Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 94 - Worry free


At night, Riley’s father made a grimace to laugh at Riley, but Riley didn’t feel any joy.

Huang Chaozhizhi can only carry out basic operations. His main purpose is to occupy the console, so that Lily’s anger has no chance to issue a command to run away from home.

“God, the naughty island has collapsed.” I was afraid to look at the ruined scene of the naughty island outside the window and ran tremblingly back and forth. “Supa Zhizhi, how long will it take you to find our Lele?”

“Relief, reassurance, it won’t take long. They will not be in danger in the brain world, it is only a matter of time to find you back.” Lily slowly entered the calm stage before going to bed, Zhizhi can leave the console, he quickly picked up Another book begins to read.

At the same time, Zhizhi used a radio-like communication device to contact Lele below, and asked in a code word agreed in advance: “How are you doing?”

Upon hearing this question, Huang Chaolele knew that Zhizhi had not finished reading the information. He replied: “We are looking for, and have not found traces of worries about Lily Lele. Just now the naughty island has collapsed. We are going to investigate. “

Soon after Lele received a lot of information, he tapped on a watch a few times, and a complex topographic map appeared above.

“go ahead!”

When Huang Chaole and Youyou’s team came to the wreckage of Naughty Island, Lily Lele and Youyou had left this position long ago.

“This island of character has fallen into the abyss of forgetting. Without core memory, people’s feelings, personalities and abilities have all subsided.” She looked at the dark abyss with worry and depression. “Her character island is built on the abyss and is destined , If there is a problem, these things will be lost. And our island is built on the ground, and there is a protective barrier provided by the space-time foil. “

Lele smiled and said: “As long as you put the core memory back to the command center, these things will appear immediately, don’t you? The important thing is the core memory, these islands are just appearances.”

Youyou did not change her gaze: “The location of this abyss is rather strange, and it appears in the most critical position. Perhaps only the protagonist Riley has such an abyss.”

The forgotten abyss is between the command center and the brain world, and every memory storage risks the fall of the abyss. Forgetting the abyss is the natural barrier of the brain world. The reason why time can heal all injuries is mainly to forget the positions, thoughts and feelings of the time.

Everything that falls into the abyss of forgetting will be broken down into nothingness.

Youyou stood facing the abyss for a moment, and Lele thought there was nothing to look at here, so she called Youyou: “Leave, there is nothing to see here.”

Youyou didn’t look back, and said lightly: “Let’s go first.”

Lele was startled and approached the worry: “What do you want to do?”

“Hey, I just do what I want to do.” Anxious and painful expressions appeared on the worried face. “I’ve had enough, so far. I spent so much time, I want to persuade everyone to find The last relief, but it has been blocked by fear. Now, nothing can stop me. “

“I have become an independent individual, and I happen to be responsible for myself. All of you have done a good job, but I have been looking for my own way and let me do what I want to do here.”

Lele shook her worried shoulders: “Hey, hello, are you crazy? What about your reason?”

The worries did not show hysteria, and he calmly replied: “I thought for a long time and found that this is what I want to do most, and I can’t do anything else.”

“What’s more, we will all disappear. We can only exist for a short time, and all will disappear with the return. Why should I insist on a painful period of time, and then ushered in the inevitable end?” He turned to the dark abyss, face A smile appeared on the board: “At least this time, I can do it.”

Lele and Sorrow are both sentimental villains, and he has no way to control the actions of Sorrow. The spirit egg looked at all this indifferently. For them, all this was to worry about his choice. He had to be responsible for his decision.

With worries and smiles, Lele’s hand flicked away, and his eyes gleamed with determination: “Everything is my own fault, I’m sorry I can’t accompany you. But carefully imagine that this is actually good for everyone. I continue to stay in the command center And will not do meaningful things. “

Anxiety slowly walked to the edge of the cliff, at this time finally no fear to interfere with him. Youyou sneered, your body moved forward and planted into the abyss!

Lele turned and left, shrugging and said, “It’s just self-deception.” He left the old site of Naughty Island with a spirit egg, and didn’t have a glance of worry at all.

Huang Chao ’s emotional villain is in an indestructible state in his own brain, and the rules of the world of Riley ’s brain are different. Forgetting the abyss can decompose memory **** and fantasy friends. Huang Chao worried that the authority here will not be higher than the popsicle.

Youyou fell in the air for a few seconds, and finally fell heavily on a pile of gray-black memory balls. There was a pain in his body and he quickly returned to normal. This is Riley ’s brain world, but it ’s also a cartoon world. Its main feature is that the characters have extremely high physical resistance: what falls from high altitude, breaks walls, etc., will not cause harm to the body at all.

