Infinity Guardian System

Chapter 33: Classes Of Fighters 2

Chapter 33: Classes Of Fighters 2

"The tanks are the second grade of cybernetic fighters and just like the name implies, they are the tankers in the classes of the Cybernetic fighter.

A tank's most special ability is being able to withstand very powerful attacks and not giving in. They are the ones with the heaviest defense," Captain Aliea said as the image on the large rectangular tech changed, now showing a burly-looking man clad in armor and also bearing a large hammer behind him.

"Hmmm," looking at the image.

"You can better understand the power of attacks by comparing them to Gunslingers.

If it takes five slashes to the chest before a gunslinger could be killed, then it would probably take ten to fifteen of those same slashes before a Tank at the same stage can be killed..."

"Wow..." Hael exclaimed, impressed by such a Cybernetic transfusion. That was basically an extra life transfusion.

"Not only that, but the Tanks are also undisputed kings when it comes to pure brute power.

Due to being laced with heavy Cyber equipment, this makes their body very heavy and a single attack from a Tank will probably end the battle between it and a gunslinger at the same stage.

That is why their most favorite weapons are the hammer and the axe which are better wielded by them.

But they do have a single problem!" Captain Aliea said, raising an eyebrow to Hael to ask him if he knew.

And he stared better at the burly image, a single thought couldn't help but appear in his head.

"But wouldn't such a heavy body and armory slow down their speed?" He asked as Captain Aliea clicked her tongue.

"You nailed it. The Tanks are slow. Very slow. If it takes a gunslinger three minutes to run a certain distance, then it would take a Tank at the same stage 6 to 10 minutes to run the same distance!" She explained as Hael snorted.

"Sacrificing speed for power? How stupid!" Hael said out loud as Captain Aliea gave a nod.

"That is the essence of the Tanks. Though they are slow, they can cause even more destruction. Their heightened defense makes them withstand a plethora of attacks, and they only usually need a single attack to connect to end their battles.

But you'd be stupid to underestimate them, with proper training, a Tank will be a nightmare at the frontlines of the war!" Captain Aliea said as she suddenly tapped on her tablet and a video began playing.

A video showing a bloody war where bullets and claws were flying around, but soon the sound of explosions began ringing out from the distance and Hael's jaw dropped when he saw the source of these explosions.

It was none other than the foot of a 5-meter-tall at armored figure who suddenly slammed down its hammer on the group of Eldritch creatures and then...


The about five eldritches beneath it were directly crushed into paste, leaving nothing but a cracked pothole filled with mushy blood and bones...

"That is horrifying..." Hael said, looking at the dripping blood that flowed out of the hammer as soon as it was lifted off the ground.

"Mind you, those are Eldritches with the same power level as the tank. And yet, five of them were outright crushed with no resistance at all..." Captain Aliea said as she paused the video, believing her message had reached Hael.

And truly Hael's disdain for them had already cleared away.

While they were no doubt slow, their destructive power made up for it, coupled with their heightened defense. They are no doubt strong foes...

"But the Tanks' transfusion is also very risky. The chance of survival is less than 40%."

"What!?" Hael screamed out in shock, looking at Captain Aliea who gave repeated nods.

"But, but why?"

"Being laced with such heavy cybertechs is not for everyone and most die when the body can no longer support it.

Going for a tank transfusion is literally signing for a chance of 60% death. Only true psychos who deeply believe in their body's durability ever go for it... So only about 20% of the total Cybernetics fighter population are tanks..." Captain Aliea said as Hael gave a nod.

Then the 20% percentage makes sense. Everyone might truly want extra defenses, but not everyone would risk a 60% death chance for it.

"Now that you understand well about Tanks. Let us move to the last class of cybernetic fighters..."

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"The Warrior Cybernetic Fighters..." Captain Aliea said in a somewhat weary tone as Hael's ears immediately perked up.

"A fusion of the special characteristics of the two other classes, that is what could describe the characteristic of the warrior class. ƒrē

They possess the agility and accuracy of a gunslinger, and yet possess pure brute power that could easily overwhelm a gunslinger and make them brawl with a Tank. They are called perfect fusions in the Cybernetic world!"

"Hmm, sounds like the perfect class..." Hael mused out loud to himself, but Captain Aliea shook her head.

"It sounds like it, but it's not. A gunslinger focuses on training his accuracy and speed, and a Tank focuses on increasing her destructive power and also predicting its opponent's movement. Such a training takes a minimum of two years intense training before one can be called a master.

But a warrior, being a fusion of both, must focus on all four areas. That results in a need for twice as intense training as each group.

The training of each class is already intense on its own. Training for both classes might just lead to one's death as such rigorous training even for a cybernetic enhanced human is just too much.

This leads to the creation of a warrior who is weaker in both areas instead of being stronger due to a result of both combinations..." Captain Aliea said as Hael's eyebrows furrowed in deep thinking.

"But that doesn't mean there aren't prodigies who are just completely abnormal in every sense of the word.

While very rare, a true warrior class who is the embodiment of its definition would easily lay ruin to a gunslinger and a tank at the same stage. Just that they are very rare.

And for the sake of it, it is important to know that the current strongest Cybernetic fighter of Earth, Sir Alexandra Tyson, is a Warrior class fighter!"

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