Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 87 - Congenital to acquired


It must be said that the setting of this world is “fantasy friends can help a lot.” Huang Chao and the five emotional villains found no clues. Dan Tianli was full of large groups of colorful gemstone rivers.

But the position of the pillow has changed obviously. The rushing translucent milky white energy meets here, rushes into Dantian from the meridian, and then rushes into the meridian again.

The small pillow cuts off all this. As a small pillow, it is suspended in the huge white river, which fixes the entire space. The river of white energy is constantly gathering here, but it cannot leave Dantian.

Huang Chaoxin said: “It’s still the most useful for killing and killing fantasy friends. I set this fantasy pillow too hard.”

Afraid of seeing this scene, he said in horror: “It cannot be interrupted! It is a beneficial cycle for our body. Normal people will gradually consume the innate energy and rely on its strength to grow healthily. We have prevented the innate energy. Nourish the body, the body will become a congenital deficiency! “

An angry flame spewed out: “You hang on, don’t talk about it soon!”

The small pillow snorted and shook in the air: “Look, the white existence is dissipating and transforming into colorful gem material. The vitality represented by those gems is what we really use.”

Huang Chao has discovered that although the long white river surrounded by the small pillow has gathered here into a small floating lake, there are already a lot of mist rising on the edge and surface, and they will re-condense into colorful gems and see in the meridians The same.

The gemstones are also controlled by the small pillow, and gather more and more in Dantian.

I am afraid to say: “No matter what the use is, we are interfering with normal physical activity! We touched the essence of life, this thing should represent the most basic vitality! It should be completely used in the infant stage. It is terrible, We should observe its operation, record the course of action and the process of change, rather than stop it. “

“And we don’t know how to use it …” Youyou said with a sad face.

Huang Chao was afraid that he was right. He should observe more in the face of the unknown situation of the body. He now does not have any ability to manipulate energy. Even if he stops the white energy, he can only sit and watch its decay.

Reluctantly, Xiao Zhen let go of the lock on the void, and found that she didn’t help her much. Huang Chao quickly comforted: “You did a very good job at Xiaozheng, and it is up to you to discover the existence of these energies. But our plan needs to be adjusted.”

After the white innate gas was released from control, it was re-divided into small rivers from the small lake and injected into the invisible portal of Dantian void. It seemed to be cut off by the waist, and the second half disappeared directly.

“God. So many entrances and exits?” Huang Chao looked big, and the innate gas did not run as he thought. A gas traveled all over the body along the meridians. It entered several meridians at the same time, and began to interlace and complex. Cycle process.

They randomly found a place to enter, and once again traversed into the meridian: the connection between the meridian and Dantian is not a lot of tubes connected to a box, which even includes a wormhole that jumps in the space. A flat surface, but an all-round spherical surface.

Energy rushes in or out of the invisible portal, like suddenly appearing and disappearing.

The white river travels rapidly in the meridians and turns into colorful gemstones at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. The gemstones still move forward, but the speed drops significantly. The gemstone occasionally hits the barrier of the meridian veins and is absorbed by the barrier.

Huang Chao et al. Explored multiple meridian circulation routes and gradually grasped the operation rules of innate qi.

A small lake will appear in each passage of the meridian channel. Huang Chao estimates that this is the so-called acupoint. Some important acupoints have many meridians of different widths converging. When passing through the five internal organs, the meridians will replenish part of the innate qi and bring them back to Dantian.

The five internal organs produce a limited amount of innate qi, and the output gradually decreases. In this way, the innate qi in the body will eventually be exhausted.

Huang Chao sent back to the command center of the brain world and issued the command: “The fusion of intelligent mental power is suspended. I will mobilize all mental power resources and put them into the body!”

In the brain world, the barracks in the suspended state began to work, and a large number of eggs went out of the factory building, becoming the mental workers directly under Huang Chao.

In the middle of the mainland, Huang Chao built a teleportation array that could send spirit eggs into the body. It is a Huang Chao dressed in purple clothes who operates the teleportation array. He is a manifestation of higher mental strength. Every time he waves his hand, a large number of mental strength eggs are sent to Dantian.

A large number of spiritual eggs began to flow into Dantian, and they entered different meridians along all meridian portals, stationed personnel at all acupoints and small lakes, and began to record operational data of innate gas.

The sudden increase in mental strength made Huang Chao’s baby uncomfortable. Little Supa’s face lying in the cradle showed a bit of discomfort, and his body temperature also increased. Huang Chao must take this risk. He recorded the route of the congenital qi operation, and he possessed a gas refining method.

Taoism is natural, what other practice of Qi can be compared with the route of nourishing the body with innate Qi?

However, the operation of the innate gas is more complicated than imagined. It runs simultaneously in the twelve normal and odd meridian eight veins, penetrates into all the subtle meridians on the road, and there are a total of 128,000 changes in the location of each acupoint organ.

