusiasm: “How old is it, even holding a pillow!”

Sorrowful sigh, said: “We are finished, dead ~~ ~ I want to sleep.”

He said that he lay on the ground on his back. When the egg behind him passed by him, he picked up one of his feet and dragged his worries and started to move forward, which did not affect the speed at all …

Tired of being shocked by Huang Chao’s performance, Huang Chao is already in absolute reason, and he should not have the emotion of “very happy”!

As he walked, he said to himself: “Don’t my love for pillows have long been out of emotional control and become a part of reason?”

The crowd continued to move forward, and soon after an egg received the newsletter, he immediately shouted: “Report, there is news from the command center, and there is urine from the body. Are we wetting the bed?”

The small pillow began to laugh wildly, and the others looked embarrassed because the owner of the body was them.

An expression of disgust said: “Baby cannot control the body before wetting the bed. It is reasonable to say that the body will directly choose the bedwetting, and this notice will not come. It may be that our soul is injected and changed the quality of the body so that we can be Peeing wakes up. Since I am conscious, even if it is regarded as a demon, I will not pretend to be normal and wetting the bed! It’s disgusting! “

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