Infinity Guardian System

Chapter 17: Hael’s Death!

Chapter 17: Hael's Death!

"Hmm," stepping out of the hospital door, Hael stood rigid where he was as he looked at what spread before him: a ginormous white-colored structure of more than 100 meters in height that stretched as far as the eyes could see.

What was even more mind-numbing were the various roads that were strangely hung up in the air, without anything holding them at all. And on those strange roads were various 'caverns' that traveled around with incredibly fast speed.

"What...what is this?" Hael mused out under his breath as he held onto the balcony he was standing on. Only now did he realize he could see everything because he was incredibly high up on the hospital. Around the 70th floor of the skyscraper, looking down from such a height almost made his heart burst out from his chest.

"Get ready..." the excited voice rang out behind Hael's ear. His face immediately changed in the next second when he felt a hand grab onto his right hand and hung it around a neck before...

"JUMP!" she screamed out to him, horror flashing in Hael's eyes. In the next second, he was rapidly flying downwards through the air, his blue hair standing directly up like porcupine spikes.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Hael screamed out, immediately trying to grab onto something, but failing terribly as they rapidly approached the ground.

With no choice, he clung to the only thing available, as Aliea's face changed seeing something tightly wrapped around her like a vine.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing..."

"WE'RE GOING TO DIE, WE'RE GOING TO DIE!!" Hael screamed out like a madman as he looked at the floor below. He might be dumb about how this world works, but he knew well that if he dared to land on the ground, judging from its structure, he would be reduced to paste.

"Calm down, kiddo. A first core awakener wouldn't die from a jump of 150 meters, you idiot!" Aliea said with a smirk.

"I haven't fused with anything at all! I am an ordinary mortal! I will be reduced to a pancake..." Hael screamed out as Aliea furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well, I don't believe you. How about we test it out..." She asked with an evil grin, as Hael's spine chilled and he lost all hope seeing the ground was already less than ten meters.

The only time he had left was to say his last wish...

"I... I just wish, I was never talented..." Hael mused out as Aliea watched the young man who was already dying from fear suddenly regain his calm and then he released his hands from her grasp and closed his eyes.

"And maybe that I never saved you back in that cave too..." He completed as the ground rapidly inched closer, and the air rapidly blew his T-shirt around, but suddenly everything stopped...

The rapidly flapping air, the crazy blowing of his T-shirt, the rapid motion. It was like time had stopped on him as Hael slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the scene of him being grabbed by a hand and the person holding him up in the air was none other than Captain Aliea...

Looking into his blue eyes, she smiled sinisterly and mockingly before raising up her left hand and locking her middle finger and index finger together...

"You saved my life back in the cave, and I saved your life now. We're even, aren't we?" She said as she dropped him down on his feet and walked out from the gigantic pothole that was present on the ground.

'She smashed directly onto it,' Hael muttered to himself as he looked at the pothole that was created on the ground and at Captain Aelia who kept walking into the distance like nothing had happened...

'It seems it is really true. Those legs are definitely not of ordinary bones...'

"Walk faster. You have A LOT of questions to answer..." Aliea said as she kept coolly walking forward but heard the sound of running behind her. She thought to herself with a smirk...

'He must have been almost paralyzed to death from the experience. Now he would give me the respect that I deserve...'

But soon she noticed the sound of the running was growing distant as she turned behind her. The sight she saw was that of a young man in a T-shirt running with unbelievable speed and he quickly disappeared among the skyscrapers, and she lost sight of him completely...

"He ran?

"Faster...Faster..." Hael screamed out to himself as the wind rapidly brushed against his hair, not even turning to look behind him for a second.

He could tell that hanging around with Captain Aliea would only lead to one thing, and that was his early demise. He had almost died twice now from her. He didn't know how much Lady Luck loved him, but he knew well he didn't owe her anything.

"The crew life is too dangerous. I'll start as maybe...a simple salesman. And then, I'll slowly settle down here and live a moderate life. Slowly grow my strength and find my way back. This soldier job is too risky." Hael mused out, quickly forming a mini-plan in his head.

And after ten minutes of non-stop running, he finally slowed himself down as he discovered he had arrived before a road where all those strange cars were currently moving, just like the ones that were currently in the air. fɾēewebnσveℓ.com

"I have to find a way to get out of here. I'll be screwed if that monster finds me..." Hael mused out as he turned to the side and carefully watched how the other human called down one of those moving objects, waving three times before one of them finally stopped and its door opened, then drove off.

Immediately, a car zoomed from far away and Hael instantly stretched out his hands waving to the car...

And surprisingly enough, the car actually came and stopped beside him, on his first try...

"Guess Lady Luck really loves me..." Zeras mused as the door of the car was opened up and immediately he jumped into the car, shutting the door...

"Drive away from here as fast as possible..." He ordered as the masculine voice rang behind his ears... current novels on fɾēewebnσveℓ.com.

"Are you being chased by a monster sir?" The masculine voice rang out behind his head.

"No, it's even worse..."

"Are sure Sir, Hael..." The voice asked as Hael gave nod.

Bit his face immediately changes as h realiaed something.

'How did the driver know his name...'

And instantly he turned to look at who it really was, and simply sta there numbed.

"Oh No!"

/////Supreme's Note////

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