If it weren’t for the setting of memory **** in this world to organize memory so powerfully, even if Huang Chao has 60 points of intelligence, he really can’t say he can distinguish all the route changes!

Now he has countless mental strength eggs stationed in the body, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys and five internal organs are happy, angry, tired, worried, afraid of the five senses to lead the team to sit in the small pillow with a team of troops stationed in Dantian Everyone took a memory ball and recorded the changes in their position.

Huang Chao followed the innate qi through different meridians and felt its changes and nourish the body up close.

This world does not have the strength of martial arts and fairy warriors such as internal force and Zhenyuan. The innate spirit is only the pure “vitality” that people bring when they are born. It is a part of a person’s life. The operation of the innate energy recorded by Huang Chao is the most basic manifestation of life. Although it is impossible to practice peculiar exercises with attributes, it is the most neutral and peaceful method of practicing Qi.

The memory **** of the command center flooded in like a rain, and the five eggs worked nervously, turning the memory **** into long-term memories.

Suddenly an alarm occurred in the command center. Huang Chao’s fever had alarmed Mrs. Yello. She was awakening Huang Chao. No one could pretend to be comatose, and Huang Chao could not stay in the body when he was woken up.

Huang Chao received an alarm in the meridian, and the person behind him continued to record, and then the whole person became conscious, and then returned to his baby’s body.

Mrs. Hierro was wiping his face. When he saw that he was awake, he quickly fed him a special electrolyte solution … Huang Chao said that he was really vomiting. Does the baby have no human rights? But Mrs. Hierro kept saying, “Baby, you will be fine if you drink it.” Huang Chao can only drink to comfort Mrs. Hierro.

He fell into a deep sleep again, failing to notice Mrs. Hierro’s surprised look.

Looking at Huang Chao’s peaceful sleep, Mrs. Hierro thought: “Strange, Supa seems to understand me? He is not half a month old.”

However, for Huang Chao, half a month is too big, and the innate energy in his body is rapidly declining.

A few days later, the eggs in various parts of the body reported that the innate qi no longer entered the fine meridians, and soon the fine meridians were all closed. At that moment, Huang Chao felt a sudden weakness in his body, as if he had lost control of himself.

After a few more days, the eight channels of the Qijing began to be closed one by one, and the six channels other than the second channel of Ren Du were first closed.

Huang Chao felt another sense of weakness. Obviously the body is still healthy, but the whole person just feels lost.

However, Mrs. Yero was relieved. Huang Chao had been suffering from a low fever these days. She didn’t know the reason at all. She could only feed a little more electrolyte and water. Such a small child couldn’t use medicine indiscriminately. Fortunately, the temperature of Huang Chao’s fever is not high.

Before Huang Chao’s spirit worked at full strength, the baby’s body could no longer bear it, and had to speed up the metabolism. With the large amount of meridians closed, Huang Chao’s mental power began to be idle, and it did not need to be consumed as seriously as before.

Although he has a low fever, his body is better than before. Under the impetus of many spirit eggs, the efficiency of energy absorption by the body has improved a lot. Huang Chao has become strength 3, agility 3, intelligence 61, physique 5, physical fitness. With a small soar.

Due to the special nature of the brain world, Huang Chao has built the brain world into a huge modern world in just a few days, and can use all his intelligence.

The price is that he ate three times as much as before. In addition to breastfeeding, he finally tasted “foreign milk powder”. It is said that there is no melamine in it, and Huang Chao can only taste it anyway.

A month later ~ ~ Huang Chao’s food intake has made Mrs. Yello accustomed to it. She really regarded Huang Chao as a “supernormal child” and began to come up with a bunch of childish things that were taught early.

So Huang Chao wanted to sleep all the time. When he woke up, he was always disturbed by childish things. The problem is that Huang Chao is not a childcare expert. He simply does not know how to pretend to be a normal baby. After several responses to Mrs. Yello, Mrs. Yello confirmed Huang Chao ’s extraordinary intelligence and tested Huang Chao ’s enthusiasm even more.

Huang Chao really wanted to say: “Mom, I am your son, don’t you feel anxious to study like this?”

But he still refrained from his own ideas. Now, anyway, it was his mother who tested it. If he did that, he would not be too good in the end …

The innate energy was exhausted, and Ren Du’s second vein was finally closed. The twelve normals become narrower than before, and the energy transfer rate is greatly reduced. After the infancy, Huang Chao intuitively experienced a process of congenital to acquired.

The energy in his meridians can only be extracted from food, and Huang Chao does not have an effective method of transformation. He can only push the gems to the meridian barrier with five emotional villains to speed up the fusion process of energy and body. Use the basic concentration difference to increase the amount of energy that enters the body.

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