The memory **** around them are all clip records of Lai Li’s childhood. Huang Chao is worried but has no mood to observe them. He watched the memory ball become weathered and turned into powder, and soon the blue light of his body went out.

His hands and feet disappeared suddenly, but there was no feeling of worry.

From the moment of disappearance, worry has lost its perception of the outside world. He watched his limbs and body slowly disappear into nothingness, but his position remained unchanged, his head still floating at the original height.

At this moment he has lost the concept of brain world manifestation and no longer follows the rules of the brain world similar to “gravity”.

“In this way, it is very good. As a spiritual manifestation, I am turning into nothingness. No matter or energy is produced, all existence is meaningless. At this moment I clearly perceive the power of the laws of the world. Virtual, will it be similar to this state? “

“Hum, everything is over.” Anxiety sighed, and the entire head disappeared completely.

At the last moment of disappearance, countless comprehensions flooded his mind, as if the flash of a lifetime picture flashed before him, and then the last traces of worry also disappeared.

Worrying finally obeyed his own wishes, begging for mercy, and at the same time brought everyone a little insight, this is his best ending.

Lele walked, suddenly shocked, looking back at the endless memory channel, this direction is leading to the naughty island. He already felt that his companion had completely disappeared.

Huang Chao was silent in the bedroom, he also felt the loss of worry. When the existence of worries was completely erased, Huang Chao’s spirit suddenly added something, and that was the feeling of worries at the last moment. Worry has brought considerable benefits to everyone with its own demise.

Huang Chao is still far away from the life-and-death porch or the practice of returning to emptiness. Worrying experiences can only be remembered as an advanced contact.

“Sure enough, it is a high-magic world. Not only does it bring into the divinity as soon as it appears, but it can also safely feel, exist, and vanity.”

He fell into a long pause, remembering his worries for half an hour.

All of Lily’s emotional villains went back to rest, Huang Chaozhizhi stayed alone in the command center, reading books, and conducting for Lele. He also felt the demise of sorrow, but he did not show it in front of Riley’s emotions.

Without the onlookers of the emotional villain, Zhizhi can directly send a text message: “Before Rally Lele, go to the melting pot of abstract thinking, travel ten kilometers deep, the team is scattered, and each unit records the work of a node”

“Received.” Lele speeded up immediately. He had Zhizhi’s direction and he didn’t need to consider every turn. They benefited from Huang Chao’s high spirit and were all energetic, running at full speed in the passage as if a gust of wind. They are inherently mental and will not be burdened by physical fatigue.

On the way, I also met Lai Li’s staff. They were clearing their memories. They only had time to shout: “Who are you?” Huang Chaolele had already led people away.

Huang Chao met Riley again at school the next day, she still had a weird expression. Huang Chaozhi was in the middle of the command, and also contacted Huang Chao ’s command center, so Huang Chao had mastered the situation of Rally ’s brain world.

He showed his versatility in the physical education class in the cultural class. After class, he talked to Lily and held a dinner plate next to Lily at lunch.

Because Zhizhi was in charge of control, Lai Li just got along with Huang Chao, and gradually felt Huang Chao’s outstanding excellence …

Huang Chao tired of taking the console at the command center: “If we can have this configuration in other worlds, we can control the minds of others, read memory, and even evolve the brain world into our own small world!”

He snorted angrily: “It’s both a high-magic world and completely without danger. Our luck is good enough! What more can we ask for!”

I am afraid to hold my hands: “Now I only want Zhizhi and Lele to come back smoothly ~ ~ Record knowledge and world structure.”

He didn’t say in the second half of the sentence, they will disappear after leaving this world, so this is actually the only trace they can leave.

Riley Lele and Youyou still found popsicles and entered the melting pot of abstract thinking. A distant node suddenly glowed, and the furnace began to work, helping Riley deconstruct specific events and become abstract, to understand the concepts of “lonely”, “moved” and “admired”.

Well, the two were added after Huang Chao appeared. Huang Chao not only talked to Lily herself, but also introduced her to her classmates. This made Riley very grateful.

Lele witnessed the work of the furnace up close and could hardly understand what was happening. He and the six eggs forcibly recorded all the images and passed them on to the senior processing staff Huang Chaozhizhi.

“To abstract concrete things into concepts, this is to establish rules!” Zhizhi is super intelligence, capable of processing a large amount of information. He synthesized book records and observation materials and came to such an amazing conclusion.

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